Chapter 110: Jhin’s cry for help, the world’s conspiracy

"how? Kid, have you heard of my name too?"Barrett's eyes flashed with scarlet and he asked with a grin.

"Ah, I don’t know where I heard this name. It seems to be a somewhat famous character."Luo An didn't like him, he said lightly.

"You look very unfriendly, kid. The anger in Barrett's eyes became even more intense:"Don't you know?" The more arrogant a kid is, the faster he will die? If you really want to die, I don't mind killing you right now"

"If you can do it."Luo An's domineering aura was released again, suppressing Barrett, who was caught off guard, to the ground:"Then let's give it a try... Just in time, I heard that your Devil Fruit is quite special, and I want to get it very much. In this case, you want my life, and I also want your life... But looking at the situation now, it seems that my winning rate is greater."

"Damn it? Kid, what have you done to me?"Barrett was caught off guard and was immediately suppressed to the ground by Luo An's domineering force. He was unable to move. He wanted to activate his overlord color to fight, but found that his overlord color could not leave his body.

"Damn it...get up."The ground where Barrett was sitting had almost been crushed into a pit. Although he struggled hard, Luo An's domineering energy was too abnormal. He couldn't even use the basic armed color domineering power.

"Hey, are you kidding me? Just by relying on his domineering look and aura...this kid actually suppressed Barrett?"The rest of the Roger Pirates members could no longer calm down and looked at Luo An in shock.

"What kind of domineering domineering look is this? So powerful"

"I have only seen such a powerful domineering spirit in Captain Roger. Could this kid be as good as Captain Roger?"

"I heard that this kid has a nickname called Sea Emperor. This is a more arrogant nickname than the Pirate King."


"ah……"Barrett struggled painfully, but Roan's Overlord color was too strong. The more he struggled, the more powerless he felt. It seemed that even the devil fruit ability could not be activated.

"What kind of arrogance is this? Why are you so domineering?"Barrett asked with difficulty.

"I don't know, it's always been like this." Luo An shrugged and replied calmly.

"Damn it……"


Just when Luo An suppressed Barrett with his domineering power, his cell phone rang unexpectedly - it was Jhin's call. Although it was strange, Luo An still answered the call.

"The Lord is in trouble, the Wano Country has rebelled, and the Black Carbon Orochi has incited the people of the Wano Country to start attacking us, and we are almost unable to stop them."As soon as the call was connected, Jin's anxious and weak voice came from the other end.

"Um? Luo An was stunned:"Is the black charcoal snake dying?" Does he have the guts to provoke me?"

Korotan Orochi is an ambitious man who wants to rule the country of Wano by any means necessary. This can be seen from the fact that he did not hesitate to lure a wolf into the house and teamed up with Kaido to attack Kozuki Oden.

But while being full of ambition, Hetan Orochi He is also a cautious and extremely tolerant guy. Kaido occupied the magpie's nest, killed Kozuki Oden and made Wano his home. However, the black charcoal snake did not even fart, but was very submissive on the surface. , and even helped Kaido suppress the rebels in the country, but secretly he was also organizing his own forces in an attempt to overthrow Kaido's rule.

From here, we can also see that the character of Black Carbon Orochi is that of a snake, tolerant, cautious, suspicious, and cold-blooded. While he will do whatever it takes to achieve his goal, he is also very good at hiding. Once he seizes the opportunity, he will immediately give you a fatal blow. But similarly, if he is not completely sure, he will not take action even if he forbears until death. Unless such a person is completely sure, it is impossible for him to reveal his true face. Although

Kaido is dead now, Kaido's forces have officially announced that they will join Luo An's men as a way to kill Kaido. To and Auntie are two peerless experts among the four emperors. There is no doubt that Luo An is many times stronger than Kaido. How courageous is the Black Carbon Orochi? He dares to attack Luo An. Why does Luo An not believe it? ?

Jhin replied:"The person we placed next to him sent me a message. Yesterday, Black Carbon Orochi met with a mysterious person. It is not clear what they discussed specifically, but according to Quinn's inference, this mysterious person is likely to It is related to the world's right ax, and may even be the person who is the world's right axe."

"Not possible, but certain. Luo

An affirmed

"It seems that the world's true ax also knows how to distract me. I guess there will be trouble in several other bases soon."

"……"Jhin on the other end of the phone rolled his eyes inwardly. It's not normal for this to distract you, right? Don’t you have an idea of ​​how strong you are? If you were really asked to send out the whole army to cause trouble in Marinefando, would there be any need to play around? Who can resist the impact of so many general-level experts?

What's more, the Navy has gathered the elites from all over the world in Marineland. You have so many generals and generals and above fighting in that big place. The aftermath of the battle alone is enough to annihilate the entire navy. All right?

Even if the world wins in the end, without the navy as a hawk, how can they still rule the world? So, even if we are not afraid of your power, we still have to separate you, right?

"Lord, what shall we do now? Black Carbon Orochi is very strong, but he and I are a little behind. If you don't want to lose the territory of Wano Country, please send reinforcements to rescue him."Although he complained in his heart, Jin still reported the report responsibly.

"The country of Wano? Although I don’t care much about this piece of land, since it has fallen into my hands, how could I allow others to take it away?" Luo An said coldly. To be honest, this country reminded him of an island country in his previous life. When he heard the name, he felt sick. But after all, it is a piece of territory. Since it is all in his hands, what's the point? The only person qualified to deal with this territory is himself. He can despise Wano and abandon it, but he will never allow others to take it away from him.

"Then please ask the Lord to send reinforcements."Hearing Luo An's answer, Jhin breathed a sigh of relief. After all, Wano Country is the territory of Kaido Pirates. After all, they have been operating for so many years and invested countless resources. If Luo An just let them give up, To be honest, I'm really reluctant to give it up.

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