Chapter 71 The news spread that the Navy was about to execute Ace. News spread all over the world with newspapers for the first time. This time, the Navy had no intention of concealing it. Instead, it was adding fuel to the fire behind the scenes. Promote the power of the navy.

Sure enough, the Navy's strategy worked, and Ace was captured. This news immediately caused a sensation all over the world. The Navy's reputation among the people slowly recovered, which greatly excited the Navy headquarters. This is rare good news..

However, this kind of goodwill only spreads among ordinary civilians. The real superiors will not see it this way. In other words, anyone with a bit of political mind basically understands that Ace's arrest is obviously just the beginning. The real war is still to come. Later, they also guessed the true intention of the navy - they wanted to pick a soft persimmon and pinch it, and then prove their strength and continue to increase the prestige of the navy.

What's even better is that the navy's behavior was Hong Guoguo's conspiracy. They had accurately calculated Whitebeard's character and knew that he would definitely come to save Ace - or in other words, this is a rule that all new pirates will abide by. , after all, they are his own men, and he can kill his men any way he wants. What does it mean to be executed by the navy? What's more, the most important thing for ordinary big shots is their own face. If their own men were killed by your navy, would they still be shameless? only……

"Fufufu... these idiots? Didn't they think of the consequences of this matter?"Doflamingo threw the newspaper aside and sneered. It's true that the navy's target is Whitebeard, but they should never talk about Ace - you must know that there is only one person behind Ace. In addition to Whitebeard, there is also a strong man like Luo An. Although Doflamingo also learned through his own channels that the relationship between Ace and Luo An is not very good, he is Luo An's younger brother after all. Now that his brother is being executed, it would be really strange if Luo An didn't show any expression.

"Forget it, let Mr. Luo An handle this matter by himself. I am very interested in how the navy will deal with him?"

The navy's intelligence system is so powerful. It's impossible to say that they don't know the relationship between the two. Now that they know the relationship between Luo An and Ace, they are still so unscrupulous and have no intention of taking Luo An seriously. This It means they already have a countermeasure.

"Really……"The red-haired man put down the newspaper and said distressedly:"The world is going to be in chaos."

"The Navy is really on the verge of committing a desperate attempt."Ben Beckman held a cigar in his mouth and read the newspaper:"We don't even know how strong Brother Luo An is, but now the Navy actually dares to provoke him like this... things are about to get out of control now. head? Don't we do something?"

"No, we can no longer interfere with the matter now." Shanks thought for a while, but shook his head and rejected the proposal, saying:"At most, we can just go and break up the fight during the war."

"All right"

"It's finally starting. Luo An looked at the newspaper with a smile on his face. He thought that because of his appearance, the plot was in chaos and the war could no longer start. Now it seems that the inertia of the plot is still very large - he has been I still don’t know that Ace was executed and the incident almost didn’t happen, all because of his bad mouth at the moment.

"However, before that...there are some things that need to be dealt with."

A stern look flashed in Luo An's eyes. He hated the feeling of being plotted against. He dialed the phone quickly. Before Luo An could speak, he directly asked:"Uncle Dorag, I think you should know that I Why are we looking for you? Do you know how big an impact"Das Kapital" will have after word spreads? But you signed my name on it...don't you know how afraid the world is of us now?"

"Sorry, Roan, I was just about to explain it to you. Dorag's tone was still so low:"If I say that"Treatise on Government" was published, I only found out about it through newspapers. Do you believe it?""

"Do you think I would believe it?"Luo An said with a hint of ridicule, this explanation is too far-fetched? You told me a few days ago that you had taken control of the revolutionary army, and now you tell me that you don't know all this. Why are you lying to children?

"I know you don't believe it, but it's the truth."Dorag smiled bitterly and said:"I really don't know about this matter. I have been in Beihai during this period. Saab has always been in charge of the affairs of the Revolutionary Army Headquarters. The book was also spread by Saab. If I hadn't known in time. News, otherwise the book"Das Kapital" would also be spread."

"Saab?"Luo An was stunned, somewhat believing what Dorag said.

Among the three Luffy brothers, Sabo has the most stable character, but he is only a teenager after all, so when he knew that there was a book that could save the world and liberate his mind, When it appears, it is indeed possible to do such a thing - especially since Sabo is still the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Army. After Dorag is gone, he will be the leader of the Revolutionary Army.

"No one knows about my cooperation with you except me and Xiong, and Saab is no exception. And what you don’t know is that Sabo has always admired you very much, so when he learned that the author of"Treatise on Government" was you, he immediately couldn't wait to publish the book using our revolutionary army's own publishing channels... …On the one hand, it is to strengthen the momentum of the revolutionary army, and on the other hand, it is also to connect you with the revolutionary army.……"

"Forget the other reasons, as for the last reason, are you sure this is not what you think?"Luo An asked back. He also figured it out. Maybe it was Sabo who did the matter, but if there was no acquiescence from Dorag, the matter would not have been so smooth.

"……"Dorag was silent for a moment, and finally admitted:"Of course, I do want to draw you into the revolutionary army, or the entire revolutionary army hopes to join forces with you, especially after the release of"On Government", the revolutionary army It is true that many people with lofty ideals have joined, but within the revolutionary army, they have also regarded you as a revolutionary mentor. It is your thoughts that guide their direction...

Luo An, I also understand what you have done over the years. I understand your abilities and skills very well, coupled with the influence of"Treatise on Government"... If you join the Revolutionary Army, I have reason to believe that you will be accepted by all revolutionaries. The Revolutionary Army will be under your guidance. It will also go more smoothly. If you are not willing to succumb to others, I am also willing to give up the position of leader of the revolutionary army.……" ps: I'm really sorry. I stayed in the hospital for three days and didn't have time to update. I'm sorry. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel A

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