"That's right, your Junior Brother Mu is dead, now it's your turn!"

Lin Changsheng came at a gallop, stood three feet away from the others, and looked at the two of them coldly.

Now that these Beimu Jindan have taken action against themselves, they must eradicate them and leave no one behind.

"Senior Brother Mu, Junior Brother Mu must have been careless to be hurt by this kid. You and I should work together to avenge Junior Brother Mu first, and then deal with the Holy Girl of the Demon Sect!"

As Zhang Ao, who was in the early stage of Jindan, when Mu Rencheng discovered that Junior Brother Mu was dead, he naturally detected it with his spiritual consciousness.

I just didn't expect that Junior Brother Mu would die here just for the sake of a little advantage.

When Mu Rencheng heard Zhang Ao's words, he immediately became suspicious.

Originally, he was planning to turn around and run away, but now after listening to Zhang Ao's words, he felt that it was not unreasonable.

The boy in front of me looks like he is only in his twenties. How could he have a cultivation level of late Jindan or above?

It seems that he overestimated the other party. Maybe it was because he was pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger, and Junior Brother Mu died tragically because of his carelessness.

Not far away, Wan Wushuang saw Lin Changsheng appear, and a look of surprise suddenly appeared in her eyes. She did not expect that this monk at the fifth level of the foundation building stage actually killed a golden elixir. It seemed that he was not ready to give up yet. He was How did you do it?

Hidden cultivation?

However, Wan Wushuang had no time to think so much at this time.

As long as both of them take action, there is a possibility for her to escape.

There is no need to use Heavenly Demon Blood Escape.

Although these secret techniques can save lives in times of crisis, they also have serious side effects.

She finally advanced to the Golden Core stage, but she didn't want to be knocked back to the foundation level again.

The realm has fallen and it is even more difficult to form pills again.

"How brave, I want to see how capable you are! Die!"

Mu Rencheng yelled angrily.

He was a dignified middle-level Jindan cultivator, but he was provoked by a young boy.

Is it bearable?

How strong the opponent is can be known in one move.

If it's really not low, it's not too late to retreat.

If he didn't deliver a single move, he would walk away in despair. If word spread about this, where would his face be?

The words fell.

Mu Rencheng waved his hand and made a seal, directly offering his own magic weapon.

This magic weapon is somewhat like the Trident of Poseidon. It is completely black and permeated with sharp black light. It is not simple at first glance.

However, Lin Changsheng didn't take it seriously.

As long as the Nascent Soul is not powerful, Xiu wants to hurt him.

Lin Changsheng didn't want to wait for the opponent to be fully charged before taking action, he had to strike first.

When the opponent sacrificed the magic weapon, Lin Changsheng had already spread his spiritual consciousness.

The coercion of the consciousness in the Nascent Soul stage erupted instantly, covering a ten-mile radius.


The moment Mu Rencheng felt the pressure of the other party's consciousness, he was immediately stunned.

The pressure of this spiritual consciousness was like a towering mountain pressing down on him, making him somewhat breathless.

The movements of his hands were slightly stagnant.

"Nascent Soul consciousness? Are you...?"

Beads of sweat broke out on the top of Mu Rencheng's head, and the huge sense of crisis made him breathless.

The other party is able to release Nascent Soul level consciousness, and his cultivation level is definitely not half weaker than his.

The moment Lin Changsheng released his Nascent Soul consciousness, he had already used Close At Hand.


Lin Changsheng appeared behind Mu Rencheng in the next second.

Before Mu Rencheng could react, his head was shattered with a palm, and blood sprayed on half of his body.

In the middle stage of the golden elixir, he was killed instantly and died with his eyes open.

"Senior, there is a misunderstanding..."

When Zhang Ao saw that Mu Rencheng was killed by Lin Changsheng with just one move, he was so frightened that he fell to his knees.

Even the middle-level cultivation of Mu Rencheng's golden elixir was no match for Lin Changsheng.

He is even more vulnerable in the early stage of his golden elixir.

At this moment, he could only pray that Lin Changsheng would see him beg for mercy and be able to show mercy.

However, it is a pity that Lin Changsheng is not a soft-hearted person.

He was killed with one palm.

Two storage bags are instantly available.

"Where to escape?"

Lin Changsheng looked at Wan Wushuang and found that she was still trying to escape, so he immediately stopped her.

These words shocked Wan Wushuang.

Unexpectedly, in just one meeting, Lin Changsheng killed a master in the early and middle stages of the golden elixir.

Even in her prime she couldn't do it.

The strength gap between the two is too big.

Even if he uses Heavenly Demon Blood Escape in front of Lin Changsheng, it will probably be too late.

"Kill me if you can. Kill me or chop me into pieces. It's up to you!"

Wan Wushuang's heart skipped a beat and she was not afraid of Lin Changsheng at all.

As a demon saint, she will never bow to these so-called righteous people.

However, Wan Wushuang waited until Lin Changsheng took action.

But the other party didn't take action yet.

"Yes, the Holy Maiden of the Demon Sect."

Lin Changsheng walked up to Wan Wushuang and began to look her up and down with a smile on his face.

Lin Changsheng recalled the last scene when he met Wan Wushuang in Goulan.

I couldn't help but feel funny.

Last time, he had only learned that Wan Wushuang was a saint from the Demon Sect, so he practiced Qi and cultivated his skills. He would not have dared to touch Wan Wushuang, who was in the foundation-building stage, even if he killed her.

Not to mention a spanking.

But I was lucky at that time, and there happened to be a righteous monk who was looking for Wan Wushuang.

As a result, Wan Wushuang had no chance to attack Lin Changsheng.

"What do you want to do?..."

When Wan Wushuang saw the other party looking at her like this, her heart suddenly went crazy.

As the saying goes, soldiers can be killed without mercy.

This guy was looking at her like this right now, and it was simply more uncomfortable than killing her.

"Nothing to do, just look around."

Lin Changsheng said calmly.

He has no murderous intentions towards Wan Wushuang. In any case, the other party also helped him improve a lot of proficiency when hooking the hurdles.

There is hard work without credit.

"Hurry up, there is a sound of fighting over there, go and have a look!"

"Just now there was pressure from the powerful Nascent Soul, I don't know what happened!"

"Is it possible that Divine Master Beimu Tianyin found Lin Changsheng? If Lin Changsheng is caught, it will definitely be miserable!"

"I wonder who can get Master Tianyin's promise! Those rewards are really tempting!"

Just when Wan Wushuang wanted to continue taking action.

In the distance, there was bustling discussion.

Lin Changsheng knew very well that Divine Master Tianyin spent a lot of money searching for him, so naturally he could not be exposed.

He is not afraid of the masters at the Golden Core stage, but he is still afraid of the Nascent Soul masters.

Even if he has the consciousness of Nascent Soul level, he can't fight against it now.

Lin Changsheng originally wanted to leave directly, but seeing that Wan Wushuang was injured, she was here alone and would definitely die if she was caught. He immediately reached out his hand to pass over Qiao, grabbed her waist, and walked away in a flash.

Wan Wushuang wanted to resist, but found that Lin Changsheng's hands were like a pair of iron pliers, tightly restraining her.

After struggling twice to no avail, I had no choice but to give up.

Only an imperceptible blush appeared on his cheeks.

When many monks rushed here, they found nothing.

Lin Changsheng had already left with Wan Wushuang.

Because Lin Changsheng transformed into Yu Xiaochang, even if he met other monks, he would not be recognized.

Lin Changsheng and Wan Wushuang galloped for twenty miles before stopping.

"Let's go!"

Lin Changsheng put down Wan Wushuang and planned to find a hidden place to look through the storage bags of the three golden elixirs. There were definitely a lot of good things in them.

You must improve your cultivation as soon as possible.

If he is found by Master Yunyin, an old man in the Nascent Soul stage, he will definitely die without rebirth.

Now, he is still unable to fight against the powerful Nascent Soul.

Wait and seize the time to improve your cultivation.

"Thank you, senior, for saving me! What do you call me, senior?"

Wan Wushuang asked with a respectful expression.

She didn't expect that this senior would actually let her go. Although this senior's hand just passed a place he shouldn't have passed, he probably touched it accidentally.

"Yu Xiaochang!"

A word was heard in the distance, and Lin Changsheng's figure had disappeared.

Lin Changsheng is not stupid. If he tells the other party his real name, wouldn't he be asking for trouble?

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