Chapter 130 The Navy’s Strategic Adjustment

Marine Fando, Large Conference Room

"Sorry, I'm late."

Warring States walked into the conference room. He was originally going to have a meeting. There were still three hours before Ace was executed. He planned to hold a pre-war mobilization meeting before the war started to boost everyone's morale and encourage them. , because he knew that some people were not very enthusiastic about participating in the war - among them Garp was the worst.

As a result, just as he was about to leave the office, he received a call from the bald five-star star, which led to the previous conversation.

"Marshal, what happened?"As the only woman among the five generals, Taotu had a delicate mind and immediately discovered something was wrong with Sengoku.

Sengoku nodded to Taotu, then looked at a circle of naval elites, exhaled, and said,"I'm sorry, everyone. Our strategy may need to be adjusted. Change from the previous quick solution to delaying as much time as possible"

"What? Such an extreme change of strategy?"

Everyone was immediately surprised. Even if the strategy is changed, they have never seen such a change. Everyone thought it was necessary to modify some details. As a result... a quick victory and delaying time are completely two extremes. Okay.

Taotu asked eagerly:"Marshal, what happened? Why adjust the strategy? Delaying time will cause more changes, right?"

Originally, according to the strategy formulated by the Navy, the battle was to be resolved as soon as possible, because this time the Navy's opponent was not only Whitebeard, but also Luo An. Therefore, their plan was to take advantage of Luo An's being entangled in the world's axe. Get rid of Whitebeard as much as possible, and then concentrate all the power to deal with Luo An.

In this way, a war can be divided into two parts, avoiding Luo An and Whitebeard from joining forces, and the pressure on the navy will be greatly reduced.

But What's the situation now?

Why are you actively delaying time?

Could it be that Luo An has been restrained by the world and can no longer reach Malinfando?

"This is the meaning of the five old stars."

Warring States said in a deep voice the contents of the phone call between himself and Bald Five.

"So that's it."Peach rabbit nodded clearly, and this kind of thing actually happened in the middle.

The rest of the people also understood that the Warring States Period was correct. It was correct to adjust the strategy. In fact, it was just their wishful thinking to resolve the battle as soon as possible, or it was A huge bet, betting that True Ax can stop Luo An so that he cannot escape so easily. Only in this way can a certain chance of victory be ensured. This is why World True Ax divides the support into two batches.

But if they fail to do so in Luo An , When An comes to kill Whitebeard and prompts the two sides to join forces, the navy will be finished.

The situation is much better now. Although there is no second batch of support, but with five monster-like Five Old Stars joining them, their chances of winning are even greater.. Under such circumstances, there is no need to divide the war. Instead, Luo An may be frightened by revealing his trump card in advance and make him retreat. In this case, he will not be able to reap the maximum results - after all, the Five Old Stars have a distinguished status. , being able to take action once is already giving the navy face, and they don’t have the ability to ask Wulaoxing to take action a second time.

"If everyone has no objection, then let’s implement it. Seeing that no one objected, Warring States issued the final order:"This battle is a battle of revenge for our navy. I hope you will try your best.""

"yes."All the generals agreed.

With the promise of the Five Old Stars, they felt a lot more relaxed.

If the opponent only has a white beard, the Navy still has a good chance of winning. After all, the white beard is now over seventy. , and was covered in injuries, depleted of vitality and blood, and had no strength at all. To put it bluntly, even if the navy didn't provoke him, he wouldn't live for a few more years. So to the navy, a half-disabled white beard There is really no big threat, and there are not many masters in the Whitebeard Pirates. There is only one general-level Marco, and the rest of Diamond Jozi can't even defeat Doflamingo, so it is naturally impossible. It is a general level.

Therefore, the Navy is not afraid at all. Even if Ace was not handed over to the Navy by Blackbeard, and at the same time to promote the greatness of the world's Fore-Axe, in order to shock this increasingly chaotic sea, the Navy would not have any fear at all. It is necessary to deal with Whitebeard. All he needs to do is wait for him to die of old age in a few years, and then the Navy will take over and accept his territory. Of course, this premise is that Ace has not grown up, otherwise there will be two strong men, Ace and Marco. Guarding the pirate group, the navy can't afford to go away.

However, Whitebeard is easy to deal with, but Luo An is different. From the title"Sea Emperor" given to him by the world's positive axe, it can be seen that the emperor of the sea can be seen that the world's positive Ax was very afraid of him. If the navy hadn't been cornered by Blackbeard's behavior and couldn't save face, they really didn't want to provoke Luo An.

Not to mention the huge force under Luo An, let's talk about his subordinates. The number of top masters is enough to make the world tremble - not to mention how many masters Luo An has hidden secretly, among the masters he has revealed publicly, there are at least about ten at the general level. This is a very powerful force. The terrifying power, even in the Navy Headquarters, currently does not have so many masters who have reached the level of admiral.

Garp, Sengoku, Akainu, Kizaru, Aokiji, Green Bull, Momo Rabbit, Lieutenant General Crane, Zefa, and Tea Dolphin, These ten people are already all the top experts in the Navy so far. Although Taotu has the name of a general, she is actually only a quasi-admiral. She was forcibly promoted by the navy to fill the position of the five generals. Yes, maybe given her a few more years, she can become a real general, but now it is obviously too late. The same situation as Peach Rabbit is Tea Dolphin, the two of them are almost the same in strength.

And Crane , her job is as a staff officer, and her ability is mainly reflected in assisting the Warring States Period. As for whether she has the strength of a general level, it is difficult to say, but seeing that she is so old, even if she once had the strength of a general level, she is afraid that she will not be able to do so at this time. It has also fallen.

As for Zefa, not to mention, the old man who had already retired from the position of general had an arm cut off by Edward Weibull. Although he was equipped with a prosthetic limb, his strength was still It's really hard to say how much more can be saved.

Therefore, the only real top combat power of the Navy at present is Garp Sengoku and the four generals except Momotu. To be honest, if it weren't for the support of World Positive Ax, Ace would be the only one. If it really came into their hands, they would not dare to execute such a blatant and public execution._Fei

Lu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, recommendation,

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