Chapter 163 Luffy vs Akainu

"Hey, are you serious?"

Seeing Akainu's deadly attack, Green Bull was also surprised. This is really surprising. Can we only say that he is worthy of General Akainu? He doesn't even pay attention to the orders of Marshal of the Warring States Period and World Shoaxe. Yeah, if it were him, he wouldn't have the courage

"In order to implement absolute justice, I will not let a criminal go, let alone negotiate with another criminal for a certain purpose."

This is Akainu's belief. He may play tricks and schemes against Whitebeard, but the premise of all this is to kill Whitebeard. But Luo An is different. The world is arresting Ace in order to negotiate with Luo An. To obtain the method of making Potion No. 7.

Akainu certainly knows how powerful Potion No. 7 is. It is no exaggeration to say that if the Navy can make Potion No. 7, then the Navy will be able to form a team with superpowers in the shortest time. The Legion of Hunters came out. With this super-powerful legion, the navy's justice can be more thoroughly implemented, which is of great significance for ending the era of great pirates.

But so what?

If you want to get the formula of Potion No. 7, how to Most of all, whether it is stealing, robbing or cheating, Akainu has no objection. For the sake of justice, it doesn't matter what means are used, except for compromise with pirates.

Originally, Akainu was the most fiercely opposed to the Shichibukai system. Yes, it's just that he can't withstand the insistence of the marshal and the world. He has no choice. And now Luo An's threat is still higher than that of the Shichibukai. He will never allow the navy to compromise with such a villain.

"Big fire!"

I have to say that the combat effectiveness of generals is really strong. They are on a completely different level from lieutenant generals. Two generals can kill a Yonko or a marshal, but four lieutenant generals cannot defeat one general. This is from Ze Ze. It can be seen from Fa's body. When Zefa was besieged by the navy three years later, the navy sent six lieutenant generals plus a general Kizaru and tens of thousands of navy elite soldiers to beat him and barely solve it. Zefa.

And you must know that Zefa was already half disabled at that time. Not only was he old and his arm was cut off, but the seastone mechanical arm originally installed on him by the Navy was also knocked off by Luffy in the previous battle. He was still strong. The remaining half would be good, but even so, the navy's six lieutenants and one general couldn't take it down in the first time. Even a half-disabled general like Zefa is so difficult to fight, let alone It is said that Akainu is still at his peak as a general. Unless two generals join forces, it will be difficult for one general to kill him even in a one-on-one fight - the ten days and ten nights of the duel between Aokiji and him is enough to prove it. This point.

Even Luffy's strength is not weak, and with the assistance of power armor, even if he faces an elite lieutenant general or even a quasi-general like Momotu, he will not fall behind in a short time, but he and the general are really still There is a big gap - even if his fourth gear already has a general-level attack power, it won't work, but his other conditions are too far behind. In the previous fight with the Green Bull, except for the first attack, the Green Bull was unprepared and Apart from being beaten once, in the subsequent battle, even though Luffy tried his best, he failed to bring any harm to the green bull. On the contrary, he was panting from exhaustion. Not only was the energy of his power armor exhausted, but his physical strength was also exhausted. Even the three doses Luo An gave him had been used up, and he had to quit the fourth gear state - after all, fourth gear is very energy-consuming. Even if Luffy had air pressure, it would be impossible to drive fourth gear for nearly forty minutes. In fact , even if Akainu doesn't intervene, Luffy will be exhausted in a few minutes at most. At that time, the green bull can directly take down Luffy without any damage.

But now that Akainu intervenes, then there is no need It's five minutes later


The power of the big fire breath was too strong, and Luffy was directly hit in the chest. Fortunately, Akainu used the fruit ability this time, and the third layer of the Slayer has a layer of sea stone coating, which weakened the attack of the magma and created power. The material of the armor has the function of absorbing energy, so this move finally managed not to kill Luffy in the first place.

But even so, Luffy was sent flying for dozens of meters, and he actually landed on it At the feet of the flying squirrel, the flying squirrel was startled. He was teaming up with the mouse to attack Bista, but in the face of the credit that was brought to him, of course he would not let it go just like that.

"Straw Hat Luffy, I, the Flying Squirrel, will not let you pass here at the risk of my life as Vice Admiral."

After that, Bista gave up on the fierce battle and started to shave directly, slashing towards Luffy with one knife.

"Zhizhizhi~ Before the flying squirrel, no one was as cheating as you."The flying squirrel suddenly withdrew, causing the mouse to suffer misfortune. Originally, the two of them joined forces and could only fight Bista at a 50-50 draw. Now, the flying squirrel suddenly pulled away without even saying hello. The mouse was caught off guard and almost Hacked to death by Bista

"Sorry, I'll be back after I deal with the source of the evil."

The flying squirrel apologized, but the knife in his hand didn't stop, and he still slashed at Luffy without hesitation.


Luffy seemed to have really reached his limit. Facing the flying squirrel's slash, he couldn't even move. He was blown away again. The power armor once again protected his life.

"Not hacked to death?"Flying Squirrel had no regrets. He just sighed at the hardness of the power armor, then turned around and joined the ranks besieging Bista. The situation returned to its previous state again.

"Ace...I'm going to save you right now...Fourth...……"

Luffy trembled and tried to activate fourth gear, but he couldn't even stand still. How could he still have the strength to use fourth gear? At this point, he may not even be able to use second gear.

"It seems that you have reached your limit."

Seeing Luffy like this, Lieutenant General Dalmecia nearby seized the opportunity:"Finger gun!"


After being attacked by the generals and lieutenants one after another, the durability of the third generation of Slayer finally bottomed out. Dalmecia's finger gun just gave the last blow to the third generation of Slayer. The breastplate of the third generation of Slayer was finally punctured. , Luffy flew out with blood, lying on the ground motionless. He really wanted to stand up now, but his physical strength was really exhausted. He couldn't even move a finger, and even his will was about to disappear. , seeing the execution platform becoming more and more blurry in his eyes, although he wanted to control his eyelids very much, his eyelids became heavier and heavier.……

"Straw Hat Luffy, I have to admire you. As a newcomer, you can achieve such a record. You are already proud of yourself."Dalmecia maintained her orc form and walked slowly towards Luffy, while saying in a sinister tone:"However, your journey ends here, and you will spend the rest of your life slowly in the city. Bar"


But just when Dalmecia walked up to Luffy and reached out to catch him, his body was suddenly knocked away by a black shadow._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Luffy's novel A

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