The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 232 Refining Qingtuan Spiritual Energy, Crisis in the Southern Territory

"This is?"

This change surprised Lin Changsheng.

The cyan light groups entered his body, making him feel that he was inextricably connected with the entire storm formation.

At the same time, I also felt that a large amount of spiritual energy essence was injected into my body.

"It seems that this cyan light group was sucked into the storm formation, and then contained within the formation. Only those who have an enlightenment about the formation can obtain it!"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought.

This can be considered a big gain.

With these spiritual energy essences, Lin Changsheng can help Lin Changsheng break through the Nascent Soul stage.

When the time comes to meet Su Changkong again, he will have nothing to fear.


When Su Changkong saw Lin Changsheng stepping onto the teleportation stone platform, he roared angrily and slashed out with his sword.

The extremely violent sword light went straight towards Lin Changsheng.

However, just as the sword light was about to strike Lin Changsheng, a ball of white light enveloped Lin Changsheng.

The next moment, he disappeared directly from the spot.

"Damn it! You actually let him escape?"

Zhao Fuhu felt unhappy when he saw Lin Changsheng escaping from here.

I thought that Lin Changsheng would die, but he didn't expect that he would let him escape again and again.

Lin Changsheng is already so tyrannical now. If he is allowed to grow up silently, it will be terrible in the future.

"That's unreasonable!"

Su Changkong was also very unhappy, and immediately rushed to Shitai, and then left the place through the teleportation array.

However, when he just teleported out of Poseidon Tower, Lin Changsheng was no longer around.

Even releasing three thousand miles of spiritual consciousness to search, there was no harvest at all.

"You can run fast!"

Su Changkong waved his sleeves and said angrily.

However, Lin Changsheng escaped, but the four major sects in the southern region could not escape. The monk could not escape from the temple.

It is impossible for them to move out of the Southern Territory as a whole, so it will be much easier to find them.

If they don't surrender by then, they will die.

"Sect Master, that boy Lin Changsheng has escaped. Why not destroy all the major forces in the Demonic Sea now to prevent them from obtaining the treasure from the Poseidon Tower, and then break through to Haojue!"

Li Jiantang reminded him with his seriously injured body.

If he hadn't been so stubborn, he would probably be a cold corpse by now.

Su Changkong felt that this was reasonable.

He got two great opportunities and broke through Haoxue, but it is impossible for many people of the devil's way not to get even a little chance.

Now it is necessary to kill the demonic powers before they can break through Hao Jue, or to use them for their own use.

So Su Changkong broke through the air and rushed towards the direction of the sects in the Demonic Sea.

Five thousand miles away from here.

Lin Changsheng landed on an island. Xiaobai had used space teleportation five times in a row to bring Lin Changsheng here.

After using the space secret method five times in a row, Xiaobai also showed signs of exhaustion.

Lin Changsheng put it into the spirit beast bag for cultivation.

"It should be safe here!"

Lin Changsheng found a cave on the island and climbed directly into it.

I plan to refine the Qingtuan spiritual energy obtained in the storm formation here.

When the time comes to break through the middle stage of Nascent Soul, you won't be afraid of Su Changkong.

Also refresh the experience points of the Demonic Storm Formation.

At that time, you can get the Poseidon Tower.

This is a great treasure and must not fall into the hands of others.

"It seems that this evil storm formation is not just a formation. If you specialize in this formation, you can also control the storm!"

Lin Changsheng felt that this formation was very unusual.

[The Demonic Storm Formation has been detected. Do you want to spend 20,000 spirit stones to simplify it? 】

Lin Changsheng looked at the prompt that popped up on the panel and immediately clicked OK.

The situation was urgent just now and I didn't even have time to choose.

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of the Demonic Storm Formation begins. The simplification is completed during the simplification. The Demonic Storm Formation == blowing wind! 】

"Blowing the air?"

Lin Changsheng was very satisfied with the simplified results.

Although the wind can't blow in the cave now, he has a free maid!

Lin Changsheng waved his hand and summoned Yun Chan, the daughter of the Demon Emperor.

"Master, are you okay?"

As soon as Yun Chan came out, she was extremely concerned about Lin Changsheng.

Because when he entered the spirit beast space, Lin Changsheng had a fierce battle with others.

Seeing the concern in Yunchan's eyes, Lin Changsheng was quite moved.

"Xiaochan, I'm fine, please help me fan myself! I want to refine the spiritual energy in my body!"

Lin Changsheng said.

This free labor was not used in vain. If Xiaobai hadn't been unable to transform into a human form and was in a weak state, Lin Changsheng would have definitely called Xiaobai along.


Yun Chan was also very obedient. After nodding in agreement, she fanned Lin Changsheng behind his back.

Demonic Storm Formation experience value +1!

Demonic Storm Formation experience value +1!

The next moment, the experience value of the Demonic Storm Formation began to increase continuously.

Lin Changsheng was quite satisfied.

Then he stopped thinking about it and began to concentrate on refining the Tao Dao Qing Tuan spiritual energy obtained in his body.

With the blessing of these spiritual energy, it is no longer difficult for Lin Changsheng to break through the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

With the departure of many people, the opening time of the Poseidon Tower slowly ended, and it sank to the bottom of the sea again three days later.

It was as if nothing had happened.

And some monks who have not achieved a breakthrough in cultivation and are unable to leave will either die in the Poseidon Tower, or they will be madly pursued by the Tower-Suppressing Heavenly Demon.

Half an hour after the Poseidon Tower sank to the bottom of the sea, an old man shrouded in black robes appeared in the sky.

Looking at the bottomless sea, there was a complex expression in his eyes.

"This kid's breath died here. Could it be that he died in the Poseidon Tower?"

There were red flames in the old man's eyes, as if he was confused.

This man beheaded the current leader of the Tiangui Sect, and his talent was not weak. If his body could be obtained, it would not only extend his life, but might also allow him to break through to a higher realm.

"Impossible, the aura has not dissipated, it should be not far from here. When I use the Ten Thousand Ghosts Tracking Technique, I can find the trace!"

After the black-robed old man finished speaking, he began to cast spells.

Countless black souls flew out of his body, covering a ten-mile radius, and then followed the scent and drifted towards the surrounding area.

"It turns out we went in this direction!"

Soon, the old man in black robe found the direction of Lin Changsheng and immediately chased him.

The world of immortality in the Southern Region.

The masters of each major sect quickly returned to the southern realm of immortality through the teleportation golden talisman of the Jin Fu Sect.

However, the stones in the hearts of various major sects have always been hanging.

What they have to face now is probably more serious than the Demonic Sea's invasion of the Southern Territory.

Because Su Changkong is not a kind-hearted person, his breakthrough to Haojue will only bring disaster to the immortal cultivation world in the Southern Territory.

"Dear sect masters, everyone should prepare in advance after returning. Su Changkong will never let us go!"

Ling Yue warned, her eyes full of worry.

I don't know whether he is worried about the safety of the entire Southern Territory or Lin Changsheng.

"What Fairy Bright Moon said is true! We must make countermeasures as soon as possible! Say goodbye now!"

Wang Zhonglou said goodbye and immediately rushed towards the Tianjian Sect.

Later, Dao Zun Lieyang and Zhao Cheng no longer hesitated, and rushed back to the sect with the elders and the remaining Tianjiao disciples behind them, so that they could make arrangements as soon as possible.

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