The Great Voyage: Luffy Comes Aboard My Ship

Chapter 114 Luffy Leads The Wolf Into The House, Zoro Encounters Two Idiots! (Put On The Shelves And

On the way back to the Emperor Star, Sikong Ye was not distressed at all, on the contrary, he was very satisfied.

I thought that Nuo Qigao would not meet the potential standard like Makino, but I didn't expect Nuo Qigao to have the potential to join the Pojun team.

"Captain, have you already thought of a way to recruit Nuo Qigao and Nami?" Carina noticed the change in Sikong Ye's expression, and couldn't help asking in a low voice.

Hearing this, Sikong Ye shook his head: "Aunt Bei is too principled, it is difficult to recruit Nuoqigao sisters from her side."

"But Nuo Qigao and Nami are relatively sensible children, as long as Aunt Bei does not let go, they will never board the boat.

Sikong Ye's words made everyone fall into silence.

Even Sikong Ye himself finds it tricky.

He has a lot of ways to fool the sisters Nuo Qigao into agreeing to join the Ziwei Pirates.

But in the end, whether the Nuoqigao sisters are willing to board the ship and go to sea, Sikong Ye still wants to give them the right to choose.

The heart of the boat may increase the weight of the Ziwei Pirates in the hearts of the two sisters, but it will never exceed the weight of Bell Mel in their hearts.

That is to say, even if they really fooled them into joining the Ziwei Pirates and were influenced by their wishes, the result might not be so good.

【Luffy: @集主, my new friends and I have arrived in Cocoa West Village!】

【Luffy: @All members, I saw the Emperor Star, why are you not on board?】

【Luffy: Ahhh, Dadan's dog, I'm Luffy, don't bite me...】

Suddenly, a series of reminders came from the group chat, and the partners looked into the group after their thoughts were interrupted.

But only Makino stood there with a pensive look on his face, unaware that Luffy had already arrived at the port of Grand Cocoyasi Village.

Sikong Ye checked the group chat messages while returning to the Emperor Star.

【Sabo: @Luffy, why did you arrive at Cocoyasi Village only now? It stands to reason that your friend’s boat is very big, and the distance is not far away. It should arrive earlier than us by fishing boat. 】

【Luffy: They didn't know the location of Cocoyasi Village at the beginning. They first went to Rogge Town to buy a detailed map, and then sent me to Cocoyasi Village. 】

After listening to Luffy's explanation, Usopp was even more confused, so he asked about the unreasonable part of the main fleet Vice Admiral.

【Usopp: @Luffy, you just said that they don't have a detailed map, so why did they promise to send you to Cocoyasi Village?】

【 Luffy: Hey, I don't know, they must be kind enough to help me. 】

【Carina: @Luffy, they even went to Rogge Town to buy a detailed map in order to send you to Cocoyasi Village, this is not like what a pirate would do

【Luffy: Where is it different, I will do it!】

【Zoro: You are so proud!】

【Luffy: @ Zoro, have you arrived at Cocoyasi Village yet?】

【Zoro: Soon........The two guys on the boat are road idiots, they went in the wrong direction. town. 】


【Kaya: As I remember, the town of Shields is located in the sea not far from the Kingdom of Goa. Are you getting farther and farther away from Cocoyasi Village?】

【Ace: It took us more than half a month to set off from Fengche Village. It seems that even if you are lucky enough to find the right direction, it will probably be more than half a month before you arrive at Cocoyasi Village. 】

Seeing a series of bullet screens swiping the screen, the corner of Sikong Ye's mouth twitched.

None of these two guys can worry.

Needless to say, Zoro, anyway, it's not Zoro's fault this time.

But he didn't expect Tashigi and Kirby to get lost too.

Maybe he was too young and had no experience in going to sea for the first time, so he lost his way.

To be ridiculed by a real road idiot, this will definitely become a dark history for Voss and Kirby!

As for Luffy's question, Sikong Ye felt that there was something else hidden.

He had asked Luffy about the identities of the pirates before, and Luffy told him that they were called Pineapple Head, Airplane Head, Shark Head and Black Fatty.

Regardless of whether Luffy was talking about a person's name, code name, or appearance, Sikong Ye couldn't find the original character who was right for him, so he didn't care too much.

No one can kill Luffy even if the pirates have evil intentions. It will even be repaired by Luffy in reverse, and finally Luffy will be honestly sent to Cocoyasi Village.

But now he found the problem between the lines.

In order to send Luffy to Cocoyasi Village, this group of pirates went to Rogge Town to buy a detailed map.

You must know that Cocoyasi Village is just an inconspicuous small village, which is not marked on the general map, and only some merchant ships in charge of doing business, or people wandering in the nearby seas will know.

It stands to reason that if the other party didn't know the location of Cocoyasi Village, they probably wouldn't agree to give Luffy a ride.

But the other party took a lot of trouble to deliver Luffy to Cocoyasi Village.

If it is said that this group of pirates is purely for helping others, no one would believe it.

Obviously, their target is not Luffy, but the Ziwei Pirates.

【Group leader: @Luffy, do you know what those people are called?】

【Luffy: Uh, didn't I tell you, the captain, that they are called Pineapple Head, Airplane Head, Shark Head, and Black Fatty. 】

[Group leader: Is this their real name or code name? Or, these code names are actually given to them by you yourself?】

Sikong Ye suddenly remembered that when Luffy and Dorag met in Shimotsuki Village, Luffy was called Dorag the Uncle Bald Eyebrow.

Maybe these codenames are not the original codenames of the pirates, but the nicknames Luffy randomly picked up.

【Luffy: That's right, it sounds good. 】

Seeing this message, everyone was speechless.

Luffy ah Luffy......

A brain is a wonderful thing, but it's a pity you don't have one.

[Group leader: Then what was their original name (Wang's Zhao)? 】

【Luffy: I remember they are called Mal Dog, Samoyed, Border Collie and Husky...】









God damn Mal Dog, Samoyed, Border Collie and Husky!

Are you talking about a person's name?

Three of them are dog breeds okay!

As for what kind of dog a Maltese is, Sikong Ye didn't bother to delve into it, so he immediately replied in the group.

[Group leader: @Luffy, now ask them again what their names are. 】

【Luffy: Oh......】

【Luffy: Captain, I asked, they said they were Marco, Thatch, Namuel and Teach. no】


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