The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 238 The Ten Thousand Beast Tower recognizes its master, the Immortal Ascension Conference [P

"Master, do you dislike my little slave? Do you think that I am not as capable as Sister Xiaobai?"

Hearing Lin Changsheng's words, Yun Chan suddenly felt aggrieved, thinking that Lin Changsheng disliked her.

"No, why would I dislike you? It's just that you have been away from home for a while, and your father has sent so many monsters to find you. If you don't go back, how will they explain to your father?"

Lin Changsheng explained.

"Master, don't worry! I'll put them all away, so they don't have to answer!"

When she heard that it wasn't Lin Changsheng who disliked her, Yun Chan suddenly smiled.

Then he raised his hand to call out the Tower of Ten Thousand Beasts.

I saw the Ten Thousand Beast Tower rising in the wind, turning into a hundred-foot-tall building. Golden light shone down, directly collecting tens of thousands of monsters into the Ten Thousand Beast Tower.

This scene made Lin Changsheng feel a little unbelievable.

This small tower can actually accommodate so many monsters?

"Master, give me your hand!"

Yun Chan said with a smile. Lin Changsheng didn't know what Yun Chan was going to do, so he immediately stretched out his hand.

However, the next moment, Yun Chan cut Lin Changsheng's finger and dropped a drop of blood on the Ten Thousand Beast Tower.

In an instant, the Tower of Ten Thousand Beasts shone with light, and Lin Changsheng felt that there was a trace of involvement in his sea of ​​consciousness.

"Chan'er, what are you doing?"

Lin Changsheng was puzzled.

"In this way, the master can control the Ten Thousand Beasts Tower, and all the monsters in the Ten Thousand Beasts Tower will obey the master's orders!"

Yun Chan explained, her eyes looked like crescent moons when she smiled, which was really beautiful.

Lin Changsheng tried to control the Ten Thousand Beasts Tower.

When I discovered this treasure, I immediately felt like driving my arms, it was very useful.

Move it wherever you want it to go, big or small.

Moreover, Lin Changsheng could clearly see all the monsters inside with his spiritual consciousness, and it was easy to summon them and put them inside.

"Doesn't this mean that not only do I have a large spiritual treasure, but I also have an army of tens of thousands of monsters?"

Lin Changsheng thought to himself.

This unexpected gain came too suddenly.

"Chan'er, if your father finds out, will he punish you?"

Lin Changsheng couldn't help but feel worried.

After all, this Ten Thousand Beast Tower is definitely a great treasure to the demon clan.

And Yun Chan actually gave it to herself.

"Master, don't worry! I will explain it to my father myself when the time comes, and I won't cause any trouble to the master!"

Yun Chan didn't take this matter to heart. It seemed that Lin Changsheng's status had far surpassed that of her father.

Now that the matter has come to this, Lin Changsheng can't say much.

The worst that can happen is that he will be released from the identity of his master in the future.

Lin Changsheng then continued on his way, and Yun Chan continued dancing.

[The formation of the Ten Thousand Gods to Kill Immortals is complete! 】

Finally, half a day later, the formation was complete.

A stream of information about this formation rushed into Lin Changsheng's mind.

It was as if he had been setting up the formation for hundreds of years at this moment, and there was nothing he didn't understand.

"This formation actually requires two large formation disks, thirty formation eyes, and three hundred formation bases to set up? It is impossible for ordinary people to arrange it. The lethality of this formation is absolutely powerful!"

Lin Changsheng briefly observed the arrangement of this formation and couldn't help but sigh.

Not to mention anything else, the second major array disk alone is not easy to obtain.

It requires a continuous source of spiritual energy as the power of this formation, thousands of souls as attack, and finally three hundred formation bases to assist, so that the full strength can be unleashed.

It happened that Lin Changsheng not only had a spiritual vein of heaven and earth in his hands, but also thousands of souls.

This formation seemed to be tailor-made for him.

Not to mention souls, even the Nascent Soul of the Nascent Soul cultivator has it. With the support of three hundred formation bases, this formation may be able to trap and kill the powerful ones above the Nascent Soul cultivator.

"It would be great if we could set up the array in advance, put it in a storage bag, and carry it out directly when needed!"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought.

After all, setting up a large formation requires preparation in advance, and it can only be fixed in one position.

If others don't come in, no matter how powerful the formation is, it will be useless and it will be relatively passive.

"There is a large sect in the Immortal Burial Domain called Tiantian Sect. This sect has the method of moving formations. You can learn it when you go to the Immortal Burial Domain in the future!"

Just when Lin Changsheng was thinking this, Xiaobai's voice came faintly.

"Moving Tianzong?"

Lin Changsheng secretly made a note of it. With such a powerful method, he must learn it.

After the formation was completed, Lin Changsheng no longer bothered Yunchan and let her return to the spirit beast bag to rest.

And he rushed all the way towards the Beimu Immortal Clan.

The distance from Mosha Sea to Beimu Immortal Clan is not short, it takes more than ten days.

Ten days later, the world of immortality in the southern region.

Liuyun Immortal Sect.

Su Changkong sat on the golden glazed chair, looking down at the people below with an extremely arrogant expression.

After Su Changkong came out of Poseidon Tower, he went straight to the five major sects of Demonic Sea.

Except for the Heavenly Demon Sect, which failed to destroy it, the other major sects have been beaten to the bottom of the sea and have disappeared ever since.

Su Changkong obtained many spiritual stone treasures from the four major sects, which once again strengthened the strength of Liuyun Immortal Sect.

"Elder Liu, Elder Liao, Elder Li, you go to the four major immortal sects quickly and inform them to come to Liuyun Immortal Sect to participate in the Immortal Ascension Conference in one month!"

Su Changkong looked at the people below and said slowly.

"Ascension Conference?"

This time everyone was confused.

"Yes, Sect Master!"

Only Li Jiantang was the first to nod and agree.

No matter what it was, he didn't want to ask why, he just did as he was told.

This so-called Immortal Ascension Conference is probably just for the four major sects to stand in line for the last time.

If there is any major sect that dares not to come, it is Niliu Yunxian Sect, and it will have reason to launch an attack when the time comes.

"Sect Master, what if they don't come?"

Liao Bugui responded that the four major sects in Poseidon Tower had already broken with Su Changkong. I am afraid that no one from the four major immortal sects would come to the Immortal Ascension Conference he held.

Only some small sects will come.

"Not coming? Then it depends on whether they have the strength!"

Su Changkong said disdainfully.

Su Changkong held the Immortal Ascension Conference mainly to let all the monks in the entire Southern Territory know who is the strongest in the Southern Territory.

There is only one price for standing in the wrong team, and that is death.


Liao Bugui and Liu Jinyan nodded in agreement and left quickly.

But they couldn't help but feel a pang of regret in their hearts.

"It seems that a big change is going to happen in the Southern Territory, and it may bring a bloody storm!"

Liao Bugui said helplessly.

They didn't dare to rebel against Su Changkong, after all, Su Changkong's strength was there.

"If the Four Immortal Sects insist on not leaving, I'm afraid——"

Liu Jinyan said with worry in his eyes.

Su Changkong has already broken through to the Nascent Soul Great Monk. Before ascending to the Immortal Realm, he will definitely want to unify the Immortal Heritage Land.

A war is inevitable.

By then, the entire Southern Territory will probably be filled with rivers of blood, a scene of devastation.

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