The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 135 Foundation building is invincible! Hall of Enlightenment and Enlightenment! Counterattac

Lin Changsheng immediately flashed and galloped away!

In this foundation building area, with his current cultivation level, he should have no opponent. However, he still has to be cautious. Among the nearly 20,000 foundation building monks, there must be some experts.

There may be treasures and methods that he doesn't know about, so he still can't be careless.

Lin Changsheng was very fast.

Not long after.

It was a hundred miles away.

Here, more than a thousand foundation-building monks have gathered, ranging from the first floor to the ninth floor, and even the peak ones, all looking at a large hall in front of them.

This main hall is located on a platform of a hundred-mile mountain, exuding a mysterious Taoist charm. In front of the main hall, there is a huge jade square with a radius of more than 20 miles.

In that square, engraved with Dao rhyme patterns, there were 200 pillars two feet thick, with fifty feet between pillars.

On each pillar sat a peak monk with a powerful aura in the foundation building stage.

"According to the records of our sect, this is the legendary Jindan Enlightenment Hall! There are only 200 places! I heard that as long as you sit on this stone pillar and the hall opens, you will be transported into the Enlightenment Hall. In the Enlightenment Hall, the enlightened The longer the time, the greater the chance of condensing the golden elixir in the future! It seems that the chance can be increased by up to 40%!"

"It's a pity that only monks at the peak of the Foundation Establishment Stage, or some of the most talented monks from some sects, can go up. Those of us who are ordinary at the Foundation Establishment Stage will definitely be knocked down once we go up, let alone support it for an hour!"

"Yes, at any time, strength speaks for itself. The strong will always be strong, and the weak will get weaker!"

"On top of this, there are either peak monks in the foundation building stage, or talented disciples from the three realms of Zhengmo Beimu! I can't wait any longer."

"Hey, our southern region is in dire straits. Look, the monks from the Demonic Path and Beimu occupy nearly 70% of the stone pillars!"


When Lin Changsheng arrived here, he listened quietly behind many monks and finally figured out the reason for this place.

Here is the Enlightenment Hall in Taixu Hall, which is the most famous opportunity in the Foundation Establishment Area. As long as you stay on the stone pillar in front of this hall until the Enlightenment Hall opens, you will be considered a success.

Entering the Enlightenment Hall, you can comprehend the golden elixir charm, which can increase the chance of forming elixirs by up to 40%!

"Forty percent chance of forming a pill!"

"I have jasper spiritual marrow, which can increase the chance of forming a pill by 30%! I have also absorbed 2 qi of heaven and earth, so why should I increase it by 40-50%? If the Enlightenment Hall can increase the chance of forming a pill by 40%, wouldn't it be a hundred percent? 100% success in forming the elixir?"

Lin Changsheng's eyes lit up when he heard the discussions among the monks around him.

at this time.

In the square, 200 stone pillars were filled with monks, most of whom were at the peak of the foundation building stage!

There were also many monks at the peak of the foundation building stage who came to challenge. Some were knocked down and the stone pillars were occupied. Some were beheaded, and some beheaded the challengers.

Under the stone pillar, there were piles of corpses of monks scattered everywhere!

In order to enter the Golden Core Enlightenment Hall, many foundation-building monks went crazy and fought for the stone pillar!

"Oh my God, Nie Xiangyuan is truly the genius of the Corpse King Sect! He has killed another peak-level Foundation Establishment man!"

"And Wan Wushuang from the Heavenly Demon Sect! Bu Tianzhi from the Yin Yang Palace, Xuan Gu from the Heavenly Ghost Sect, the Saint from Beimu, the Holy Son from Emperor Mu, the Little Master, etc. all grabbed the stone pillars!"

"It's a pity that I'm not strong enough, otherwise, I would definitely step forward to grab a position!"

"This must be done within your ability. If you are not careful, you will die! Don't go up if you are not completely sure!"


Lin Changsheng's ears were filled with constant discussions.

"As long as I chase down one person, I can enter the Hall of Enlightenment!"

Lin Changsheng's eyes flashed, he made up his mind and took a step forward.

He is sure of this because his physical strength is comparable to the middle stage of the Golden Core, his spiritual consciousness is comparable to the middle stage of the Golden Core, his physical cultivation is at the Foundation Establishment stage, and he also has a golden corpse that is at the peak of the early Golden Core stage!

Thinking of this, Lin Changsheng flew up with his sword and came to the stone pillar closest to the periphery. He looked at the middle-aged man sitting on it, exuding the peak aura of the Foundation Establishment Stage, and said in a deep voice. "Fellow Taoist, please take action if I challenge you!"

This man exudes a faint elegant aura. Judging from his clothes, he should be a monk from the Beimu Immortal Clan.

Challenge is the rule here. As long as you have the strength, you can challenge.


"It seems that I haven't shown my strength. Some cats and dogs think that I am weak and can be bullied! You are only at the sixth level of the foundation building stage, but you dare to challenge me? Come on, I will send you to reincarnation!"

Seeing that Lin Changsheng actually wanted to challenge him, Yin Feng was extremely angry.

As a monk from the Beimu Immortal Clan, he was at the peak of the Foundation Establishment Stage. He had killed seven challengers before he became stable and no one challenged him. Unexpectedly, this boy at the sixth level of the Foundation Establishment Stage actually dared to challenge!

He felt that he had to show off his muscles again, otherwise, if multiple monks challenged him, it would also consume his mana.

Once you consume too much mana, you may really be beaten down by other monks!

This quota in the Enlightenment Hall can increase the chance of forming a pill by 40%, so he must not give up!

"Oh my God! Is this kid crazy? He is only on the sixth floor of the foundation stage, but he actually challenges Yin Feng? He has already killed three challengers!"

"It's only the sixth floor of the foundation building phase. If you go up there, you'll die, isn't it? Hey!"

"This Yin Feng has a powerful talisman in his hand. He once killed 7 ninth-level and peak-level monks in the Foundation Establishment Stage! This kid is better off challenging others, but he chose this evil star!"


Seeing Lin Changsheng challenging Yin Feng, the peak of the Foundation Establishment Stage, with his sixth-level cultivation, many monks on the side were all talking about it and looked at Lin Changsheng with regret.

There are also many challenge losers who gloat about their misfortune. After all, they have failed in the challenge, so naturally they need more losers like them to make them feel more balanced and comfortable.


Yin Feng looked at Lin Changsheng, and a flying needle suddenly appeared in his hand. It was like lightning in an instant, exuding a terrifying aura, and shot towards Lin Changsheng's eyebrows!

"It's a talisman when you take action!"

Looking at the flying needle, Lin Changsheng narrowed his eyes. With his powerful spiritual consciousness, he had already discovered the flying needle. He immediately used the Golden Body of the Holy Buddha and punched Yin Feng!

To know.

Lin Changsheng's physical body is already comparable to the middle stage of the golden elixir stage!

A mere talisman is only 30-40% as powerful as a golden elixir stage magic weapon!

How to break his defense?


The flying needle talisman stabbed Lin Changsheng's fist, causing a roar!

The flying needle shot backwards with a bang, hitting Yin Feng!

Faster than when it came!


Fu Bao's flying needle instantly passed through Yin Feng's throat like lightning and shot farther away!

"You uh."

Yin Feng pressed his throat with both hands and looked at Lin Changsheng in disbelief, his eyes widening.


Yin Feng only felt that the magic power on his body was dissipated and his strength disappeared. He suddenly knelt on the stone pillar, fell down, his face tilted to one side, and died.

His eyes were wide open and he could not rest in peace.

I caught a cold today, have a headache and a fever. I’ll come back tomorrow. I’ll go to bed first. Thank you for your support, brothers.

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