The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 162: Divine Fire Burning Heaven and Transforming Spirits Formation, Xiaobai’s strength is to


Lin Changsheng decisively pointed out that after the fusion, a more powerful formation would definitely be produced, and only fools would not want it.

[Purple Heaven and Earth Meridians Formation (Perfection), Earth Fire Burning Heaven and Soul Locking Formation (Perfection), God Refining Formation (Perfection), Earth Veins Fiery God Burning Formation (Perfection), Taixu Spirit Gathering Formation (Perfection) are merging... The fusion was successful...obtained the Divine Fire Burning Heaven and Spirit Transformation Formation! 】

"The Divine Fire Burning Heaven and Transforming Spirit Formation?"

This name is not simple at first sight, but I don’t know how effective it is?

[The Divine Fire Burning Heaven and Spirit Transformation Formation has been detected. Do you want to spend 3,000 spirit stones to simplify it? 】

The panel prompt pops up again.

Lin Changsheng continued to click yes.

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of the Divine Fire-Burning Heaven-Transforming Spirit Formation has begun... Simplification is in progress... The simplification is completed, the Divine Fire-Burning Heaven-Transforming Spirit Formation == Fire-Burning Spirit Stone! 】

"Fire-burning spiritual stone?"

This simplification was very humane. Lin Changsheng immediately took out a spirit stone, and then used the magic technique to create a flame and begin to roast the spirit stone.

[Experience value of the divine fire-burning sky-transforming spirit formation +1]

[Experience value of the divine fire-burning sky-transforming spirit formation +1]

After burning for a long time, Lin Changsheng found that the experience value increased too slowly by burning only one spirit stone.

He simply poured out thousands of spirit stones, found some wood, and used his palm magic to ignite all the wood.

Thousands of spiritual stones were burned together.

This time the speed is much faster. In just one cup of tea, the Divine Fire Burning Heaven and Spirit Transformation Formation is complete.

A stream of formation formation information instantly poured into Lin Changsheng's mind. At this moment, he was like an expert who had been studying formations for hundreds of years, knowing all the information about formation formation and breaking up.

"This divine fire-burning sky-transforming spirit formation actually has 66 formation bases, 3 formation eyes, and 1 formation plate. It uses the earth's flames to burn the people who enter the formation. When the people who enter the formation die, they will spend their entire lives cultivating themselves. It will turn into spiritual energy from the formation eyes and be absorbed by the person setting up the formation!"

"Is this formation so domineering?"

Lin Changsheng couldn't help but take a breath of air. If he arranged this formation to kill the enemy, wouldn't the opponent's lifetime cultivation be absorbed by him?

Greatly shortened the time for one's breakthrough?

It's simply faster than absorbing spiritual stone pills.

"Then let's practice with the Beimu Immortal Clan!"

Lin Changsheng then summoned the top-level magical weapon, the Immortal-Slaying Sword, and prepared to step on the sword and rush to Dayu.

Now the Beimu Immortal Clan has entered the territory of Dayu.

This place is still 30,000 miles away from Dayu. With Lin Changsheng's current speed, he can reach it in less than three days.

I remember that when I was in my qi training period, it took Lin Changsheng a full year and a half to rush from Dayu to Liuyun Immortal Sect. The distance of 100,000 miles.

But now it's a hundred thousand miles away, and Lin Changsheng can arrive there in less than half a month.

"By the way, there's also the Soul Contract Technique!"

Being somewhat bored on the road, Lin Changsheng suddenly remembered the Soul Contract Technique.

This is the treasure he obtained from killing people and grabbing treasures in the Taixu Temple. It is specially used against monsters, spiritual beasts, etc.

Once the contract is signed, the two can communicate spiritually and command the spirit beasts like a wielder.

Lin Changsheng planned to use it on Xiaobai. This little guy was very smart and could sometimes understand some of what Lin Changsheng said.

But Lin Changsheng couldn't understand what Xiaobai wanted to say. He could only nod or shake his head.

Don't know anything else.

If you sign a soul contract.

Then the two can talk as they please.


Lin Changsheng called Xiaobai out of the spirit beast bag and threw a pear to Xiaobai.

Xiaobai seemed to like eating pears very much, so he hugged them and started chewing them.

While Xiao Bai was chewing on the incense, Lin Changsheng used the Soul Contract Technique and tapped Xiao Bai's head directly.


A woman's exclamation was heard, "You, what did you do to me?"

Lin Changsheng looked around and found that there was no one there!

So where does this voice come from? Could it be that he was hallucinating?

Lin Changsheng looked at Xiaobai and motioned for Xiaobai to spin in a circle, but Xiaobai stared at Lin Changsheng with round eyes and anger.

"Isn't that right? Doesn't it mean that after signing the contract, you can command the contract beast at will? Is it wrong to open it yourself?"

Later, Lin Changsheng wanted to sign a soul contract with Xiaobai again.

However, Xiaobai was already on guard. Lin Changsheng went to catch him, but Xiaobai dodged left and right, not giving him a chance.

"Ask Murong Tian?"

Seeing that Xiao Bai could not be caught, Lin Changsheng had no choice but to summon Murong Tian out of the Hundred Thousand Soul Flags.

"Like smoke, like smoke——"

As soon as Murong Tian came out, he called Ji Ruyan's name, and suddenly found that there was no one around, and there was a little loneliness in his eyes.

"Senior, didn't you say you would bring me Ji Ruyan? Why don't you see Ruyan?"

Murong Tian asked doubtfully.

This actually made Lin Changsheng a little embarrassed.

He did agree to Murong Tian's request, but the situation was so critical that he couldn't even protect himself.

Naturally, he couldn't care about it.

"I promised you this matter, and I will naturally let you meet Elder Ji in the future. However, I am now being hunted by the powerful Nascent Soul, and I have to avoid the limelight. Otherwise, if something happens to me, you may not be able to meet Elder Ji in this life. Let’s meet!”

Lin Changsheng said truthfully, it would be pointless to lie to a soul.

"A strong Nascent Soul hunter?"

Murong Tian's eyes widened. Although Lin Changsheng was a genius.

He broke through to the golden elixir stage at a young age.

But compared with the strong ones in the Nascent Soul stage, they are still dwarfed, and the opponent can be easily crushed to death with one hand.

"I called you out because I wanted to ask you, why doesn't this soul contract work on Xiaobai? What's the problem?"

Lin Changsheng pointed at Xiaobai and asked Murong Tian.

Only then did Murong Tian come back to his senses, and then looked at Xiao Bai.

The moment he saw Xiao Bai, Murong Tian trembled.

He obviously felt a terrifying aura from Xiaobai that was not that of an ordinary white fox.

Fortunately, Xiaobai had no thoughts about him and kept eating pears. Otherwise, if he had thoughts about him, he would be able to tear him to pieces in an instant.

"There are only two reasons for the failure of signing the Soul Contract."

"The first is that the user is not good at learning and the operation is wrong. The second is that the person signing the contract is much higher in cultivation than the person who signed it, so the contract failed to take effect!"

Murong Tian said slowly.

Lin Changsheng has already practiced the Soul Contract Technique to the perfection level, so it is naturally impossible for him to perform it incorrectly.

There was only one possibility. Xiaobai's cultivation level was much higher than his, causing the contract to fail.

"The feeling is that I am not strong enough to sign a contract with Xiaobai?"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought, slightly disappointed.

He had lived with Xiaobai for so long, so he naturally discovered that Xiaobai was different. He was definitely not an ordinary white fox.

I just didn't expect that my own cultivation level, which was at the Golden Core stage, was actually very different from Xiao Bai's cultivation level?

Is it possible that Xiaobai is a Nascent Soul, or even at the Divine Realm?

"Okay, I understand, you go in!"

Lin Changsheng probably also knew what was going on, and was going to put Murong Tian into the Ten Thousand Souls Banner.

"Senior, if I meet Ji Ruyan again, you must let me see her! This is the last obsession in my heart!"

Murong Tian begged.

"Okay, I will definitely do what I promised you!"

After finishing his words, Lin Changsheng waved the Hundred Thousand Soul Flag in his hand and took Murong Tian into it.

"You little white fox, your cultivation level is so much higher than mine. You followed me to eat and drink all the way!"

Lin Changsheng looked at Xiaobai who was holding a pear and chewing on it, and thought to himself.

"What? Do you still have any objections? I'm trying to save you!"

The next moment, a royal sister's voice sounded in Lin Changsheng's mind.

Lin Changsheng looked around for a long time, and even his consciousness spread hundreds of miles away.

Nothing was found.

Finally, his eyes fell on Xiaobai.

"Xiao Bai? Are you talking to me?"

Lin Changsheng looked at Xiaobai in surprise. Didn't the contract technique fail? How come I can hear Xiaobai's voice?

"Who else could I be? You want to sign a contract with me even though I am at the Golden Core stage? Even if I only have one-tenth of my original cultivation level, you can't sign it!"

Xiaobai's voice came again.

Lin Changsheng was shocked by this overbearing sister Yu's voice.

Unexpectedly, this little white fox is really not that simple. He actually contains the Royal Sister's Sound within his body.

However, Xiaobai's words awakened Lin Changsheng. The cultivation of golden elixir was indeed tyrannical for the people in this immortal land.

But to the monks in the Immortal Burial Realm or other immortal realms, they are probably no different from ants.

You still have to work hard to improve your cultivation.

Otherwise, even the old guy Tianyin can't deal with it.

"Xiao Bai, where are you from? Why were you injured in the first place?"

Lin Changsheng asked. He had many questions to ask about this mysterious white fox.

I am also very curious about the mysterious Immortal Burial Realm.

However, Lin Changsheng's words were as if they were lost in the ocean, and Xiaobai didn't respond at all.

I don't know whether he didn't want to say it, or he was angry because Lin Changsheng wanted to sign a soul contract with her without her consent.

Seeing that Xiaobai didn't want to say anything, Lin Changsheng didn't ask any more questions.

After Xiaobai finished eating the pear, Lin Changsheng put her into the spirit beast bag and continued on his way.

One day later.

Lin Changsheng came to Lingtian City, which was twenty thousand miles away from Dayu.

The city here has not yet been occupied by Beimu monks, and it is still a prosperous scene.

Seeing that it was getting late, Lin Changsheng planned to rest for another night before heading on the road.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way!"

However, just when Lin Changsheng was about to find an inn to rest.

But I found a person in front of me without a shirt on, holding up his pants and running outside.

A man behind was holding a kitchen knife and chased him out, "You bitch, if you dare to seduce my wife, see if I don't chop you up!"

"Cao De?"

Lin Changsheng frowned when he saw the wretched man running away while holding up his pants.

Good guy, no matter where you go, you can see this talented wife!


At the same time, several streams of light flashed in the sky, and figures emerged with swords.

Lin Changsheng raised his head and found that there were several people among them.

Zhuo Yijian from Tianjian Sect, Yu Lingfei from Yanyue Xianzong, and Fu Qingyu were among them.

"Senior Brother Hua, the Beimu Immortal Clan is already a hundred miles away from Lingtian City. We are waiting here. They will definitely take action against Lingtian City!"

Zhuo Yijian said to a man in his thirties in front of him.

This person's cultivation is at the peak of Jindan.

At this age, someone who can reach the peak of the Golden Core must have been a prodigy in the Southern Region's immortality world ten years ago.

"Okay! Don't act rashly! There is no shortage of strong people in the Beimu Immortal Clan. If the situation is not right, retreat when you need to!"

Hua Yu responded.

They were ordered to come out to hinder the Beimu Immortal Clan's attack.

But at best, they can only hunt down a small number of forces below the middle stage of the Golden Core.

When encountering Jindan or above, the only option is to retreat.

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