Chapter 195 Another personality, the three generals who vomited blood in the Warring States Period became five generals. This is not the point. The real point is that in that battle, Qingzhi was the most seriously injured. Even though Sengoku used Devil Fruit to get them back from Luo An, Aokiji still didn't wake up and instead fell into a deep coma.

Later, through research by Dr. Vegapunk, it was discovered that Aokiji's personality actually split into two and became entangled. It was the two personalities that were fighting endlessly and trying to devour each other, which led to Aokiji's coma. Not awake.

Fortunately, Dr. Vegapunk is worthy of being the world's number one scientist. After spending a huge price, Aokiji's personality finally swallowed up another personality and finally woke up successfully.

At the beginning, the Navy was worried that the one being swallowed was the real Aoki Pheasant, but after observing for a while, they found that the behavior of the awakened Aoki Pheasant was no different from before, so they gradually relaxed their minds.

However, it seems now...

It was not Aokiji who was truly awakened back then. I'm afraid Aokiji's personality at that time had already been swallowed up.

"Ah la la la, have you been spotted? All I can say is, is he worthy of being a 'wise general' during the Warring States Period?"

Letting go of the ice spear in his hand, Qingzhi pretended to be distressed. Listening to his tone and looking at his movements, there was no difference at all from the real Qingzhi.

But the more this happened, the more chilling the Warring States Period felt.

"Where is Kuzan? What did you do to him?"

Zhan Guo himself didn't notice that his voice was trembling a little. He was afraid, afraid of hearing the answer he least wanted to hear.

"Are you talking about that elm knot? Speaking of which, I have to thank you. If it weren't for your help, it would have taken me a while to devour him."

Qingzhi's tone was indifferent, but what he said made people who knew the inside story feel particularly chilling - it turned out that the person they helped back then was not the real Qingzhi at all... In other words, not only did they not save Qing Pheasant, on the contrary, it did a disservice and accelerated Qing Pheasant's death.

"But even so, why did you assassinate Sakaski?"

Although he is very regretful, what Warring States wants to know more is the answer to this question.

"Seeing that you and Kuzan behaved exactly the same, this means that you must have swallowed his memory. With Kuzan's memory still there, you shouldn't do such a thing even if you don't like the navy, right?"

"Are you trying to trick me?"

Qing Pheasant's eyes turned cold, and murderous intent enveloped the Warring States Period.

"It's okay, Kuzan (this is the character of Qingzhi, so to distinguish him from Qingzhi, I just call him by his name), just tell him."

Luo An spoke, attracting the attention of the Warring States Period.

"It's you."Sengoku suddenly woke up and looked at Luo An with murderous intent:"Yes, it can only be you. It was your subordinate Namikaze Shuimen who injured him at that time. If you want to do anything to Kuzan, we really can't detect it."

"Bang bang bang!"

Luo An couldn't help but applauded:"As expected of the Marshal of the Warring States Period, your wisdom is indeed far beyond that of others... But don't look at me like that. I didn't think so far. I just wanted to do a small experiment at the time. I didn't intend to succeed, I just wanted to test my new abilities, that's all.

It's just that I never imagined that you would actually intervene in the battle between two personalities, and also... This is really an unexpected surprise. Do you want me to thank you?"

This is really an unexpected surprise. Luo An did do some tricks on Qing Pheasant at that time, but as he said, he just wanted to test it, and he had no intention of succeeding in the experiment. So after doing the tricks on Qing Pheasant, , he forgot about it, without even confirming it afterwards.

But as soon as he arrived at Marineland today, he sensed a familiar wave. After a little search, he found that the wave came from Aoki Pheasant. It emanated from the body...

So naturally, Luo An took over the control of Qing Pheasant and learned the inside story. He couldn't help but be overjoyed - he was not excited about having another master on his side. In fact, as long as he was given time , he can do it with any number of masters. What really makes him happy is that with Qing Pheasant, this will be very beneficial to his next plan.


This time Warring States really vomited blood. He was heartbroken.

It is very difficult to train every naval general. The navy has put in a lot of effort to train the three generals. But... Luo An's tone was so sincere. It was so irritating. Warring States, who was already very distressed in his heart, was so stimulated that he could no longer bear it and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

"Warring States Period……"Garp was startled and quickly went over to help him.

"I'm fine. After spitting out a mouthful of blood, Sengoku's condition improved a lot. He pushed away Garp's hand and stared at Luo An:"Tell me, what price does the Navy need to pay in exchange for Kuzan?""

"Marshal of the Warring States Period."

Sengoku's gesture immediately shocked the navy. Sengoku has always been known for its strength. Although it is not as tough as Akainu, it has never compromised with pirates (the Shichibukai system under the king is empty). It was established when he was in power, and the Shichibukai is mainly responsible for the world. Although the Navy can also command, if we really want to get to the bottom of it, the Shichibukai is not directly under the Navy) - As for the three generals and Luo Anshu , not many people know about this matter.

But today, for the sake of Admiral Aokiji, the dignified Navy Admiral compromised. However, although the navy was shocked, it is normal to think about it carefully. That was a Navy Admiral, and millions of naval officers around the world There are only three among them. In order to train a general, the navy does not know how much effort and resources it has to spend.

In addition, Aokiji’s prestige in the navy is not low, and he is respected by all the navy. Even though Even Akainu can't compare to him (if Akainu hadn't received the support of World Headmaster, Aokiji's position as marshal would have been certain, and Akainu wouldn't have been able to compete with him). The only one who could surpass him in prestige, Maybe there are only Sengoku and Garp.

Therefore, if it is just a compromise and Admiral Aokiji can be exchanged, it is not an unacceptable thing for the Navy.

"Sorry, there's really nothing you can do about it. Can you spit out the food you've eaten intact?"

There is really nothing we can do about this Luo An. Qingzhi's personality has been swallowed up and has even been completely fused together. If we want to separate them again... even Luo An can't do anything.


The great hatred of the Warring States Period."

Fei Lu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, recommendation,

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