The Great Voyage: Luffy Comes Aboard My Ship

Chapter 038 Usopp's Biggest Lie, Do You Need A Coffin! (The New Book Asks For Flower Evaluation

Back home, Usopp said excitedly to Banchina.

"Mom, the pirates are here, I really saw the pirate flag, this time it should be Dad who is back!"

In the simple house, Banjina was lying on a wooden bed covered with a quilt, sweating profusely, and her face was extremely pale.

Seems weak to Ultimate.

"Usopp, don't lie, your father won't come back..."

"Why...why hasn't Dad come back to visit us?"

Usopp clutched at the bedding, his face already wet with tears.

Seeing his mother falling ill, there was nothing he could do.

At this time, Usopp did not have the slightest admiration for Yasopp, but developed a strong disgust.

Banjina took Usopp's little hand and spoke with a smile.

"Your father has his own reasons..."

"Don't blame him, I am very proud to marry your father, I believe you will become a brave person like your father..."

Usopp couldn't take it anymore.

"No way, don't talk like you're about to die, Mom, you've heard of the legendary medicine, right?"

"The legendary medicine that can cure any disease is on the other side of the sea!"

"Usopp, you're so cute and silly..."

Banjina showed a helpless expression.

"Listen well, in case mother dies, the people in the village..."

"Stop talking! I don't want to hear you say you're going to die!"

Usopp was in tears by this time.

At this time, Sikong Ye and his group quietly came to the door of Usopp's house.

Kuina, who was carrying the sword of vowed victory, glanced into the room, and then nodded to Sikong Ye calmly.

The moment Kuina saw Banjina, Kuina had cast a passive Heroic Spirit Contract.

In the next moment, Banqina completely lost her vitality.

No matter how much Usopp yells, he can't bring back his dead relatives.

"Mommy mommy……"

"Why are you still thinking about that man at this moment?"

"Why have you never hated him?"

Usopp's hands shaking as he gripped the bedding, a heart-piercing growl came out of his throat.

Sikong Ye can understand Usopp's mood.

After all, Yasopp has never fulfilled his father's responsibilities these years. Instead, Benchina pulled Usopp up with shit and urine.

As a son of man, in the comparison between Banjina's nurturing grace and Yasopp's indifference, it is clear at a glance who treats him better.

Naturally, he didn't like Yasopp, whom he had never met before.

Especially when his mother was seriously ill and still did not see his father, Usopp hated it even more.

In the original book, Usopp adores Yasopp and targets the brave sea warrior, in fact, more to fulfill his mother's last wish.

Instead of really worshiping Yasopp.

One Piece manga serialized more than 900 chapters without father and son meeting each other, which is enough to show that this is a great foreshadowing.

Maybe the development of the plot will be like Sanji and Judge.

Have a father-son game.

And it is well known that Usopp is a well-known liar in the world of One Piece, who can guarantee that his worship of Yasopp must be true?

Perhaps, Usopp's worship of his father is the biggest lie in his life...

"Who are you and what are you doing at my house?"

Usopp cried for a long time before he realized that there was a group of children standing in front of his house.

Sikong Ye smiled politely, trying to look as approachable as possible.

"Need a coffin?"


As soon as these words came out, Carina suddenly took a deep breath.

As long as there is anything that has anything to do with people, the captain of his own family will not do it at all!

A family member just died, and they are in distraught at this time, but you sell the coffin as soon as you go up, it is really frenzied.

"I want the most expensive set. Even if I sell me, I want my mother to live in the most comfortable and luxurious coffin."


Carina gasped again, you actually bought it!

Sikong Ye winked at Zoro: "Go and chop a coffin and bring it over."

"Why me?" Zoro was unconvinced.

"This is an assessment of your strength control. If you fail to pass, don't even think about eating."

Sikong Ye said casually, and then he seemed to think of something and quickly added something.

"Oh, by the way, let Luffy go with you, in case you can't find your way back."

Zoro: "I'm not a road idiot!"

"That's right, you're not a road idiot, you're just suffering from disorientation syndrome." Sikong Ye spread his hands as if defeated by you.

Zoro: "..."

Zoro and Luffy left, leaving only Sikong Ye and Usopp in the room.

Sikong Ye walked up to Usopp, gently stroked the latter's head, and said in relief, "You ordered a top-level luxury coffin from me, and the price is not expensive, only 100 million Baileys."

Carina rolled her eyes, isn't 100 million Baileys expensive?

What a black businessman!

"I... I don't have that much money."

Gradually calming down, Usopp felt cheated.

"how much do you have?"

"Here, it's three hundred pele in total." Usopp fumbled in his trouser pocket.

Putting the three hundred Baileys into the system space, Sikong Ye coughed lightly: "The money is not enough, then join my pirate group as a handyman to pay back."

"Are you a pirate? What do you want to do in Sirob Village?" Usopp was shocked.

Immediately after, he thought of his mother's explanation, and immediately became vigilant.

As for being afraid, hehe, how can I, Uncle Usopp, be afraid of a ten-year-old kid?

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