The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 109: The Ten Thousand Year Crisis in the Immortal Cultivation World in the Southern Territor

Liuyun Immortal Sect is five hundred miles away.

On a cliff.

Dense vines hang down from it, and behind the vines is a cave with a radius of more than ten feet.

Three monks in gray clothes sat cross-legged among them. These three monks were all in the Foundation Construction stage. Two of them were at the eighth level of the Foundation Construction stage, and the other, younger, was at the fourth level of the Foundation Construction stage!

In front of them, there was a black disk the size of a millstone floating, with a skull pattern on it, flickering.

"Junior Brother Xuan, the murderer is a disciple of Liuyun Immortal Sect. We are demons and cannot enter Liuyun Immortal Sect for the time being. We can only wait here for this thief to come out!"

Tie Ying looked at his junior brother Xuan Gu and said in a deep voice.

Xuan Gu is the master's precious son. He is extremely talented and has refined the energy of heaven and earth. His future achievements will be limitless!


The three brothers came together to catch the murderer, but they had to ensure the safety of their junior brother. Otherwise, even if they killed the murderer, they would not be able to explain to their master Xuanting when they went back!

"Yes, junior brother, we have this tracking disk for the powerful Jindan Yuanying of Liuyun Immortal Sect. As long as this traitor leaves the sect to gain experience, he will definitely die!"

Tie Chou was also on the side and said in a deep voice.

"Well, just follow the words of the two senior brothers!"

Xuan Gu nodded.

Of course he knew that the Liuyun Immortal Sect was as powerful as the clouds, and once discovered, the three of them would definitely die.

Tianji Peak.

The outer disciples were in the small courtyard.

Yu Xiaochang's room is two rooms on the left near the main entrance.

One is a bedroom and the other is a small living room.

"I am pretending to be Yu Xiaochang. If I practice in the courtyard of the outer disciples, if there are Nascent Soul, Golden Pill and Foundation Establishment, I will definitely notice that my mana fluctuates strangely."

Lin Changsheng sat in Yu Xiaochang's room, hanging a 'retreat' sign on the door, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.


As a high-level monk, it is impossible for his consciousness to be swept away at any time, but what if it happens?

Don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of what happens!

He is pretending to be Yu Xiaochang. With his foundation-building cultivation, hiding among the outer disciples will inevitably arouse suspicion. It is okay to hide here, but once he practices, the aura of his foundation-building cultivation will definitely spread and be detected by high-level monks. It's possible to arrive.

"You can hide in Liuyun Immortal Sect, but you can't practice. This is a big problem."

Lin Changsheng frowned deeply.

What he has to do now is to improve his cultivation as quickly as possible!

Only those with strong cultivation will not be afraid of being tracked by ghosts!

If he can't practice, then wouldn't it be impossible for the demonic monks to wait outside the sect and not leave?


Lin Changsheng knew in his heart that he was currently in Tianji Peak and could not run around, let alone go to places like the Kung Fu Hall, nor could he spend more resources than his own "fourth level of Qi Refining Period" to exchange for elixirs. Or trade.

"Stay for a while first, wait until the demonic monk runs out of patience and leaves!"

Lin Changsheng thought for a while and thought to himself.

Currently, the skull pattern on the wrist will become brighter as long as it is closer to the monk being tracked by the demonic path, and vice versa.

"Huh? Xiaobai is awake?"

Lin Changsheng checked his storage bag, the spirit beast bag, and suddenly found the little white fox lying in the spirit beast bag. His big eyes flashed, and he sensed Lin Changsheng's consciousness and immediately stood up in the spirit beast bag space.

Lin Changsheng's consciousness moved, and in an instant, the little white fox appeared in the room.


When the little white fox saw Lin Changsheng, he immediately came to him and stretched out his two front paws, looking very happy.

Lin Changsheng held the two front paws of the little white fox. Suddenly, he discovered that the little white fox had actually grown a third fox tail. However, the third tail was still very short, only three inches long, bare and pink. , not covered with fox fur like the front two tails.

a bit like

"Xiao Bai, have you grown a third tail? How is your strength now?"

Lin Changsheng looked at Xiaobai, his eyes flashed, and asked.

He felt that this little white fox was very mysterious. He could not feel the slightest breath on it, nor could he feel what level of monster it was. However, that day, the little white fox captured the eight heaven and earth energies and took him with him. The ability to teleport thousands of miles really shocked Lin Changsheng.


The little white fox nodded, then shook his head.

"Although it understands human nature, it is a pity that it cannot speak. Otherwise, it would know something."

Lin Changsheng looked at the little white fox, and suddenly his heart moved, and he said to the little white fox. "Xiao Bai, can you help me rub my back?"

After saying this, Lin Changsheng pointed at his back.

His Vajra Indestructible Body experience points require a SPA massage.

Although Lin Changsheng has never been to a SPA, he knows that SPA massage includes facial and body care, water therapy, massage, massage, aromatherapy and other types of treatments to relax the body and mind.

Let Xiaobai give himself a massage. It would be better if he could gain experience points.

If not, forget it.

Give it a try.


The little white fox looked at Lin Changsheng's big eyes and said he didn't understand.

Lin Changsheng immediately stepped forward, picked up the little white fox, placed it at his feet, grabbed its two small front paws and made some gestures on his thighs, and then said to the little white fox. "That's it, why don't you give it a try?"


The little white fox's face showed a human look, almost contemptuous. It took three steps back and shook its head.

"Xiao Bai, I will provide you with food and drink, and you won't do it if I ask you to hammer my legs?"

Lin Changsheng looked at the little white fox, frowned and said.


The little white fox stuck out its pink tongue at him, turned around and ran to the side, lying down and pretending to be dead.

"This is a bit difficult!"

Lin Changsheng felt helpless when he saw that Xiaobai was unwilling to do it. He looked thoughtful and murmured. “Let me try beating my own legs??”

Lin Changsheng felt that he had reached a dead end in thinking and wanted to find someone to do a spa.

After all, Vajra is said to be a spa massage, and beating your own legs is also a type of massage, as long as it can increase the experience value.

Thinking of this, Lin Changsheng beat his legs.

The indestructible Vajra body experience value +1!

The indestructible Vajra body experience value +1!

"Huh? It sure works!"

Seeing the experience points appear, Lin Changsheng's eyes lit up and he immediately hammered himself. Red prompts kept popping up on his panel.

"Now, all we have to do is watch women break dance. This is really difficult. How about spending some spiritual stones and asking Jin Bu to dress up as a woman and dance?"

Lin Changsheng thought for a while and thought to himself.

As for asking female disciples to break dance, that is impossible, let alone whether the female disciples will agree to it.

Even if someone is willing to do it for the spirit stone, the impact within the sect may be a bit big.

Originally, he could team up with a female disciple to go out to do a task and give spirit stones to the female disciple to dance. However, the demon cultivator's tracking pattern flashed, indicating that the demon cultivator was still hiding outside the sect waiting, and Lin Changsheng did not dare to leave the sect for the time being.

"First complete the Vajra Indestructible Body!"

Lin Changsheng took a deep breath and thought to himself.

The Divine Refining Technique, the Foundation Building Chapter, and the Qi Refining Chapter have all been completed. In fact, the Divine Refining Technique can be practiced. However, the spiritual consciousness fluctuates greatly, and he is worried that it will not be stable, so he still dare not try it.

Thinking of this.

Lin Changsheng hammered his legs together.

On the panel, the experience value is constantly refreshed.

Liuyun Immortal Sect.

The main hall of the clan.

Sect leader Su Changkong sat in the main seat.

On the left and right sides, there is a monk with a strong aura sitting on each side, and Master Wanfa is among them.

Behind Master Wanfa are Li Jiantang, Ji Ruyan, Liao Bugui, Liu Jinyan and many other Jindan elders.

"Everyone, we have just received news from the Supreme Elder of the Jinfu Immortal Sect that the Beimu Immortal Clan is about to invade our Southern Immortal Cultivation World. The situation in our Southern Immortal Cultivation World has become even more difficult!"

Su Changkong looked at the many Nascent Soul Golden Pills sitting there with deep helplessness in his eyes.

at present.

Today's world of immortality is divided into four regions: southeast, southeast, and northwest.

They are: Eastern Wasteland, the Immortal Cultivation Realm in the south, the Sea of ​​Demonic Demons in the west, and the Beimu Immortal Clan in the north!

The Eastern Wasteland is the place where the monster clan is entrenched. It is an endless wild mountain with endless dangers and countless powerful monsters.

In the Demonic Sea to the west, strange storms have occurred in recent years, which has made it impossible for demonic cultivators to survive. The five major sects of the demonic path intend to enter the southern region to get a share of the pie!

Now, the Beimu Immortal Clan from the north is also going to invade!

It’s like a dilapidated house and it rains all night!

"What? Beimu Immortal Clan? Are about to invade our southern region? This."

"The devil is going to invade from the Demonic Sea, and now the Beimu Immortal Clan is also going to invade. What should we do in the southern region?"

"Hateful! The Beimu Immortal Clan is living a good life in their own region, but they want to invade our southern region. They are as bad as the demon cultivators!"

"The Demon Sea Demon Cultivator and the Beimu Immortal Clan are invading together. How can we in the Southern Region resist this?"


Hearing Su Changkong's words, many Yuanying ancestors and Jindan elders present were shocked and looked worried.

"With the Demonic Sea in the west and the Beimu Immortal Clan in the north, our southern region will encounter the most severe crisis in ten thousand years! The Supreme Elder has gone to the Tianjian Immortal Sect to discuss the matter. All we can do is to improve ourselves with all our strength. Only by cultivating yourself can you survive in this crisis!"

"After you return, urge all disciples to practice with all their strength to improve their cultivation, and go out to experience, in order to deal with the biggest crisis in the Southern Immortal Cultivation World in ten thousand years!"

Su Changkong spoke in a deep voice.

At this moment, Su Changkong's face was full of worry.

This time, the Southern Immortal Cultivation World was besieged by the Demonic Sea of ​​the West Sea and the Beimu Immortal Clan. It might be an alliance between the Demonic Dao and the Beimu Immortal Clan. Overall, the outcome was very bad.

"Yes, Sect Master!"



Many Yuanying and Jindan responded, clasping their fists at Su Changkong, turning around and flying into the sky.

Misty Peak.

Ji Ruyan is the master of this peak. There is a main hall at the top of the peak, and Ji Ruyan is sitting in the middle of the hall.

A sandalwood stove curls out a faint white mist, making the entire hall look even more fairy-like!

At this time.

A slim figure in purple came quickly and landed at the entrance of the palace, clasping her fist respectfully towards Ji Ruyan. "Disciple has met the master!"

"Ziyue, you're here, very good. I'll give you this foundation-building pill. You can go and attack the foundation-building pill in Master's training room!"

Ji Ruyan looked at Gao Ziyue and said in a deep voice.

"Master, didn't you ask the disciple to wait?"

Gao Ziyue's beautiful eyes showed doubts.

"Ziyue, that was before, but now, the situation is different. Moshahai and the Immortal Cultivation World of the Southern Territory have agreed to a ten-year decisive battle. Now the Beimu Immortal Clan is about to invade. Our Southern Territory has faced the most severe crisis in ten thousand years. By then, our Liuyun Immortal Sect still doesn’t know what to do!”

"Therefore, I want you to break through as soon as possible so that you can have more life-saving strength in future crises!"

Ji Ruyan looked at Gao Ziyue and spoke in a deep voice.

to be honest.

Gao Ziyue has dual spiritual roots, and her qualifications are the best among all her disciples. Her future achievements are the lowest with the golden elixir. She only hopes that Gao Ziyue can improve her cultivation level faster!

"Master, disciple understands!"

Gao Ziyue nodded after hearing this.

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