The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 208 Chapter 207208 The Poseidon Tower opens, the powers gather in the Demonic Sea, Wan Wushu

Chapter 208 Chapter 207-208 The Poseidon Tower opens, the powers gather in the Demonic Sea, Wan Wushuang is shocked, the God Refining Ladder

Wan Wushuang still remembers Lin Changsheng's humiliation to her.

She is the genius of the Demon Sect, who dares to be rude to her?

On the contrary, Lin Changsheng was not only rude to her, but also made her stick her butt up and spank her.

For Wan Wushuang, this was a great shame and humiliation.

"Shuang'er? Your mana fluctuations are chaotic? What happened?"

In front of Wan Wushuang, Jiang Yuyan, the leader of the Tianmo Sect, stood.

Behind him are other major worshippers and elders.

Although Jiang Yuyan has lived for a thousand years, he does not look old. He looks like he is only in his thirties.

A look that still retains its charm.

At this moment, Jiang Yuyan felt the abnormal fluctuations of mana in Wan Wushuang's body and couldn't help but ask.

"Master, that's the Southern Region monk. Back then, he chased me and humiliated me. This time the Poseidon Tower is opened. If he dares to enter, please ask Master to make the decision for me!"

Wan Wushuang said angrily. She knew that she was no match for Lin Changsheng. If she wanted to kill Lin Changsheng, her master would have to take action.

"I see!"

Jiang Yuyan's eyes immediately fell on Lin Changsheng, and found that it was just a golden elixir ant, so he didn't take it seriously.

After all, in Jiang Yuyan's view, everyone from Yuanying down is just an ant.

"It's just a golden elixir cultivator. It's insignificant. If I meet my master, I will definitely kill him. The opening of the Poseidon Tower is a rare opportunity in hundreds of years. You must seize it and don't lose the big for the small!"

Jiang Yuyan persuaded Wan Wushuang.

The opportunity is right in front of you. If you miss it because of personal hatred, it will be difficult to encounter such opportunities in the future.

"Yes! Master! Disciple understands!"

Wan Wushuang immediately withdrew her eyes and stopped looking at Lin Changsheng.

Otherwise, looking at him, I would not be able to feel at peace in my heart.

Not far away, Jiu Wushang and Nie Buping also saw the arrival of Lin Changsheng and Ling Yue, and felt quite unhappy.

But he didn't take action against it.

After all, the Poseidon Tower is about to open. If too much mana is consumed for Lin Changsheng, the opportunity may be passed to others.

So at this moment, all the major sects are standing in the sky, quietly waiting for the Poseidon Tower to open, without any intention of fighting.

Hua Hua Hua——

I saw that the sea water was constantly being sucked into the sky by the storm.

Water in the center of the storm becomes increasingly scarce.

Not long after, the sky suddenly showed the opposite state to the ground.

In the sea area at the center of the storm, a dry land was exposed, and all the water in it was sucked into the sky.

A majestic divine tower appeared in front of everyone.

This building is more than three hundred feet high, with a total of twelve floors. The golden light flashes on it, filled with an incomparable sacred pressure.

This ray of light goes straight into the sky, visible to everyone in the entire Immortal Heritage Land.

The Immortal Cultivation World in the Southern Region, Liuyun Immortal Sect.

Li Jiantang looked at the golden light rushing into the sky from the west, and his pupils suddenly widened with a look of shock on his face.

"This, is this the birth of Poseidon Tower?"

Li Jiantang murmured to himself.

This Poseidon Tower is a cave in the mansion that is rarely seen in hundreds of years. Back then, the ancestor of the gods practiced hard in it, which contained great opportunities.

Not to mention Golden Core cultivators, even Nascent Soul cultivators can find a huge opportunity to break through Haozhen.

Thinking of this, Li Jiantang's hands couldn't stop trembling.

Even he has been stuck in the middle stage of the Golden Core for a hundred years and has been unable to break through.

Even for him, this opportunity was a great blessing.

"Poseidon Tower? Master, what is Poseidon Tower?"

Beside Li Jiantang, Zhuge Buping asked curiously.

Now Zhuge Buping has entered the golden elixir stage. As Li Jiantang's proud disciple, he is taken care of by his master Li Jiantang, even better than Zhao Fuhu.

Zhao Fuhu originally had two spiritual roots, one of which was the strange thunder spiritual root. If he cultivated hard, he would definitely achieve something in the future.

However, Zhao Fuhu was haunted by inner demons and had no intention of practicing. He only wanted to avenge his elder brother.

As a result, it was impossible to break through and condense the golden elixir for a long time.

So at this moment Li Jiantang has put all his hopes on Zhuge Buping.

"The Poseidon Tower is a huge mansion that appears every few hundred years in the Demonic Sea. It is comparable to the Taixu Temple. There is a great opportunity in it. Please call Tied Hu to go with me quickly. I hope to go now. There’s still time!”

Li Jiantangzhao said anxiously.

Just as Li Jiantang was giving instructions, on the mountains not far away, elders Liu Yanjin and Liao Bugui were also ordering their disciples to gather.

So I can rush to the Demonic Sea to see if I can get a chance.

Covering the Moon Immortal Sect.

Ji Ruyan looked at the light rising to the sky from the west and felt a sudden opportunity coming from heaven.

"Your concubine's niece, Ziyue, come with me to the Demonic Sea. There will be a vision coming from the sky in the west. There must be a chance! If you can find one or two, it will help you step into the Nascent Soul in the future!"

Ji Ruyan said excitedly.

After saying goodbye to Murong Tian last time, Ji Ruyan could not get over the past for a long time and began to travel around the world.

Finally, by chance, I broke through to the late stage of Jindan.

At the same time, he also brought back a spiritual medicine for his closed disciple Gao Ziyue.

After taking it, it can solidify the foundation.

Although the medicinal effect is not as good as the Qi of Heaven and Earth, it is still half as effective.

That’s why I came to the Hidden Moon Immortal Sect to look for Gao Ziyue.

However, I didn't expect that not long after arriving, I encountered a vision coming from the west.

This is obviously a sign of the advent of the Poseidon Tower.

"Opportunity? Elder Ji, the Demonic Sea is full of dangers. If the master finds out, he will punish us!"

Concubine Yu Ling was a little uneasy.

The Demonic Sea has always been a mysterious and dangerous place in her eyes, and she would definitely have a narrow escape if she went there.

"Isn't your master gone? Aren't you afraid that your master is in danger? Maybe I can help your master if I go this time!"

Ji Ruyan waved his hand to create a flying boat, and jumped up with Gao Ziyue.

Concubine Yu Ling hesitated again and again, but still jumped on it.

After all, no one can resist chance.

If you can really find one or two, it will be easy to step into Nascent Soul in the future.

Then the flying boat quickly rushed towards the Demonic Sea.

Jin Fu Sect.

Outside a majestic hall, a burly man in golden clothes looked at the west in trance, with golden light shining in his pupils.

"Sect Master, there is a strange phenomenon coming from the sea and the sky. Do you need to go find out more about it?"

Beside the man in gold, an elder in green said.

"There is no need to inquire. Quickly go to the disciples with Jindan cultivation level and above and come outside the main hall! In addition, inform Elder Wu that Elder Jin will come to set up the Star Movement Formation!"

The man in golden clothes is Zhao Cheng, the leader of the Jin Fu Sect. With such an opportunity, he must rush to where there is no need to explore.

The Jin Fu Sect suffered the greatest losses when the Beimu Immortal Clan invaded.

Even Nascent Soul elders like King Wanfu fell and were eventually forced to move their sect to live in this spiritually deficient place.

This time the Poseidon Tower comes out, he, the Golden Fu Sect, must not miss it.

Moreover, his Golden Talisman Sect has thousands of kinds of talismans, among which there is a great talisman formation called the Star Shifting Formation that can span space.

By arranging this formation, you can reach the Demonic Sea in a short time, one step ahead of the major sects.

When the opportunity comes, you can revive the sect's prestige.


The elder in Qingyi immediately nodded and left.

Also dispatched at the same time were the two major sects, Tianjian Sect and Yin Yang Dao Sect.

It was all the sect masters who led the elders and geniuses of the major sects to run towards the opportunity of the Demonic Sea.

It's just that they don't know if they can get a chance now, but there is always a glimmer of hope.

Demonic Sea, the center of the storm.

"Is this the Poseidon Tower?"

Lin Changsheng couldn't help but mutter to himself as he watched the huge Poseidon Tower reveal its true appearance.

The momentum of this Poseidon Tower is no weaker than that of Taixu Temple.

The towering body of three hundred feet gives people a huge feeling of oppression.

"Opportunity, here I come!"

A demonic monk at the peak of foundation building saw the Poseidon Tower reveal its true appearance and immediately ran away.

Want to be one step ahead of everyone else.

However, before he could touch the Poseidon Tower, he was torn apart by the evil storm that swept over him.

"Those who can enter the Poseidon Tower must have a golden elixir stage body. Otherwise, they will definitely die if they encounter the surrounding demonic storm!"

Ling Yue reminded again.

Lin Changsheng was naturally not afraid, because he himself had the cultivation of the late stage of the Golden Core. When he exploded into the Golden Body of the Dragon God, his physical body was directly compared to the peak of the early stage of the Nascent Soul.

"It's so good. The number of people who can enter it must be much less than that of Taixu Temple!"

Lin Changsheng responded.

Although there are fewer people vying for opportunities.

But there is no boundary limit.

It is also a huge test for some monks with low realms.

After all, everyone from the early stage of Jindan to the middle stage of Nascent Soul is gathered together.

It is as difficult as climbing to the sky for a golden elixir stage monk to get a chance.

After all, the powerful Nascent Soul will not let go of any opportunity.

How can the Jindan stage compete with the powerful Nascent Soul?

"There will be fewer people, but the competition is not small. The five demon sect masters are gathered together. If they stand on the same line, I'm afraid we won't be able to come out alive if we go in!"

Ling Yue spoke what was in her heart.

After all, this is the territory of the Demonic Sea, and Su Changkong and them are not on the same page.

With only Ling Yue and Lin Changsheng together, how could they fight against the huge demonic forces?

"What are Fairy Bright Moon's plans?"

Lin Changsheng wanted to hear Ling Yue's plan. After all, she had been there and she must have some insights.

"I heard my master say before that there are twelve floors in the Poseidon Tower. There are many opportunities on each floor. The higher you go, the greater the opportunities. We can enter and go straight to the upper floors. This way we can get rid of It will be safer for everyone in the Demon Dao to stay at a distance."

Ling Yue expressed her thoughts.


Lin Changsheng agreed. After all, when the Poseidon Tower came out this time, all the masters of the five major sects of the demonic path were present.

If you deal with it alone, you will definitely be unable to withstand it.

It is safest to advance and retreat together with Ling Yue.


After the last golden light of the Poseidon Tower disappeared, the storm outside the Tower dissipated.

"The storm has disappeared, hurry in!"

Nie Buping dropped a word and went straight to Poseidon Tower.

Then Jiu Wushang, Jiang Yuyan and others did not wait at all, turned into streams of light and headed straight for the Poseidon Tower.


Lin Changsheng didn't wait either. When it came to fighting for treasures, he was too slow and careless.

Resources are obtained by robbing, and only the weak resign themselves to fate.

The moment Lin Changsheng rushed out, Ling Yue followed closely behind.

"The Poseidon Tower is your burial place!!"

When Su Changkong saw Lin Changsheng entering the Poseidon Tower, he immediately yelled angrily.

In a flash, he also escaped into the Poseidon Tower.


Along with many monks, they entered the Poseidon Temple.

Lin Changsheng only felt the sound of wind blowing around him, and his vision was pitch black.

When he could see the light again, he was already in an extremely empty valley.

There is no vegetation around the valley.

It's like being suppressed by a force and unable to grow!

"Huh? What's going on? The cultivation level has been suppressed?"

Lin Changsheng wanted to move his legs, but found that his legs were extremely heavy.

It's very laborious to move.

Even if you want to use your magic power to break through the air, you can't do it.



At the same time, two demonic golden elixir elders landed next to Lin Changsheng, and they immediately became murderous towards Lin Changsheng.

However, when they moved, they also realized that something was wrong.

A dog gnawed on the ground and fell directly on the spot.

Lin Changsheng found the right opportunity to summon the spirit treasure, and used his spiritual consciousness to control the spirit treasure to fly out, killing the two of them directly.

"Not only is the body restricted in this place, but the consciousness is also restricted!"

Lin Changsheng found that when he used his spiritual consciousness, the spread range was only one percent of the original range.

It used to be able to spread more than three thousand miles.

Now it can only spread about thirty miles.

"It's better to leave here first. I wonder where Ling Yue was teleported to?"

Lin Changsheng's consciousness spread and began to look for Ling Yue.

But this place is so vast that thirty miles is not enough to explore.

Fortunately, after searching for more than half an hour, Lin Changsheng discovered a spiral staircase leading directly to the upper floor thirty miles ahead.

Maybe this is the exit from here.

However, as he rushed towards the stairs, Lin Changsheng found that his body was becoming more restricted, and his consciousness was also being suppressed crazily.

Until the end, the consciousness could only be extended one foot away.

"This place is somewhat similar to the Land of the Order!"

Lin Changsheng discovered that this place was very similar to the place where the order was taken.

Although he can operate his skills and restore his own magic power.

But the body and consciousness were suppressed by some kind of force.

When Lin Changsheng finally arrived in front of the stairs, his spiritual consciousness could no longer be released. At the same time, many demonic people had gathered here.

Lin Changsheng took a look but didn't find Ling Yue. He didn't know where she was teleported to.

Instead, he saw an old acquaintance, Wan Wushuang.

"Master, this bitch is so scornful of me, so please take action and vent this bad breath on your behalf!"

When Wan Wushuang saw Lin Changsheng, she immediately became furious.

I hope Master Jiang Yuyan can kill Lin Changsheng.

Wan Wushuang is now suppressed here and it is very difficult to move, let alone kill Lin Changsheng.

I can only place all my hopes on the master.

However, Jiang Yuyan also had something unspeakable at this moment.

Because her body was also greatly suppressed.

The closer you get to the stairs, the more mana you can mobilize.

At this moment, they have all the cultivation skills, but they are unable to use them.

Jiang Yuyan didn't know if she was the only one who was restricted, or if everyone was restricted?

So she didn't dare to take action rashly, otherwise others might know that she was restricted and they might kill her.

"Miss Wan, how can you repay kindness with hatred? If it weren't for me, you might have died long ago!"

Lin Changsheng said calmly.

He didn't believe that he was the only one who was restricted at this moment. These demonic people must also have been greatly restricted.

It was impossible to kill him.

Even if all the mana is spent, it may only scratch the surface.

After all, the mana is limited and cannot explode with much power.

"You're talking nonsense, when did you ever save me?"

Wan Wushuang said disdainfully.

She was filled with anger towards Lin Changsheng. If he wanted to save her, she would rather die than let him save her.

"I wonder if you still remember Yu Xiaochang?"

Lin Changsheng is no longer covering up.

It was an unintentional act to save Wan Wushuang in the first place. Now that he has been saved, there is no need to hide it.

"Yu Xiaochang?"

Wan Wushuang muttered silently in her mind, and then her pupils couldn't help but dilate, "Is this you Yu Xiaochang?"

Wan Wushuang couldn't help but take a step back when she thought of this.

When the Taixu Temple was closed, she was chased by the Beimu monks as soon as she left the Taixu Temple.

Finally, he was rescued by a monk from the Southern Region.

When leaving, the other party left the words Yu Xiaochang behind.

Wan Wushuang has always kept this matter in mind, and plans to thank him when he has the opportunity in the future.

Unexpectedly, this person turned out to be Lin Changsheng pretending to be?

"So do you owe me your life? If you kill me, wouldn't you be repaying kindness with hatred?"

Lin Changsheng said calmly.

Although more and more demonic people were gathering at this moment, even Jiu Wushang and Nie Buping rushed here.

But Lin Changsheng firmly believed that their strength was suppressed by this place and they could not hurt him.


Wan Wushuang was immediately angry with Lin Chang and was speechless.

I even had feelings for Yu Xiaochang at first, but I didn't expect it to be this guy?


A ray of light flashed out from the stairs, and the light gathered on the stairs to form a shadow of an old man.

This man is wearing blue clothes, holding a trident, and looks very powerful.

Like a god.

"This place is the God Refining Ladder, used to test the physical body and spiritual consciousness. The higher you go, the greater the increase you can get. At the same time, you can be teleported to higher floors and get greater opportunities!"

The words fell and the light dispersed.

Suddenly everyone understood what the purpose of this staircase was.

But people often have a huge fear of unknown things, and no one knows whether there will be danger on this God-refining ladder.

For a while, no one dared to go up!

Lin Changsheng is not a fool. He still understands the principle of shooting the first bird, and he is always waiting for the first person to test the waters.

"you go!"

Tiangui Zongjiu Wushang patted the shoulder of a Jindan disciple and motioned for him to go and try.

This disciple knew very well how ruthless Jiu Wushang was, and if he didn't go, his death would probably be even worse.

I can only bite the bullet and walk towards the God Refining Ladder step by step.

When he reached the bottom of the stairs, the disciple felt that his whole body was under tremendous pressure. Every time he took a step up, it seemed as if hundreds of kilograms of weight were added to his shoulders.

This disciple only walked twenty steps before he suddenly fell to the ground and was unable to move forward.

"The qualifications are acceptable, and you have obtained twenty years of cultivation! You can enter the second floor!"

The old man's voice suddenly came out.

The next moment, twenty rays of light were seen entering this disciple's body.

The depleted mana was instantly replenished, and at the same time, this disciple was promoted from the early stage of the Golden Core to the peak of the Early Stage of the Golden Core.

"Twenty years of cultivation, I have added twenty years of cultivation, hahaha——"

The disciple laughed loudly on the stairs, and a ray of light enveloped him in the next moment, teleporting him directly to the second floor of the Poseidon Tower.

Suddenly everyone realized that there was no danger in this ladder, and the higher they persisted, the greater the increase they could obtain.

One step is equivalent to one year of cultivation.

"There are almost seventy-two steps, and you can get up to seventy-two years of cultivation growth?"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought.

The increase in cultivation level in seventy-two years is not a small amount!

"I'll come, I'll come -"

"Everyone, get out of the way and let this sect do the trial!"

"This is an opportunity in the Demonic Sea. How can you let you, a monk from the Southern Region, be so arrogant?"

"So brave, I don't know how to live or die!"

After seeing that there was no danger on the stairs, all the major forces started fighting to go to the test.

Among them, Su Changkong was not far behind. However, as soon as he said these words, he was hindered by many evil ways.

Fortunately, everyone's cultivation here has been suppressed and they can't kill anyone at all.

Otherwise, Su Changkong would be in danger.

Everyone swarmed up and rushed towards the God Refining Stairs.

"The qualifications are acceptable, and you have obtained twenty-three years of cultivation! You can enter the second floor!"

"Excellent qualifications, obtained forty-two years of cultivation! Can enter the third level of space!"

"Mediocre qualifications, nineteen years of cultivation! Can enter the second floor!"

"Mediocre qualifications, achieved thirteen years of cultivation! Missed the second level of space!"

As many monks climbed to the top of the trial stairs, the voices suddenly rose and fell.

Most of them have acceptable qualifications, but it is difficult to persist after reaching the twenty-first level.

Of course, there are also many powerful people who have reached more than 40 levels, obtained excellent qualifications, and entered the third level of Poseidon Space.

Some even had mediocre qualifications and were directly kicked out of the Poseidon Tower.

This made Lin Changsheng laugh.

Those who can enter the Poseidon Tower are all at the Golden Core stage or above, but there are still some with mediocre qualifications?

It is probably because he is too old and has accumulated the golden elixir cultivation by taking elixirs.

will be judged as having mediocre qualifications.

"Hurry up and leave this space!"

Just as Lin Changsheng was pondering, Ling Yue's voice sounded from behind him.

Lin Changsheng looked back and saw that Ling Yue's hair was a little scattered and there was a trace of blood at the corner of her mouth.

This made Lin Changsheng a little surprised. Apart from the God Refining Ladder, was there any danger in this space?

"what happened?"

Lin Changsheng asked differently.

It stands to reason that all the monks will gather together again. Ling Yue still has the cultivation level of the middle Nascent Soul, so it is impossible to be injured!

However, Ling Yue did not answer Lin Changsheng, but shook her head.

Then he used his magic power to recover from his injuries.

Since Ling Yue didn't want to say anything, Lin Changsheng stopped insisting.

He also stepped up the ladder of refining the gods.

With each step forward, hundreds of kilograms of gravity seemed to increase on the body.

Lin Changsheng had only reached the thirty-sixth level with his late Golden Core cultivation, and it was difficult for him to persevere.

However, Lin Changsheng still had a backup plan.


Just listen to the sound of a dragon roaring through this space.

Lin Changsheng used the Golden Body of the Dragon God.

The physical strength is close to the peak of the early stage of Nascent Soul.

In an instant, the pressure all over Lin Changsheng's body was greatly reduced.

There are generally very few people who specialize in body-building techniques.

But Lin Changsheng has simplified it, making it very simple to practice.

Therefore, Dzogchen is also refined.

At this moment it plays an extremely important role.

With the blessing of the Golden Body of the Dragon God, Lin Changsheng walked up another eighteen steps and reached the fifty-fourth step.

Just when everyone thought this was Lin Changsheng's limit, Lin Changsheng did not fall down. He paused and continued walking at night.

"This beast is only in the late stage of Jindan. How can it be possible that he can go further than Nascent Soul?"

Nie Buping looked at the steps Lin Changsheng walked up, and he couldn't help but feel puzzled as he clearly surpassed the Yuanying elders of his sect.

If the test was only about the physical body, Lin Changsheng might only be able to reach the fifty-fourth level.

But Lin Changsheng's consciousness is at the peak of the mid-stage Nascent Soul.

When the physical body is unable to bear it, the test is the strength of willpower and spiritual consciousness.

The stronger the consciousness, the longer it can persist.

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