The Great Voyage: Luffy Comes Aboard My Ship

Chapter 161 The Live Broadcast Starts, And The Ghost Spider Disregards Justice! (Put On The Shelves

The townspeople's eyes were full of panic. The righteous partner in the past was now a demon wielding a butcher knife and slashing at them.


"Marine kills..."

"This Marine Vice Admiral is crazy~, I don't want to die yet.

"Who will help me, I'm crushed under a rock and can't get out."

Many townspeople panicked and shouted crazily while running away, but the ghost spider killed all these shouting people with a few stabs.

"How dare you slander Marine's justice, you deserve to be punished!"

When everyone heard the words, they were so frightened that they fell silent, and the entire town center became a bit quiet for a while.

The townspeople didn't dare to speak anymore, but they still frantically fled from this land of right and wrong.

The resentment towards Marine in these people's hearts did not dissipate in the slightest, instead it was buried deep in their hearts, and it grew day by day.

"Damn it!" Seeing this scene, Luffy was completely angry even though he was a pirate and aimed at One Piece.

"Aren't you a righteous Marine? Why did you kill those innocent townspeople? What is the difference between your current behavior and the pirates who are doing all kinds of evil?"

Sabo walked up to Luffy, his facial features were distorted by anger, he growled and questioned the executioner in front of him.

In the past, Sabo thought that the corruption of nobles was dark enough, but he never expected that the darkness in Marine was even more intense.

Those townspeople were just watching a show, but they were implicated by the ghost spider Vice Admiral for no reason, causing countless deaths and injuries.

Those townspeople who just complained and told the truth will be killed.

What kind of Marine is this?

What kind of justice is this?

This is completely a devil wearing a cloak of justice!


Ace also walked to Luffy's side, staring straight at the ghost spider. Although he hated pirates and that man, he hated even more the beast that regards human life as nothing.

"Shout, a bunch of brats, you know nothing about justice!"

"As long as the evil can be eradicated, any sacrifice is meaningful, even I am ready to sacrifice at any time, this is the greatness of justice.

The ghost spider spat out a mouthful of thick phlegm, and said frantically.

Sabo was stunned: "As long as the evil is eliminated, sacrifice is meaningful? But you killed a bunch of townspeople before you eliminated us, is that meaningful?"

Ace sneered: "Sacrificing yourself? I only saw a murderous maniac!"

Luffy angrily said, "Are you an idiot? You killed those people, so there is no sacrifice. Could it be that killing those townspeople can increase your strength and defeat us?"

For the behavior of the ghost spider, Luffy is the most unacceptable.

In the past, he only picked bad people when he devoured others, especially pirates, but the ghost spider Vice Admiral in front of him killed everyone he saw.

Obviously he can fight in close combat, but he has to release his sword energy.

Simply insane!

"Anyway, if I don't kill them, they will die in the aftermath of the battle sooner or later. Instead of doing this, it's better to be straightforward."

The ghost spider smiled coldly, and swung out several sword qi again. The three of Luffy also responded with all their strength, and the battle officially started.

On the Internet, the sudden appearance of a new software live broadcast app instantly attracted the attention of most users of East Blue.

After all, there are pop-up prompts, so it’s hard not to pay attention.

So many users who were curious about the new software functions subconsciously clicked in.

Then I saw a burly man wearing a Marine Vice Admiral uniform standing on the execution platform, slashing at the crowd with a knife, killing countless innocent passers-by.

This scene has completely attracted the attention of most Internet users.

The entire East Blue is conservatively estimated to have a population of 100 million, and 75 million people have become Internet users, and there must be 75 million users logging into the live broadcast APP at this moment.

This is an extremely terrifying statistic.

Afterwards, many people saw that this Vice Admiral beheaded many blatant townspeople one after another, and even uttered nonsense for justice.

This scene made everyone feel angry.

Is this Marine?

Is this the righteous Marine?

What is the difference between the Marine Vice Admiral they saw and those pirates who wantonly slaughtered civilians?



In a certain meeting room of Goa Kingdom, Garp couldn't help but smash the round table in front of him after seeing the ghost spider massacre the townspeople.

Across the round table, Kizaru and Aokiji were discussing how to fully arrest the Avengers. Seeing Garp's sudden rage, both of them were stunned.

"What's the matter, old man? We don't seem to provoke you, right?" Kizaru was puzzled, why did he lose his temper so well?

Could it be that old man Garp is in menopause?

But this is not right, Mr. Garp should have passed menopause long ago.

"That bastard, Ghost Spider, has the nerve to talk about justice and sacrifice after killing so many innocent people. It's the greatest joke in the world!"

"Is it true that I am too old to lift a knife?"


The more Garp thought about it, the more angry he became, a terrifying power gushed out from his body, and the entire conference room and even all the surrounding buildings began to shake.

The next moment, Garp restrained his momentum, stood up angrily, and was about to leave for Rogge Town, and cook the ghost spider with his own hands.

Seeing this, Aokiji, who didn't know why, quickly stopped in front of Garp and asked the latter: "Mr. Garp, what's wrong with you?"

Garp, who was in a rage, didn't want to talk to the two Admirals who brought the ghost spider to East Blue, but he felt that Kizaru was faster than him, and maybe he could run for his old bone.

So, he relayed the content of the live broadcast on the Internet to the two, and the latter felt extremely incredible after listening to it.

Ghost spider actually massacred people?

Is it broadcast live online?

how can that be?

But they all knew that Mr. Garp would not lie about this kind of matter, so they didn't jump out to refute it unwisely.

The ghost spider massacres the people, their Marine will definitely not tolerate it, but letting this incident live on the Internet is a great blow to their Marine's face.

It may even affect Marine's image and reputation among the public.

However the Internet is not governed by Marine and they cannot stop the live broadcast.

When this thought came up, the three of them realized in an instant that the Internet is similar to the New World to Marine.

They are all out-and-out legal places.

"Porusalino, since you know about this, as the commander-in-chief, I would trouble you to go and get rid of your subordinates. Such people are no longer worthy of living in this world."

‥...seeking flowers...0

Garp explained to Kizaru, but he kept staring at the live broadcast, his eyes were red, and his anger could not be restrained.

How the hell is this killing pirates?

This is clearly massacring civilians!

After fighting for a long time, none of the pirates died, all the townspeople died, and even these townspeople were all killed by ghost spiders.


Hearing this, Kizaru opened his mouth. It seems that he is the commander-in-chief, right? It seems that he is one of the three Admirals of Naval Headquarters, right?

But why does Garp use him so naturally?

But before Kizaru can speak, listen to Aokiji.

"Mr. Garp, the matter of the ghost spider is indeed extremely serious, but the Avengers alliance in Goa Kingdom is not a trivial matter, and whoever leaves the three of us will have an impact.

"Are you telling the old man to leave it alone?" Garp immediately blew his beard and stared.

"No, no, Mr. Garp, I mean we can call Dauberman first and ask him to work with Huoshaoshan to control the ghost spider first."


Aokiji suggested that the ghost spider's strength is only at the elite Vice Admiral level, and there is no need to waste time for the other party. Daoyoushi and Huoshaoshan are enough to subdue the ghost spider.

"That's right, we don't need to use a sledgehammer." Kizaru echoed.

"Since this is the case, then use the phone bug to contact Dauberman. If he dares to delay, I will clean up with him later!"

After finishing speaking, Garp left the conference room. Although he gave up on leaving Goa Kingdom, he was obviously not in the mood to continue the meeting today.

Not only because there is a scum in Marine, but more importantly, how can he settle down to a meeting because his two grandsons are fighting ghost spiders in Rogge town?

"Luffy, Ace, don't worry about anything. Where did that brat Sikong Ye go? He's not here at this time?"

Rogge Township Marine Branch.

In the meeting room, Dauberman suddenly received a call from Kizaru and was slightly taken aback.

Dauberman was shocked and angry when he learned that the ghost spider had slaughtered hundreds of townspeople, and the whole process was broadcast live.

Is the ghost spider crazy?

However, while Dauberman was still stunned, Huoshaoshan rushed to the center of the town in a hurry.

"What a madman!"

Huoshaoshan was swearing and cursing all the way, and seeing the panicked expressions of many townspeople around him, his anger grew even stronger.

Even if Marshal Sengoku comes forward, he will kill the ghost spider today.

The justice on his shoulders made him ashamed to be with ghost spiders.

Soon, Huoshaoshan rushed to the center of the town, saw the messy ruins, saw the severed bodies one by one, and saw the wounded lying on the ground who dared not even wail

Huoshaoshan feels like a volcano is about to erupt in his heart at this moment!

Is this something that humans can do?

This is simply the behavior of a beast, even worse than a beast!

They fight against pirates day and night, isn't the reason why the people live in peace and contentment?

But there is a malignant tumor inside Marine, who actually treats human life like nothing, and behaves worse than pirates.

Ghost spider, disregarding justice!.

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