The Great Voyage: Luffy Comes Aboard My Ship

Chapter 201 Al Buff's Gun, Encountering The Goldfish Island Eater! (Put On The Shelves And Ask

"It seems that if you don't have any real skills, you will be underestimated by the younger generations."

Dorry spat lightly, and his fighting spirit suddenly increased several times. He stomped on the ground with his left foot, directly breaking a dozen tree trunks on the ground.

Obviously intending to get serious.

Dorry, who has fought Brogy for ninety years in Little Garden, their strength is not as simple as it seems on the surface.

Sure enough, at the moment Dorry's words fell, Sikong Ye felt that the surrounding breath suddenly condensed into substance.

A powerful and terrifying aura overflowed from Dorry.

"The Gun of Al Buff!"

Dorry roared loudly, and the fierce wind seemed to condense into a solid air cannon, stabbing towards Luffy's position.

"Magic Oak 3rd Gear Titan Air Cannon!"

Luffy casts the air protection feature, pours air into the bone of his right hand, and then covers Armament Haki, and attacks Dorry's Al Buff's spear while roaring out the name of the move.


Two attacks containing air explosion collided together.

However, just for a moment, Luffy's armor-colored titan air cannon was shot through by Al Buff's gun on the spot.

A huge hole appeared in Luffy's right hand, and blood was constantly oozing out.

Seeing this scene, Ziwei and his team were a little worried about Luffy's safety, while Sikong Ye was a little surprised by it.

Al Bhav's Spear is the strongest move among titan fighters.

In the original book, Dorry and Brogy jointly performed this trick to solve the island eater blocking the Straw Hat Crew.

What he didn't expect was that before seeing the island eater, Dorry used Al Buff's gun on Luffy.

Fortunately, Luffy has the body of a devil, and after the giant hand was pierced, it didn't take long for it to recover under the super resilience.

Luffy subconsciously opened his mouth, not feeling the pain, but completely unexpected that Dorry's attack could pierce through his armor.

"Is this the Emission Haki that the captain often says?"

Luffy muttered to himself, canceled the third gear, stepped on the Moonwalk and stopped in mid-air, without the slightest anger of being injured, but full of excitement.

"Hey, Dongdong, what move did you use just now? Can you teach me?" Although Luffy is a bit stupid, he is unique in physical skills.

In the original book alone, Luffy created dozens of moves through Rubber Fruit.

As for the king of brain holes, the whole world of One Piece must be Luffy.

This is a werewolf who uses his whole body as a weapon.

Pistols, whip legs, battle axes, seals, head hammers and even blood bones and muscles, almost all organs that can be used for fighting are effectively used by Luffy.

Because of this, Luffy was keenly aware that Dorry's Spear of Al Buff was very suitable for his fighting style.

After all, with the combination of his third-level titanization and air defense characteristics, the air cannon he displays is very similar to Al Buff's gun.

However, Dorry shook his head: "You are not a titan, so you are not suitable for this trick."

He didn't intend to hide the cultivation method of the Al-Baf's gun, but it's difficult to control it because of human nature.

"Who says I'm not a titan? My hands just got bigger."

Luffy messed around, and at the same time landed on the ground and used the air-controlling feature again, pouring air into the bones of the whole body.

After a few minutes, Luffy swelled to the height of Dorry's legs.

I don't know what kind of material the clothes on his body are made of, but they were also stretched, and there was no sign of being broken at all.

At first glance, it seems so reliable.

Anyway, if Ziwei and his gang hadn't watched Luffy grow bigger with their own eyes, they would have subconsciously regarded Luffy as a titan child.

Luffy picked his nostrils, turned around with a proud face, and showed off: "How about it, I can learn now!"

Seeing this, Dorry nodded after being silent for a long while, and agreed to Luffy's request. After all, he also felt that Luffy was related to the Titans.

After seeing that Dorry was conscripted by Luffy, the fighters on the ship challenged another titan Brogy.

Dorry is in charge of teaching Luffy, and Brogy is fighting with Ziwei and his group of combat freaks. The dynamics of the two groups of people in Little Garden are completely lively.

Sikong Ye didn't get involved, and left the opportunity to accumulate combat experience to his partners, while he took out a sun lounger from the system space.

Finding a comfortable place to set up a sun lounger, Sikong Ye rested while watching the battle between his partners and Brogy.

The first to learn from Brogy were Kuina and Zoro, the two ultimate sword idiots, both of whom chose to single out Brogy.

Since it was a friendly sparring, both sides did not use their full strength. After Kuina and Zoro used most of the sword moves, they were all exhausted and lost to Brogy.

The rest of the fighters knew that they were not strong enough to challenge Brogy, so they formed a team of two or three to challenge.

Brogy didn't care the slightest bit and took up the challenge.

The whole morning, the battle freaks spent the sparring with the titan, and Luffy also got the fur of Al Buff's gun from Dorry.

Near noon, everyone gathered on the coast to eat barbecue again. In the afternoon, Ziwei and Dorry Brogy returned to their daily routine in the morning.

After fighting all afternoon, Brogy, who was tired of fighting, immediately grabbed Dorry to take his place, and he took Dorry's job and taught Luffy.

In the evening, a hearty barbecue banquet started again.

In this way, the Ziwei Pirates got to know Dorry and Brogy thoroughly, and lived a fulfilling life for five days in a row.

During the period, the volcano on the island erupted once, and Dorry and Brogy launched a unique battle.

At first glance, it looks like an exhibition match.

Fighters who have fought hundreds of matches with titan these days are already familiar with how much Dorry and Brogy are.

Now seeing two titans fighting like an exhibition game [suddenly boos ten pieces.

"The two of you are so shameless that you didn't even turn on your armor."

"That's right, the giant sword chops the giant axe, there are just a few sets of back and forth, and there is no blood, and I doze off a little bit.

"Why don't you use the spear of Al Bhaf? Each of you stabs the gun, and the outcome should be decided soon, right?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, if the fight continues like this, I'm afraid it won't be possible to tell the winner in another hundred years."



The complaints from the Ziwei Pirates actually reached the ears of the two titans, causing them to fall into silence, and even lost their interest in fighting.

‥...seeking flowers 00

That's right, this kind of exhibition match has no meaning at all, but their titans stand upright, spitting and nailing.

Now that you have made an oath, there is absolutely no reason to renege on your promise.

So, Dorry and Brogy duo went even harder...for an exhibition match!


During the five days of getting along, Sikong Ye made indirect inquiries countless times, but it was a pity that both Dorry and Brogy rejected his invitation.

So the helpless Sikong Ye had to temporarily put aside the idea of ​​recruiting the titans.

Fortunately, the dimensional matrix is ​​available, and Sikong Ye has already set coordinates on Little Garden, so he can revisit the old place at any time.

During these five days, Luffy has initially mastered the use of Al Buff's gun, and only needs more proficiency to bring out Dorry's power.

Luffy has learned a lot, and his partners have also gained a lot of experience through battles. Basically, the combat power of each crew member has improved a little.

Of course, the combat power attributes of the stronger members on the ship have not changed, but this does not mean that they have not improved.


On the morning of the sixth day after landing in Little Garden, all the Ziwei Pirates are ready to go to the next stop and start a new adventure.

"Dongdong, Bubu, goodbye! When I find Wanpisi, I will come back to see you!"

Luffy stood on the ship's side, waved goodbye to the two titans with a little reluctance.

The rest of the partners said goodbye one after another, while Dorry and Brogy stood on the shore like door gods, without saying a word, but their eyes were also full of reluctance for the Ziwei Pirates.

Of course, I miss the deliciousness of barbecue more.

"Hey! Why hasn't the magnetic force of the recording pointer been stored yet? What should I do?"

Just then, Nami's panicked voice came.

The little navigator still doesn't know at the moment that not all islands are like Whiskey Hill, and the magnetic power can be fully stored in two or three days.

On some special islands, it takes a long time to store magnetic power, even in units of years.

Sikong Ye found that Nami was still planning to use the record pointer to navigate, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

The black technology navigator in the captain's room of the Emperor Star is not used, but the use of a very limited and somewhat unreliable recording pointer is used. I am afraid that the brain was damaged by lightning, right?

"Nami, the times are advancing, and technology is also developing. If you don't have a navigator, do you have to use the record pointer?"

"Captain, you don't understand that you can only feel a sense of accomplishment by relying on the record pointer to navigate?"

Nami pouted, staring at Sikong Ye with big watery eyes: "Captain, why don't we stay a few more days?"

"Little Garden's magnetism takes a year to fully store, are you sure you don't use the navigator?" Sikong Ye smiled strangely.


Ghosts are willing to stay on this desert island for a year!

In an instant, Nami put aside the naive idea before, walked into the captain's cabin, and showed her compromise with actions.

But before the Emperor Star set sail, there was a sudden sway on the sea, followed by a sudden bump on the sea surface.

A goldfish suddenly surfaced, its body is as big as three or four Little Gardens, it is simply a colossus zero. .

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