The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 124 The Southern Realm of Immortal Cultivation is defeated, the powerful existence of divine

"Everyone, please sail the ship and wait for me twenty miles away."

"This large formation is on top of the earth's fire. If I collect this formation, the earth's fire will erupt into the sky and form a volcanic eruption!"

On the island, Lin Changsheng put away the last formation base, looked at the center of the formation disk, and said to Concubine Yu Ling, Zhuo Yijian and others standing beside him.

"Okay, Fellow Daoist Long, please pay attention to your own safety!"


Concubine Yu Ling, Zhuo Yijian and others gave instructions to Lin Changsheng, then headed to the seaside with their swords and controlled the ship to leave.

To know.

They and Long Ping'an are now grasshoppers in the same boat. Fellow Daoist Long can open the formation of Huoyao Sand Dune. Whether they can leave the place of soul seizing will depend on Fellow Daoist Long. They don't want anything to happen to Fellow Daoist Long.

Lin Changsheng watched as Concubine Yu Ling, Zhuo Yijian and others' ship left.

He flew up into the sky and fired a series of spells at the mountain. The brilliance of the spells flew into the mountain. This was the step for the Earth Vein Fiery God-Burning Formation to collect the array disk.

This array plate is the center of the array, suppressing the lava in the earth veins.

After a while, a roulette wheel with a radius of ten feet and a fiery red color flew up from the mountain peak, spinning in the sky, shrinking into a disk the size of a sea bowl, floating in front of Lin Changsheng.

Lin Changsheng put the array disk into the storage bag with a wave of his hand.

The moment he put away the formation disk.


There was a loud noise, the earth trembled, and the island where Lin Changsheng was located continued to shake!

The mountain peak cracked, boulders continued to fall, and a hot breath carried mountain ash, spread from the cracks in the mountain peak, and rushed into the sky.

"The fire of the earth's veins is about to break out!"

Lin Changsheng flew into the sky and galloped towards Concubine Yu Ling, Zhuo Yijian and others. At this moment, Lin Changsheng felt a powerful pressure sweeping over him.

However, this powerful pressure only flashed by and then disappeared.

"Whose consciousness is this?"

Feeling this terrifying pressure of spiritual consciousness, Lin Changsheng felt his heart tremble. This feeling made him feel as if he was standing at the foot of the mountain looking up to the peak, feeling very insignificant!

"When I put away this formation disk, this powerful spiritual consciousness appeared. Could it be that..."

At this moment, Lin Changsheng only felt that his scalp was numb. The only thing he could do now was to sweep away his consciousness, which was comparable to the golden elixir stage, and fly his sword towards the big ship of Yu Lingfei and others!

At the same time, Lin Changsheng's consciousness moved and he opened the panel.

[The Greatest Way to Simple: Foundation Building Level]

[Lin Changsheng: 23/373]

[Cultivation: Foundation Building Stage (Third Floor 3999/4000)]

[Skills: Five Elements Soul Refining Secret (Perfection), Golden Body of the Holy Buddha (Entry 0/1000)]

[Spells: Invisible Sky Blade (Perfection), Meteor Fire Rain (Perfection)]

[Light Body Technique: Three Thousand Thunders (Perfection), Rebirth (Perfection)]

[Alchemy: Shenyuan Pill (Perfection), Foundation Establishment Pill (Perfection)]

[Puppet: Bronze Corpse (Level 2, Foundation Building Stage)]

[Consuming a certain amount of spirit stones, you can simplify exercises, spells, magical powers, etc. 】

[Status: Ghost Path Tracking]

"Well, my three body training techniques have been perfected, my body has become stronger, and my cultivation has reached the third level of the foundation building stage. The upper limit of my life span has been increased by 100 years!"


Lin Changsheng looked at the panel with a look of satisfaction in his eyes.

Lin Changsheng's speed was extremely fast. In a short time, he caught up with Yu Lingfei and others' ship and landed on the ship.

at the same time.

The blue realm of immortality.

Jiuyuan Immortal City is thousands of miles away.



In the sky, there are monks wielding swords and flying in the sky everywhere. They are constantly bombarding each other with spells, sword lights, and magic weapons!

On the ground, there were also many monks fighting each other, with broken limbs and arms everywhere, and rivers of blood!

Above the nine heavens.

There are several battle groups.

In one of the battle groups, two figures kept flashing. It was Mu Long, the divine master of the Beimu Immortal Clan, and Wanfu King, the Nascent Soul elder of the Jinfu Immortal Sect, fighting!

At this moment, a third figure appeared beside them!

The moment this figure appeared, a sharp golden light pierced towards King Wanfu!

"You sneak attack!"

King Wanfu was fighting with Divine Master Mu Long, but unexpectedly, another Divine Master Beimu was hiding aside, waiting for an opportunity to attack!

Moreover, this Master Beimu was very clever at concealing his attacks. He didn't notice it just now. He reached out and grabbed a Xuanwu Holy Spirit Amulet. He wanted to block it, but found that it was too late to activate it.

Divine Master Beimu struck with all his strength, and the golden light passed through his body!

At the critical moment, King Wanfu's Nascent Soul emerged from his head, holding a mysterious golden talisman in his hand. He wanted to leave, but found a golden net covering his Nascent Soul.

The Nascent Soul of King Jinfu was tightly controlled by the golden net and could not break free, and was eventually tied tightly.

"Wang Fu Wang Yi of the Golden Fu Immortal Sect has fallen!"

"The Golden Talisman King of the Nascent Soul Stage of the Southern Territory has fallen. Kill all the monks of the Southern Territory!"


King Wanfu was beheaded and his body was beheaded. The voice of Northern Mu Divine Master Mu Long, like thunder, spread throughout the battlefield of Jiuyuan Immortal City.

At this time, in the sky, Yue Xianzi, the Yue Xianzi, the Jiujianxian, Wanfa Zhenren, etc., who were fighting against Divine Master Beimu in the Southern Region, were all shocked and abandoned their opponents and retreated.

They were also afraid that Master Beimu, who had his hands free, would sneak attack on them.

at the same time.

Because a Nascent Soul in the Southern Immortal Cultivation World was beaten to death and the Nascent Soul was captured, the morale of the Southern Monk cultivators plummeted and retreated. On the contrary, the Northern Mu Immortal Clan gained momentum and pursued the victory.

This battle.

The Immortal Cultivation World in the Southern Territory was defeated, and the Beimu Immortal Clan took over the land thousands of miles away from the Giant Whale Immortal City!

On the vast sea, a 30-foot-long ship was slowly moving forward.

Lin Changsheng stood on the boat with his hands behind his back.

His consciousness, centered on the big ship, suddenly swept around. He saw giant shark monsters devouring small monsters on the sea, and giant seabird monsters hunting sea monsters.

at this time.

Lin Changsheng's consciousness discovered a large ship appearing more than fifty miles away!

"Huh? This is the Huoyao Tribe's big ship?"

Lin Changsheng's consciousness suddenly discovered that the clothes worn by the warriors on this large ship were actually the symbol of the Huoyao Tribe.

"What are they doing here? Hey, no, there is a middle-aged man on the boat. Why does his cultivation level fluctuate so much??"

Lin Changsheng's spiritual consciousness discovered that there was a middle-aged man on the boat who had a very strong cultivation level and was constantly rising and falling.

Sometimes it is the perfect atmosphere of the foundation building period, and sometimes it seems to exceed the perfection of the foundation building period!

at this time.

Lin Changsheng was on the big ship more than 50 miles away.

"The divine consciousness of the golden elixir stage! How is that possible? Isn't the divine consciousness of this soul-stealing land suppressed?"

At that moment, Xuanting felt a spiritual consciousness equivalent to that of the late Jindan stage passing through his body!

He knew that in this soul-stealing place, there was no spiritual energy, it was impossible to practice, and the consciousness was sealed.

This person just now actually had the consciousness of the Golden Core stage?

This is too strange.

"Xuanfeng, are there other immortal cultivators in this soul-stealing land?"

Xuanting's figure flashed and came to another cabin. He looked at Xuan Feng who was sitting there and asked in a deep voice.

"Immortal master, no, except for the nine immortal cultivators including the leader Long, there are no other immortal cultivators!"

Xuanfeng shook his head and said in a deep voice.

"I heard from Xuanfeng and the others that the consciousness of these nine immortal cultivators has been restricted, their mana has been exhausted, and they have become ordinary people. They couldn't have been them just now! It seems that they may be the Jindan stage who is hiding here."

Xuanting's eyes showed a vigilant look.

At this moment, his consciousness was suppressed and he could not detect what the opponent's golden elixir stage looked like at all? from where?


The skeleton magic weapon warmed in his body cannot be sacrificed, the storage bag cannot be opened, and the magic power has dropped to the level equivalent to the completion of the foundation building period.

Now he doesn't dare to use magic power in order to save money.

"It seems that another immortal cultivator has arrived in the land of soul seizing."

"This person is filled with demonic energy. He should be a monk from the demonic path!"

Lin Changsheng looked at the large ship more than 50 miles away with his spiritual consciousness and thought to himself.

All he wants now is to go back, find a member of the Yuntu tribe, shave his head and pretend to be a monk, and then perfect his golden body of the Holy Buddha.

He is looking forward to it in his heart. His current physical strength is equivalent to the seventh level of the Foundation Establishment Stage. If the Golden Body of the Holy Buddha is perfect, he wonders if he can become the Golden Core Stage physical body.

"Eh? The skull pattern is flashing with light?! Could it be?"

Suddenly, Lin Changsheng felt the skull pattern on the back of his hand flicker with a faint light, giving him a chill.

He was suddenly startled. He knew in his heart that as long as the skull pattern flashed, it meant that the person who arranged this ghost tracking was nearby!

"It seems that most of the people on Xuanfeng's boat are relatives of Xuanjing. He followed me here!"

Lin Changsheng looked at the big ship more than 50 miles away, and his heart trembled.

His current physical strength is equivalent to the 7th level of the Foundation Establishment Stage, and his cultivation is about to advance to the 4th level of the Foundation Establishment Stage. He is not sure about this person. He must quickly find a tribal warrior to complete his golden body of the Holy Buddha. Let’s see if we can improve our physical strength to a level comparable to the Golden Core stage?

Thinking of this.

Lin Changsheng ordered the warriors who were driving the boat to turn the boat towards the tribe and go all the way back. Lin Changsheng, Yu Lingfei and others used their own strength to kill many monsters in the sea and took them back as food.

Lin Changsheng killed three sea sharks. He planned to go back to find a tribal warrior, shave his head, dress up as a monk, and gain experience points for himself, using these sea sharks as the price.

4 days later.

Lin Changsheng returned to the tribe. When Tumu saw Lin Changsheng coming back, he suddenly seemed to see his family. Many tribe warriors also gathered around and told Lin Changsheng what happened after they left.

"What? The new monk killed more than 100 tribal warriors? And he went to the island to look for us?"

"Could it be that the person who came in this time is a demonic monk?"

"Is this demonic monk here to chase the murderer? This..."

"I wonder what the cultivation level of the demonic monk who came in is? If it is the sixth or seventh level of the foundation building stage, we won't be afraid!"


Hearing Tu Mu's words, Yu Lingfei, Zhuo Yijian and others were all shocked.

"This demonic monk came in looking for someone, and he should be looking for me!"

Hearing Tu Mu's words, Lin Changsheng felt a chill in his heart and couldn't help but look at the black skull on his wrist.

At this time, the skull pattern was still flashing with black light.

Lin Changsheng estimated that at this time, the demonic monk should have arrived at the island where the Earth Fire Burning Sky Burning God Formation was located.

"I must find a warrior, negotiate with him, and hand over these three sea sands to him, and then he will let me use the experience points of the Golden Body of the Holy Buddha!"

Lin Changsheng thought about this and immediately told the leader about his request.

"You want a warrior, shave his head, dress up as a monk, and the price is a sea shark?"

"Commander Long, you can rest assured to leave it to me."

Tumu looked surprised when he heard this. Although he didn't know why Lin Changsheng did this, he still agreed.

"Well, okay, I'll wait for your news."

Lin Changsheng nodded to Tumu, and then said to Concubine Yu Ling, Zhuo Yijian and others beside him. "Fellow Taoists, after I rest for two days, we will go to Huoyao Sand Dune. You should also go back and prepare."

"Okay, Fellow Daoist Long, have a good rest."

"Great, I hope Fellow Daoist Dragon can take us out this time!"


Concubine Yu Ling, Zhuo Yijian, Zhang Aoxue, Fu Qingyu and others were so surprised that they returned to their own hall to practice with anticipation, waiting for Lin Changsheng to break the formation.

A quarter of an hour later.

Tumu then brought three warriors, all of whom were in their 40s and well built.

"Li Mu, Li Huo, and Li Yu have seen Commander Long!"

The three people walked in following the picture screen and bowed to Lin Changsheng and clasped their fists.

"You're welcome! Everyone, please sit down!"

Lin Changsheng looked at the three of them and said in a deep voice. "For some special reasons, I need to make you look like a monk. As a price, I will give you these three sea sharks, which will take about four or five days!"

After Lin Changsheng finished speaking, he explained clearly to the three of them what needed to be done later.

The golden body of the holy Buddha is simplified into beating a monk.

Then you have to hit them, but of course you can hit them lightly.

"Ok, no problem."


Li Huo, Li Mu and others nodded.

Lin Changsheng immediately waved his hand and took out the disguise items from his storage bag. He had learned the art of disguise before, so he was prepared and kept them in his daily storage bag, which came in handy at this time.

Lin Changsheng first shaved Li Huo's head, then took out a red robe, drew a cassock grid pattern on it with ink, and made a simple cassock, which he put on Li Huo's body.

Then, Lin Changsheng came to Li Huo, made fists with both hands, and beat him lightly. He didn't dare to beat him too hard, because with his current physical training strength equivalent to the seventh level of the Foundation Establishment Stage, he would suddenly be able to Let the fire reincarnate.

The experience value of the golden body of the Holy Buddha is +1!

The experience value of the golden body of the Holy Buddha is +1!

"Sure enough."

Seeing the prompt on the panel, Lin Changsheng's eyes showed a look of expectation. If the golden body of the Holy Buddha is perfected, his physical strength can be greatly improved again.

At that time, I will be more confident about the demonic monk who came to the place of soul-stealing.

The island where the Earthline Fiery Burning Town is located is twenty miles away.

"Leyline volcano erupts!"

Xuanting looked at the crater that had been piled up with lava ash, frowned deeply, looked at Xuan Feng beside him, and asked. "Is this the island you are talking about?"

"Sir, it's this island. It's absolutely true."

Seeing Xuan Ting's unkind expression, Xuan Feng hurriedly vowed.

"Follow me to go up there and have a look."

Xian Ting looked gloomy.

At this time, he was extremely anxious, and a few days passed.

His mana has dropped to the 8th level of the foundation stage. According to this trend, I am afraid that before the murderer of Jing'er is found, his cultivation will be exhausted and he will become an ordinary person!

"Yes! Sir!"

Xuanfeng clasped his fists helplessly, followed Xuanting, got off the boat and walked towards the island.

Cloud Atlas Tribe.

Command the main hall.

[The golden body of the Holy Buddha is perfect! 】

"It's finally complete!"

Lin Changsheng was sitting in the main hall, looking at his panel with a look of satisfaction in his eyes.

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