Therefore, under the big move of eating the members of the Straw Hat Pirates in the front~~~

The extent of the damage to their bodies can be imagined.

"Straw Hat Pirates..."

Thinking of the name of this pirate group, the atmosphere in the arena also became depressed again for a few points.


[Thanks to the boss of 'Magic Star X' for the five-eighth-eight-point reward! grateful! ! ].

518's loss can be described as a complete failure! [Props Master], no props were used... Angry aunt!

The people of the Charlotte family who were present never thought about it.

They would be forced to such a point by a pirate group that had debuted for less than a year.

This pirate group... has something!

Even if they are extremely aggrieved~, they have to admit it.

This time, they lost a crushing defeat! -!

"If it wasn't for the **** Caesar who helped release the poison gas, and the traitor Pokemus, who led the way, brought that group of people here-…"

There, Opera, the Minister of Cream, said angrily:

"Otherwise, our Charlotte family would not have lost so embarrassingly and miserably!"

"If you lose, you lose, and there's nothing to complain about."

Katakuri's expression was relatively calm.

And with his level and vision, he can also know from the observation of the Straw Hat Pirates.

This time, they did not lose unjustly.

"[Pirate Hunter], [Death Surgeon], [Blackfoot]..."

These combat members left a deep impression on Katakuri, especially the [Pirate Hunter] who played against him.

"If it really is to fight without any scruples to the end, I can't be sure. In the end, it can be me..."

There, he looked back in silence and replayed the previous battle with Sauron.

High-level [external release] and [internal destruction] and other armed domineering skills, as well as the same high-level knowledge and domineering application skills of [foreseeing the future].

In terms of domineering alone, he is at a disadvantage.

And he is already forty-six years old and is in the peak period, but the other party is only about twenty years old, so there is still a lot of room for improvement, right?

A real monster...

Katakuri, who has always been called a monster by others, gave this evaluation to Zoro at this moment.

After he firmly remembered Sauron in his heart, he thought of another direction again.

"The [Prop Master] who didn't shoot, just used a photo portrait to put my mother into a coma..."

Katakuri pondered, and then saw Opera and Mondor, and became more and more indignant there, and said in a calm tone:

"Don't forget, [Prop Master] Link has never shown signs of making a move."

"The other party will not talk about the powerful nature-based Devil Fruit ability, just the items that make people almost desperate..."

Katakuri glanced at the younger siblings around him.

"During this battle with us, the other party didn't make any moves, and didn't take out any props to use~~~"

"You should know what that means."

After Katakuri finished speaking, the venue instantly fell silent.

[Props Master], no props are used...

This may sound a bit strange, and even some inexplicable words fell into the ears of these Charlotte family officials, but a fact suddenly came to mind.

Can't they even force out the many famous props in the hands of the [Prop Master]? !

And the other party didn't do anything the whole time, such a posture and behavior...

"Did you ignore us at all?!"

Opera whispered there.

"You said yes, you think you are powerful, and you plan to disdain to do anything to us?"

Mondol followed suit.

"Of course, it does not rule out that the other party has strong confidence and confidence, and thinks that just relying on those [Pirate Hunters] and others is enough to deal with us..."

Garrett's expression gradually became a little unsightly.

They only care about the results, but they ignore the existence of the other party and their own abilities.

"So in either case..."

Katakuri said calmly, "[Prop Master] He didn't even end up, so he can already explain a lot of problems."

"This time, we didn't lose the battle unjustly!"

Katakuri's tall figure stood up slowly, "The key is not the result that we lost."

"It's how we lost, why we lost, and whether we will lose next time."

While Katakuri spoke, no one in the audience said anything.

Everyone is listening carefully to their family's most powerful and undefeated invincible man, the uncompromising pillar of this big family.

"The top priority is to first understand how the battle damage is on our side... How are the other brothers and sisters who were attacked by the poisonous gas?!"

"Yes, the medical team is also speeding up the research and development of antidote, which may take a certain amount of time!"

Mondor responded quickly.

"That is to say, our troops are seriously insufficient, only Snag and the others. After recovering from their injuries, will they take action?"

Katakuri's eyelids also twitched slightly.

However, this is not over, Opera also drooped the cream and handed over a newspaper.

"Morgans has defined us as the loser's side, and also revealed some analysis and guesses of mother's situation and the so-called [weakness]..."

His face was very ugly and he said, "Mom's coma is a failure in their eyes."

"After seeing these newspapers in the sea outside, I will have different thoughts about our family and mother."

The failure of Charlotte Lingling was a huge blow to the reputation of the BIG MOM pirates.

It is very likely that some pirates really think that their prestige and power are not as good as before, and they are getting weaker and weaker, so they plan to come here to challenge them with great interest.

The illusion given in this way is terrifying in the current situation of the Charlotte family.

・・・・ Asking for flowers ・・・

After all, they have very little real power to deal with now...

"Is that so~"

Katakuri carefully looked at the words on the newspaper, and there was a dignified look in his eyes.

The current situation is much more severe than he imagined.

There is also a report of the so-called Straw Hat Pirates' invasion, which is fueled by the World Government behind it.

Although Katakuri had some doubts and guesses, he didn't think too much about it.

After all, the world government can really do such a thing.

"It seems that it will only be better after Mom wakes up..."

Katakuri thought so, and suddenly his expression changed.


He saw Charlotte Lingling lying on the ground beside her, a strange gas spewed out of her nose, and then slowly opened her eyes.


"Where am I?!"


After hearing Charlotte Lingling's clear voice, Mundo and the others cried out in unison with excitement.

Great, their mom, the true backbone of the Pirates, woke up.

And there are still no problems, it seems that even the chaotic state of eczema has been shaken off.

This time, they can sit back and relax!

"Did something happen?!"

Seeing Katakuri, his face became a little lighter, and his state was not very good.

Charlotte Lingling sat up slowly, and at the same time, the memory of the time before the coma gradually appeared in her mind.

"I remember that the wedding cake I was most looking forward to was pushed out, and then..."

Soon, the entry of the chef [Black Foot] Sanji of the Straw Hat Pirates, and the reading of Caesar's release, etc., also appeared clearly again.

"My wedding cake!"

Charlotte Lingling suddenly shouted, "And Caesar!!"

She fully reacted, her eyes were bloodshot and she gritted her teeth in hatred.

It was at this time that she suddenly saw the newspaper beside Katakuri and grabbed it directly.

"The loser...the new emperor...two emperors in one boat?!"

Charlotte Lingling's body gradually began to tremble.

The more she looked, the more violent the shaking became.

At the same time, above her body, the tyrannical and cold aura, as well as the incomparably cold murderous aura, also began to slowly rise beside her.

"Straw Hat Pirates!! World Government!!"

The furious roar, like a wounded beast, resounded above the cake castle.


[Thanks to the boss of 'Once upon a time there was an eunuch' for the reward again, thank you! 】enter.

519 The encounter between Link and Zefa! The other party is actually a navy admiral? !

That roar, which was almost as good as the ultimate roar from the wailing, also shook the eardrums of Mondor and others to the point of pain.

Their expressions changed, and they suddenly retreated some distance from Charlotte Lingling.

Now in this situation, it is clear that their mother is in the anger phase of not listening.

No matter how much you talk to her, it doesn't help.

But it's better to wait for her to calm down first, and then step forward again.


Listening to my mother's words just now, it is obvious that the Straw Hat Pirates and the World Government have been identified as the real culprits of this incident.

Then they will probably have a lot of work to do next, and they need to be busy.

And at the same time as Charlotte Lingling roared like this, in the medical room of the Charlotte family.

In a room filled with the pungent smell of disinfectant.

"I see…"

Becky, who was weakened by the poison gas, lay there with an ugly smile on her face.

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