Moreover, the lightning power he possesses is much stronger than the [Tax Bird], both in size and in power.

The power from the almost invincible nature-type Devil Fruit in this world...

It can be well planned, and~

I happen to have the props in this area...

"Ahhhh, bang!!"

Just when Link thought so, he heard Philip's screams stop abruptly, and the sound of his body falling to the ground.

"Please pay the taxes, 350,000 Baileys!!"

[Tax Bird], who had just given Philip a course of treatment, strictly continued to implement its tax collection behavior.


However, Philip, who was addicted to money and regarded taxes as more important than his own life, could not let go so easily.

Even though he opened his mouth and spit out several puffs of black smoke, his eyes were whitened by electricity, and his body was even more charred, but he still stuck his neck and refused stubbornly.

Well, this is the Lord who really wants money or life.

However, his resistance was meaningless.

[Tax Bird] This time it was just an announcement instead of an inquiry, and there was no room for him to refuse.


In his current state, he has no ability to refuse at all.

"Pay taxes, 350,000 Baileys!"

I saw that [Tax Bird] didn't care about Philip's reply at all, and he put his suction-tube-like mouth into the big bag full of money that the soldier behind Philip was carrying.


A whole big bag of money was sucked into his square box shape by the [Tax Bird], and he couldn't see any change at all! !

"The amount of statistics is 500,000 Bailey, the tax is 350,000 Bailey, and the change is 150,000 Bailey!"

With that said, [Tax Bird] aimed his **** at Philip.

With a few clicks, the remaining wads of banknotes spit out from his box and hit Philip's electrified, almost unconscious face.

The diners next to them could not help but shrink their heads while enduring their inner pleasure.

This thing called [Tax Bird] is too ferocious.

"Master Philip!!"

When the soldiers of the expropriation team brought by Philip saw this scene, their scalps were numb and they did not dare to move forward, so they could only shout from a distance.

For fear that if I get too close, I will be taxed or treated with electric shocks...

God is pitiful to see that this island is frightening, and the tax collection team that collects other people's taxes has at this moment been reduced to being taxed by others, and they are too afraid to go forward.

It can be said that the way of heaven is good for reincarnation, who will the heaven forgive!

A hundred causes must bear fruit, and your retribution is... ahem! !

"Someone can actually take the tax money from Philip?!"

Dr. Henzo next to him also looked at the scene in disbelief.

He first looked at the [Tax Bird], and then at Link and the others.

My heart was suddenly filled with the desire to study this [Tax Bird].

This act of [Tax Bird] really left a deep impression on everyone present.

But if they think that [Tax Bird] only has this effect, they are wrong.

In addition to getting taxes from their bodies, 【Tax Birds】can also go to their homes to pay taxes on their savings! !

That is to say, not only the income this time, but also their past accumulation and deposits will be traced back! !

This is simply worse than robbery! !

I saw [Tax Bird] hovering in mid-air for a while, and then quickly galloped in a certain direction.

"Let's go and have a look too!!"

Luffy shoved the macaroni noodles from the big plate into his mouth, patted his stomach, and said to Link and Robin when Usopp took out his wallet to pay.

The two of them had nothing to do, Luffy in front, Usopp in the back, who had paid the money, the four of them chased the [Tax Bird] together.

Seeing this scene, Dr. Henzo immediately followed a few people and ran out together.

At this time, Nami and Sanji, plus Chopper, had just finished shopping, carrying kitchen supplies, medical books and various styles of clothes, carrying large and small bags forward.

"Is this shopping?"

Chopper stuck his tongue out there, looking at Nami who was in high spirits, he couldn't help but admire:

"Nami, your physical strength is really good?!"

"If you're a lady, shopping is an instinct!!" Nami smiled and pursed her lips.

"Hey? If Miss Nami wants to go shopping, I will accompany you to the end even if you go to hell!!!"

Sanji's eyes flashed red stars, and his arms raised the large and small bags in his hands, his face full of fighting spirit.

"Hey, I'm talking about you!!"

Just when the three of them had harvested a lot and were in a good mood, a guy who made a bad scene suddenly appeared in front of them.

"Are you the scumbags who refuse to pay taxes at the port?!"

The man was wearing a technical suit that looked like a robot inside a metal warhead. Under the technical suit, there was a face that looked exactly like Philip, but also more like a monkey, and showed off his might:

"This uncle is the grandson of Widun's eldest son, Leike, who specializes in collecting taxes from trolls, so don't take out the taxes soon!!"

??0 asking for flowers........

As he said that, he controlled the technology suit and bumped his fist there, and a lot of electricity suddenly appeared on it.

"Have you seen it, this uncle leads the power unit, and can make electricity all over the body!!"

He proudly introduced it there, and then heard a sound from above his head:

"Lake, the existing amount is 820,000 Baileys, 70% of the tax is charged, 574,000 Baileys!!" Lake: "???"

He looked up with a confused look, and saw a guy who looked like a robot bird fluttering above his head in the sky. "What it is?!"

Rick wondered.

"[Tax Bird] There! Ah, and Sanji and Nami!!" Luffy and the others followed the trail of Tax Bird and came to the scene.

When they arrived, they found that Sanji and Chopper were both there, as well as a strange-looking guy lying in front of them.

"What is this??"

Luffy tilted his head and looked at the thing that fell to the ground and was already charred into a black ball.

"Is this a human being? It feels like there is still a bit of a living person's breath..."

Robin put his face in one hand, "I hope he doesn't die like this.

"You start that horrible association with Robin again..."

Usopp subconsciously followed suit.

"It should also be done by [Tax Bird], right?"

He raised his eyes and looked at the charred object, "But did it have such a large current just now?"


"Should there be other electrical machinery devices?"

Link saw not far away, the group of guys who were slumped, also turned black, and looked like power troops with their hair standing on end.

"There is a lot of current in the first place, plus the [Tax Bird]'s shot that detained the light, it is obviously overloaded and then exploded..."

There he guessed almost invariably, and what just happened was exactly as he imagined.

"It's really a very powerful [Tax Bird], this tax collection effort..."

Usopp smacked his mouth, and looked at the [Tax Bird] who had wandered around in the air twice, and then flew in a certain direction with some admiration.

Looking at the direction of its flight, it seems that it is the highest position on the island, and there is a luxurious and magnificent building in that place.

It looks like the chief here, where he lives.

That's where Shi Chang Witten lives... wait? !

Usopp suddenly realized that the [Tax Bird] had just collected the tax from Wiedon's son, and just now collected the tax from the grandson Reik, who was told by the surrounding citizens.

So now, it is heading directly to the mansion of Shi Chang, so is it going to collect the tax of Shi Chang Witton? !

This is really a family of three generations of grandparents and grandchildren neat and tidy, not a single one is missing! !

Usopp was there to call out the good guy.

But before he could finish his sigh, the onlookers next to him made another round of fierce discussions.

I saw a dilapidated ship with a huge red tauren bow slowly rising out of the mist like a rainbow that gradually rose from the sea.

"That's... Colorful Mist!!!"

The old man named Henzo was carrying a strange instrument and suddenly came out, his eyes fixed on the mist in the distance.

The colorful fog that he had been studying for fifty years and had been looking forward to for fifty years finally reappeared! ! !

Near Lulujia Island, there is a wonderful sea area, where a mysterious mist called the Colorful Mist once appeared.

The Colorful Mist is said to be the garden where the gods live and the entrance to the Eldorado of Adelard.

Although this is just a legend, I don't know how many adventurers have embarked on a journey to find the colorful mist for the so-called "Gods" and the legend of "El Dorado" after hearing this legend.

Under the persistent exploration of many adventurers over the years, many people really happened to catch up with the appearance of the looming colorful fog and found the location of the colorful fog.


Of all those who entered, no one came out alive.

The colorful fog of Lulujia Island has a long history and has existed for a very long time.

Even after the establishment of the World Government, it heard about this legend and sent people to investigate it.

However, limited records show that when the fog was first discovered, countless navy pirates and adventurers went in to explore, and only a few corpses came out.

131 Cargo ship expedition, share of the adventure! ! You're not stupid, you know how to borrow props...

Some of the people who came out at that time lost half of their lives, some were still the same, and even one person became a teenager. Their statements were completely different, as if they were talking nonsense.

Some people say that they have gone back to the past, some say that they have entered the future, and some say that the time inside is completely still... There are different opinions.

However, this has only aroused people's curiosity.

After that, the World Government once again sent people in to explore the secrets, but none came out.

Some pirates who did not believe in evil rushed in with the whole ship and completely disappeared into the sea. Over time, this place became a forbidden place, and it was called "the grave of the ship that never returns."

No one knows what secrets are hidden in the colorful fog, but both the navy and the world government have lost interest in this strange place.

In fact, the colorful fog is actually a different space where time and space stop, and time is still in it.

It also connects the past and the future, and people in different eras can meet here, which is very magical.

The time inside is still distorted. Those who enter it may become old people when they come out the next moment, and they may never come out again. They may even go back to the past and move towards the future.

"Sounds interesting, doesn't it?"

Luffy listened to Link's explanation of the colorful fog, and his eyes suddenly lit up! !

"It's rare to come across such an interesting place, so you can't let it go!!"

Luffy was waving his arms, very eager to try! !

"Hey, Luffy, that's a [cemetery with a ship that never returns], shouldn't it be scary inside?!"

Usopp swallowed, "Are we really going there?!"

"Why not "Six Four Three"?!"

Luffy turned his face to face Usopp: "I smell adventure."

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