Chapter 224 Under what circumstances do people wear masks?

"Haha... You are just a bunch of untouchables, what qualifications do you have to see the noble body of the descendant of God? I really don’t know what to say."

Wulao Xing's expression finally changed. Luo An didn't say anything else. He only said that he wanted to look at their backs. There was no doubt that he already knew something. This made them lose their composure and became particularly ugly. stand up

"Oh, is it because we are not qualified? Or do you not dare? Luo An exposed his lies mercilessly and sneered:"Are the scars on your backs the result of any abuse you suffered when you were a child?""

"shut up."The bald five-star directly pulled out the first-generation Onikiri and pointed at Luo An:"Monkey D. Luo An, if you don't completely disappear from history, shut your mouth, otherwise don't say it's you. They are dead, including you Mengqi clan. I guarantee that no one alive will be able to stay."

"It’s not certain who will die and who will live. Luo An chuckled and shook the live broadcast device in his hand:"On the contrary, your arrogant performance now has been seen by the world.""

"Live broadcaster? Bastard, you are looking for death."

The bald five-old star cursed in frustration. He had been paying attention to Luo An and the story he told, but he ignored this thing... Compared with the story just now, this thing is more deadly.

"Hehehe... So, Your Excellency the Five Old Stars, now I am not the only one who wants to know the answer to this question. Now people all over the world want to know."

Luo An said with a smile. He was not talking nonsense, but many people were really asking for the answer to this question - now that the live broadcast has been released, how could Luo An not use the barrage with it? How about making matching fun things?

"It seems you really want to die."The bald Wu Laoxing was so angry that he wanted to kill Luo An directly. But the moment he took action, he was locked by a murderous intention, so that he did not dare to move at all.

Following the murderous intention, he looked over and saw someone who was similar to him. The elderly man, holding a sword exuding a burning aura, was looking at him from a distance. For some reason, he was just a very ordinary-looking old man, but he gave the bald five-old star an illusion - This old guy who looks like he's about to die seems to have the power to kill himself

"How can this be?"The bald five-old star subconsciously threw this idea out of his mind and cursed himself secretly. It was all because of Monkey D. Luo An that he was too nervous to have such ridiculous thoughts.

His strength Others don't know, but he knows it very well. As the strongest one among the five old stars, although he has never made a move, he actually surpasses the so-called world's greatest swordsman, and besides swordsmanship , the bald five-old star's physical skills and devil fruit abilities have also reached the peak of the world. In terms of physical skills, he is no worse than Garp. Even the devil fruits have been developed by him to the peak state of awakening...

Each of these three abilities can compete. zodiac, let alone concentrated on one person. When the three abilities are added up, the result is not just as simple as one plus one plus one equals three. When the three peak abilities are combined into one, the exploded ability will be several times greater than three... With such strength, how could he not even be able to defeat an inconspicuous old man?

This must be his own illusion. It was Monchi D. Luoan who put too much pressure on himself, which made him too suspicious.

Damn Monchi· d. An, you dare to scare me like this. After the war is over, no one in your Mengqi clan will be able to survive.

Thinking of this, the bald five-old star finally suppressed the uneasiness in his heart, but he had no intention of taking action anymore..

And at this moment, Luo An's words rang out again:"If what I just said is not enough to prove the origin of the Tianlong people, then I am willing to provide another evidence-that is, the spacesuit-like spacesuits on the Tianlong people Clothes... Everyone who has seen the Tianlong people should know that when they go out, they often wear thick clothes and even have a hood covering their heads. The reason they explained to the outside world is that I don’t bother breathing the same air as the untouchables, but is this really the truth?"


Wulao Xing's face has completely turned livid. Luo An can actually think of this kind of thing. Others don't know it. But as the position of the Tianlong people second only to Im, how can they not know the truth of the matter?

But it was not easy for them to interrupt Luo An at this time. After all, people all over the world were watching. If they did this deliberately, it would make them look more guilty.

What's more, Luo An has already revealed the truth to this extent. They want to completely conceal the truth and can no longer do it. They can only let things continue like this for the time being. They will see if they can find people with memory fruit abilities later and then tell people all over the world. They have all carried out a memory cleansing - this is also the best way at present when the world-destroying war cannot be carried out.

Luo An didn't know what Wu Laoxing had planned. He just continued his reasoning:"And as we all know, such a bubble hood is very protective. Under normal circumstances, the outside air cannot penetrate at all. Come in. But similarly, if you stay in an oxygen-deprived environment for a long time, even the smartest people will become unresponsive... Just like a fool... Could it be that the noble Tianlong people would rather turn themselves into fools than Are you willing to share the air with ordinary people?"


What Luo An said was interesting, which immediately caused many people to snicker. Even some people in the navy couldn't help laughing, covering their mouths and laughing secretly.

"As for Luo An, if this is not the reason, is there another reason?"Luo acted as a compliment with a wink.

"Haha, of course there are other reasons for this. Luo An glanced at Luo approvingly, but did not answer directly. Instead, he asked:"Luo, you are also a doctor. Under what circumstances do you think a person would rather become an idiot and have to wear a mask?""

"Under what circumstances should a mask be worn?"

This is his specialty. Luo naturally answered without hesitation:"There are generally two reasons. One is that the surrounding environment is too bad and is full of dangerous germs. Without a mask, it is easy to get sick. The other is that This situation is that this person is very weak and cannot bear the slightest infection... What do you mean?……"

At this moment, Luo suddenly thought of something, and his face suddenly became shocked. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel A

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