Chapter 218: During the Warring States Period, naval reinforcements arrived

"kulalala……"After hearing this, Whitebeard suddenly laughed:"Boy Luo An, who are you looking down on? Do you think you are the only one who is not afraid of death? I, but Whitebeard……"

Obviously, Whitebeard didn't take Luo An's warning to heart at all, but it's right to think about it. Before he came to Malinfando, he had planned to stay here. If Luo An hadn't interfered, He will really die here this time.

Luo An shook his head when he heard this:"I knew you would say that, forget it, since you don't want to leave, I won't chase you away, but you'd better just be a spectator, otherwise if you interfere with my actions......even if you are white beard, I will definitely kill you"

"You don't need to worry about this. I just want to be a spectator and make my last journey to the world. As for what's going on between you, I don't care."Whitebeard is also rude.

Of course, he is just being tough. If Luo An is really in trouble, he will definitely take action. After all, Luo An saved his life and that of the Whitebeard Pirates. Whitebeard didn't The kind of person who knows kindness but does not repay it. On the contrary, as an old pirate, he regards things like grievances as the most important thing - although his injury has not been treated until now.


A laser shot at Sengoku's side not far away:"Don't even think about using your life to return it, Marshal Sengoku, if I find your little tricks again, I won't mind killing you."

It turned out that Sengoku, who had been drained of his physical strength, after seeing Luo An's attention being attracted by Blackbeard and Whitebeard, actually wanted to secretly run a life return operation to restore the drained physical strength - as for whether Sengoku would be alive Return, there is no doubt about this. If the dignified Navy Marshal cannot practice the Sixth Form of the Navy to the peak, then there are not many people in the world who can practice it to the peak. After all, even Vice Admiral

Ghost Spider and Lion Snuggle Anyone at this level can practice the Six Styles to the level of returning life, let alone the Marshal Warring States. It is impossible to say that he cannot return life. In fact, not only Warring States himself can return life, but it is possible that he can return life. The three generals and Garp know this move, especially Garp. He specializes in physical skills and is probably the first person to master this move among all people.

"Monkey D. Luoan, don’t be arrogant. The true nature of the world is beyond your imagination."Warring States completely ignored Luo An's warning. Not only did he continue to recover his strength, he even threatened Luo An.

"I know this better than you do. Luo An said calmly, but did not continue to pursue the matter of his recovery of physical strength - it was just a Warring States period, and it could not play a decisive role.

"By the way...huh?"

Just as Luo An continued to prepare to say something, he suddenly noticed something and turned his head to look at the sea. In fact, it was not just him, but almost all the strong men at this time set their sights on the sea - before them In what I see, hear, and perceive, there are countless powerful momentums coming from the sea, and the distance is getting closer and closer.

"Is it finally here?" Luo An knew who was coming without having to guess. It must be the reinforcements from the world:"I've been waiting for you, but all the flowers have withered."

"Hahaha... Monchi D. Luo An, the reinforcements from World Front Ax have arrived. If you are willing to drop everything and surrender, I can intercede with World Front Ax for you and exempt you from the death penalty."

Warring States also realized who the visitor was, and immediately sneered. In his mind, the power of World Front Ax was the strongest. Once reinforcements from World Front Ax arrived, Luo An would only die.

"I say the same thing. As long as you are willing to lead the navy and surrender, I can forgive all of your sins... Well, how about the sins of going against me? And unlike your deception, I will really exempt you from the death penalty."

Regarding the words of the Warring States Period, Luo An didn't even believe a single punctuation mark. The hatred between the two sides was already so great that they had already been fighting to the death. Once one side loses, what awaits them will definitely be to kill their opponents to the ends of the earth. As the chief culprit in the hunt, neither Luo An nor Wulaoxing could survive, and there was no reason to survive. How could you spare my life just because of your Warring States words?

Say no If you're being polite, who do you think you are during the Warring States period? You're just a dog raised by the leader of the world. As a master, he might listen to your words because he's happy. But in this situation, how can the leader of the world listen to you? if?

"Hum, I don’t know whether to live or die."

Warring States snorted angrily. Although he didn't expect Luo An to really surrender, he still felt unhappy after hearing Luo An's sarcasm.

"It’s not certain who will die and who will live."

Luo An was also not to be outdone.

While the two were talking, shadows of ships had appeared on the sea level. The first ship was very luxurious and hung an equally luxurious flag.

This is the world's positive fleet. flagship, and that flag is also the symbol of the world's positive axe, but it is much more luxurious than ordinary flags. Anyone who knows the inside story knows that this flag is actually the exclusive flag of the Tianlong people, and it is the only one among the Tianlong people. It can only be hoisted when important people travel, and even ordinary Dracos are not qualified to fly this flag - the last time Luo An met Ulandaya, the same flag was hoisted on her ship. Obviously, the same flag was hoisted on her ship. , this time the world's reinforcements must be participated by Tianlong people, and it is very likely that they are the Five Old Stars.


Before the ship arrived, a huge sword energy arrived first, and its target was Luo An.

"Is this a show of force?"

Facing the incoming sword energy, Luo An's expression did not change. The sword energy was strong, but it was not a threat to him.

"be careful."

On the contrary, Ace, who just happened to come back from burying his arm, saw this scene and couldn't help but remind him

"Yes, it seems you still have some conscience."

Luo An unexpectedly glanced at Ace and had a better impression of him. Speaking of which, Ace's character is actually good. It's just that Luo An's first impression of him was too bad, so he always had a bad impression of him, but he still has a bad impression of him. Speaking of which, who doesn't have flaws? Even Luo An has them.

Of course, Luo An is not going to change his impression of someone drastically just because of a little reminder. He still hates Ace - I can only talk about his first impression. Killing people

"However, I still look down upon such an attack."

Seeing the sword energy approaching, Luo An slowly raised his hand... and then a shocking scene happened to everyone. The sword energy, which was originally so powerful that it swept everything along the way, touched Luo An's hand. Not only was it not cut off, it actually seemed to melt, gradually changing from large to small, and finally disappeared.

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