The Great Voyage: Luffy Comes Aboard My Ship

Chapter 028: At The Moment Of Decision, Dugu Qiu Defeated The Realm Of Swordsmanship! (The New Book

Ivankov and Murloc Haku already knew Luffy's identity, so they didn't say anything, but found it quite interesting.

I also chat with Luffy from time to time, which is very enjoyable.

"Master, I'm going to leave Shimotsuki village after lunch, so I want to advance the previously agreed time by a week."

Sikong Ye said suddenly while Luffy was feasting.

Koshiro narrowed his eyes when he said that.

It stands to reason that he should be happy that the time has advanced.

But for some reason, he suddenly felt uneasy, as if his daughter and lover would leave him.

But Koshiro understood that even if he refused, it would be meaningless, and the balance would only tilt more clearly in favor of Sikong Ye after a week.

"Zoro, Kuina, the choice is up to you, I won't interfere whether you go or stay."

After a long silence, Koshiro still spoke a more pertinent sentence.

A captain who is willing to take out Devil Fruit and a famous knife as a boarding gift shows that he treats the crew sincerely.

Although Koshiro still firmly believes that swordsmen should follow the path of pure swordsmanship, and believes that girls will never be able to become the world's number one swordsman.

But when he saw Kuina crying with joy last night because of his increased strength, he was still sincerely grateful to Sikong Ye for tricking Kuina into eating Devil Fruit.

Therefore, he does not intend to interfere with the choice of his daughter and lover.

But the final choice is always Kuina and Zoro.

At this time, Kuina was caught in a dilemma, holding the hem of her clothes tightly with her two jade hands, and the battle between heaven and man was in her mind.

She doesn't really like pirates very much, except for Sikong Ye.

And she doesn't like sailing, but it's okay to be with Sikong Ye.

But she can't bear her father Koshiro, she can't bear the Yixin Gym, and she can't bear the peace and tranquility of Shimotsuki Village.

What should I do? It's so confusing!

Kuina felt upset and didn't respond for a long time.

Conversely, Zoro doesn't have as many twists and turns.

He is definitely inclined to go out to sea with Sikong Ye to challenge other kendo masters, and let his name resound through the sea.

But he hasn't defeated Kuina yet, so it's somewhat regrettable to leave like this.

Of course, if Kuina chooses to go to sea, it will be the best of both worlds.

So Zoro also looked to Kuina, waiting for the latter's reply.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the heat of the noon was somewhat depressing.

The sound of cicadas singing in the backyard of the gymnasium brought great oppression to Kuina.

Seeing that no one responded for a long time, Sikong Ye told the story by himself.

"I once saw an unnamed tomb on an uninhabited island, with a line of epitaph engraved on it."

The silent atmosphere was broken, and everyone at the dinner table became interested.

Even Kuina, who didn't know how to make a choice, stopped thinking and became curious about the content engraved on the tombstone.

"On the tombstone it is written, 'The sword demon Dugu Qiubai is invincible in the world, but he buried his sword here. Woohoo! The heroes are tied, the sword is empty, and I am sad for my husband'."

Everyone who originally thought that Sikong Ye was just telling a story to soothe the atmosphere suddenly froze.

Dugu Qiu lost!

The name alone made strong men like Koshiro and Drago feel a sense of aura that belongs to the pinnacle of swordsmanship.

Dorag's Conqueror's even has the urge to guzzle.

The heroes are bound, the long sword is empty!

How powerful a swordsman could make such bold words?

At this moment Koshiro is convinced that Sikong Ye has seen the tombstone.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to fabricate such a shocking and powerful language.

"And then?" Koshiro pressed.

"I saw the words 'buried sword in this place' on the tombstone, and concluded that there must be a sword hidden inside, so I dug up the tomb and saw that there were indeed three swords..."

"Three swords? Could it be that senior Dugu is also a three-sword style like me?" Zoro exclaimed, and everyone immediately looked at him.

Can you have some face?

However, Zoro didn't realize it, and continued to make bold guesses.

"Could it be that the three dilapidated knives you gave me earlier, Captain, were obtained from the tomb of Senior Dugu?"

"It's not." Sikong Ye interrupted Zoro's fantasy without mercy.

Lu Chi's brain circuit is really strange.

But when I thought about Zoro coming to the Yixin Gymnasium to kick the gym when he was a child, he joined when he couldn't beat him, and then he ate and drank for more than ten years, and finally prostituted Da Kuai Dao and Dao Yiwen for nothing.

Sikong Ye was instantly relieved.

Sure enough, it was still the familiar green algae head, as long as it was related to the sword, it was always right to rub it.

What if it gets caught.

"Aren't those three swords the same level as the sword of the vowed victory?" Kuina also began to diverge.

Shaking his head, Sikong Ye explained: "Those three swords have been decayed for a long time. It is estimated that they have existed for hundreds of years, and there is no quality."

When everyone heard it, they also looked regretful.

"However, there is a line of words engraved on the bottom of each sword."

In an instant, everyone regained their spirits. Could it be the secret book of swordsmanship?

"The first sword is shining with blue light. Even after years of baptism, it still gives people a sense of sharpness. It is nothing more than the Supreme Sword."

"In front of the sword, there is a line of words engraved, 'Sharp and fierce, invincible, use it to compete with all heroes in the world before the age of twenty'."

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