Chapter 29 Graduation Assessment

"So Principal Luo An, where is our first battle?"The speaker's name is Hitsugaya Toshiro. He is only seventeen years old and about the same age as Luffy, but he is shorter than Luffy. He has white hair and a baby face. People who don't know better think he is a child. , but the cold fruit of the Superman type and the area that can cover more than ten square kilometers tell others that this child is not easy to mess with.

Similar to Kuchiki Byakuya, Luo An also trained him as a real little lion, And he is also the most successful of all the works cultivated by Luo An. Both his personality and abilities are exactly the same as the real little lion.

But except for him, everyone else has inevitable deviations. The most typical one is The Kuchiki Byakuya just now, in the original work, Kuchiki Byakuya is a typical cold on the outside and hot on the inside. He is proud and cold on the outside, but on the inside he cares about his friends, relatives and subordinates. But when he came to Luo An, he was cultivated into a talkative and funny person, which is completely the opposite.... Luo An was also speechless about this.

"Don't be so impatient, kids. I'm leading you into the war now. It's hard to say how many of you will survive." Luo An joked

"Asshole, don't call me kid, I'm seventeen years old."The little lion immediately became angry. What he hates most is someone calling him a kid. If he couldn't beat Luo An, he might have to fight with Luo An.

"Okay, okay, I'm joking with you, don't be angry. Luo An comforted her like a child.

"There is no sincerity in your apology at all.……"The little lion was even more angry, but Luo An had already apologized, so he really had nothing to do.

Luo An avoided irritating him again and directly changed the topic:"No more, don't worry, you will take action sooner or later, but before you take action, you must complete the last lesson.——"

As he said that, Luo An took out a stack of bounty orders:"This is your target, and it is also the pirates who have committed many crimes in the new world. The villains who are jointly offered bounties by the mercenary union and the navy. Each of them is a person who has committed many crimes. Even if they are shot ten times, it will be enough... Your graduation test is to bring their heads back to me."

"Ale Ale, is it such a simple assessment task? Don't worry, as long as I have enough information and supplies, I can complete the mission in three days."Kuchiki Byakuya complained.

"If you think so, then you will be the only ones who die in the end. Luo An glared at him fiercely:"Although these people are not as strong as you, they are still big pirates who have been in the new world for so long. Each one has special abilities, either cunning and insidious, or there is a powerful person behind them." Backers, in short, each of them is not a simple role... and in order to test your abilities, this time the camp and myself, except for the necessary travel boats, will not give you any help, let alone I’ve shared information with you. Don’t even think about it. You have to rely on yourself for these things."

"ah? No information?"Kuchiki Byakuya gritted his teeth and said,"There's no problem, but the time may have to be extended a bit."

"Just come back here within three months"

"That's no problem"

"what about you?"Luo An looked at the others

"No problem, Principal Luo An, leave it to us."Everyone is full of confidence. Although the base will not provide them with help, everyone's strength is similar. Since Kuchiki Byakuya has agreed, if they hesitate again, won't they make that guy laugh?

"Very good, as expected of my student, you didn't embarrass me. Luo An was even more satisfied:"In this case, everyone chooses a wanted warrant, prepares it, and let's set off now.""


"Mr. Luo An, do you think they can come back safely? Yixiao asked worriedly. Although the principal of the college is Luo An, he has always been in charge. Luo An only came here to transport supplies, so Yixiao was very worried about these students.

"You don’t have to worry about this at all. Mr. Yixiao, you are their teacher. Don’t you still know what kind of strength they have? Luo An smiled and said:"Although they are all very young, their strength is enough to make waves in this world... There are not many people in the world who can keep them... The strong men of the new world." , just waiting to be attacked by these people?"

"No, no, no, I think you misunderstood. I am not worried about whether they can complete the task. What I am worried about is whether they will get into trouble? Yixiao became even more worried:"I understand how strong they are, which makes me even more worried. You should also know the origins of these children. On the surface, they all look young and full of youth, but you should also understand that these children Their origins... what I'm worried about is……"

"I understand what you mean. You are worried that after they go out and complete their mission, they will go back for revenge, right? But it’s okay, Mr. Yixiao, you don’t have to worry about this at all. Luo An interrupted with a smile:"You are really worrying too much about this... Yes, these students are all from the dark world, and each one has a painful past. You are worried that they will take this opportunity to go out for revenge." Right?...You really overthink this. It’s not possible for them, but most people will do it.……"

"Eh? What does it mean? Yixiao was really confused:"If that's the case, then why did you let them out?" Luo

An smiled:"What does this have to do with it?" Mr. Smile? Isn't it normal to repay injustice with injustice and revenge with hatred? You also know their past, and you also know how hateful the people who have caused them harm are. In this case, why not allow them to take revenge?"

"You know that's not what I'm worried about."Yixiao was really helpless to Luo An. He didn't say that he wouldn't let the students take revenge. What he was worried about was that after the students took revenge, they would cause more trouble. After all, a large part of those who had hurt them They all have very deep backgrounds. If they cause a bigger problem because of revenge... this matter will not end well.

"I know what you mean, you are afraid that they will offend someone they cannot afford, right? And then get hurt, right?" Luo An smiled and said:"It's normal for you to think so. After all, a large number of those who hurt them have extraordinary backgrounds. If more trouble is involved because of their rewards, things will eventually end. It will lead to an uncontrollable situation, right?"

"Yes, that's what I'm worried about."Yi smiled and said:"They are young after all, just in case……"

"It's okay, they'll be fine." Luo An said:"As a principal, I am not a vegetarian."

"Um?"He smiled blankly._Fei

Lu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, recommendation,

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