The Great Voyage: Luffy Comes Aboard My Ship

Chapter 159 It's Time For Them To Recognize This World Clearly! (Put On The Shelves And Ask For

However, this branch manager neglected his duties within a day after he took over the post, and instead of chasing the wanted criminal Tezolo, he ran to trouble the Ziwei Pirates, and disappeared that day.

As for tasks such as personnel deployment, without the transfer order of the branch manager, how could other lieutenants and non-commissioned officers dare to change messengers for Vice Admiral?

What if it was replaced by a messenger who made Vice Admiral even more dissatisfied?

After thinking about this, the three Vice Admirals couldn't help feeling a little bit pained.

However, they still made up their minds that they must replace this messenger soldier next time. Even if they let the soldier they brought over take the post of messenger soldier temporarily, they don't want to see this face again.

"Come on, what's the matter? It's better to pick the important content, our time is precious." Dao Bofu asked a little tiredly.

"Reporting to the three Vice Admirals, the Ziwei Pirates have appeared in the center of the town, and are currently looking at the scenery of the town from the execution platform."

The summoner's words were concise and to the point, without any extraneous personal judgment.

The three Vice Admirals looked at each other, seeing astonishment in each other's eyes.

Ziwei Pirates ran to Luo Jie's execution platform to see the scenery?

What is this operation?

It just makes their scalps tingle!

They tried every means to use Bartolomeo to lure the Ziwei Pirates to take the bait, but instead of taking the bait, they ran to the most conspicuous place in Rogge Town.

This is for fear that they will not know!

Ziwei Pirates made such a move, but made them feel that all the previous layouts seemed a bit of a fuss.

"I'm going to capture Ziwei and his gang now!"

"It just so happens that there is an execution platform there, and they can be killed directly on the spot, which also saves the cumbersome process of imprisoning them in Impel down."

As a representative of the Marine hawks and Akainu's capable general, the ghost spider is obviously a murderous person.

If he doesn't kill a few pirates a day, he will feel uncomfortable all over.

Since their three Naval Headquarters elite Vice Admiral came to Rogge Town, all the pirates in Rogge Town had fled and almost disappeared, which made his hands itchy for the past two days.

How could he let go of an opportunity to kill a pirate now?

"Wait, I suspect that this is a plan by the Ziwei Pirates to divert the tiger away from the mountain. The purpose is to lure us to the center of the town so that they can send someone to snatch Bartolomeo away."

As the leader of the three Vice Admirals, Dauberman once again displayed his impressive wit.

Afterwards, Dauberman looked at the messenger: "How many Ziwei members are on the execution platform?"

"I've only seen three so far, but their appearance is different from the photos on the reward order."

"Our captain first saw someone messing around on the execution platform, so he wanted to stop it, and then suddenly noticed the straw hat on the back of one of the teenagers, so the captain boldly guessed that the other party had changed his appearance in some way. E.

After the messenger finished speaking, the three Vice Admirals fell silent.

Bold guess?

What the hell is your captain?

If you dare to report the guesswork, aren't you afraid of being accused of lying about military information?

When delivering the information before, the messenger seemed to have mentioned this captain, and the joke-like guess was the captain's thought.

"What's your captain's name?"

The ghost spider couldn't help asking, he wished he could kick the captain to death now.

"'s Lieutenant Finbudi."

The messenger's tone was uneasy, but he added: "The captain is fully confident that the three are the crew members of the Ziwei Pirates.

The three Vice Admirals heard the words, but did not speak.

If it is true as the messenger said, the appearance of the other party is different from the reward order, and all three of them are like this, then this is not a small problem.

Once it is confirmed that the Ziwei Pirates have the ability to change the appearance of their partners at will, it means that they are likely to lurk into Rogge Town as a whole.

Dauberman and Huo Shaoshan were deep in thought, but the grumpy ghost spider suddenly attacked the case.

"What are you all struggling with? Is it necessary for the mere Ziwei Pirates to be so serious? What is it to move the tiger away from the mountain? In the face of real strength, any conspiracy is nothing!"

"I'll go to the execution platform, one of you will guard the branch, and the other will go to the town to search for traces of the Ziwei Pirates.

After the ghost spider finished speaking coldly, he left the meeting room straight away, obviously preparing to go to the center of the town.

Seeing this, Huoshaoshan shook his head: "This guy is still as reckless as ever."

"Yeah, I don't know if this Ziwei Pirates have some kind of physique that attracts hatred. After seeing it, Smoker went crazy and bit it, and now the ghost spider is the same.

Dauberman felt helpless.

Now in many towns in East Blue, news of the appearance of the Avengers has spread, and many nobles have been assassinated while doing evil.

Once this kind of behavior is rooted in the hearts of commoners or pirates, the noble class will be hit like never before.

After the fermentation of the Goa Kingdom incident, the influence of the Avengers Alliance is spreading, and its believers are also constantly breeding.

There are even many civilians or pirates pretending to be the Avengers, including the shadow of the Revolutionary Army.

Although their job is just to control and prevent the remnants of the Avengers from escaping from East Blue, but for such a simple task, they haven't found a fully effective method yet.

As a result, Smoker and Ghost Spider stared at a group of pirates whose average age was less than one year old.

They originally planned to use Bartolomeo to lure the Ziwei Pirates to take the bait, and then exchange the hostages for Smoker.

Afterwards, they carried out the arrest operation again. If they could catch them, they would catch them all. If they couldn't catch them, they would at least save Smoker's life.

As a result, if the ghost spider made such a fuss, if Ziwei and his gang tear up the ticket, their Marine would lose a Logia fruit ability user.

"Tell me, does the ghost spider have a grudge against Smoker?" Huoshaoshan asked.

"He's doing his own justice."

"Yeah, for a person who can even sacrifice himself for the sake of justice, it seems quite reasonable to sacrifice a colonel." Huo Shaoshan's tone was sarcasm, obviously he couldn't get used to the ghost spider for a long time.

The most displeasing to the eyes of their doves are the hawks, who act too aggressively and only think about eliminating pirates and gaining merits.

Dauberman heard the words, did not continue to discuss this topic.

When Vice Admiral, the ghost spider, went to the center of the town, Tong Kong Yeduli's Sinopharm work basically came to an end.

At the same time, Sikong Ye also received a system prompt to complete the side mission, and chose the robotic arm as a reward.

The robotic arm is not installed on the human body, but on the Emperor Star.

The rewards this time are very versatile. Not only can you salvage some fish or treasures in the sea while diving, but they can also play an offensive and defensive role at critical moments.

".~Captain, everything is ready, we can go to the branch to rescue Bartolomeo."

Kuina bid farewell to Barto's grandmother, found Sikong Ye and Nuo Qigao who were waiting in the alley, and said calmly.

Sikong Ye nodded and agreed: "Okay, then let's go."


Just as the group of three was about to leave, they heard a loud noise from the direction of the town center, and the three of them subconsciously looked in the direction of the sound source.

It's a pity that only a puff of smoke and dust floating in the distance can be seen.

Although he couldn't see it, Sikong Ye could roughly guess that this incident was related to the three of Luffy.

【Group leader: @Sabo, what happened to you?】

【Sabo: @Group Master, Captain, a burly man wearing a Vice Admiral uniform suddenly appeared and attacked Luffy. 】

【Group leader: Is there only one Vice Admiral? What is the name of the Vice Admiral who attacked you?】

【Sabo: Currently there is only one. I heard from many Marines around me that this Vice Admiral seems to be called Ghost Spider. 】

After getting the number and name of Marine Vice Admiral in the group chat, Sikong Ye frowned, even feeling extremely troubled.

The ghost spider is a well-known representative of the Marine hawks.

If he played, then obviously the three of Luffy would not be easily let go.

Hawks are all dogs, and how can dogs give up their prey so easily?

The problem is that Bartolomeo is still in the prison of the Marine branch. If he wants to save Barto (no good), it is obvious that he cannot take care of Luffy.

"Master, I recently designed a new software called Live APP. It can transmit what you see and hear to the Internet through the user's retina and eardrum."

"At the same time, I have also improved the transmission functions of video, audio and images. All users can record information with the help of vision and hearing, but currently it can only be operated on the live broadcast APP platform."

"It's a pity that the financial system has not been built yet, otherwise you can use vouchers for rewards."

After listening to Venom's report, Sikong Ye felt that happiness came too suddenly, and he was worried that he would not be able to understand the situation on Luffy's side. This live broadcast APP came just in time.

"Venom, you immediately hack into the Internet of the three of Luffy, open the live broadcast app, register them as anchors, and transmit the video over there to me in real time... Wait!"

Sikong Ye suddenly remembered that the ghost spider was a representative of the hawk faction, and he was ruthless, so maybe he could take the opportunity to make a fuss.

"Venom, you put the Luffy trio's live broadcast on the top of the platform, and remind other users to watch it through the pop-up window mode. By the way, remember to record the screen."

People in One Piece world have been fooled for too long, it's time for them to see the real face of this world. .

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