The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 203: The New Immortal Art, the Demon God’s Furious Slash, Encountering the Demonic Storm [Pl

"This guy is really rich, even more generous than the Giant Whale Gang!"

Lin Changsheng couldn't help but feel a little surprised after checking Luo Hao's storage bag.

Because there are more than 100,000 spirit stones in Luo Hao's storage bag, as well as many precious medicinal materials.

Although there is no thousand-year level, there are many elixirs around five hundred years ago.

Then came the magic weapons, with 123 low-grade magic weapons, 56 medium-grade magic weapons, and 5 high-grade magic weapons.

If Lin Changsheng hadn't obtained this storage bag from Luo Hao, he would have thought that he had uprooted a major force.

And in addition to these treasures, there are also several tomes.

One of the swordsmanship manuals attracted Lin Changsheng's attention.

"The Heavenly Ghost Soul-Splitting Blade? This sword attack seems to be good! When it is perfected, it can be combined with the God-killing Heavenly Blade Jue!"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought.

Although people in the immortal world in the Southern Territory extremely reject the method of practicing demons.

But Lin Changsheng was not so arrogant.

As long as he can enhance his cultivation and strength, he will specialize in research.

After all, in this world of the weak and the strong, survival is the foundation of everything.

Although Mo Shahai's martial arts are cruel, they are very effective.

It can greatly improve the monk's combat effectiveness.

For example, the Ten Thousand Souls Banner, the Ten Thousand Souls Soul Devouring Formation, the Corpse Refining Technique, etc. can greatly increase the monk's combat effectiveness.

Today's Ghost Split Soul Blade is no exception.

When this skill is refined to perfection, the soul can be driven into the blade, and when necessary, it can be activated to unleash extremely powerful power.

The power is closely related to the intensity of the soul that penetrates.

The stronger the soul injected into the blade, the more lethal it will be.

"It just so happens that there are many late-stage Golden Core souls in the Ten Thousand Soul Banners. They don't need to be used in vain. Their value must be brought into play!"

Lin Changsheng thought leisurely.

Then he began to specialize in the Heavenly Ghost Soul Splitting Technique.

Half an hour later.

[Introduction to the Heavenly Ghost Soul Hunting Jue! 】

After Lin Changsheng's repeated research, he has already mastered the Heavenly Ghost Soul Splitting Technique.

[The Heavenly Ghost Soul Splitting Technique has been detected. Do you want to spend 3500 spirit stones to simplify it? 】


As soon as the prompt popped up on the panel, Lin Changsheng decisively clicked yes.

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of the Soul-Splitting Art of Heavenly Ghosts begins. The simplification is completed during the simplification. The Soul-Splitting Art of Heavenly Ghosts == Fighting Ghosts! 】

"Fighting ghosts?"

Seeing this simplification, a smile appeared on Lin Changsheng's lips. This meant that Xuanting and the others were in bad luck.

Immediately they punched and kicked Xuanting, Lu Yunchang and others.

Beat them and keep wailing.

The experience value of Tiangui Soul Splitting Art +1!

The experience value of Tiangui Soul Splitting Art +1!

As Lin Changsheng continued to beat him violently, the experience value of Tiangui Soul Splitting Art continued to increase.

This journey was also very joyful, with screams rising and falling from each other in the cabin.

I shudder even if the wind blows outside.

At this moment, on a dark desert island.

A figure sat cross-legged on a rock.

Suddenly the man's eyebrows moved and he slowly opened his eyes.

"Lin Changsheng actually left the Tiangui Sect?"

Su Changkong was a little surprised. He originally thought that Lin Changsheng was going to hide in Tiangui Sect for a while.

However, I didn't expect that he didn't stay too long and left?

And the direction of departure is not the southern realm of immortality, but the deeper part of the Demonic Sea!

This made Su Changkong feel a little embarrassed for a moment.

After all, he had just fought against Jiu Wushang, and the inner palace was severely damaged, and his strength was less than 30% of his original strength.

If he were to take action at this moment, he probably wouldn't be sure of killing Lin Changsheng.

After all, when Lin Changsheng was in the middle stage of the Golden Core, he was evenly matched with Tian Yin, who was in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul.

Not to mention that Lin Changsheng was already in the late stage of Jindan promotion.

In order to be on the safe side, Su Changkong planned to follow Lin Changsheng not far or near.

When he recovered to 70% of his mana, he killed Lin Changsheng in shock and took away his opportunity to help him become a Nascent Soul monk.

The Corpse King Sect is about 10,000 miles away from the Tiangui Sect.

The farther from the coast, the more dangerous it is.

It takes at least five days to reach it by boat.

If it were on land, Lin Changsheng could reach it in one day.

But at sea, it is better to save some mana, so as not to encounter danger when the mana is not enough.

During these five days, Lin Changsheng was not idle.

On the third day, the Dharma of Drawing Ten Thousand Ghosts was brought to perfection.

On the fourth day, he also raised the Heavenly Ghost Soul Splitting Technique to perfection.

[The Heavenly Ghost Soul Splitting Art (Perfection) and the God-killing Heavenly Blade Art (Perfection) were detected. Are they integrated into a new Immortal Art? 】

Just when Lin Changsheng had perfected the Heavenly Ghost Soul Splitting Technique, a red prompt popped up on the panel.

This was the moment Lin Changsheng was waiting for.

The two great Immortal Arts can really be fused, after all, they both use knives to activate them.


Lin Changsheng clicked yes.

[The fusion of Heavenly Ghost Soul Splitting Art (Perfection) and God-killing Heavenly Blade Art (Perfection) has begun. Fusion is in progress. Fusion is completed, and you will get the new Immortal Art Demon God Heavenly Wrath Slash! 】

"The Demon God's Wrathful Slash?"

Seeing this immortal technique, Lin Changsheng felt that its power was definitely not simple.

After all, this is an attack that combines many powerful immortal arts.

"By the way, if the soul is put into the blade, will the power be even greater?"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought, and then put the souls of Xuanting, Lu Yunchang and other late-stage golden elixirs into the blade. How about trying out its power?

"It is said that in the more powerful spiritual treasures, there will be weapon spirits in them, making the spiritual treasures even more powerful! Is it the same way to enter the soul now?"

Lin Changsheng thought secretly in his mind.

If the same is true, that would be great.

"Master Immortal, we still have one day's journey to reach the Corpse King Sect!"

Ao Chengfeng walked Lin Changsheng out, and before Lin Changsheng could ask, he took the initiative to speak.

"very good!"

Lin Changsheng was very satisfied and then threw a pill to Nao Chengfeng.

After Ao Chengfeng took it, he immediately took it with his head held high. He felt that this must be the antidote given to him by the immortal master.

However, this is just a very ordinary pill.


Just when Lin Changsheng was about to test the power of the blade, a hurricane suddenly appeared on the sea.

The scraping ship was rocking.

Even the water from the sea was sucked up into the sky by the hurricane.

"Demon, the evil storm is coming, run away -"

A crew member with some experience recognized it at a glance as the demonic storm that swept across the demonic sea from time to time.

This evil storm is not something you can just watch as it sweeps towards you. It is easy to avoid such a storm.

It is rare that a storm like this suddenly forms and it is difficult to escape.

From the beginning of the storm to maturity, it only takes three breaths.

The storm came fiercely, and the ship was torn into pieces by the violent storm.

Many crew members fell into the sea with screams and were swallowed by countless sea monsters.

Fortunately, Lin Changsheng was able to fly through the air and did not fall into the sea.

"Immortal, Immortal Master? What should I do?"

Ao Chengfeng also relied on his golden elixir cultivation to avoid being torn apart by the storm.

But the hurricane is getting stronger.

They were unable to withstand it, and it was difficult to escape. Sooner or later they would be torn apart by the storm.

"Just in time to test your power!"

Lin Changsheng had no fear in his heart. He took out the Lingbao God-killing Blade and slashed out with one swift stroke.

In the past, wherever the sword light came, it would transform into a hundred-foot sword light, destroying everything.

However, this time, Lin Changsheng burst out with the Demon God's Wrath of Heaven, and the condensed sword light actually evolved into a huge...

The phantom of the black devil.

The phantom of the demon god was extremely huge, more than two hundred feet high. It held a giant sword in the sky and slashed towards the huge storm.

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