I thought that Lin Changsheng could not reach the early stage of Yuanying, but he did not expect that he had been promoted to the middle stage of Yuanying.

It only took less than three months to be promoted from the middle stage of Jindan to the middle stage of Nascent Soul?

What kind of monster is this kid? What kind of opportunity did you get to grow so fast?

I think it took him a full three hundred years to advance from the middle stage of Jindan to the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

After Lin Changsheng exploded with all his cultivation power, he didn't waste any time talking to Tian Yin. He swung his palm and formed a huge black light palm print that headed towards Master Tian Yin to suppress it.

There were thousands of souls wailing on the palm print, emitting miserable screams.

Generally speaking, people with weak cultivation will have their souls shattered by the impact of this powerful violent energy before the palm prints are placed on their bodies.

This move is the Seal of Thousand Souls and Thousand Corpses.

"court death!"

When Tianyin saw the attack coming, he felt no fear in his heart, and even felt a little angry.

This kid is so arrogant that he actually wants to confront himself?

It's like a worm trying to shake a tree, not overestimating one's own capabilities.

Divine Master Tianyin clenched his fist and punched out. The powerful late-stage Nascent Soul mana exploded, causing all the bluestone ground within a ten-foot radius to crack.

The powerful fist light went straight towards the palm print.


In the blink of an eye, the fist light collided with the black palm print in mid-air, causing a huge explosion.

This explosion was clearly heard by the entire imperial city.

Tianji Tower.

Taoist Tianji suddenly opened his eyes, with a sneer on his lips.

Because he had already discovered the battle between Lin Changsheng and Divine Master Tianyin with his spiritual consciousness.

But he had no intention of taking action.

No matter who wins or loses in a battle between two people, it will be of great benefit to him.

If Lin Changsheng loses, it will also be able to poke at Tian Yin's spirit.

It would be better if Tianyin suffered a heavy blow and was defeated.

Imperial City Dungeon.

A damp place.

The dirty-looking Yu Wenjing was imprisoned here, and she had long lost her former empress status.

It would be good if Tian Yin didn't kill Yu Wenjing, so naturally he wouldn't give her good treatment.

No matter who it is at this moment, no one can recognize that this woman is actually the empress of a country.

"Changsheng, is that you?"

After Yu Wenjing felt the violent mana fluctuations outside, her eyes lit up, as if she saw a dark light, and she was filled with hope again.

But then it dimmed again.

Because even as a prisoner, she knew that Tian Yin had broken through to become a Nascent Soul monk, which was something that no ordinary person could resist.

If Lin Changsheng really came, he might just die!

"Changsheng, you shouldn't have come -"

Yu Wenjing was extremely upset. If it weren't for herself, Lin Changsheng would never have traveled all the way from the Southern Territory to the Beimu Immortal Clan.

Now Yu Wenjing could only hope that it was not Lin Changsheng who came.

Imperial City Square.

This place is extremely vast, and in the center stands a huge stone statue with the head of a snake and the body of a turtle.

Below there are countless people from the Beimu Immortal Clan worshiping.

At this moment, inside the stone statue with the head of a snake and the body of a turtle, there is a miniature version of the turtle beast.

After feeling Lin Changsheng's strength, it couldn't help but feel pleasantly surprised.

"This child's qualifications are rare in a thousand years. If you let me take over, I can reach the top again in less than three thousand years!"

The turtle beast actually uttered human words.

It seemed that it was very satisfied with Lin Changsheng's host.


Amidst the roaring explosion, the black palm print was shattered by the fist light. The palm print continued unabated and headed straight for Lin Changsheng.

Lin Changsheng didn't shy away when he saw this, he took out the high-grade spiritual treasure and slashed it out with one strike.

The powerful sword light directly tore the remaining power of the fist light into pieces and dissipated.

"High-grade spiritual treasure? No wonder you dare to come and die!"

Divine Master Tianyin couldn't help but feel surprised when he discovered that the blood-red sword light in Lin Changsheng's hand turned out to be a high-grade spiritual treasure.

The spiritual treasures in his hands were all low-grade, but Lin Changsheng actually obtained a high-grade one.

The power of this spiritual treasure is not small, which makes Tianyin not dare to be careless anymore.

The last time he fought against Lin Changsheng, he was careless and suffered a loss.

This time, Lin Changsheng must die here.

As long as Lin Changsheng is taken away by Master Biyi, he will have countless opportunities after following him to the Burial Immortal Realm.

So Tian Yin no longer planned to continue fighting with Lin Changsheng, and directly summoned his Lingbao Sky-breaking Spear.

"It seems that you are very afraid of me? You even used the spirit treasure!"

Lin Changsheng smiled disdainfully, but Tian Yin was so angry that his face was full of anger.

"Afraid of you? I'm afraid you'll die too slowly! I'll send you on your way!"

Tianyin dropped a word and waved his gun light to rush out.

Tianyin already possesses the magical power of the Yuanying Great Monk, but now coupled with the power of the Spiritual Treasure, the burst of strength is even more astonishing.

The spear light rushed out, as powerful as a broken bamboo, as if it had pierced the sky.

Lin Changsheng saw the killing move coming, but he couldn't be careless. With a wave of his hand, he shot out a king's corpse to help.

Then the Golden Body of the Dragon God erupted.


The roaring sound of dragons echoed through the sky.

When the divine dragon fell into Lin Changsheng's body, streams of extremely powerful mana burst out, and Lin Changsheng was seen ascending from the physical body of the middle Yuanying stage to the late stage of Yuanying.

"Later-stage Nascent Soul body?"

This made Tianyin frown.

In this way, the opponent's physical strength is almost the same as mine, but the mana is stronger than the opponent's.

But if the other party has a high-grade spiritual treasure in his hand, and the help of Nascent Soul Corpse Puppet can make up for it a lot.

This battle looks like it will be a fierce battle.

"The Demon God's Wrath Slashes!"

Lin Changsheng waved the bloody blade in his hand and unleashed the strongest blow.

Wherever the sword light passed, the sky was torn and twisted.

I saw the blood spread on the sword light, forming a huge bloody demon.

The demon god opened his teeth and claws, showing a terrifying attitude, and the bloody blade in his hand was hundreds of feet long, as if he wanted to split the world.

"Break it for me!"

Divine Master Tianyin yelled angrily, trying to use the power of the spear to crush the bloody demon.

Boom boom boom——

Under bursts of violent roars, the bloody sword light and the spear collided instantly.

Huge waves of mana spread around.

All the buildings within a hundred feet were destroyed, and when the aftermath of the magic power was about to defeat Yunyin Tower.

Dozens of figures blocked in front of Yunyin Tower, and they all used their magic power to resist, blocking the aftermath and allowing Yunyin Tower to survive.

Although Lin Changsheng had a high-grade spiritual treasure in his hand, his magic power was somewhat insufficient. After the two attacks were stagnant in mid-air for a moment, the blood-colored demonic body was finally pierced by the spear, turning into blood and dissipating.

A sneer appeared on the corner of Divine Master Tianyin's mouth.

Seeing that the gun light was about to penetrate Lin Changsheng's chest, the smile on Master Tianyin's lips became a little thicker.

However, what surprised Master Tianyin was that Lin Changsheng made no move to dodge, and even looked at him with a smile.

This made Tian Yin feel puzzled.

However, the next moment, he knew the reason, because the top king's corpse was already killing him.

A punch hit his waist.

Under such circumstances, it was too late for Tianyin to dodge, so he could only turn the gun head to resist the King Corpse attack.

Unfortunately, just when he turned the gun, Lin Changsheng also punched out with his left hand, accompanied by bursts of dragon roars.

It is the Dragon God's World-Destroying Fist.


At this moment, the attack from the left and right put Tianyin in a dilemma.

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