Chapter 90: Quentin's help

As early as three years ago, after Crocodile's conspiracy was destroyed by Luo An, his position in the Shichibukai was taken back by the World. At that time, Luo An happened to accept the Black Panther Pirates. Among them, the leader of the group, 'Split Claw' Black, was arranged by him in Rogue Town. He boarded Luffy's ship this year and protected him in secret under Roan's order.

Vice-captain Quentin followed Roan's instructions and continued to lead the Black Panther Pirates, and attempted to replace Crocodile. Unfortunately, because he had no impressive record at the time, his application was naturally rejected. The world rejected it, and the world chose Omera, a well-known 'power man' in the new world, as Crocodile's successor - of course, now Omera has also been deposed for committing crimes. His position as Shichibukai has also been replaced by Blackbeard.

Fortunately, the sky is the limit. Although it was a pity that Quentin did not fill Crocodile's vacancy, it was at this time that Hawkeye resigned to the world because he was dedicated to organizing the world's best kendo tournament. The identity of the Shichibukai - of course, the world was definitely not willing to agree to it at the beginning. After all, although the Shichibukai is known as the three major forces of the Grand Line, in fact, the real figure of this force has always been the Eagle. After all, except for Hawkeye, none of the remaining six people has reached the general level (Doflamingo's strength ranks second in the Shichibukai, but he himself admits that he is far from the general level) still some distance away).

Only Hawkeye's power has not only reached the general level, but has even exceeded it by a lot, almost comparable to that of the Four Emperors. It is precisely because of the existence of Eagle Eye that the King's Shichibukai can be said to be comparable to the Four Emperors and the Navy. The powerful force of this headquarters, otherwise the Shichibukai force might have been killed by some Yonko who didn't like them.

Now that a strong man like Hawkeye actually wants to withdraw from the Shichibukai, World Master will certainly not be happy. Without Hawkeye, can the Shichibukai still be called the Shichibukai? So they used all kinds of coercion and inducement, and used all kinds of methods. However, Hawkeye insisted on quitting, and the world was helpless. You couldn't really fall out with him, right?

No matter how powerful the World Ax is, it is impossible to easily offend a Yonko-level warrior, not to mention that Hawkeye is just a swordsman. He is not a pirate himself, and there is no bounty on him (some people say that Hawkeye has a bounty on his head) As high as 600 million, but this is fabricated. It seems that Hawkeye’s bounty has not been revealed so far. Let’s just pretend that he has no bounty and wait for Oda to slap him in the face.) In the end, we agreed to Hawkeye’s application and chose to get together. scattered.

But with Hawkeye withdrawing, another vacancy appeared in the Shichibukai, especially for Hawkeye. There are indeed countless strong men in the sea, but there are not many strong men who can reach the general level and are willing to accept the invitation of the Shichibukai. It's so easy to find, the world is in trouble.

It was at this time that Quentin came into their sight, because the Black Panther Pirates met the Whitebeard Pirates, and then Quentin and Whitebeard fought a battle, although the final result of the battle was Quentin. He ended up defeated, but the strength he showed in the battle made the world shine - Quentin, a previously unknown pirate, actually fought with Whitebeard for a day and a night...

There is no doubt that , the person who can fight with Whitebeard for a day and a night definitely has the strength of a general. The World's Right Ax immediately set its sights on Quentin, and then after the investigation of the World's Right Ax Intelligence System, he discovered Another fact that surprised them. That is, Quentin and Luo An had an intersection, but this intersection was not friendship, on the contrary, but Hong Guoguo's hatred.

Quentin was not the first captain of the Black Panther Pirates. He was originally just the vice-captain and had a very good relationship with the previous captain"Split Claw" Black. Black lost track of him after meeting Roan. , and then Quentin became the new captain, and he was always against Luo An - that is to say, Quentin and Luo An had a deep hatred, which really surprised the world. In other words, if Quentin becomes Recruiting the Qibukai will not only fill the vacancy of the Qibukai, but also find an enemy for Luo An. Of course, the world is very happy.

So now there was no need for Quentin to apply to become King Shichibukai. The World Master took the initiative to send the invitation letter. After being reserved twice, Quentin agreed smoothly and became the successor to the position of Hawkeye. One of the seven martial arts under the king.

But what the world doesn't know is that there is no hatred in the relationship between Quentin and Luo An. On the contrary, Luo An is Quentin's benefactor and master. Black did not die, but boarded Luffy's ship under a pseudonym. All of this It was just Luo An's arrangement.

So, under Luo An's arrangement, Quentin"accidentally" met Luffy, and the two quickly became close friends, almost cutting off chicken heads and burning yellow paper to kowtow to become brothers.

Then after an unintentional inquiry, Quentin learned that Luffy wanted to enter Impel Down City to rescue his brother, so he immediately patted his chest and promised him that he would help send him in.

Luffy was naturally overjoyed and thanked him profusely.

Then the next method was the same as that of the Empress. Quentin first communicated with World Axe, and wanted to enter Impel Down City to take a look. World Axe originally did not want to agree, but at this time, the war on top was about to begin, and Kundin As the king of the Shichibukai, Ding is a battle force that the world is very dependent on. His opinion cannot be ignored by the world, especially when Quentin has agreed that he will only enter the second floor of the impel city at most, mainly to see the world. Wait... not to mention that since Quentin became the King of the Seven Warlords, he has never made any demands to the world, and he has basically completed the tasks of the world with all his heart. Therefore, after urgent discussions, the world has , finally agreed to Quentin's request, but also put forward his own conditions. The first was that Quentin could only go in by himself, and the second was that he must wear sea-floor stone handcuffs.

Of course Quentin agreed. He didn't believe that the world would lock him up at this time. Without his top combat power to participate in the top war, the only loser at that time would be the world itself. As for the first request, it was not difficult for him.

Quentin is a user with the ability of the Dog Fruit and the Black Back Form. Even if he awakens, he can only have the peak strength of a lieutenant general, and is still a little short of a general. Why can he fight Whitebeard all day and night? The reason is very simple, that is, he also took Potion No. 7 and awakened a very good ability. Luo An named him - Infinite Energy.

Infinite energy does not really have nearly unlimited energy. Quentin's real ability is to devour, which can swallow everything in the world. However, after he devours it, he cannot possess the properties of objects like the swallow fruit. Instead, he can swallow the objects he swallowed. Digesting it and converting it into his own energy - can only be converted into energy, otherwise Luo An would not have allowed him to live with such a taboo ability.

Quentin's method is to devour Luffy, but he does not choose to digest it. Instead, he puts Luffy into his stomach and spits him out when he is ready. Although this method is a bit disgusting, in order to save Ai Hey, Luffy doesn't care about this anymore.

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