
Yu Xiaochang, Qi Hui, Jian Shaowu, Lu Chang and others all lowered their heads and entered the Hundred Thousand Soul Flag without any hesitation.

After entering the Ten Thousand Souls Banner, they have to suffer a lot. Only by being obedient can they suffer less.

In Xuanting, Xuan Jing and his son looked at each other, but they felt a blazing fireball flying towards them, surrounding them. Suddenly, both father and son screamed in agony.

After Lin Changsheng burned Xuanting and Xuanjing and his son for a period of time, he refined the two of them into the Hundred Thousand Soul Flag.

"I didn't expect that my Xuanting cultivation level at the Golden Core stage would actually end up like this!"

Xuanting looked at the hundred thousand soul flags that once belonged to him, looked up to the sky and sighed, extremely despairing.

He also did not expect that the one hundred thousand soul banners he had refined himself would eventually refine himself into them and become the main soul in them!

Lin Changsheng held the Hundred Thousand Soul Flag in his hand and flew into the sky with a sword in his body.

Reach out and wave!

Suddenly, the 100,000 soul flags in his hands swelled in the wind and turned into a giant flag thirty feet in size, floating in the sky, and densely packed fierce souls flew out of it!

Almost all over the mountains and plains!

Within a radius of dozens of miles, the gloomy air suddenly became dense, like a dark hell, with ghosts crying and gods howling!

Wherever the Yin Qi permeates, all the green vegetation withers and turns black!

"What a terrible Yin Qi. When ordinary monks below the middle stage of the Golden Core stage encounter it, they will be in a trance at best, or they will have inner demons at worst!"

Lin Changsheng felt the terror of these 100,000 soul flags, and immediately felt very satisfied.

As long as you keep inputting mana from these one hundred thousand soul flags, the ghosts in them will keep rushing out!

Even if the ghosts are scattered, they will return to one hundred thousand soul flags and reunite!

If you encounter a Golden Core monk without treasure protection, you will definitely be unable to extricate yourself!

"Try the power of my Tianyao Flame Bow!"

Lin Changsheng's heart moved, and he immediately took out the Tianyao Flame Bow. This is an ancient treasure comparable to the magic weapon of a Golden Core monk. He has currently refined the second level of restraints. With one arrow shot, he can release a magic weapon comparable to that of a Golden Core monk. The power of the mid-term!

Lin Changsheng held the bow in his hand and gently pulled up the string. In an instant, he saw the runes on the bow flashing and the lines surging. At the same time, the mana in his dantian poured into the bow crazily!

As Lin Changsheng's mana poured in, a crimson arrow about two feet long, which was completely condensed with mana, suddenly condensed on the Tianyao Flame Bow!

This single arrow condensed directly consumed 30% of Lin Changsheng's mana!

The arrow was as hot as fire, and the tip of the arrow emitted a terrifying temperature, burning so that the void around the tip of the arrow was distorted!


Lin Changsheng shot out an arrow, and immediately, the flaming arrow flew like lightning to a mountain with a radius of more than ten miles away!

The arrow sank into the mountain!


There was a loud noise!

The earth trembled, and the top of the mountain suddenly burst into flames, and smoke and dust exploded hundreds of feet high!

When the smoke and dust cleared, the 100-foot hilltop disappeared and was directly annihilated by Lin Changsheng's arrow!

"The power of this arrow is pretty good!"

Lin Changsheng looked at the power of his Tianyao Flame Bow with a look of satisfaction in his eyes.

This Tianyao Flame Bow, after being refined, can be locked with spiritual consciousness. In other words, if nothing unexpected happens, the target will not be able to dodge it except by force.

"My cultivation level is still too low. With my current cultivation level of 6th level in the foundation building stage, I can only shoot 3 arrows of this power before my mana is exhausted."

Lin Changsheng felt the mana consumption in his dantian and thought to himself.

"Fellow Daoist Li, we have to hurry up. Taixu Palace is about to open. If we get there late, we won't be able to get in!"

"Well, I heard that there are treasures everywhere in Taixu Palace. I hope we can get the opportunity to form pills in there this time!"

at this time.

Lin Changsheng's consciousness discovered that 50 miles away, two monks on the sixth floor of the Foundation Construction Stage were talking and hurried to the northwest.

"Taixu Palace is open?"

Hearing the conversation between the two passing monks, Lin Changsheng's heart moved. He had been in seclusion for so long, and this was the first time he saw a monk passing by.

"I was originally going to sacrifice a magic weapon first, so I'll ask for more information before talking about it."

Lin Changsheng made up his mind, put away the things in the cave, put Xiao Bai into the spirit beast bag, took off his sword, and chased after the two monks.

Lin Changsheng's speed was extremely fast, and he caught up with the two monks in a short time.

"Two fellow Taoists have invited me. May I ask where you are going in a hurry?"

Lin Changsheng stood three feet away, slightly clasping his fists at the two sixth-level foundation-building monks.

The two monks looked at each other, and the tall man among them said to Lin Changsheng politely, clasping his fists. "What do you call this fellow Taoist?"

"Oh, I'm Yu Xiaochang, what do you call me?"

Lin Changsheng asked, cupping his fists slightly.

"My name is Wang Gang, and his name is Li Tianyun. We heard that the Taixu Palace is about to open this time. We are ready to enter the Taixu Palace to try our luck!"

Wang Gang, a tall foundation-building monk, said with his fists clasped.

"It turns out to be Fellow Daoist Wang and Fellow Daoist Li. You said that the Taixu Palace was opened. Where is it?"

Lin Changsheng's eyes lit up when he heard this.

As far as he knows.

Taixu Palace is a magical fairy palace in the Southern Territory. It is rumored that it is a heavenly temple. There are endless opportunities in it. As long as the monks who enter, their cultivation will greatly increase after they come out!

Nine hundred years ago, Ling Wuji, a powerful Nascent Soul master from the Southern Territory, entered the Taixu Palace and received a shocking opportunity. In the end, he became the strongest late-stage monk in the Southern Territory, successfully advanced to the stage of divine transformation, and left in Shattering the Void!

Taixu Hall is divided into the foundation building area, the golden elixir area, and the Nascent Soul area, corresponding to various cultivation levels. After entering, you will get endless opportunities, such as elixir-forming spiritual objects, infant-forming spiritual objects, body shaping holy pool, refining temple, etc. Many treasures, endless!

Also, for example, if you are not satisfied with being in the low-level base building area and want to go to the Jindan area, that is also possible.

If you are in the Golden Core Zone and want to enter the Foundation Establishment Zone, that won't work.

Moreover, the Taixu Palace opens in a different place every time. It randomly appears in the Southern Immortal Cultivation World, or the Beimu Immortal Clan, or it may be the Demonic Sea, or the Eastern Wasteland!

"Fellow Daoist Yu, this time we are in the southern region, where the Beimu Immortal Clan and the Demonic Sea meet!"

"That place is called Tianqing Grassland! If fellow Taoist want to go, we can go together."

Wang Gang said in a deep voice.

"Azure Grassland!"

"That's fine!"

Lin Changsheng's heart moved. He was currently at the sixth level of the Foundation Establishment Stage. Although he had the Jasper Spirit Essence, which could increase the chance of forming pills by 30%, it was not enough. There were many chance treasures that formed gold pills in the Taixu Palace.

If he gets another treasure inside, the chance of him forming a pill will be even higher.

Although it is said that after refining the energy of heaven and earth, it is certain to form a pill, but you still have to work hard on your own.

Immediately, Lin Changsheng, Wang Gang, and Li Tianyun headed to Tianqing Grassland.

Lin Changsheng learned some of the current situation in the world of immortality from Wang Gang and Li Tianyun.

Due to the invasion of the Beimu Immortal Clan, the Nascent Soul King Wanfu of the Jinfu Immortal Sect fell, and another Nascent Soul Stage had his body shattered. The sect was forced to move to the edge of the Eastern Wasteland to rebuild the sect's headquarters. The Demonic Dao had completely taken advantage of the situation. The invasion of the Beimu Immortal Clan occupied a large area of ​​the Southern Immortal Cultivation World.

The Yin Yang Dao Sect and the Hidden Moon Immortal Sect each lost a Nascent Soul stage, and their territory shrank by nearly half, being occupied by the five demon sects. The current situation is that the Beimu Immortal Clan and the Demonic Sea have settled in the Southern Immortal Cultivation World.

The main reason is that Moshahai and Beimu Immortal Clan are both bitter and cold places.

The Immortal Cultivation World in the Southern Territory was weak, so it was naturally invaded by the Demonic Sea and the Beimu Immortal Clan.

"I'm afraid that the world of immortality in the Southern Region will be driven away by the devil soon."

After hearing the news about the immortal cultivation world in the Southern Region, Lin Changsheng not only smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Continue this trend.

I am afraid that by then, the territory of the cultivation world in the Southern Region will be compressed beyond its limits.

"Yes, in our southern cultivation world, three Nascent Soul stage masters have died this time, and one is left with only Nascent Soul. His vitality is severely damaged, unless there is another great monk in the late Nascent Soul stage!"

Wang Gang also had a worried look on his face.

Li Tianyun also agreed.

"Later-stage great monks, that's too difficult. As far as I know, in our southern realm of immortality, there are only Chonglou Sword Immortal King Chonglou from the Heavenly Sword Immortal Sect, Bright Moon Fairy from the Hiding Moon Immortal Sect, and Ling Yun from the Liuyun Immortal Sect. The Master is a late-stage great monk.”

"I remember when our Southern Immortal Realm had a discussion with the Demonic Sea, we suffered a big loss."

Lin Changsheng shook his head and said.

He knew it.

The discussion between the Southern Realm Cultivation World and Moshahai was naturally a high-level discussion. He heard that a mid-stage Nascent Soul cultivator from Tianmo Sect had achieved great magical powers, which was the key to that discussion.

If the Southern Immortal Cultivation World has another late-stage great cultivator, it should be able to drive back the cultivators from the Beimu Immortal Clan and Demonic Sea and change the current situation.


It is really difficult for a great monk in the late Nascent Soul Stage to escape.

"That's not necessarily true. In our Southern Immortal Cultivation World, this generation has produced many peerless geniuses."

"For example, Yu Lingfei from the Hidden Moon Immortal Sect, Zhuo Yijian from the Heavenly Sword Immortal Sect, Zhang Aoxue from the Yin Yang Dao Sect, Shi Hao from the Jinfu Immortal Sect, and Mu Yunfeng and Tu Yunfei from the casual cultivators!"

"By the way, Fellow Daoist Yu, have you heard about Lin Changsheng, the talented disciple of Liuyun Immortal Sect?"

When Wang Gang heard this, his words changed and he said in a deep voice.

"Lin Changsheng?"

"Never heard of it."

Lin Changsheng was stunned when he heard this.

He didn't expect Wang Gang to actually talk about himself. He wanted to listen carefully to this. .

"This Lin Changsheng is an outer disciple of the Liuyun Immortal Sect, but it is said that he was secretive, and with a white fox capable of teleportation, he stole eight heaven and earth energy in full view of everyone two years ago. "

"Half a year ago, I heard that he killed Jindan Xuanting of Tiangui Sect in a place without spiritual energy. After coming out, he snatched the jade spiritual marrow and killed Lu Chang, an early Jindan cultivator of Corpse King Sect, and Taiyin. Jian Shaowu, a junior cultivator of the golden elixir from the island, and a cold jade snow python in the early stage of the golden elixir!"

"This is not the most awesome thing. Do you know what is the most awesome thing about him?"

As Wang Gang spoke, his eyes flashed brightly, and he started to show off to Lin Changsheng.

“Where is the most awesome place?”

Lin Changsheng was also intrigued by him and asked.

"He is only at the third level of the Foundation Establishment Stage. With his level 3 cultivation, he was actually able to kill 3 Jindan! Lu Yunchang, the peak Jindan of the Corpse King Sect, chased him everywhere, but he escaped with the help of White Fox teleportation. Yes! Do you think he is awesome or not?"

Wang Gang's eyes were bright and he was spitting out words, as if Lin Changsheng was his elder brother.

"No way, there is a full six realms difference between the foundation building stage and the golden elixir machine!"

Lin Changsheng shook his head and held back his laughter.

"I don't know either. Anyway, there are rumors throughout the world of immortal cultivation. It seems that he can also do formations, and his body is comparable to a fifth-level monster!"

Wang Gang murmured with yearning in his eyes. "If I have the chance, I really want to meet this senior Lin and tell him my admiration!"

"Fellow Daoist Wang, you will definitely meet him!"

Lin Changsheng glanced at the bad guy Wang Gang, felt disgusted in his heart, and cursed secretly.

Why do you, a rough guy, look up to me?

The three of them galloped along.

"Su Changkong of the Liuyun Immortal Sect sent Elder Jindan to look for me everywhere. What does that mean?"

Lin Changsheng looked into the distance, thinking secretly in his heart.

It was learned from Wang Gang and Li Tianyun that Su Changkong sent Elder Jindan to find him and return to the Immortal Sect.

"He wants to use me to refine the energy of heaven and earth? It has been refined by me for so long, or does he really want me to go back and cultivate me? Impossible!"

Lin Changsheng's eyes looked thoughtful.

According to Murong Tian, ​​Su Changkong would not be so kind.

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