The Great Voyage: Luffy Comes Aboard My Ship

Chapter 093 The Situation Changes Rapidly, And Luffy Usopp Suffers! (On The Shelf, Please Subscribe

In the middle of the battlefield, a Marine suddenly suggested to his superior: "Mr. Bogart, should we take down the Ziwei Pirates right now?"


"Our main task this time is to destroy the Golden Lion Pirates, and the Ziwei Pirates have a grudge against the Golden Lion Pirates, so they can help us share the pressure and leave them alone.

"Whoever dares to meddle in their own business and cause unnecessary trouble to Marine, resulting in the failure of the final mission, don't blame me for the military law.

Bogart, who was wearing a gray suit and a Marine cloak, glanced fiercely at the Marines present, and warned in words.

After Bogart finished speaking, all the Marines on the field became more honest.

Puff! Puff!

Indigo, the blue explosive head, appeared on the battlefield with very tasteful steps.

Indigo stared at Luffy who was devouring pirates madly on one side of the battlefield, his eyes were shining with unprecedented brilliance.

Immediately, he came to Luffy's side in an instant, and injected a tube of medicine into Luffy's artery.

"According to previous research, the cells of the Straw Hat Boy have extremely strong resilience and can 100% withstand the highest concentration of IQ medicine."

"For other creatures, this bottle of medicine is poison, but the Straw Hat Boy can absorb 140% of the medicine's effects, enhance cell activity, and even have a great chance to stimulate the body's potential."

"Kalikale.....I'm really curious to inject the medicine into the straw hat boy, what interesting changes will happen?"


Usopp noticed Indigo's sneak attack at the first time, and immediately fired a Finger Pistol·flame bomb at the latter.

Subsequently, because of rhinitis bombs covered all the dodgeable positions of Indigo.

Facing Usopp's attack, Indigo threw out the chemical agent he developed and collided with the flame bomb in mid-air.

Boom! Boom! Boom...

A series of explosions came, and a burst of red and green smoke spread between Usopp and Indigo, and the Marines or pirates fighting around subconsciously stayed away from this area.

When the smoke dissipated, Indigo was still standing there unscathed, while Luffy, who had been injected with the drug, was hot as magma, rolling and screaming on the ground crazily.


Luffy's painful cry spread throughout the palace battlefield.

Carina and Kaya were attracted by the screams, and they couldn't help being shocked when they saw Luffy's tragic situation. Luffy seemed to be thrown into magma at this moment, and his skin and flesh began to ignite spontaneously.

"Luffy has an immortal body, so his life should not be in danger."

Although rationality tells Carina Luffy that she has an immortal body and will not really die, but she is still worried about Luffy's current situation, so she flies towards Luffy with Kaya.

Usopp saw that the Indigo couldn't be taken down by Flame Bullet, so he no longer cared about Luffy's safety, and directly launched a large-scale attack.

"Super Killer Flame Dragon Star!"

"Crack, crack... a small flame can't turn up any waves!"

Seeing the berserk Longyan, Indigo not only didn't feel the slightest bit of fear, but even thought of teasing him.

Of course, the hands kept moving, and he took out a large pile of unknown potions from his pocket, and prepared to throw them at the flame dragon.

However, before he threw it out, he found that his body could not move.

In mid-air, Carina flew Kaya over Indigo, and her shadow was reflected on Indigo.

Holding the seal with both hands, it is the Shadow Binding Technique.

Seeing Yanlong getting closer and closer, a hint of panic finally appeared on Indigo's face.

Before he could beg for mercy and admit defeat, the next moment his entire body was enveloped in an explosion.


A tsunami blast blasted away all the debris in the palace, and Indigo's body was blown to the lower half, obviously dead.

At the center of the explosion, Luffy was still struggling in the flames and shouting in pain. Whenever he was about to be swallowed up by the burning sensation, the devil's physique would appear to heal his body.

Thus forming a balance.

However, the pain felt like a heart-wrenching poison, which made Luffy want to die.

After Usopp and Carina rushed to Luffy, they immediately controlled Luffy and Kaya quickly treated Luffy.

However, the horse charm only healed Luffy's current injury, and the medicine injected by Indigo was not cleared. As long as Kaya stopped the treatment, the injury continued to deteriorate.

"What's going on here? My horse charm should heal everything?" Seeing that Luffy was still in pain, Kaya became more and more anxious.

Hearing this, Carina thought of the IQ research mentioned by the captain before.

"Maybe that potion didn't do Luffy any harm, but rather good, so your healing ability won't work on him."

Hearing this guess, Hui Ya was taken aback.

After thinking about it, it seems to make sense.

The horse charm can only repair negative states, but not positive states.

The only thing she can do now is to use the horse charm to soothe Luffy's pain.

"Don't worry, Kaya, Luffy is very strong and will definitely survive." After Carina reassured, she began to guard against the pirates around her.

Usopp continuously releases the Flame Dragon Star to deter those pirates who are about to move, but his physical strength is on the verge of exhaustion and is about to reach the limit.

"Carina, I can't hold on any longer. Take Kaya and fly away. I'll stay behind." Usopp didn't mention Luffy. After all, Luffy has an immortal body, and no one can kill him.

Just when Carina was about to propose other plans, she saw a figure falling from the sky quickly, crashing through the roof of the palace, and hitting Usopp directly 153.


Being hit by a falling object from a height, how unlucky would it be?

and many more!

This figure is very familiar, it is the last time I had a face.


With a cry of surprise, Kaya dragged Usopp out from under the Golden Lion, and hurried to heal.

Seeing the misplaced bones and broken internal organs in Usopp's body, without her, Usopp would have only a few dozen seconds to survive.

Fortunately, the horse charm is powerful enough, as long as you don't die, you can be cured.

With bursts of green light transmitted into Usopp's body, the broken internal organs began to repair, and even the misplaced bones returned to their place little by little.

Soon, Usopp recovered from a near-death state to a severely injured coma.

This scene was seen by the Golden Lion who climbed up from the pit, and without thinking, he grabbed Usopp's neck and held it high.

Kaya, who couldn't reach Usopp, suddenly panicked: "Give Usopp back!"

"Jie ha ha ha..." Golden Lion was amused by Kaya's words, and said sideways: "If you want to save your companion, then treat Laozi."

Kaya dare not refuse.

But he didn't directly agree to Golden Lion, but secretly glanced at Carina.

Carina pondered for two seconds, then nodded. .

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