Although Lin Changsheng now has the ability to protect himself against the strong ones in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, it is not easy to kill the strong ones in the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

So there is no need to take this risk and fight Su Changkong right now.

Once he has full confidence, let alone Su Changkong looking for him, even if the other party doesn't look for him, Lin Changsheng will personally climb to the top of Liuyun Immortal Sect to look for Su Changkong.

This time, with his life in danger, Ao Chengfeng worked much more efficiently.

In less than an hour, the big ship was ready.

And he also found thirty experienced crew members to go to sea with him.

"Set off!"

Lin Changsheng waved his arm, and the ship sailed directly into the Demonic Sea.

Half an hour later, Su Changkong arrived here, but Lin Changsheng had already disappeared into the vast sea.

"Goed to the Demonic Sea? Is this kid crazy?"

After Su Changkong sensed that Lin Changsheng had gone to the Demonic Sea, he couldn't help but be shocked.

The Demonic Sea is a dangerous place.

Not to mention the dormant demonic forces, the sea monsters and demonic storms are a major crisis.

If you don't pay attention, you will die.

Even if Su Changkong had mid-stage Nascent Soul cultivation, he would not dare to wander into the Demonic Sea.

"Let's see where you can escape!"

Su Changkong seemed to have made a decision, and with a sudden change of heart, he also chased after him.

Lin Changsheng is the opportunity for him to break through Haozhen, if he is captured by others.

He missed the opportunity.

Nowadays, there are many powerful people in the middle stage of Nascent Soul in Immortal Relics Land, but no one has entered the realm of great monks in the later stage.

If Su Changkong can enter the late stage of the great monk realm, I am afraid that no one in the entire Southern Region will be his opponent.

At that time, the world of immortal cultivation in the Southern Region will be unified.

On the big ship, Lin Changsheng used the method of rebirth to change his appearance again and transformed into Luo Hao.

This makes it even more difficult for people to notice.

Although there is a special place for placing soul cards in Tiangui Sect.

Once an important person dies, they will be aware of it.

But the strong Nascent Soul is different. As long as the Nascent Soul is immortal, the soul card will not be broken.

Because the Nascent Soul is not dead, the powerful Nascent Soul will have a chance to be reborn.

So Luo Hao's soul card was not broken at this moment.

"Immortal, Immortal Master you"

When Ao Chengfeng saw the person walking out of the room, he was so surprised that he opened his mouth from ear to ear.

Isn't this Luo Hao who was just killed by Lin Changsheng?

Is he resurrected?

No, this is what Lin Changsheng looks like after using the disguise technique!

"No need to make a fuss, Lin Changsheng has been killed by me!"

Lin Changsheng said, his tone and voice were the same as Luo Hao's.

This made Ao Chengfeng confused for a moment as to who this was.

Ao Chengfeng did not dare to say anything and could only direct the ship to continue approaching Tiangui Sect.

The Tiangui Sect is the closest to the Southern Territory, more than two thousand miles away, and it doesn't take long to reach it.

However, this journey has not been so smooth.


Suddenly, there was a strong wind and waves on the sea in the distance, rolling up waves more than ten meters high and rushing towards the ship where Lin Changsheng and the others were.

"Devil Storm?"

Lin Changsheng looked intently and saw thunder and lightning and surging wind and clouds ten miles ahead.

"No, no, I should have encountered a sea monster above level eight!"

Ao Chengfeng was shocked.

He returned to the Tiangui Sect many times, but never encountered a sea monster above the eighth level. He did not expect that he would encounter such misfortune not long after he went to sea this time.

This eighth-level sea monster is equivalent to the strength of a mid-stage Jindan monk.

Especially in the sea, he is like a fish in water, and his burst of strength far exceeds his own.

Generally, when encountering a late-stage Jindan cultivator, they can only turn around and flee.

Originally, most of these tyrannical sea monsters were found near the deep sea, but they didn't expect to find themselves in the shallows now.

"It's just an eighth-level sea monster, why are you panicking?"

Lin Changsheng scolded.

The big ship cannot be sunk by the sea monster, after all, he is not just going to Tiangui Sect.

After arriving at the Heavenly Ghost Sect to obtain the Ten Thousand Ghosts Drawing Technique, you have to rush to the Corpse King Sect to obtain other secret techniques.

If the big ship sinks, it will be very inconvenient to travel.

Lin Changsheng took out the Ling Bao, and when the waves were about to hit the ship, he slashed out with his sword.


The powerful Baizhang sword light collided with the waves, and with the roar, it immediately split the waves into two.

The wave that was supposed to hit the ship went around instead.

After splitting the waves with a knife, Lin Changsheng discovered that there was a black shadow dormant in the sea, constantly moving.

If I guessed correctly, it was the huge waves set off by this sea monster that wanted to engulf them.

But because of the obstruction of the sea water, Lin Changsheng did not dare to blindly go into the sea to kill the sea monster.

Who knows if this sea monster has other magical powers.

If you are careless, you can easily capsize in the gutter.

"Keep going!"

Lin Changsheng did not intend to fight with this sea monster, so he had to hurry on.

Otherwise, it would be even more troublesome if Su Changkong caught up with him.

However, Lin Changsheng wanted to leave, but the sea monster in the water seemed to have no intention of letting them go.

He kept lingering near the ship and refused to leave.


A moment later, the Kraken spewed out a water column again, heading straight towards the ship.

If a ship is hit by this attack, it will definitely be sunk.

"act recklessly!"

Lin Changsheng was immediately angry.

I wanted to let it go, but I didn't expect that the sea monster would push it even further.

Then kill it.

Lin Changsheng released his peak spiritual consciousness in the middle stage of Nascent Soul and spread it out.

The suppressed Kraken's cultivation level plummeted.


The water column attack was cut off by Lin Changsheng again.


Lin Changsheng released the Golden Body of the Dragon God, and a roar of dragons resounded across the sky.

With the blessing of the Dragon God's golden body, Lin Changsheng's physical body has broken through to the peak of the early stage of Nascent Soul.

Then he rushed into the sea, preparing to kill the sea monster.

This sea monster seemed to be smart too, after sensing Lin Changsheng's tyrannical cultivation.

He immediately ran away.

Lin Changsheng couldn't do this.

Is this monster so smart?

Fortunately, the sea monster left and the road became smooth again.

Although we encountered two waves of demonic storms, we both survived without any danger.


A huge skull island appeared in Lin Changsheng's field of vision.

"Master Immortal, this is where the Heavenly Ghost Sect is!"

Ao Chengfeng said respectfully.

Now I dare not hide anything anymore.

"Swallow this!"

Lin Changsheng took out a pill from his storage bag and handed it to Ao Chengfeng.

I dare not not do it even if I endure Chengfeng.

He raised his head and swallowed it directly.

"This pill is a bone-transforming pill. If you don't get the antidote within three days, the flesh and blood around your body will rot, and only a pile of bones will be left! You wait for me here, and I will definitely give you the antidote when I come out!" "

Lin Changsheng left a word and rushed towards Tiangui Sect through the air.

"Yes! Immortal Master, don't forget the time to come back!"

Ao Chengfeng had no choice but to agree.

I just hope that Lin Changsheng can come back in three days.

Otherwise, his life would be at risk.

However, what Ao Chengfeng didn't know was that this was not poison at all.

But an ordinary pill.

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