The kind of big brother's style and style made it a little difficult for them to violate each other's requirements when facing each other.

It's like the feeling of a student facing a teacher.

In a pirate group, it is not that there are no people with this kind of temperament, but they usually appear on the captain.

As for their captain... with them, it's just as if they don't have this kind of creature and position, okay?

"Hey, Luffy

Link called Luffy down from the special seat.

"What's wrong?"

Luffy, who jumped down, looked at him suspiciously.

"You said you wanted to be a pirate, to be a pirate king, right?"

Link looked at him with rare calmness.

"Of course, this is my goal to go to sea!"

As soon as he mentioned this, Luffy immediately straightened his chest.


Link nodded, "Since you want to become the Pirate King, and you have a pirate ship and found a suitable partner, then the main issues of the pirate group should also be put on the agenda?" "Main issues?" Lu Fei tilted his head.

"That is, a loud name for a pirate group, and a flag representing a pirate group!"

Link looked at him seriously.

Names, and flags...

When he mentioned this, whether it was Zoro who was about to yawn and sleep, Nami who was planning to steal money, or Usopp who was working, they all looked over.

All of them were very interested and gathered together.

"Name? I've already thought about it..."

Compared to his unreliable state before, this time, Luffy smiled and put his hand on his head.

034 The actual big brother [Thanks to Guan Yuxi and are you a pig? monthly pass! 】

"This straw hat means too much to me, and I plan to use this straw hat to command my pirate group!"

On the way of sailing, Luffy also told everyone about the origin of his straw hat and its importance to him.

Everyone had expected it for a long time, and it was not surprising.

"Straw Hat Pirates? It's a good name."

Zoro thought for a while and expressed his approval, but Nami didn't say anything, although she also felt that it was indeed quite suitable.

Usopp next to him wanted to shake his ingenuity, but unfortunately he was directly suppressed by Link's gaze.

In this way, the name of the Straw Hat Pirates was officially established.

Luffy and Link's group, no, the Straw Hat Pirates, or the Straw Hats for short, officially walked the sea under this name!

"And then the flag of the Pirates?"

Zoro raised his head and looked at the empty sails. He really needed a flag that belonged to them!

"Drawing? This is what I am best at..."

Seeing that Link suddenly took out a pen and hat, Luffy once again rolled up his sleeves without knowing it, and stepped forward with a smile to take it.

Well, this time I didn't need Link, the familiar Zoro and Nami just held him down, the suspicion and distrust in their eyes were not concealed at all.

Luffy can still draw? Afraid to draw a ghost yo!

Usopp wanted to say that his painting skills were not bad, but then he saw Link put a certain turquoise painter's hat on his head.

At the same time, the peculiar brush with twenty-four sides in his hand was constantly smearing on the paper.

"It's done!"

Looking at the incomparably clear pattern on the paper, exactly the same as the straw hat pirate flag in his impression, Link nodded with satisfaction.

Props: [Original beret] and [Twenty-four color brushes].

Introduction: Wearing a beret can transmit the impressions in your mind to your arm muscles, so that you can use a brush to draw the pictures and characters in your mind as clearly as a camera.

In short, it is a prop that can draw whatever comes to mind.

It is a painting artifact!

"A skeleton wearing a straw hat with a smile on the corner of his mouth?"

Zoro and Nami looked over, "Well, it not only has the logo of our pirate group, but also draws the optimistic characteristics of Captain Luffy. This is not bad."

Link's paintings have won unanimous praise from both of them.

At the same time, he looked strangely at the hat and brush in Link's hands.

Originally, they all felt that they were almost immune to Link's props.

But every time Link took out a prop, he would always be shocked by the various effects of the prop.

Originally, Luffy was still a little unconvinced, and he didn't plan to compete with Link, but when he heard that the flag had his own characteristics, he giggled happily.

Usopp looked strangely at the pirate flag painting, paused, and then looked at Link in admiration.

As expected of a strong person who guides him, even the pattern he thought of was exactly the same as his own, and he drew it perfectly.

Well, it should be said or not, this is Usopp's masterpiece, and the painting is quite expressive.

As a result, under Link's re-painting, the flag representing the Straw Hat Pirates was quickly hung on the Golden Merry.

Not to mention, there are flags and no flags, that is not the same!

"Okay, after the name and flag are determined, there is one more important thing, right?"

Zoro looked away from the flag.

"About the positioning of our ship."

"Positioning? What is that?" Captain Luffy tilted his head again.

"It is the position and identity that each crew member represents on the ship..."

Nami knocked his head angrily, "I don't even understand this, are you really the captain?"

"Is that so..."

Luffy nodded knowingly, then raised his arm, "I'm the captain!"

Yes, we all know.

Everyone nodded perfunctorily, but no one paid any attention to him.

It makes no difference whether you have the captain or not.

"Then I am a swordsman and a combatant, right?"

Zoro spoke first.

Nami continued: "I am a navigator, and when necessary, I can clean up the enemy's warehouse, hehe!

Usopp also said quickly, "Then I am a sniper, a brave sea warrior in the future!"

"Then I should be the props master."

Link knew that Zoro was the most collectively conscious person, so he responded.

"I'm missing an identity."

Zoro looked at him, "Master Vice-Captain."

"Yes, I am the captain, and Link is the deputy captain!"

Luffy grinned, he hadn't forgotten the day Link and him defeated Al Rita and got to know each other.

"Deputy Captain!"

Nami and Usopp both laughed and said.

Regardless of other ideas, at least at this moment, when determining the identity of the ship, both of them believed from the bottom of their hearts that Link was the vice-captain of the ship.

Well, the titular vice-captain, the de facto Big Brother.

Link looked at these companions with a sincere smile on his face.

With such a group of partners who live and die together, what bike do you still want!

Therefore, despite the fact that the Straw Hat Pirates were officially established, there were only five people, but they already covered a lot of occupations.

Small but complete.

Although it is still a small workshop-like team, with the basic configuration and personnel, and spiritual support.

It can be clearly felt that everyone's sailing mood has become different from before.

With such a spirit of striving and improving, several people started their new adventure again.

035 The next step is to find an excellent chef! [Thanks for the monthly pass of Orange Ripe! 】

The sun at sea is always so dull and boring.

Looking at the endless sea, although it will make people relaxed and happy, but more will make people feel bored.

Usopp, who had cleaned the ship, and Luffy, who couldn't hold back, muttered for a while, and then began to focus on the only cannon on the ship.

"I knew that our cannons were so good. We could try them out on Rare Beast Island before."

Usopp sighed while rubbing the barrel of the cannon.

After they left Xirobe Village, they came to a rare beast island by fate.

There, they met Camon, an old pirate who had been stuck in a box for twenty years.

And the so-called treasure at the top of the island was also opened by Luffy and found that it was already empty.

Carmon, who was relieved, planned to stay on the island and continue to guard the rare beasts on the island.

"Just aim for that rock!"

Luffy pointed to the direction, and the two happy boys flipped the muzzle excitedly.


A cannon shot was heard in the cabin of Link, who was studying the props.

Knowing the dispositions of those two idiots, he didn't even lift his head.

But then, there was a commotion on the deck, forcing him to put away the props and go out.

As soon as he came out, he saw Chang Wei beating... No, he saw Luffy knocking an inch head wearing black sunglasses and a blue coat to the ground.

The inch head fell to the ground, crying and roaring constantly, and soon woke Zoro who was sleeping next to him.



He recognized at a glance that this was one of the two younger brothers who recognized himself as the eldest brother when he was a bounty hunter.

Since he was his own, Johnny didn't say anything more, but brought his other companion, Joseph, who was suffering from scurvy, to the boat.

The two of them just happened to perch on the rock that Luffy and Usopp bombarded just now.

"It's just the most common form of scurvy, and a little vitamin supplement will do."

Link just glanced at the dark and bloodless cheeks and gave a judgment.

Then he instructed the duo, who felt sorry for the trouble, to go to the warehouse and bring the oranges they got in Orange Town.

"Oranges are the best fruits that can supplement the required vitamins. After eating them, they can recover completely after two or three days of recuperation."

Link directed the two idiots to feed the oranges and said to Johnny.

"Brother Link!"

Johnny, who learned that his partner was saved, brought tears to Link's eyes.

Even Zoro was slightly relieved after knowing that his younger brother was all right.

"But you didn't even have the most basic knowledge of marine nutrition, so you ran out and sailed. Are you really okay?"

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