The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 214 Chapter 217218 Nie Buping’s shock, the Nine Demon Shields, the Corpse Explosion Art, and

Chapter 214 Chapter 217-218 Nie Buping’s shock, the Nine Demon Shields, the Corpse Explosion Art, and all the spiritual treasures taken away

"How brave!"

Nie Buping sensed the approaching danger and immediately shouted angrily.

In an instant, he shot out a palm, trying to shatter the incoming arrows.

However, the arrow seemed to have spirituality, magically turning in mid-air and avoiding Nie Buping's palm print.

Attack from all the tricky angles around.


Nie Buping was shocked when he saw this.

He has seen Lingbao that can change the attack route in mid-air.

But this was the first time he had seen an arrow that could change its course.

How sophisticated techniques and methods are required to achieve this?

It is conceivable that the person who shot the nine arrows must be a strange person who has specialized in archery for hundreds of years.

Nie Buping couldn't remember when he had offended such a person?

Bang bang bang——

Before Nie Buping could react, six of the nine flaming arrows had already landed on him, erupting with violent roars.

The other three were not escaped by Nie Buping.

Instead, it was shot at Elder Bai Ting, who was not far away from Nie Buping.

"So tyrannical? And poisonous?"

Nie Buping originally thought that the arrow was not enough to seriously injure him. However, after the violent roar fell, Nie Buping discovered that his thinking was too simple.

His protective magic was instantly shattered by arrows, his clothes were in tatters, and many arrows had even broken open his flesh and blood, causing venom to enter his body.

Nie Buping was already in such a miserable state, not to mention the enshrinement in the Baiting not far away.

He was directly bombarded by three flaming arrows and spat out a mouthful of old blood. His whole body was covered in blood and flesh, and he was obviously severely injured.

The next moment, Lin Changsheng's figure stopped not far from the sky.

"Nascent Soul Breath? You actually——"

When Nie Buping discovered that it was Lin Changsheng who attacked him, he was shocked beyond measure.

Because he discovered that Lin Changsheng had broken through to the Nascent Soul realm.

This kid's talent is so amazing? To actually set foot in Nascent Soul at such an age?

You know, even the most famous Bu Shichen in their Demonic Sea back then.

He only entered Nascent Soul when he was over two hundred years old.

So, Lin Changsheng's talent is ten times higher than Bu Shichen's?

"There is a road to heaven but if you don't take it, if there is no door to hell and you break in, I will bury you here today!"

When Nie Buping saw Lin Changsheng appearing, his eyes widened with anger. Even if Lin Changsheng broke through the Nascent Soul, it would only be in the early stage of the Nascent Soul.

If he wants to kill him, he is still somewhat sure.

What's more, Lin Changsheng beheaded his son Nie Xiangyuan.

If Nie Xiangyuan does not die, he will definitely be able to step into Nascent Soul in the future.

There is even the possibility of breaking the void and ascending to the upper realm.

It was all because of Lin Changsheng that everything about him was ruined.

“It’s not certain who will be buried here!”

Lin Changsheng said coldly, at the late stage of Jin Dan, he has the strength to fight with the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

But now that he has broken through the Nascent Soul stage, he no longer takes the middle Nascent Soul stage into his eyes.

After all, after the cultivation level breaks through to the early stage of Yuanying, the physical body has been promoted to the peak of the middle stage of Yuanying, and the spiritual consciousness is even far beyond that of the great monks of Yuanying.

"court death!"

Nie Buping scolded angrily, waved his hand and shot out three king corpse puppets, attacking and killing Lin Changsheng.

Nie Buping was already refining the fourth king's corpse.

But it was a pity that the Poseidon Tower was opened in a hurry and he did not complete the refining.

However, the three king corpses are also full of fighting power.

After all, each of these three king corpses is equivalent to the cultivation level of Nascent Soul.

"These are treasures, don't break them!"

Lin Changsheng's eyes suddenly lit up when he saw the three king corpses approaching. If he killed Nie Buping himself, then these king corpses would naturally belong to him.

At that time, using panel fusion, stronger zombie puppets can be born.

Therefore, Lin Changsheng had no intention of confronting the corpse puppet. He used the Tianya Haijiao Light Body Technique and jumped a hundred feet, directly avoiding all the attacks of the king's corpse.

At the same time, the Golden Body of the Dragon God erupted.


An extremely domineering dragon roar sounded, and a domineering dragon silhouette appeared behind Lin Changsheng.

The phantom of the divine dragon penetrated into Lin Changsheng's body, instantly strengthening his body greatly and directly reaching the peak of the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

"The peak physical body in the middle stage of Nascent Soul?"

Nie Buping was shocked when he saw the body strengthening method used by Lin Changsheng.

General body-strengthening methods only have a strengthening effect on monks with golden elixirs or even below.

At the Nascent Soul stage, there won't be such an obvious improvement at all.

Otherwise, everyone would practice body-strengthening techniques.

However, I didn't expect that the physical strengthening method used by Lin Changsheng could even improve to a small level in the Nascent Soul stage, which is extraordinary.

However, what surprised Nie Buping was more than that.

After Lin Changsheng erupted into the Golden Body of the Dragon God, he suppressed and spread his spiritual consciousness.

"Yuan, Yuanying great monk level consciousness?"

Nie Buping instantly became panicked.

What kind of monster is this young man in front of him?

At such an age, he has many magical powers in one body.

Not only does he have a physical body that far exceeds his own cultivation level, but he also has an extremely powerful spiritual consciousness.

The spiritual consciousness of this great Yuanying monk had been greatly reduced by the suppressed Nie Buping.

The strength exerted is only 60%.

This is the shock brought by the pressure of divine consciousness.

"Bai Zongfeng, resist this boy for me, I will inform other sects to come and kill this boy!"

Nie Buping immediately planned to run away.

After all, Lin Changsheng's strength far exceeded his imagination.

At this moment, he no longer had the confidence to kill Lin Changsheng, so it would be good if he could escape.

Only by gathering the power of the five major sects of the Demonic Sea can we be sure to kill him.

"Me? How can I resist?"

Bai Ting was already using his magic power to drive away the poison on the flaming arrows.

There was no extra strength to fight against Lin Changsheng.

It's already good enough that he doesn't cause trouble for you, but you want to resist him yourself?

Undoubtedly, it is not a mantis trying to trick the car!

"Want to leave now? Leave your life behind!"

Lin Changsheng would not let Nie Buping escape, otherwise it would be difficult for him to kill them if the leaders of the five major sects gathered together.

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Changsheng stepped in front of Nie Buping and struck down with a swift punch.

Seeing the fierce punch, Nie Buping knew that it was difficult to resist with his own body.

Immediately he took out the Nine Lingbao Magic Shields.

The nine magic shields are as black as ink, with multiple skull patterns with horns on them.


Lin Changsheng hit the Nine Demon Shield with a powerful punch, causing a violent roar.

The overbearing force blasted Nie Buping to the ground, creating a big crater.

And the Nine Demon Shields happened to cover Nie Buping's body, which looked so funny.

It was like a coffin board covering Nie Buping.

"Nie Buping, you are really good at choosing spiritual treasures. This coffin board is just right for you!"

Lin Changsheng stood tall in the sky, looking at Nie Buping in the deep pit below.

I don't know if these treasures are more suitable for people of the devil's way, or if they just like these weird magic weapons.

Jiu Wushang had also seen Ling Baolin Changsheng, it was a soul refining cauldron.

It looked like a death knell.

And this Nie Buping's spiritual treasure is like a coffin board.

Their vision had to impress Lin Changsheng.


In the pit, before Nie Buping could stand up, a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth.

He knew that he was afraid that he would fall into Lin Changsheng's hands today.

He is not willing to give in!

I thought that by entering the Poseidon Tower space, I would have a chance to break through to Haojue, but in the end I didn't expect that all of them would be snatched away by other sects.

Now he finally found a cave, and finally met Lin Changsheng again.

"Beast, even if I die, you won't be able to live well!"

Nie Buping's heart skipped a beat, and he was already planning to end the relationship with Lin Changsheng.

He immediately activated his magic weapon and controlled the corpse puppet to rush towards Lin Changsheng.

"The corpse explosion?"

Lin Changsheng also knew something about the Corpse King Sect.

The method Nie Buping was pinching at this moment was the Corpse Explosion Technique.

When this technique is used, the corpse puppet can be detonated, bursting out with extremely powerful lethality.

The three corpse puppets controlled by Nie Buping were all Nascent Soul level corpse puppets.

Once detonated, it is extremely powerful.

After all, the formation of a powerful Nascent Soul can take hundreds, even thousands of years.

The power of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth that has been absorbed for so many years can be imagined once it is detonated.

"Sect Master, no!"

Bai Ting was shocked when he saw this. Is Nie Buping planning to die together with Lin Changsheng?

Once this king's corpse detonates, its power will be absolutely tyrannical.

I am afraid that these disciples and elders will undoubtedly survive.

However, Nie Buping couldn't control that much at this moment, and he only wanted to kill Lin Changsheng.

If he didn't use this move, I'm afraid they wouldn't survive and would be killed by Lin Changsheng.

It would be better to fight to the death with Lin Changsheng.


Before Lin Changsheng could stop Nie Buping, the king's corpse rushed not far in front of Lin Changsheng and exploded.

An extremely strong impact spread out, sending Lin Changsheng flying backwards and causing his eardrums to tremble.

Such a huge roar could be heard clearly by all the major sects thousands of miles away.

Two thousand miles away.

Jiu Wushang raised his head and looked at the distant sky.

"The Nascent Soul Puppet self-destructed? It looks like Nie Buping is in trouble!"

Jiu Wushang secretly said, but had no intention of helping.

After all, if someone dies, then the possibility of him getting a chance is greater.

Jiu Wushang also had bad luck. After entering the Poseidon Tower for more than ten days, he only found one Earth Vein Spirit Crystal.

Although this thing is much richer than the spiritual energy emitted by the underground spiritual veins.

But if you want to absorb the emitted spiritual energy and break through Haojue, it will not be a matter of time.

The rest of the harvest is some elixirs and monster corpses.

Three thousand miles away.

On the other hand, the three major sects of Taiyin Island, Tianmo Sect and Yin Yang Palace are extraordinary.

The three of them joined forces and obtained a lot of treasures.

At this moment, when I heard a loud roar coming from far away, I knew that a treasure must have been found.

I immediately planned to go fight for it.

The figures turned into streams of light and rushed straight to where Lin Changsheng and Nie Buping were.

In a hidden corner, Ling Yue looked at the distant sky thoughtfully.

It had been more than ten days since she entered the Poseidon Tower, but she had not found any trace of Lin Changsheng.

The violent roar that erupted at this moment might be related to Lin Changsheng.

So Ling Yue also quickly rushed towards the roaring place.

I hope Lin Changsheng will not fall into the hands of the demonic people.

"This Su Changkong is probably hiding and preparing to break through Haojue!"

Ling Yue hadn't seen Su Changkong for many days.

It felt like Su Changkong was probably breaking through Haojue.

After all, if he hadn't wanted to break through Haoxue, he would definitely be looking for opportunities in the Poseidon Tower.

But for more than ten days, Ling Yue found no trace of Su Changkong.

"If Su Changkong breaks through to the Yuanying Great Monk, then Lin Changsheng will be in trouble!"

Ling Yue couldn't help but feel a little worried.

After all, Lin Changsheng and Su Changkong have some connections.

Even if Lin Changsheng was a monster and a prodigy, he would still be unable to fight against the Nascent Soul cultivator.

In this land of immortal relics, the great monk Yuanying is the god of this world.

Once someone breaks through, it will definitely cause an uproar.

"I hope Lin Changsheng can also win some good fortune!"

Ling Yue secretly said.

I hope Lin Changsheng can grow up soon, otherwise, if Su Changkong breaks through to the Nascent Soul Great Monk, he will not be able to protect him.

The tyrannical corpse puppet self-destructed, its power was extremely domineering, and the scope of the disaster was ten miles wide.

All vegetation in the area was destroyed.

Even the center of the self-destruction left a huge crater.

Lin Changsheng had a strong physical body. He was not seriously injured by the corpse puppet's self-destruction, but was simply thrown away.

On the other hand, everyone in the Tiangui Sect was not spared.

All the major Jindan elders and disciples died.

Only the dying elder Bai Ting and Nie Buping were left alive.

"God, you want to kill my Corpse King Sect!"

Nie Buping couldn't even seriously injure Lin Changsheng when he saw the corpse puppet self-destructing, and he suddenly felt weak all over.

I couldn't help but sigh.

"Let's hit the road!"

Lin Changsheng did not wait for Nie Buping to detonate the second corpse puppet. He stepped forward and punched Nie Buping.

Nie Buping waved the Nine Demon Shield to resist, but the effect was minimal.

The last one was accidentally punched directly in the chest by Lin Changsheng, killing him with one punch.

To smash the formation, Nie Buping had consumed 30% of his mana.

Coupled with the fact that Lin Changsheng had the spiritual pressure of the Yuanying Great Monk, Nie Buping was unable to fully exert his full strength.

Being shocked to death by Lin Changsheng was normal.

"Around, around life——"

Bai Ting saw that the sect leader Nie Buping was killed by Lin Changsheng, and he immediately begged again and again.

However, Lin Changsheng would not show mercy to the people of the Demonic Sea.

A palm smashed the top of his head.

''The two Nascent Soul cultivators can not only refine corpse puppets, but the treasures in the storage bags must be indispensable! "

Lin Changsheng was immediately satisfied. Although there were some mistakes and one corpse was missing, the impact was not significant.

After putting away the corpses and storage bags of the two Nascent Soul experts, Lin Changsheng walked towards the cave.

Once you get the treasure inside, you'll have to run away.

Because he and the major forces in the Demonic Sea must have heard the strange movement here and are rushing here quickly.

If he was surrounded by the other four major sects, Lin Changsheng would have a way to escape.

But it also takes a lot of effort.

It's better to defeat them one by one.

After Lin Changsheng walked into the cave, he discovered that this place turned out to be a cave, which was quite vast inside.

There are luminous pearls on the top of the cave, which illuminate the cave like daylight.

"Three spiritual treasures?"

Lin Changsheng suddenly discovered that in the cave, in addition to the body of an old man who had passed away, there were three spiritual treasures placed in front of the corpse.

These three spiritual treasures are knives, swords, and spears.

It was all shining with bursts of light.

I guess I saw the afterglow outside, emanating from the three spiritual treasures.

Lin Changsheng didn't have time to look at it carefully and put it directly into the storage bag.

Then he came to the sitting old man, bowed slightly to him, and began to rummage around him.

Sure enough, I found a storage bag after a while.

In addition to the storage bag, Lin Changsheng found a ring on the skull's finger.

This thing is certainly not simple, so Lin Changsheng obtained it together.

After looking around and finding nothing of value, Lin Changsheng left the place.

After the time of one stick of incense.


Several figures in the sky cut through the sky and landed outside the cave.

"It seems like there was a violent fight here just now. Why are all the people missing?"

Tianmomen Jiang Yuyan said curiously.

Even if we all die together, there will always be corpses, right?

Why isn't there even a body?

When everyone entered the cave, they found that the place had been swept away, not to mention not even a mouthful of meat, not even a mouthful of soup left for them.

The major sects were so angry that they reprimanded each other angrily.

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