The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 132 Immortal King Taixu! Snow Ganoderma! Seize it with force! Who are you?

Situ Wu was shocked.

He is a monk from the Immortal Realm.

Of course he knows which Tongtian Immortal Treasures are ranked on the Celestial Immortal Ranking. There are a total of 3,000 in the Immortal Realm Tongtian Immortal Ranking. As far as he knows, this Taixu Palace is the treasure of Taixu Immortal King!

He was just hiding in this Immortal Relic Land and using the spiritual energy of the Immortal Relic Land to heal his injuries.

He thought it would be very safe, but he didn't expect that the Immortal King ranked 999th on the Immortal Realm Tongtian Immortal List was actually in this Immortal Heritage Land!

He remembered that there were rumors in the Immortal Realm that Immortal King Taixu had become a true immortal!

His heaven-reaching spiritual treasure is in this immortal land, so where are the others?

"No, I have to heal my injuries as soon as possible and get out of here as soon as possible."

"What a shame, if it weren't for those two little bugs, I would have recovered from my injuries! One of the little bugs has left the Land of Immortal Relics. This little bug can be easily crushed to death when I recover!"

A gloomy look appeared on Situ Wu's face, he slowly closed his eyes and continued to heal his wounds.

After Lin Changsheng stepped through the gate of the foundation building area, he felt a flash of light in front of his eyes.

There was no one around.




As far as the eye can see, there are thousands of huge peaks and towering ancient trees. There are roars of monster beasts and the aura of the fourth-level peak monster beasts.

"Is this the foundation-building space of Taixu Palace?"

Lin Changsheng looked at everything in front of him with doubts in his eyes.

According to legend, the space of Taixu Palace is filled with treasures and countless opportunities. From this point of view, it seems that there are quite a lot of dangers in it!

"This Taixu Palace space is extremely vast. Let's take a look first before talking about it."

Lin Changsheng's consciousness suddenly swept away, covering 700 miles, and found that there was no one there, but he remembered that there were at least 20,000 monks who came into the foundation building area.

Now that my spiritual consciousness has passed by, I can't see a single monk within a radius of 700. This shows that the internal space of Taixu Hall is really too big.

[Cultivation: Foundation Building Stage (Sixth Floor 1563/32000)

"Although I am only at the sixth level of the foundation building stage, my spiritual consciousness is equivalent to the middle stage of the golden elixir stage. I can use magic weapons, but the magic weapons must continue to be refined."

Lin Changsheng's consciousness moved, he checked the cultivation panel, and secretly made up his mind.

When he came here with Wang Gang and Li Tianyun, he didn't have time to refine the magic weapon on the way, so he could only finish it now.

He is currently at the 6th level of the foundation building stage. He has no golden elixir condensed in his body and cannot put the magic weapon into his body, but he can barely use it outside his body a few times.

Of course, with his level 6 cultivation in the foundation building stage, using a magic weapon would definitely consume a huge amount of mana.

Lin Changsheng currently has 6 magic weapons, including a fan, a long knife, a guqin, Xuanting's skull magic weapon, Jian Shaowu's sword magic weapon, and Lu Chang's giant ax magic weapon.

There is also an ancient treasure Tianyao Flame Bow and a flying magic weapon Shuttle.

Since Lin Changsheng preferred the long sword, he just sacrificed the long sword, but it was not completed yet.

This long sword magic weapon is still a little short of the completion of the sacrifice. Lin Changsheng plans to complete the sacrifice of the magic weapon first, and then look for opportunities. The sacrifice will not take much time.

Thinking of this, Lin Changsheng found a stone wall, controlled the golden corpse with his spiritual consciousness, dug out a small cave, and began to pay homage to the long sword magic weapon.

Time passed, and three days were enough.

Lin Changsheng looked at the long sword magic weapon in front of him with a look of satisfaction in his eyes.

His consciousness moved, and in an instant, the long sword magic weapon in front of him, which was more than 3 feet long, shrank in an instant and turned into a small knife that was more than an inch long!

"Although this magic sword cannot be put into my body, it can allow me to use the magic power of three golden elixir stages."

Lin Changsheng's eyes showed satisfaction.

This small knife is a mid-level magic weapon. In this foundation building area, there is a sword magic weapon, plus the spiritual consciousness in the middle stage of the Golden Core, and the physical body in the middle stage of the Golden Core. If nothing else, there should be no opponent.

His consciousness flashed and he was about to put away the knife.

[The intermediate magic weapon Mingfeng Dao, the intermediate magic weapon Flame Fan, the intermediate magic weapon Magic Sound Piano, the intermediate magic weapon Black Jade Skeleton, the elementary magic weapon Frost Sword, and the elementary magic weapon Earth Splitting Ax have been detected, which can consume 12,000 spiritual stones. Fuse it into a quasi-top-level magic weapon. Is it possible to fuse it? 】

At this moment, a red prompt popped up on Lin Changsheng's panel.

"Huh? Can these magic weapons be fused?"

"Becoming a quasi-top-level magic weapon?"

Lin Changsheng's heart moved when he saw the red prompt on the panel.

He remembered that there was no prompt before, but after he successfully refined the long sword magic weapon, there was a prompt. It seemed that if he wanted to fuse the magic weapon, he had to refine one of the magic weapons and make it his own.


Lin Changsheng immediately clicked OK.

If it can be turned into a higher-level magic weapon, it can enhance one's combat power.

[The magic weapon detected is in the shape of a knife, sword, skull, axe, fan, or piano. Please choose the shape of the magic weapon after fusion! 】

At this moment, a red prompt popped up on the panel. On the panel, patterns such as knives, swords, skulls, axes, fans, and pianos appeared, each with two patterns.

The top one is what the original magic weapon looks like, and the bottom one is what the new magic weapon looks like after fusion.

There is also a selection button below.

"Choose your knife!"

Without thinking, Lin Changsheng immediately chose the type of knife. The sword was domineering and it was his favorite.

At the same time, Lin Changsheng noticed that a red light flashed on the panel. Suddenly, the six magic weapons in front of him were instantly wrapped in white light, fused together, and finally became a white light.

Lin Changsheng only saw dazzling white light.

[Intermediate magic weapon Ringing Phoenix Sword, Intermediate magic weapon Flame Fan, Intermediate magic weapon Demonic Piano, Intermediate magic weapon Black Jade Skeleton, Elementary magic weapon Frost Sword, Elementary magic weapon Earth Splitting Axe, are being fused. Successfully fused to obtain the quasi-top level Magic weapon - knife! 】

[New magic sword, unnamed, please name it! 】

Just when Lin Changsheng clicked OK, the white light flashed for less than a moment, and the beep sounded again on the panel.

"Let's call it the Immortal Killing Sword."

Lin Changsheng spoke again.

[The naming of the Immortal Sword is completed! 】

At this moment, Lin Changsheng discovered that the white light floating in front of him disappeared instantly, and a long, radiant knife appeared in it. This knife exuded a cold and sharp aura.

It is more than 3 feet long, and the surface of the blade can be used to identify people. There are two blood grooves near the back of the blade. There are dragon patterns on both sides of the handle, and three words are engraved on it, "Immortal Killing Sword".

Lin Changsheng held the Immortal Killing Sword in his hand. His consciousness moved. In an instant, the Immortal Killing Sword became an inch in size and floated in his palm.

"When I reach the golden elixir stage, I will warm up this magic weapon and nourish it. Then as long as I can collect more magic weapons and fuse them in, the Immortal Killing Sword may be upgraded to a spiritual treasure in the future."

Lin Changsheng looked at the Immortal Killing Sword in his hand with a look of anticipation in his eyes.

However, he knew in his heart that if he wanted to upgrade the immortal sword in his hand into a spiritual treasure, he didn't know how many magic weapons he would have to collect and fuse into it.

Moreover, fusion requires a lot of spiritual stones.

"My cultivation level currently requires 32,000 experience points to advance to the 7th level of the foundation building stage. It is still more than 1,000. I must get more elixirs and elixirs to increase my experience points."

Lin Changsheng checked his dashboard and secretly made up his mind.

Recently, he came out of the Soul-Seizing Land and then went into seclusion. He didn't have time to refine elixirs, nor did he find a good elixir recipe. However, he believed that there were tens of thousands of monks in the foundation building area. If someone who was not discerning came to him, , killing people and grabbing treasures is the fastest way to obtain elixirs.

"In addition, I still need to find more techniques and combine them with spells to increase my attack power."

Lin Changsheng thought to himself.

As his cultivation level increased, his Invisible Heavenly Blade, Three Thousand Thunderbolts, and Five Elements Soul Refining Art were all unable to keep up.

Lin Changsheng thought about this and galloped forward.

His speed was very fast, and at the same time, his consciousness swept around, and soon he was nearly a thousand miles away, and he gradually saw the monks passing by on the ground and on the mountain peaks.

I also saw many monsters that were comparable to the peak of the foundation building stage.


"Concubine Yu Ling? Gao Ziyue?"

Suddenly, Lin Changsheng's consciousness moved. His consciousness swept to a place 100 miles away. There was a huge valley surrounded by seventy or eighty foundation-building monks, who seemed to be attacking a formation.

The spell, the sword light roared, and the formation flashed with white light!

And he also found two acquaintances among them.

They are Gao Ziyue and Yu Lingfei respectively.

"Go and have a look."

Lin Changsheng's eyes flashed, and when he saw the knife, he rose up and soared into the sky.

Lin Changsheng was very fast, and he arrived 100 miles away in a short time.

This is a valley under a sunny cliff. The spiritual energy is extremely rich. Below the valley, the spiritual mist fills the air. This formation seems to be extraordinary. With so many foundation-building monks bombarding it, the formation is as solid as a rock!

Monks came one after another, and the number has reached more than 200!

Lin Changsheng put away his Immortal Killing Sword and approached the crowd.

"I heard that this is a magical medicine garden! The magical medicines have grown outside. A monk just picked a snow ganoderma outside!"

"Isn't Snow Lingzhi the main ingredient in refining the Snow Spirit Pill? The Snow Spirit Pill can increase the chances of the two cities forming pills!"

"However, San Xiu Mu Yunfeng, Tu Yunfei, Shi Hao from the Golden Fu Immortal Sect, Concubine Yu Ling from the Moon Covering Immortal Sect, and Jian Kefa from Taiyin Island, they are all the geniuses of this generation in the foundation building period. With them here, We’re probably out of luck!”

"Yeah, but they eat meat. Let's see if we can have some soup then?"


Lin Changsheng heard the discussions from the surrounding monks.

"Jian Kefa from Taiyin Island? Mu Yunfeng, Tu Yunfei? Shi Hao? The strongest Qi refining period back then! Are they all geniuses who have captured the Qi of Heaven and Earth?"

Lin Changsheng's eyes flashed when he heard the discussion around him.

He observed carefully and immediately discovered that the young monks who bombarded the formation, although they were all at the sixth or seventh level of the Foundation Establishment Stage, their auras were very powerful. Together with more than 10 monks who were at the peak of the Foundation Establishment Stage, they bombarded the formation without any strength at all. Not false.

By observing.

Lin Changsheng discovered.

Shi Hao is tall and has an extraordinary temperament. He is about twenty-five or six years old.

Mu Yunfeng is thin, dark, and has a sharp breath.

Tu Yunfei is of medium height and has a pleasant appearance, giving people a smooth-tongued appearance.

Jian Ke was full of sinister energy, and he had a sword in his hand that was no different from Jian Shaowu.

"This formation? It seems that the spiritual energy is endless?"

Lin Changsheng looked at the formation bombarded by many monks and his eyes flashed.

Based on his understanding of the formation, he has already seen that this formation absorbs the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, nourishes the elixir in the formation, and then replenishes the consumption of the formation.

If these foundation-building monks want to bombard this formation, it probably won't be a matter of time.

"Why don't I get closer to the formation and try to see if I can get it started?"

Lin Changsheng thought to himself, made up his mind, immediately stepped forward, took out a spiritual weapon, and pretended to start attacking the formation.

"You're only on the 6th floor of the foundation building stage, but you want to take advantage of this opportunity? Get out of here!"

At this moment, next to Lin Changsheng, a middle-aged monk who was at the peak of the Foundation Establishment Stage glanced at Lin Changsheng and scolded him in a very unkind tone.

"The opportunity of Taixu Palace can be obtained by the virtuous!"

"No one else said anything. Where did you come from, an old dog? Are you nosy?"

Lin Changsheng looked at the middle-aged monk at the peak of the foundation building stage and spoke calmly.

He discovered that this middle-aged monk, with a strong Yin Qi on his body, should be from Taiyin Island.

"you wanna die."

Gu Benchang looked at the young monk in front of him, murderous intent blazing in his eyes. The spiritual sword in his hand shone with dark light, soared three feet in length, flew up and struck down Lin Changsheng on the head.

Seeing that a newly arrived sixth-level monk in the Foundation Establishment Stage actually dared to angrily attack this peak Foundation Establishment Stage monk, the nearly 200 monks who were watching all looked at Lin Changsheng with pity.

It seemed that they had already seen the scene where this sixth-level monk in the Foundation Establishment Stage was beheaded.


Lin Changsheng looked at the spiritual sword of this monk at the peak of the Foundation Establishment Stage. He turned around the golden body of the Holy Buddha. A faint golden light shone on his body. He reached out and grabbed the spiritual sword of this monk!


Gu Benchang looked at Lin Changsheng with a look of horror in his eyes.

He didn't expect that when he slashed out with his sword at the peak of the Foundation Establishment Stage, the man in front of him, who was at the sixth level of the Foundation Establishment Stage, would grab his spirit sword?

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