The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 140 Transform into Wei Wuji! Team up! See you again! Jindan District!

"The Holy Son has gone to Taixu Palace, which means he died in Taixu Palace?"

"Master Tianyin followed, and there were so many guardians, why did they still fall?"

The eyes of the giant beast's shadow showed disbelief and anger.

at this time.

Taixu Hall, foundation building area.

In the square outside the Enlightenment Hall.

Three figures appeared out of thin air in the sky outside the Enlightenment Hall.

These three monks are all at the peak of the foundation building stage and have just been teleported from the Hall of Enlightenment.

After stepping into the door of the Enlightenment Hall, you will be randomly teleported to the foundation building area of ​​Taixu Hall.

"What? Something big happened in the Hall of Sensation? What big thing?"

"Then Holy Son Beimu advanced to the golden elixir realm in the Enlightenment Hall, but was killed by Lin Changsheng in the end? Isn't Lin Changsheng too strong?"

"Oh my God! The Holy Son of Beimu was killed? That's awesome. I didn't expect that Liuyun Immortal Sect would produce such a powerful genius this time!"

"This Lin Changsheng is really awesome!"


Hearing that Lin Changsheng had killed Saint Beimu in the Hall of Enlightenment, many monks waiting in the square outside the hall were all shocked.

"It's over. Brother Lin actually killed the saint son of the Beimu Immortal Clan. There is a Nascent Soul Stage of the Beimu Immortal Clan in this Taixu Palace! Then won't Brother Lin be in danger by then?"

Gao Ziyue stood beside Xin Yun'er, with worry in her beautiful eyes.

"Sister Ziyue, don't worry, the Beimu Immortal Clan has the Nascent Soul Stage in Taixu Palace, and our Liuyun Immortal Sect also has the Yuanying Stage."

Xin Yun'er was on the side, comforting Gao Ziyue and said.

Outside the Enlightenment Hall, Xin Yun'er sensed Gao Ziyue's unusual concern for Lin Changsheng from her words and deeds.


Gao Ziyue nodded, but she was still worried.

Although the Liuyun Immortal Sect has three Yuanying Stage members this time, the Beimu Immortal Clan is an entire Immortal Clan with many Yuanying Stage members.

It is unrealistic to use the power of a sect to confront the Beimu Immortal Clan.

Besides, will Liuyun Xianzong's Nascent Soul Stage stand up for Brother Lin?

"Fellow Daoist Long is still as strong as ever, but the opponent he killed this time had a strong background. I hope he can escape safely."

Concubine Yu Ling stood in the crowd, her beautiful eyes flashing, and she looked around for Lin Changsheng.

"He actually killed Beimu's Holy Son!"

Among the crowd, a beautiful woman wearing purple clothes with a graceful figure looked shocked in her beautiful eyes as she looked at the hall of enlightenment. "Asshole, I hope you don't die. Even if you do, you will die in my hands, Wan Wushuang."

When Wan Wushuang thought about being spanked by Lin Changsheng in that hook fence, she felt her teeth itch with hatred. She wished she could push Lin Changsheng up and spank him back hard!

Taixu Hall is divided into the foundation building area, the golden elixir area, and the Yuanying area.

The Foundation Establishment area can go to the Jindan area, and the Jindan area can go to the Yuanying area, but it cannot go down. That is, monks in the Yuanying area cannot go to the Jindan area or the Foundation Establishment area.

In this way, Taixu Palace protects low-level monks from being massacred by high-level monks.

Many monks who did not get a chance in the Foundation Establishment area went to the Golden Core District. After all, the things that the Golden Core Stage monks disdain are good things for the Foundation Establishment Stage.

Lin Changsheng left the Enlightenment Hall.

next moment.

He just appeared on a mountain peak. His powerful spiritual consciousness swept away and found that he was about 300 miles away from the light gate that entered the Jindan area.

"I need to enter the Jindan District, but I killed the Holy Son of the Beimu Immortal Clan, so I have to change my appearance. I used to dress up Wei Wuji from the Golden Knife Sect, so let's make him look like him!"

Lin Changsheng looked into the distance with a thoughtful look in his eyes and murmured.

Thinking of this, he used the method of rebirth. In an instant, his face changed, his figure became stronger, and he became the appearance of Wei Wuji of the Golden Sword Sect.

However, Wei Wuji has a head full of yellow hair, and Lin Changsheng has a head full of black hair. This hair color cannot be changed.

"Not bad, except for the hair, everything else is exactly the same as Wei Wuji!"

Lin Changsheng took out the Immortal Killing Sword and used the blade to shine on his face, with a look of satisfaction on his face.

Immediately the imperial sword took off and galloped towards the light gate of Jindan District.

Lin Changsheng was very fast.

In less than a moment, they arrived at the Light Gate. At this time, outside the Light Gate, there were many monks who had the same thoughts as Lin Changsheng.

He also found a lot of acquaintances, all of whom had powerful auras, some were at the sixth or seventh level of the Foundation Establishment stage, and some were at the peak of the Foundation Establishment stage.

There are Zhuo Yijian, Yu Lingfei, Fu Qingyu, Zhang Aoxue, Gao Ziyue, Xin Yuner and others!

Lin Changsheng also saw the Saint of Beimu, surrounded by more than 10 people at the peak of the Foundation Establishment stage, entering the light gate and disappearing in an instant.

Lin Changsheng ignored these people. He was now Wei Wuji.

Lin Changsheng walked through the light door, and the scene before his eyes changed.

What appeared in front of him was a wild plateau, and the roars of monster beasts comparable to those in the Golden Core stage came out, which was extremely frightening.

Many monks who came in from the light gate gathered together and dispersed.

"Fellow Taoist, please stay." At this moment, a warm voice came from Lin Changsheng's ears.

Lin Changsheng turned around and saw that the person who spoke was a monk in his 20s. Beside him, there was a companion of similar age.

This person is tall, handsome, and has an extraordinary temperament. Although the other person looks quite happy, his cultivation should not be underestimated. Both of them are at the seventh level of the foundation building stage.

"What do you two fellow Taoists need?"

When Lin Changsheng heard this, he paused in his steps, his eyes flashed, and he asked.

These two monks were handsome, dressed in white, and looked extraordinarily chic. The one with a happy face was dressed in green, and their gazes were profound. They were not simple people either.

"What do you call fellow Taoist? By the way, my name is Tu Yunfei and his name is Mu Yunfeng. This Jindan area is full of dangers. If you accidentally encounter a Jindan monk or a Jindan monster, you can't do it alone." Okay, if we get together with a few people, we have more strength and are safer, would you be willing to form a team with us, fellow Taoist?"

The young man with a happy face clasped his fist politely at Lin Changsheng.

"I, Wei Wuji, have met two fellow Taoists and are thinking of forming a team."

When Lin Changsheng heard this, his eyes flashed and he nodded.

He is no longer Lin Changsheng, but Wei Wuji. He has become another identity and forming a team with others is not bad. When in danger, he can secretly retreat behind everyone.

"Great. With the addition of fellow Taoists, the safety of the three of us will be greatly increased. Let's go, let's find a few more monks to join our team."

Tu Yunfei smiled at Lin Changsheng and said.

Immediately, the three of them flew forward cautiously. In a short time, the three of them flew nearly a hundred miles away.

Lin Changsheng discovered that the monsters in the Golden Core Zone were all comparable to those in the early, middle, and even late stages of the Golden Core, at their peak!

The three of them, Lin Changsheng, all walked through places where there were no monsters. Lin Changsheng relied on his powerful spiritual consciousness to sweep away. Once he encountered a monster at the Golden Core stage, he would take a detour without leaving any trace.

"Huh? They all came to Jindan District?"

Suddenly, Lin Changsheng's consciousness flickered, and he discovered many acquaintances.

It was actually Zhuo Yijian, Yu Lingfei, Ziyue, Xin Yuner and others!

However, Tu Yunfei and Mu Yunfeng's consciousness was not comparable to that of Lin Changsheng, and they did not notice Zhuo Yijian and others.

Lin Changsheng, Tu Yunfei, Mu Yunfeng and others flew forward, and soon they were close to Zhuo Yijian and others. When Tu Renfei saw this, his eyes lit up and he said to Lin Changsheng and Mu Yunfeng. "Two fellow Taoists, we have formed a team again!"

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