Next to me, Merry, who has been watching, can be regarded as finding the starting point of the topic, and quickly told everyone what he saw just now.

"That is to say, it does affect the surrounding things, but the doubts of the strange fire ring have not been answered... Zoro said this, and then saw Link smile lightly.

"That's because what Luffy eats, it's not a [rubber fruit] at all."

"It's not [rubber fruit]???"

It was not the other crew members who were stunned first, but Luffy, the master of the ability.

185 Shocked Luffy and the Straw Hats! Luffy is also a person with the ability of the fruit of everyone? ! !

"What are you talking about, Link, when I was young, I accidentally ate the [rubber fruit] that Shanks brought back."

"That's the [rubber fruit]?"

Luffy felt a little strange.

Although I know that Link will never lie to them, but when I think of the Devil Fruit ability that I have used for more than ten years, I was told today that it is not this ability~~ This is really hard to accept.

Well, actually, when Link first heard the news, it was really hard to digest.

But that's the thing, there's no way.

"It is said that in the eight hundred years since the establishment of this world government, almost all the devil fruits have been collected~"

Link did not immediately answer Luffy's question, but instead told everyone a legend.

"But there is only one Devil Fruit, which seems to have escaped the control of the World Government, so that they have never succeeded in the past 800 years."

"This Devil Fruit has never awakened in the eight hundred years, and the World Government has always been afraid of its existence, so it specially erased its original name and gave it a new name."

"And just over ten years ago, the World Government finally got the news of this Devil Fruit, and sent the most talented and excellent agents under its command to carry out the task, responsible for escorting it to the World Government."

"In their opinion, there is that excellent agent who is only responsible for the escort. It is already a bull's knife for killing chickens. This matter is basically a certainty. There will be no problems. It can be said that it is foolproof."

"However, what they never expected was that even this escort, which they thought would never go wrong, still went wrong."

Link explained this unknown world-class secret in a soft voice, and everyone pricked up their ears and looked earnestly and listened attentively.

Robin, in particular, tightened his body even more, stared at Link tightly, and couldn't take his eyes off of him.

"At that time, [Red Hair] Shanks, who was not yet one of the Four Emperors, led all the elites under his command to attack the **** ship and robbed the Devil Fruit.

"Then when they passed the windmill village, they stopped there for a short time to rest."

"But what they didn't expect was that just after drinking, that devil fruit was eaten by a stupid little kid who was clamoring to become a pirate."

"So, this Devil Fruit, which has been silent for eight hundred years, has the ability again."

After speaking, Link also slowly raised his head and looked at Luffy with his eyes wide open, his mouth wide open, and his snot flowing:

"I said this, you should be able to understand, Luffy?"

Of course he understood!

Link has already said it so clearly, if he still doesn't understand it, he is a real fool! !

But because of this, the more he understood, the more unbelievable it became.

"I ate it, don't tell me..."

His throat rolled, and Gulu swallowed, "Isn't it really a [rubber fruit]?" "Link, did you hear this from somewhere else? Or is this just a legend, not a "this" It's the truth! ! "

Without waiting for Luffy to finish his words, Link said with firm and unequivocal affirmation.

This is already a recognized fact, and it has been drawn and published, how could it be false? Seeing Link's affirmation, Luffy, who knew that Link was definitely not joking, fell silent.

"What I ate was not a [rubber fruit]..."

There he whispered softly.

The others also looked at him silently, wanting to say something to comfort him.

After all, the ability and power that he had used for more than ten years was suddenly told that this was not true.

Anyone who replaces it may not be able to accept this fact.

The rest of the Straw Hats also looked at Luffy with a slightly heavy heart.

Especially when Usopp, Nami and the others were about to say something to comfort him?~~

After three seconds.

"Then what's the name of my Devil Fruit, Link?"

Luffy pinched his nostrils with his little finger, looked at Link calmly, and then spoke with a nonchalant expression in the casual manner of normal questioning.

Others on the boat: "...?!!"

"You just accept this reality?!"

Nami, Usopp, Chopper, Sanji, and Zoro shouted and complained in unison.

He didn't even care about such an astonishing fact at all, and accepted it so smoothly without taking it to heart? ! ! !

It's about your own abilities! ! After all, there is a trace of at least a little bit of attention to it! !

Everyone looked at Luffy's indifferent and casual attitude, and they were simply complaining about their inability to hold their foreheads there.

Sure enough, for this guy who has only one tendon in his head and doesn't know the seriousness of the matter at all, he doesn't need a little bit of worry and comfort at all! !


That is, with such an attitude, he is their captain, isn't he?

"Okay, isn't it a Devil Fruit ability? Anyway, it also has a rubber-like ability, so I'll just use it as a rubber fruit, won't it be the same as before?" Luffy was very open, and very Smiling optimistically, he put his hands behind his head and leaned against him.

Then he said carelessly to Link:

"Then what power is my fruit?"

"Actually, what you eat is the Devil Fruit of the animal system."

Link explained with a smile.

"Animal Department??!!!"

Others, including Luffy, were also startled.

"Is Luffy an animal type?"

Usopp looked at Luffy seriously, "He looks like a monkey, is he the one with the ability of the monkey fruit?"

"Idiot, if it's a monkey, how can he still have the qualities of rubber?!"

Nami next to him complained.

"That's right, it's obviously a person with the ability of the animal system, how can it still have the rubber properties of the superhuman system?"

Chopper also looked at Luffy curiously, "And I've never seen Luffy use three changes."

As we all know, the animal-based devil fruit powers have three forms of human, beast, orc or human-beast.

And some people who have developed the ability of the animal system to a high level can do it without using a large area, and just make their body localized into the characteristics of animals.

For example, Little Ma, Marco can only turn his hands into the wings of phoenixes, and the other bodies still maintain the characteristics of human beings.

"I don't know~"

Compared with Chopper, Luffy, who is the party involved, is even more confused.

"I've never heard of a three-stage change, and I don't feel that way... But?"

From being confused, he instantly became eager to try, "If I am really an animal capable person, wouldn't I be able to transform back and forth there like Chopper?!"

Is now the time to get excited? !


You're just interested in things like transformation, aren't you? ! !

The others rolled their eyes one after another, looking speechless to Luffy.

"The deputy captain said that this is the devil fruit that the world government has always been afraid of. It has never awakened in the past 800 years, and even changed the name of this devil fruit. Robin put his palm on his cheek, and his eyes flickered. "Then there must be something extraordinary about this Devil Fruit. "

"That's right~!"

Link nodded and said, "Also, Luffy, the name of your Devil Fruit's ability is the same as Chopper."

"Wait? Same as mine?!"

Little Chopper, who was watching a play and eating melons, saw Link look at him, and was suddenly stunned.

Is this eating melon on my own body? !

"Yes, he, like you, is the fruit of everyone."

"Eh, read, read?!!"

Qiao Ba suddenly widened his eyes and couldn't believe it, "Luffy is also a person with the ability of the fruit of everyone?!!"

Not only Chopper, but others also widened their eyes.

They looked at Chopper first, then at Luffy.

"I'll just say, no wonder Luffy looks like an ape!"

Usopp suddenly said, "Humans evolved from apes and monkeys, so Luffy eats the Renren Fruit, and he is more inclined to monkeys. This is a symbol of atavism!!"

Is God a symbol of atavism? ! !

Nami couldn't help but cast several dead fish eyes at Usopp, "Then explain to me why Luffy still has the characteristics of rubber?!"


"Ah, this is..."

Usopp pondered there, preparing to make up some unreliable nonsense.

"And if humans eat the Renren Fruit, is there really no problem?"

Sanji was also so shocked by the explosive news that he lit a cigarette to add to the fun:

"It seems that if a normal person eats the Renren Fruit, there will be no ability or effect other than turning into a landlubber."

"But the ordinary Renren fruit has already been eaten by Chopper?"

Zoro glanced down at Chopper, "Does that mean that Luffy is a branch form of the ability to eat the fruit of everyone?"

"Ah, I see!!"

Usopp clapped his hands, and suddenly realized again, "Luffy must be in the form of a monkey man who ate the fruit of Renren!!"

"How can there be such an ability?! And it's all said, how do you explain his rubber ability?! And it's just an ape, should the world government specially change its name for it?!" Nami directly punched the nonsense and beat him. Usopp, who was confused, was knocked down with a punch.

"If you have the ability to branch form..."

Sanji frowned and pondered, "I've only seen two types in the Devil Fruit Pokédex, and they're both phantom beasts."

"One is the fruit of human beings? The form of the Great Buddha, and the other is the fruit of human beings? The form of entering the Dao."

The former can turn people into a golden Buddha, and can create a powerful shock wave of Buddha, which is extremely powerful.

In addition, the real effect it brings is to give the eater the power, wisdom and spirit of a Buddha.

Combining a huge body like a golden Buddha with a smart mind and perfect skills, make yourself the ultimate person with both mind and body skills.

The Warring States period, which has the qualification of being one of a million people, has become even more powerful after obtaining the form of the Great Buddha of the Fruit of Everyone.

The latter, the form of Dao Dao, can make people incarnate into the legendary monster Dao Dao.

This fruit was eaten by a fox named Niukimaru by the Bell Queen of Wano Kingdom.

After eating this fruit, it turned into a monk soldier to collect weapons, and it was called "Niuguiwan of Jiedaoqiao", and its strength was quite good.

186 Nika! New island! What happens when Luffy eats the Rambo?

Well, including Luffy, there are a total of four Renren Fruits.

Among them, three are phantom beasts, and only one is in normal human form.

Chopper said, I am the fruit of everyone, the form of the common people?~~

"According to Link's statement, Luffy should also be the phantom beast form of Renren Fruit."

Sanji looked at Luffy while blowing the mist, "After all, he also has the special ability of rubber, but he can also explain this situation."

The phantom beasts of the animal system are incarnated by those mythical or legendary animals or characters.

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