The chefs were all blushing there, eager to dig out their hearts to show their resolve:

"Compete with that group of people's cooking skills, we will not lose even if we die!!"

The whole kitchen suddenly screamed, and became full of energy.

Meanwhile, in the changing room opposite the kitchen.

"Ah ah ah, it sounds like 680 is very interesting."

Luffy, who had just put on a chef's uniform, also heard the fiery determination and fighting spirit of the chefs penetrating the wall.

I can't help but look forward to the upcoming kitchen trip.

"Don't run around, Luffy~"

On one side, Link also tied himself the blue chef belt and apron, and matched it with a chef hat.

Live! It does look like a famous chef.

Especially when paired with his handsome face and tall and straight figure, even in a chef's uniform, he looks like a prince in the air of Fengshen's elegant fireworks! !

Well, compared to Sanji, Link is more like a prince and a knight than him in terms of temperament, appearance, and the photos on the reward order! !

"So we can go to the kitchen and eat meat?!"

He drooled and stared at Link with wide eyes.

"Yes, yes, but... Hey, I'm not finished yet!!"

Link had just finished the first half of the sentence, and then Luffy didn't even want to wait for a moment, he pushed the door in cheers and ran out.

Can't help but immediately followed the shouting and chased out.

"I want to eat meat!!"

"I said you, don't you know what patience is?!"

"I only know [the meat you want to eat], and [add as much as you want to eat]!!!"

"You guy..."

The two of them were so noisy, all the way to the door of the kitchen.

Just before Luffy was about to push the door and go in, he was pulled by Link who teleported in front of him with lightning.

Well, the ability of the thunder fruit prevents his second cargo captain from using this place, is there really no one left?

"I said Luffy?"

Link put Luffy's rubber face in front of him with both hands and said seriously.

"It's fine if you want to eat meat, but you'd better not talk after entering..."

[Thanks to the boss of 'Shang Shan Ruo Shui' for another thousand-point reward! ! There were two large rewards before, and there were five or eight other rewards, and now there are thousands of points, I am really grateful!!!.

176 is ready for everything! A test of cooking skills! ! Luffy for Link's face~

"Because the two of us are new faces after all, and through the conversations of those chefs, we know that the two chefs from Mary Joa haven't found this kitchen yet."

"So, if we go in, either they will see through their identities, or they will likely be regarded as the chefs of the two Mary Joa, so it is very difficult to change the identity in between."

"The water here is very deep, you can't control it, let me, the deputy captain, negotiate with them. You are only responsible for being silent and eating meat. Do you understand!"

Link looked at Luffy's fleshy expression, and the corners of his eyes twitched, "Ask again, do you understand?!"


Luffy's mouth was flowing with slapstick, and he said inarticulately: "You say I'm only responsible for eating meat..."

Link: "..."

Co-authoring, you only remember this one? ! !

Link is also very convinced of this captain who has reached a certain level of meat addiction.

But the kitchen was right in front of him, and the aroma of meat wafted around in Luffy's nostrils, which were smarter than a dog's nose. Luffy was so restrained that he didn't break in and chose to listen to Link's speech.

From this point of view, it is already quite a face for Link.

If it was Sanji, Zoro, or even Nami, maybe he would have chosen to ignore it and rushed in regardless.

"Forget it, then you are only responsible for eating."

Seeing this, Link shook his head helplessly, not planning to say anything more.

Then he let go of Luffy's hand~


The latter suddenly let go of a mad dog who had let go, howling and rushing towards the cafeteria with all his strength.

"This guy, really..."

Seeing this, Link just shrugged, and then took out a few things from his four-dimensional treasure bag.

It was a pattern in the shape of a five-pointed star, with a dark red in the center and a yellow frame, which resembled a star-shaped badge.

"One, two, three, four, five... Nine, nine badges should be enough, right?"

Link weighed the nine five-pointed star badge props in his hand.

If you look closely, you will find that these five-pointed star badges look very similar to the standard patterns of star-rated restaurants judged by a gourmet magazine that makes tires.

After Link checked it and felt that it was all right, he put them all inside his underwear, where no one could see it.

"Since you have come to the kitchen of the Nabalon Fortress, you must show some respect and appear as a chef."

"As for the skill of cooking..."

Link first looked at the [Magic Flavor] in the fourth-dimensional space, and then confirmed that he had just pasted all nine badges~

Only then did he finally tidy up his clothes a little, and strode forward to follow.

Luffy and Link, the first time they made their debut in Nabalon Fortress, they were so tall with their identities! !


The door to the kitchen was opened, and the figures of Luffy and Link who pushed in the door appeared at the door.

"It's time to eat!!"

Luffy laughed very happily, but after coming in, he noticed the unusual atmosphere in this place, and the smile on his face instantly subsided.


All the chefs who were cooking and doing their best, stopped what they were doing when they saw Luffy and Link walking in. With straight eyes, he looked towards this side.

"Is that you?!"

A tall and thin chef said with sharp eyes, "The so-called Mare brothers from Mary Joa!!"


A question mark appeared on Luffy's forehead.

Although he couldn't figure out what happened, he was going to ask for meat from this group of people next, so he raised his hand very politely and friendly, smiled and said hello to the marines present:


Seeing Luffy's greeting, the other chefs were more certain that it was Link and Luffy.

"Are you the nasty chefs from Mary Joa?!"

A chef with a short-cut head and a flat face and dark skin said solemnly.

Although the sentence is an interrogative sentence, the tone is an affirmative sentence.


A chef with a wavy instant noodle head slapped the freshly cleaned vegetable bowl on the table.

Those thick lips were extraordinarily rude: "You actually said that we are a broken fortress in the backcountry!!"

"They also said that we are **** cooks who don't know how to cook!!"

"You can really say it!!!"

"It's like a big talker than a big talker!!"

"That's it!!"

Suddenly, the whole kitchen seemed to have turned into a vegetable market, where many naval chefs were clamoring and denounced Luffy and the others with enthusiasm.


Seeing that he greeted himself well-meaningly, but was greeted with such an outburst of anger, Luffy immediately felt a little unhappy.

"I don't care what nonsense you are talking about there, I'm hungry! Serve me dinner!!"

He was yelling there, and Link also looked around the kitchen.

"Well, it seems that the two Mare brothers who don't know how to cook haven't come to this kitchen yet."

In the end, Link's eyes locked on the front of the many stoves, the cooking station at the chef's position.

A blond woman with her back to them, holding two frying pans in her hands, was able to continue cooking there calmly and unaffected under the turbulent emotions.

"It's you."

When many chefs had almost vented their dissatisfaction and anger, she suddenly spoke.

"An idiot who spends a million Bailey's ingredients in one meal a week to cook for the dignitaries of Mary Joa?"

While she was speaking, the many naval chefs retreated to both sides spontaneously, revealing Jessica's back completely in front of Link and Luffy.


Seeing Jessica's back, Luffy's wide eyes immediately straightened, and the corners of his mouth even drooled.

Don't get me wrong, he wasn't interested in Jessica, but in the patties and steaks she was cooking.

The sizzling meat smell that was frying was condensed on Luffy's nose all the time.

"No matter how noble you have been, this is the most sacred place in Nabalon!!"

Jessica turned around with two pots of meatloaf, her eyes sharp, "It's the kitchen!!"

"Chefs I don't approve of will not let them step in here!!!"

"well said!!"

"As expected of Miss Jessica!!!"

The navy cooks were there to support.

"There are more than a thousand warriors stationed in this fortress~"

Jessica vigorously threw the two frying pans in her hands into the sky, exuding a chilling aura, and walked towards Link and Luffy.

"The chefs here do their best to serve them delicious food and fuel everyone's body!!!"

"For the soldiers on the front line, every morning and every night, not even a single hair will be lost!!"

When Jessica walked towards this side, the patties that were thrown away fell towards the plates.

"We are very different from those chefs who use ingredients to be sloppy!!"

clap clap clap! !

The patties landed on each plate with unparalleled precision, without a shred of sauce spilling out.


Luffy didn't listen to Jessica's words at all, and stared at the meat patties with his eyes tightly, "Can you eat these with me?!" He wanted to rush up, but was photographed by Link who came forward. He patted his shoulder and endured.

\'Don't forget?"

Jessica continues to output chicken soup with instructions here:

“I use this place to cook!!”

She clenched her fists and patted the capital of the great shore, which was even more majestic than Nami.

Well, after all, she's already married, so she's still a little different from Nami, a young and beautiful girl.

"You have to be careful!!"

After she finished speaking, the chefs behind her also all straightened their waists one by one.

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