The Great Voyage: The Trembling Prince Of The Charlotte Family

Chapter 73 First-Class Acting Skills! 【Third Watch】


No one thought of it.

At this moment, inside the fourth floor Blazing Hell, the passageway adjacent to the entrance of the fifth floor.

In recent years, the two bosses who jointly guard the world's largest deep-sea prison, known as the "bronze wall and iron wall" of Impel down.

Magellan, the administrator, and Rainzhi Shiryu, the warden, faced each other at daggers.

"Dragon!" Magellan's eyes were serious.

A large amount of dark purple venom surged all over his body.

Three huge poisonous dragons were formed, where they bared their teeth and claws, looking down on Shiryu of the Rain in front of them.

Looking at Shiryu of the Rain who seemed to be confident, he was full of doubts.

He gritted his teeth and asked, "You wanted to defect a long time ago, didn't you?"

"That's right, I've had enough of staying in this oppressive, breathless place without even the slightest bit of freedom...

Carrying the famous knife Thunderstorm.

Shiryu of the Rain was biting his cigar, full of arrogance.

He nodded without hesitation.

As he spoke, his face was full of resentment and sarcasm, and he said viciously: "What is the second in command of the deep sea prison, what is the youngest warden in Impel down for decades, in the eyes of the world government, he is just an insignificant gatekeeper. It's just a dog!"

"So, you don't hesitate to kill those criminals?"

Magellan frowned tightly.

Staring at Shiryu of the Rain in front of him, he said with some surprise: "But, I have already investigated, and among the prisoners you killed, quite a few are capable people!"

"No, besides the failure of the transfer, I couldn't suppress my anger and kill some scumbags to vent my anger, there are deeper reasons..."

The corners of Shiryu's mouth turned up, with deep amusement.

Under Magellan's shocked gaze, he smiled unhurriedly and said: "I heard that after the death of Demon fruit power, its ability will be randomly reborn in a certain corner of the world. I firmly believe that if the distance is closer, the chance of obtaining bigger.

"I just took a big gamble before leaving!"

heard the words.

Magellan suddenly changed color.

Looking at Shiryu in disbelief, he cried out: "Do you think that you can get the Devil Fruit ability? Are you crazy?"

"That's impossible. It's impossible to succeed at all. The probability is close to zero. If it were so easy to recover those abilities, the World Government would have done that a long time ago......

"Yes, the rebirth of Devil Fruit's ability is random, even if the Host dies, it may not be reborn on this island.

Shiryu of the Rain was bloodthirsty all over his face, and nodded generously: "In other words, even if Devil Fruit is reborn in Impel down, I may not be the first to find it, or it may be accidentally found by other prison staff, but As long as he doesn't eat it right away, with my identity and strength, I have every chance to grab it."

"This is just a random probability event, no one is sure, that's why I said it's a big gamble. Anyway, I won't lose any prisoners...

"One capable person can't do it, five capable people can't do it, ten capable people can't..."

He licked his lips, his eyes filled with indescribable madness, and said with a grin: "Then, what about twenty, thirty, forty or even more? Impel down lacks everything, but there is no shortage of such experimental products." !"

"You are simply crazy"

Looking at Shiryu, who looked like a madman and was full of cruelty, Magellan shuddered a little.

On the ghostly face, there was a murderous air, and a large amount of venom gushed out crazily.

"Shiryu of the Rain, you have committed such evil deeds and still don't know how to repent, you have fallen beyond redemption..." He was furious, and there he said loudly: "Today, don't think about it with me by your side. Half a step away from Impel down!"

"Roar........ Roar...." The three poisonous dragons with teeth and claws suddenly rushed out towards Shiryu of the Rain.

"You can only spend the rest of your life in the Eternal Hell!"

"That can't be done... Momo Thirty-fold gun!"

In a split second.

I saw an exquisite pistol in Shiryu's hand at some point.

Facing the attacking three-headed poisonous dragon, he suddenly pulled the trigger.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Three bullets shot out like lightning.

With lightning speed, it turned into a shell the size of a human head.

The moment it hit the poisonous dragon like lightning, it exploded violently.

"Boom..." The fire was soaring into the sky, and the gunpowder smoke filled the air.

Accompanied by an astonishing air wave, a large amount of venom splashed out.

"Director Magellan, Warden Shiryu..."

A large number of heavily armed prison guards rushed over.

Looking at the two men who were confronting each other with a murderous look.

They couldn't help but couldn't believe it.

at a loss.

"That could it be?" Magellan's pupils narrowed sharply.

His eyes widened, and he looked at Shiryu of the Rain who was holding a sword in one hand and a gun in the other in disbelief, sweating coldly: "Could it be that you..."

The Devil Fruit ability that suddenly increases the speed and volume of the bullet just now.

As far as he knows there is only one.

Moreover, it is the ability of the prisoners held in the Eternal Hell on the sixth floor of Impel down.

It is the Paramecia Momo fruit owned by the "World Destroyer" Byrnndi·World who was imprisoned in a state of frozen suspended animation for more than ten years.

Think carefully.

He couldn't help but his face changed drastically, and a bone-chilling chill gushed out.

Surprised and angry for a while, what did Shiryu of the Rain do to the prisoners of Eternal Hell without telling him?

"Hehehehe~, I failed again and again, I searched the entire Impel down, but I couldn't find even a reborn Devil Fruit, and even the prison staff didn't see anyone lucky enough to find it... ..I was completely disappointed and prepared to give up!"

The muzzle of the smoking gun pointed at Magellan unceremoniously, and Shiryu of the Rain smiled strangely: "But fate chose me, Magellan!"

This pistol.

It was specially created by Dr. Hawkins to match his abilities.

The bullet is a special explosive bomb, not only has an exaggerated range, but also will explode violently after hitting the target, which is amazingly powerful.

And after the increase of Momo Fruit, it is far more terrifying than ordinary shells.

In addition, Dr. Hawkins specially prepared another armor-piercing projectile for him, which has extremely strong penetrating power.

It is specially designed to target those who are strong in the defense of Grandmaster Haki.

Because although the power of the Gatling machine gun is indeed powerful enough, it is too cumbersome after all.

It is not easy to carry.

Especially for a swordsman like him.

Such a pistol is more suitable for fighting against the enemy with the ability of Momo fruit in battle.

Able to surprise the enemy and defeat the enemy.

"You bastard…………"

A large amount of venom surged out.

Magellan's Duron hasn't had time to condense into shape yet.

Shiryu of the Rain sneered sullenly, and immediately shot mercilessly at the director of Impel Down: "々Momo Thirty-fold gun!"

"Bang, bang..."

The sharp armor-piercing projectile is extremely fast.

No matter the speed or volume, they all suddenly skyrocketed, multiplied, and came through the air at a speed visible to the naked eye in the blink of an eye.

Magellan's complexion changed drastically, and his hairs stood on end.


Between electric light and flint.

The poisonous dragon carrying Armament Haki roared out there.


A large amount of venom poured out.

In the past, although Magellan fought in Impel down without any disadvantages, he was almost unbeaten.

But relatively speaking, it itself is not very good at physical skills, and the main reason is that the toxicity of the venom is too terrible, even those vicious criminals dare not be easily contaminated.

Coupled with the narrow space inside the impel down, his poisonous fruit ability can display 200% of its power.

Regardless of the speed or volume, the armor-piercing bullets have directly increased by thirty times, how terrifying is the power?

Even if the hastily condensed poisonous dragon is entangled with Armament Haki, it is just venom after all, not really indestructible.

It can't stop the "armor-piercing projectile" that pierces through the air at a terrifying speed, rotates there at high speed, and carries a terrible impact and penetrating force.

In an instant, Magellan (Li's Zhao), who was caught off guard, narrowly escaped the vitals, but was still scratched on the arm, causing a large spray of blood.

The terrifying "armor-piercing bombs" are still unabated.

"Boom..." The walls of the extremely solid cell were ruthlessly pierced and torn apart, leaving huge exaggerated holes.

A large cloud of smoke and dust flew up, and many unlucky criminals were directly rubbed or torn apart by the terrible "armor-piercing bullet".

Some criminals died tragically on the spot, and some criminals wailed endlessly there.

Blood dripping, bloody scene.

It's chilling.

"Momo·10x Speed‧Shave!"

Shiryu of the Rain had no intention of fighting the opponent at all.

Stomping under his feet, Momo Fruit's ability was activated, and the speed was so fast that it was invisible to the naked eye.

In an instant, it had turned into an afterimage and disappeared on the ground floor.

Even the prison guards around could only look at each other in blank dismay.

"damn it....……"

Magellan looked ugly.

Regardless of his own injuries, a large amount of venom kept gushing out.

It turned into a cylindrical, twisting and extending venom channel like a pipe, leading straight to the direction of the elevator, and the whole person quickly shuttled through the venom channel like a fish: "Don't try to escape!"



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