On the end is the world's top swordsman.

Under normal circumstances, Hawkeye would be interested in this and wanted to find a samurai.


It's not that he didn't understand the situation on the Wano country side. He had already been occupied by the Hundred Beast Pirates and became Kaido's station.

If Wano Country really has a great swordsman like Ryoma, Kaido would never dare to be so arrogant.

It can be seen that the country of Wano is still in decline~~~

Hawkeye thought so inwardly, and then looked at some cute porcelain doll-like Princess Mononoke who was still crying and sobbing.

"How long are you going to cry?"

Mihawk watched him calmly.

"Momomo... Mr. Moria was killed in the battle on the top!!"

As soon as this matter was mentioned, Perona's tears were like a river whose **** had burst, and could no longer be stopped.

Reports after the war on the top show that Moriah was defeated and died in that war.

And later, there was really not much news about him. At one time, people thought that the former Qibukai, who had fought with Kaido and had a proud record, really fell.

So, ever since she got this news, Perona, who was adopted by Moria in the West Sea and followed him all the way to the Devil's Triangle of the Great Route, was very sad and her tears never stopped.

Well, although she is obsessed with treasures, likes gloomy and classical villas, and when Moria is in crisis, she wants to evacuate his treasures and leave here.

But this did not hinder her sincere feelings for Moriah.

After that, I can no longer enjoy the fun of playing freely with someone standing in front of me.

"Isn't death in the battlefield expected?"

Hawkeye spoke calmly, the words that felt extremely cold-blooded in Perona's ears:

"However, relying on the ability of the Shadow Shadow Fruit, that guy can easily escape from heaven~"


This last sentence made Perona's original anger stagnate, and she asked with joy:

"Well, it is very possible that he will continue to linger, living in a corner of this world~~~"

Hawkeye drank the red wine in the glass, "After all, he is the man who escaped from Nen Kaido's hands alive."

"Is that so?!"

Perona was a little overjoyed and nodded thoughtfully, "Sir Moria is still alive... Wait?!"

She also quickly responded, "You guy, were you mocking Lord Moria just now?!"

With sharp teeth and white eyes, she watched Hawkeye leave the dining table and put the hat back on his head:

"Also, what are you planning to do?!"

"Go to Wano Country~"

Hawkeye inserted the black knife Ye into his back, and walked out of the castle without looking back.

Do what you want, that's what this man has always done.

And when Hawkeye received the summoning order for the country of Wano this time, he has already launched an action, heading for the direction of the country of Wano~

The other Qiwuhais naturally got the same thing.

For example, a certain lucky and domineering king of clowns, a certain king of the daughter country of Nine Snake Island.

558 Bucky's rejection, department/group: 9\'8\"0, \'2,0\"5:8\'5,6 must call, Hancock's excitement! The concubine must go to see Lord Link early!

New World, Calle Bali.

On this island, a famous street was built, and the people on the island named it Bucky Street.

And the owner of this street is the great pirate of the Seven Martial Seas, the king of the clowns of [Qianliang Daohua], the crew of the pirate king, the red-haired sworn brothers of the four emperors, who cooperated with the Straw Hat Pirates in the advancing city, Played with the applause of Director Magellan and others, and finally reached the top of the battlefield, setting off a turbulent man, Bucky!

After the big event that was remembered in the annals of history, this great pirate who is very legendary and is also a legendary figure received an invitation from the world government.

Originally, according to his identity and the deeds he did, there was an irreconcilable conflict with the world government.

But then things were so weird, beyond everyone's expectations and-development.

The King of Clowns, Bucky of [Thousand Two Ways], accepted the invitation of the World Government and became a Shichibukai.

Above the sea, it really set off a wave and discussion.

Many people think that this legendary man has betrayed his previous consistent code of conduct, but there are also many people who think that he joined Qiwuhai with ulterior motives, in order to play a big game.

It seems that there are rumors and rumors spreading among the people. It is said that [Red Hair] Shanks, one of the four emperors, has some kind of secret connection with the Five Old Stars.

Then, as his righteous brother, Bucky, who was also a trainee pirate on the pirate ship, must be the same as his brother.

There is some kind of purpose and plot, which attracts constant reverie.

But after all, this is just speculation, there are different opinions, and no one knows what the truth behind it is.

Anyway, what I know is that this legendary great pirate came to this island after accepting the position of Wangxia Qiwuhai. Not only did he do nothing, but he also established a pirate dispatch company named "Ba Basic Express".

Well, as a pirate, he actually started a serious business, and even recruited several giant soldiers headed by [Helding] as the signboard of the company's express delivery business, which made his business unexpectedly unexpected. nice~!

It even makes people feel that his business and small life are booming!

"So, my business is doing so well, why should I go to the country of Wano in Naoshizi?!"

In the office of the president of the express company, Bucky's huge red-nosed head flew around in the air.

"I finally survived the war on the top. With such a foundation, how could I go to wrestle with the rest of the four emperors?!"

As soon as he saw the summoning order on the table, Bucky felt a burst of disgust and refusal in his heart. Department/Group:9\'8\"0,\'2,0\"5: 8\'5,6 must.

"The summoning order given by the world government this time is not the type of mandatory summoning that was used during the war. If you don't go, you will be deprived of the Shichibukai position."

Next to the office, a man with a "3" hairstyle on the top of his head picked up the summoning order and looked at it carefully.

Well, looking at his face, it is Mr.3 from the original Baroque Works.

This guy was knocked down by Zoro and thrown into the push city, but Luffy didn't let him out.

But later, because Blackbeard made a big noise in the push city, this guy finally escaped while taking advantage of the chaos.

And it's also very coincidental. I don't know what kind of weird experience I have experienced. I met Bucky again, and the two hooked up. There, they were in trouble again, and they got together with similar smells.

In such a situation, it can only be said that people are gathered in groups by similarities, and the smell of like-mindedness seems to come to the door just by smelling it.

In addition, Bucky and Gal Tino are indeed a perfect match.

Fake Four Emperors & Fake Emperor Vice.

As long as you think about other people's emperors, they are Jhin, Zoro, Pony, Ben Beckman, Katakuri~~~

And Bucky's deputy is the guy with the "3" on his head...

It can only be said that there is no comparison at all.


As soon as he heard that it was a summoning order that did not interfere with Shichibukai's position, Bucky immediately came to his senses.

"Well, it really doesn't have any effect."

Gal Dino checked it carefully again, and confirmed that there was no omission.

The summoning orders of the Qiwuhai itself are divided into two types. One is the mandatory participation in the top war. If you don't go, you will be deprived of the title, and the other is like this.

It seems that on the original version, Bundy Ward of [World Destroyer] made a mess, and the world government issued a summoning order for Shichibukai.

In the end, there were only three people, Hawkeye Mihawk, Boya Hancock, and Bucky.

This summoning order will not have any effect on the position of Qiwuhai, but it requires you to give enough reasons to explain why you cannot be present.

"On this point, you can just help me think about it!"

Bucky waved his hand indifferently, "It just so happens that I have a big order to negotiate here!"

"If my investigation is correct, this should be from the Revolutionary Army, Captain?"

Gal Tino pushed his glasses, "You are sure that we, as Shichibukai, will make a deal with the Revolutionary Army, will it be really good?!"

"Once it is discovered by the world government, the consequences will be very serious!"

"Relax, it's fine!"

Bucky waved his hands indifferently, "Be careful with this kind of thing, if there is no problem with their goods, there will never be a big mess~!"

There he laughed and said, "It's not like the Revolutionary Army will let me send Tianlong people? If that's the case, I really can run as far as I can!"

・・・・ Asking for flowers ・・・

"Perhaps, after running to the new world, I can also be one of the four emperors!"

There he was bragging and joking, joking to his heart's content.

Gal Dino also shook his head, not taking it seriously.

Whether it's the Heavenly Dragon Man or the Four Sovereigns, what happened to his big-hearted captain who actually had no ability at all?

How is this possible~

He curled his lips in disdain in his heart, even if gold fell from the sky, this kind of thing would never happen...


A solid object hit Gal Tino's head.

"This is... gold?!"

He looked at the item in his hand in amazement, then raised his head and looked at the hole that was smashed out above his head.



Actually, really lost gold? !

And just when Gal Tino lost his mind, Bucky was unwilling to accept the summoning order this time~

On the other side, Shichibukai, in the daughter country of the windless belt.

"Prepare the boat! Go to sea!"

The world's most beautiful [Pirate Empress] Boya Hancock paced back and forth in the palace.

"My concubine must go to see Lord Link early!"

The catwalk, which was constantly walking, could not suppress the excitement in his heart at all.

Finally, I was able to go to see Lord Link again in a fair and justifiable manner!

"Snake Princess..."

Granny New, who came after hearing that Hancock was planning to leave for Wano, wanted to say something.

She didn't want to refuse, the department/group: 9\'8\"0, \'2,0\"5:8\'5,6 absolutely, and even praised and supported, after all, this deepens the relationship with The world government cooperates and responds to its actions, which is also very beneficial to their Nine Snake Island.

But when she saw Hancock, with her crazy face at the moment, she silently swallowed the words that came to her mouth.

A woman who is in love can't listen to what she has to say.

Granny New wanted to remind Hancock to pay attention to his own safety. After all, Kaido, after all, is a real Four Emperors.

However, when she thought of Hancock and Link, after drinking the strange so-called [talent potion], she practiced in that strange can for a while.

The strength obtained by that practice is already different from what it used to be, and it can be called a qualitative change.

Even Granny New, who vaguely felt the breath of Hancock, was a little frightened.

In the range of her own feeling, the current Hancock, not to mention whether he can defeat or even match the four emperors, but at least guarantee his own safety, there is absolutely no problem.


[Thanks to the boss of 'Once upon a time there was an eunuch' for the reward again! grateful! 】enter.

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