Chapter 234 Specializing in the formation, waiting to die?

"Is he really so kind?"

Lin Changsheng was still a little worried about why the mysterious old man would teach him the method of obtaining the Poseidon Tower.

Who wouldn’t want such treasures?

Even in the Burial Immortal Realm, it is a treasure that ranks among the best.

"Hurry up, they are coming!"

Ling Yue warned, and several figures behind her were getting closer and closer.

Lin Changsheng and others had no choice at this moment and could only rush towards the storm formation at the center.

The closer we get to the storm formation, the more powerful the storm becomes, even worse than the storms outside.


A disciple in the early stage of the golden elixir could not withstand the power of the storm and turned into blood foam and died.

It seems that if you want to withstand the storm, you need to be at least in the middle stage of Golden Core cultivation.

But this is normal.

Entering the Poseidon Tower requires cultivation of the early stage of the Golden Core, so it makes no sense that you are still at the early stage of the Golden Core when you leave.

Therefore, a ban has been set up here, and only those who have improved their cultivation can leave.

Fortunately, Concubine Yu Ling, Gao Ziyue and others were in the fairy pond, absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and reaching the middle stage of the golden elixir.

Only this kind of storm can be withstood.

"Your concubine, Ziyue, follow closely!"

Ji Ruyan reminded.

If she can't withstand the power of the storm, she can use her magic to help.

"Yes, master!"

The two women nodded in agreement, and their clothes were blown up by the violent hurricane.

Lin Changsheng couldn't help but look away when he saw this.

"Lin Changsheng, you can't escape, why don't you die soon!"

From a distance behind him, Ding Changhai chased him and shouted angrily.

Although he was not Lin Changsheng's opponent, he had Su Changkong behind him.

Now Moshahai has suffered heavy losses, not only the leaders of the two major sects have fallen.

Two major threats have emerged in the Southern Region.

One big threat is Lin Changsheng, the talented genius, and the other big threat is Su Changkong, the Nascent Soul monk.

No matter who of these two people dies, it will be a good thing for their Demon Sea.

Therefore, Ding Changhai also liked that Lin Changsheng was buried in the Poseidon Tower.

Otherwise, if he is allowed to leave alive, the Demonic Sea will probably be trampled under his feet in the future.

Lin Changsheng didn't bother to pay attention to this person, he was just defeated.

If Su Changkong hadn't arrived in time, all of these people would have died in his hands.


The hurricane gets more powerful as it gets closer to the center of the storm.

The middle-stage Jindan cultivation level was a little unable to withstand the blow, and was on the verge of falling apart.


Gao Ziyue exclaimed. The magic power in her body could not withstand the storm, and blood marks were torn all over her body by the storm.

When Ji Ruyan saw this, he immediately pulled Gao Ziyue in front of him and wrapped her with the power of his late golden elixir to protect her from the storm.

Gao Ziyue's crisis was resolved, but Concubine Yu Ling was not so lucky.

A bloody mark was drawn on his face by the storm, and his body was swept away by the hurricane before he could stand still!

Fortunately, Lin Changsheng noticed it in time, ducked out of the way, and hugged him directly.

Then the Nascent Soul's magic power was used to protect it.

After Concubine Yu Ling felt the temperature inside Lin Changsheng's body, her cheeks turned red and she lowered her head.

"M-thank you-"

Yu Lingfei wanted to say something more, but she couldn't say it.

After the last round of strong storm, Lin Changsheng and others finally arrived at the center of the storm.

In the center of the storm is a calm scene.

There are no hurricanes within a hundred miles, but instead there are huge wind walls around it.

The wind wall is hundreds of miles high, isolating this place.

In the center of the storm, there is a huge stone platform, which should be the teleportation platform to leave here.

You can leave Poseidon Tower from here.

"Quickly, go to the teleportation platform and get out of here!"

After Wang Zhonglou saw the teleportation platform, his eyes lit up and he could finally leave this place.

The rest of the people also rushed towards the teleportation platform immediately.

As long as he leaves this place, he can temporarily escape Su Changkong's pursuit.

However, Lin Changsheng hesitated at this moment because he had not yet understood the Demonic Storm Formation.

If you cannot comprehend this formation, you will not be able to obtain the Poseidon Tower in the future.

This is a great treasure.

If you can obtain it, you will definitely be able to greatly enhance your cultivation in the future.

"Aren't you leaving?"

Concubine Yu Ling looked at Lin Changsheng in astonishment. Seeing the teleportation formation right in front of her eyes, Lin Changsheng actually stopped?

Doesn't he want to leave here?

"You go first, I still have some things to finish."

Lin Changsheng said bluntly and began to study the big formation.

He only needs to specialize in the formation to get started, and when the time comes, he can complete it by simplifying the panel.

However, even if you specialize in getting started, it still takes time.

If it is fast, it will take half a stick of incense, and if it is slow, it will take a quarter of an hour.

"Are you crazy? Su Changkong is going to kill here soon! If we don't leave, it will be too late!"

Concubine Yu Ling was anxious. Seeing that the teleportation platform was right in front of her, Lin Changsheng didn't want to leave?

Aren't you afraid that Su Changkong will come and kill you, and you won't be able to leave even if you want to?

"Don't worry, I'm sure of myself, you go first!"

Lin Changsheng urged.

He could still resist Su Changkong for a while, but the large number of them distracted Lin Changsheng.

"If you don't leave, I won't leave either!"

Concubine Yu Ling said persistently.

If Lin Changsheng hadn't saved her life, she might have fallen into the storm formation.

Lin Changsheng was a little surprised by these words.

"Concubine Yu Ling, don't you fall in love with me?"

Lin Changsheng said half-jokingly.

"Who likes you? If you hadn't saved my life, how could I-"

Concubine Yu Ling refused to admit it.

However, before she could finish her words, she was knocked away by Lin Changsheng's palm.

"Elder Ji, take her away!"

Lin Changsheng said.

After Ji Ruyan caught Concubine Yu Ling, she took her into the teleportation formation.

"Let's go! I believe he has his own way!"

Ling Yuekai believed that Lin Changsheng was not a reckless man and must have his own plans.

And if Lin Changsheng dies, all the pressure from the Southern Territory will fall on them.

So they can't make any mistakes at this moment.

"Where to escape?"

In the distance, Su Changkong yelled, but when he arrived at the center of the storm, Ling Yue and others had already left the place through the teleportation formation.

In the vast space, Lin Changsheng was left alone, looking at the formation in a daze.

Su Changkong didn't believe that Lin Changsheng stayed here to wait for death.

I couldn't make up my mind for a while, what is this guy doing here?

"Sect Master Su, I wonder if you can still give me this chance now that I have defected to your Liuyun Immortal Sect?"

Lin Changsheng stalled for time.

As long as it takes a stick of incense, you can almost get started with the formation.

Su Changkong was a little surprised when he heard Lin Changsheng's words.

However, he is now a great monk who has broken through to the Nascent Soul, so naturally he does not need Lin Changsheng, a time bomb, to stay with him.

If Lin Changsheng regrets it in the future and surpasses himself in strength, what else can he do against him?

"You want to join the Liuyunxian Sect now? It's too late! Death is your best destination!"

Su Changkong sneered, he had no intention of leaving Lin Changsheng alive.

The mana in his hand was already gathering, and he planned to kill Lin Changsheng with one move.

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