Chapter 191: The character collapses and the Green Bull is heartbroken. As the embodiment of justice, even if it is doing dirty work for the world, the Navy will take the crown even if it is made out of nothing. Using the name of justice to turn the victim of persecution into an evil party - the most typical example here is Oha.

Originally, Ohara was just a gathering place for scholars, but these scholars stubbornly violated the taboos of the World's Right Ax and went to study the blank 100-year history. As a result, they were regarded as a thorn in the World's Right Ax and ordered to be dispatched by the World's Right Ax. The demon-slaying fleet was ordered to completely destroy it.

Ohara has gathered the most famous scholars in the world. It is obviously impossible to hide the destruction here, but if the truth of the matter is announced like this, it cannot be justified - it was just a hundred years of research blank, and it suffered such a persecution, people will be more suspicious of what secrets were hidden during those hundred years. Not only will it fail to act as a deterrent, but it will arouse more people's curiosity and allow more people to participate in the study of history. This This is not what the world expected to see.

Therefore, in order to cover the lid and prove the justice of its actions, the Navy erased O'Hara and all the scholars above him on the charge of"intending to restore ancient weapons and attempting to subvert the world", and they were even more wanted. Robin, who had a lucky escape, was charged with"destroying six naval warships." Although it sounds nonsense, this matter was finally covered up in the publicity of the world. Although some people knew the truth, these People obviously won't make it public.

This is the trick that the Navy has always used. Although it is relatively old-fashioned, because it controls the fishing boat, no one can refute it.

But the action on Patrila Island was different. Before the matter was revealed, the navy and the world did not regard it as a big deal, so they did not cover it up. At most, they only gave a warning. The participants in this matter have only issued a hush order.

But they never expected that this incident would become a key point in the collapse of the Navy's character.

When it comes to the navy searching for the bloodline of the Pirate King, there is nothing that cannot be said. After all, in the eyes of ordinary people, the Pirate King Roger is definitely a 100% villain and has brought great harm to the world. His bloodline is not at all He is not qualified to stay in the world. If the navy wants to wipe out his bloodline, not only will it not arouse the resentment of the world, but it may also gain support from the world. Even those who do not support it will not object if they think about it.

However, the navy went too far. In order to find Ace, they actually captured all the pregnant women and babies of school age on the island. What was even more outrageous was that they would rather kill the wrong ones than let them go. They actually killed all these children and pregnant women. Okay...

This is simply a challenge to human beings. In this world, there is nothing more cruel than what the navy does. For example, some big pirates slaughter cities and destroy countries at every turn. Thousands of people die in their hands... But , they are pirates, and they are meant to do bad things. People have become accustomed to it, but as pirates, they do good things, which is even more understandable.

However, it is the navy that is killing people now. They should be a just party in people's minds, but now they are only born to wipe out the bloodline of the Pirate King and kill so many innocent people... This is obviously unacceptable. Not only ordinary people, but also the navy itself, many people showed expressions of disbelief at this time. If it weren't for the military discipline, many people would have started questioning Warring States.

I believe that after this incident spreads, the reputation of the Navy will be greatly affected, especially if they fail in this battle, the consequences will be serious. Warring States cannot even think of it - the Navy may not It will be banned, but its influence will probably be greatly reduced. Especially the Warring States Period, which is a direct participant in this matter, is likely to be pushed out by the world as a scapegoat to quell the anger of the world (in fact, the execution of this matter The person is Kong, but Kong is already dead, so the Warring States Period can only be blamed).

Once that time comes, he will not even be able to retire safely. The greater possibility is that he will be imprisoned in Impel Down City, thus becoming the first naval marshal to be imprisoned in Impel Down City since the establishment of the Navy.

If he just resells it himself, that's it, but what worries Sengoku even more is that this is probably just the beginning. No one wanted to expose the bad things done by the navy before, but they were all restricted by the world's positive suppression. It can't be done, but now that Luo An has made a start, it is conceivable that those reporters who risk their lives for sales will definitely dig deep into the inside story... How many scandals will be announced by then? When I think about it, The serious consequences made the Warring States Period shudder.

"Well, Lord Marshal... is this true?"

Not only outsiders began to doubt, but even the navy itself began to question it, especially those who were new to the navy, such as Lu Niu. As soon as Lu Niu asked, many people immediately turned their attention to the Warring States Period. Wanting to get the answer from his mouth.

Hearing this, Zeng Guo's expression kept changing, but in the end he chose"Don't think nonsense, this is simply nonsense. It was Monkey D. Luoan who wanted to destabilize our military morale. The most important task now is to win this war. As for this matter... I will give an explanation to the world after the war."

In a flash of his mind, Warring States had already figured it out. He had already made up his mind to take the initiative to take up this matter. This was not because he was mean, but because this was his best choice at the moment.

After all, the world is upright. Urinary sex, pushing him out to take the blame is almost 100%. Now that the matter has become a foregone conclusion, the only thing Warring States can do is to try to get a better ending for himself - compared with passively taking the blame, it is obviously proactive Taking the blame can gain the favor of the world, so you can choose a lighter punishment. Even if you still have to go to the city in the end, you should be able to get a good treatment.

"So, is this true?"Lvniu is not so easily deceived. He has not been in the navy for a long time and is considered a monk halfway. Therefore, he does not know much about the navy, but this does not mean that he is a fool.

His character is indeed lazy and can be called a yellow ape. Secondly, the fact that he still chose to join the navy when he was decades old proved his persistence in justice. But now when he discovered that the navy, which he thought was just, was actually so dirty secretly. At that time... To be honest, Lu Niu felt very disappointed._Fei

Lu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, recommendation,

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