Chapter 54 Kaido’s resurrection test has reached this point. Of course Luo An was not willing to give in, so he was going to try it with a biological corpse. As a result, he just took out an animal corpse and accepted it. When Scorpion's distress signal arrived, he had no choice but to temporarily put aside the experiment and came here, but he happened to meet Kaido and Big Mom... There was no more suitable test subject than this.

So after Kaido was made into a puppet, Luo An couldn't wait to come over to see if he could be resurrected.

"yes."Xie Ke didn't know that Luo An was conducting a taboo experiment on life resurrection. He just thought that Luo An wanted to verify the combat effectiveness of Kaido's puppets, so he honestly stepped aside.

"Hahaha... Kaido, aren't you willing to not see the end of the world? Then I'll let you see it."Looking at Kaido's body, Luo An chuckled, then closed his eyes, carefully feeling the fluctuations of Kaido's puppet, and preparing for further experiments.

"Feel."Kaido's strength is too strong, and he has just died, and the fluctuations in his soul have not completely dissipated, so his body fluctuations are also very powerful, and Luo An easily caught it

"Next is the transformation……"This step is also very simple. After all, Luo An has successfully conducted experiments before, and it was also successful. What's more, human fluctuations are obviously easier to transform than stones.

Although it is easy to transform, the process is very troublesome, and the reason is very simple. The fluctuations of people are much more complicated than the fluctuations of stones. How can it be troublesome to sort them out one by one?

Fortunately, this is a labor of love. As long as you understand the principle, the rest can be done slowly. It just takes a long time and does not take a lot of brains.

"'s finally done."After more than an hour, Luo An finally opened his eyes. The human soul is indeed more troublesome than he imagined. Fortunately, he succeeded in the end, and a new soul was born again in Kaido's body.

"Um?"Kaido opened his eyes and looked around blankly. It could be seen that he had not inherited the previous memory. Otherwise, according to Kaido's original character, his first reaction after seeing Luo An would definitely be to attack, which would not be the case. confused

"Are you awake, Kaido?"

"Who are you? Who am I? where is this place? What are you going to do?"Kaido opened his eyes with four questions. It can also be seen from here that this soul is not Kaido's original soul, but a new soul, so this soul at this time is as pure as a piece of white paper. , but it may be affected by his own body, causing this soul's personality to continue to change towards Kaido.

"Your name is Kaido, and I am your master. Luo An chuckled.

"Owner? Kaido looked at Luo An with a confused face, and his eyes lit up:"I remembered, you are my creator, you are indeed my master, my original name is Kaido, meet the master

"Get up."Luo An waved his hand and told him that Kaido's soul was created by himself, so Luo An was born to be his master, and Kaido would never betray Luo An, and would only use his will as the highest order.


The people who were fighting nearby were stunned by this scene... Yes, there was another fight nearby.

But this time the two sides were no longer Scorpion and the Charlotte family. Instead, it was Scorpion teaming up with the Charlotte family to fight against the Sea of ​​Beasts. The pirate group.

Yes, after taking such a long time, the Beast Pirate Group has also caught up. The leader is the"Fire Disaster" Jin, the leader of the three disasters, the animal type, the dragon fruit, the ancient species, and the pteranodon. In the form of a man wrapped in flames, he is also the strongest person in the entire Beast Pirates, second only to Kaido. Behind him are the elites of the Beasts Pirates and the affiliated pirates under his command. There are tens of thousands of people in various groups. It can be seen that this time the Beast Pirates are also at their full strength. On the contrary, Quinn, who was the first to initiate the call, did not catch up with the battle because he was a little far away.

Originally, Jhin saw Kai When they were making more puppets, they didn't think that Kaido was dead because they were rushing on their way and didn't have time to look at Kaido's life sheet. Therefore, when they saw Luo An's hand on Kaido's head, they just thought that Kaido was dead. He was caught by Luo An.

Of course, the people of the Beast Pirates would not allow such a thing to happen. They wanted to rush over to save Kaido at that time, but how could Scorpion allow them to disturb Luo An? So the two sides did not agree. There were too many sentences, and the fight broke out after less than three sentences of conversation.

Although the Beasts Pirates had a large number of people, Scorpion had Big Mom, the Four Emperors, on his side, so they were evenly matched, and could even overwhelm the Beasts Pirates. However, after all, Scorpion's manpower was still a little too small. With all his strength, he used his masters to entangle Scorpion's puppets, and the rest quickly broke through Scorpion's blockade. Seeing the beasts The pirates were about to rush to Luo An, but the Charlotte family, who had been watching the battle, joined the battlefield and stopped the Beast Pirates. The two sides immediately surrounded Luo An, and a big battle broke out.

That is At this time, Roan resurrected Kaido, and the battle ended suddenly and strangely.……

"Um...why are you looking at me like this?"Luo An couldn't stand being stared at by tens of thousands of eyes.

"Gudu!"Cricka looked at Luo An, then at the resurrected Kaido, swallowed hard, and showed an ugly smile:"Well... Mr. Luo An, I have offended you before, I don't know if you mind? Is it too late if I apologize now?"

Clicker couldn't help but refused to give in. He first killed his opponents, then made them into puppets, and finally resurrected them and became their master... This series of coquettish operations completely frightened Clark. When he thought of Luo If An did the same thing to him...Kilijia would still be Kilijia, but he would no longer be himself. This kind of encounter would make him feel more uncomfortable than killing him directly.

Luo An's eyes were dull Looking at him:"If you are sincerely apologizing, you should at least take off that layer of armor on your surface, right?"

"All right."Cricka was very honest and didn't dare to ask Luo An how he knew he had a layer of armor on the outside, so he took off the armor very obediently.

"that……"Jhin's personality is that cold type, but at this time he looked at Kaido with some confusion:"Are you Lord Kaido, or...……"

"Of course I am Kaido, but who are you?"Both Kaido's voice and personality are similar to the previous Kaido, but his memory and attitude towards Luo An are completely different from before._

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