The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 164 The best golden elixir of the Corpse-Slaying King Sect, the stunning woman in red! 【Plea

"It came so fast!"

Lin Changsheng immediately called out the magic weapon, took the sword and left in the air.

It was not that he was afraid of this person, but that fighting in the city would harm civilians.

After all, the aftermath of a battle between powerful Jindan warriors is not something that mortals can bear.

"Little insect, where can you escape?"

In the distance, a black shadow stepped on the coffin, followed by four golden corpses.

This person is none other than the first Jindan elder of the Corpse King Sect, Lu Yunchang.

His cultivation reached its peak in the late Jindan period.

When he had just broken through the golden elixir, he used his early golden elixir cultivation to defeat several middle-stage golden elixir elders.

Obtained the title of the first Jindan Elder of the Corpse King Sect.

Now that he is at the peak of the Golden Core, except for the powerful ones in the Nascent Soul Realm, all the other monks are just ants in his eyes.

What's more, he also refined four golden corpses with the same cultivation level as him.

Its combat effectiveness is terrifying.

That's why he just took his disciples and did whatever he wanted in the hinterland of the Southern Territory.

After Lin Changsheng took Lu Yunchang away from Lingtian City, which was a hundred miles away, they stopped in a mountain forest.

Lu Yunchang thought that Lin Changsheng couldn't run anymore and was preparing to die here.

"Why didn't you run away? For those who killed my Corpse King Sect, I will refine you into a corpse puppet and light up a sky lantern with your soul to prevent you from reincarnation!"

Lu Yunchang said angrily.

If he didn't kill the chicken to scare the monkeys, wouldn't everyone think that the Corpse King Sect was easy to bully?

"Old man, do you still remember Lu Chang? He is very lonely in my Ten Thousand Souls Banner. Why don't you go and accompany him?"

Although the opponent has the peak cultivation level of the late Golden Core, Lin Changsheng has the consciousness of Nascent Soul level, plus the tyrannical body of the late Golden Core.

He was not afraid at all against Lu Yunchang.

"Is it you, this little beast?"

Hearing Lin Changsheng's words, Lu Yunchang's eyes lit up and he suddenly understood.

This person is the little beast who killed Lu Chang not long ago.

At that time, I was chasing this person, but he didn't know what kind of secret method he used, and he disappeared out of thin air.

I searched for him for several months to no avail.

I didn't expect to meet him here.

"Yes, I will send you to see him right now!"

Lin Changsheng no longer concealed his strength, his golden elixir cultivation exploded, and the powerful momentum was like a strong wind sweeping the earth.

The surrounding ancient trees swayed in the breeze, and dead leaves scattered in all directions.

"Early stage of golden elixir?"

Lu Yunchang was also shocked when he felt Lin Changsheng's cultivation level.

Although he also heard about the changes Lin Changsheng obtained in Taixu Temple.

But he felt that it was a bit exaggerated.

But when he really felt it at this moment, Lu Yunchang felt that it was not an exaggeration at all.

Even though the other party only had the cultivation level of the early stage of Jindan, it still gave him a considerable sense of oppression.

Because when Lin Changsheng released his cultivation, he also spread his Nascent Soul level consciousness.

That's why Lu Yunchang felt heavy in his heart.

"The golden elixir has such a strong momentum in its early stages. How can it be so great if I let you grow for a few years? Kill——"

Without saying a word, Lu Yunchang waved his palm, and four golden corpses with late-stage Jindan cultivation behind him instantly rushed towards Lin Changsheng.

Faced with the golden corpse in the late stage of the golden elixir, Lin Changsheng naturally did not dare to be careless.

However, Lin Changsheng still knew the principle of capturing the king first before capturing the thief, and he did not want to get too entangled with the corpse puppet.

If the corpse puppet consumes too much mana.

If Lu Yunchang takes action, then he might really capsize in the gutter.

Therefore, Lin Changsheng's first target was naturally Lu Yunchang.

The moment the four corpse puppets rushed towards him, Lin Changsheng used So Far to the End of the World and disappeared directly from the spot.

When he appeared again, he was already beside Lu Yunchang.

"The dragon roars to destroy the world!"

Lin Changsheng directly punched out, relying on the physical strength of the late stage of the golden elixir.

This punch was so powerful that the dragon roared into the sky.

Before the fist light was released, Lu Yun's long hair was already flying with the tyrannical energy.

Lu Yunchang never expected that Lin Changsheng would be so fast.

It was too late to escape at this moment.

He could only stretch out his arms to resist.


Amidst the huge roar, Lu Yunchang hit the ground like a meteor.

The earthquake shook the entire forest, causing rocks to fly and broken trees to fly everywhere.

A deep pit ten feet long and wide was directly smashed into the ground.

After the punch fell, Lin Changsheng would not stop, he had to take advantage of his illness to kill him.

I saw Lin Changsheng taking out the Tianyao Tianyao flaming bow, pulling the bow full of the moon, and nine arrows with thunder, lightning and blazing flames gathered on it.

Boo hoo hoo——

In an instant, nine arrows rushed towards the deep pit on the ground with a whistling sound that tore through the sky.


There were roars on the ground, and even the surrounding rocks were scorched black by the power of thunder and flames.

When all the dust cleared, there was no movement in the cave for a long time.


Lin Changsheng was a little surprised!

Is it so hard to fight at the peak of Jin Dan in the later stage?

"I really underestimated you!"

Sure enough, Lu Yunchang's angry voice came from the deep pit.

I saw him walking out covered in blood, his whole body was scorched black, and there was no good spot anywhere.

Lin Changsheng's two blows did not kill him instantly.

But it also left him quite traumatized.

After finishing his words, Lu Yunchang directly called out his magic weapon.

This is a magic weapon similar to the Qinglong Yanyue Sword.

There is always a black light on it, and the blade is very evil. As the light of the knife is waved, there seems to be the sound of ghosts crying and wolves howling in the entire space.


Lu Yunchang controlled four corpse puppets of equal cultivation while waving his magic weapon and rushing towards Lin Changsheng.

It seemed that he wanted to tear Lin Changsheng into pieces in an instant.

Lin Changsheng knew that he could not fight a protracted war, otherwise he would be consumed by the opponent sooner or later.

He originally thought that Lu Yunchang could be defeated with two moves, but he didn't expect that Lu Yunchang, who was at the peak of the late Jindan period, was also very powerful physically.

Unexpectedly, he failed to kill him.

"See if your corpse puppet is more powerful, or is my ghost more powerful?"

Lin Changsheng waved his hand and took out the Hundred Thousand Soul Flag.

A wave of his arm.

Hundreds of thousands of ghosts came out, and all kinds of shrill roars of ghosts suddenly came out, making people's hearts tremble.

Even Lu Yunchang was shocked by this terrifying scene for a moment.

Lin Changsheng was waiting for this moment.

At the moment when Lu Yunchang was stunned, Lin Changsheng drew his bow decisively, and a bolt of thunderous flames shot out.


With a crackling sound, the arrow instantly penetrated Lu Yunchang's chest, and blood splashed everywhere.

"no no……"

Lu Yunchang never thought that he would die in the hands of Lin Changsheng, a little beast.

However, the piercing chest caused his mana to continue to drain crazily.

Finally, I felt like the world was spinning, and I fell directly from the air, dying.

The four golden corpses that lost control suddenly fell to the ground and made no movement.

Lin Changsheng stepped forward and directly collected Lu Yunchang's soul, letting him go in to be with Lu Chang.

As for the corpse, naturally I won’t let it go. This is a perfect golden corpse!

Maybe fuse with other golden corpses to see if a stronger corpse puppet can be born.


Lin Changsheng picked up Lu Yunchang's storage bag, took a look at it, and found that there were hundreds of bronze corpses inside, probably for use in refining gold corpses in the future.

This is all cheap for Lin Changsheng.

I plan to fuse these corpse puppets after I return.

"This old guy always steps on a coffin wherever he goes. What is in this coffin?"

Lin Changsheng put everything away and began to look at the black ancient coffin.

The ancient coffin is about six feet long, and is surrounded by waves of evil spirits.

Most people would probably stay away from this thing when they see it.

But Lin Changsheng was now brave enough to step forward and open it.

However, after opening it, Lin Changsheng was dumbfounded.

There was no treasure inside. Instead, a stunning woman in red lay quietly.

How could this old guy be so good?

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