The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 262: Defeated two Nascent Soul cultivators, begging for mercy? 【Please order more! 】

The three of them are all Nascent Soul monks. Why is Lin Changsheng's magic power so powerful and domineering?

Even a combined attack by him and Su Changkong could cut him into pieces?

There was no time to think too much, and if nothing was done, both of them would become dead souls killed by Lin Changsheng's sword.

I saw Master Ling Yun waving his left hand and shooting out a string of colorful beads.

Each bead was engraved with a very divine pattern of Vatican. As Master Ling Yun injected his magic power, seven rays of brilliant light suddenly bloomed.

The seven beads connected in series swelled in the wind, and each one turned into a huge hill.

A huge golden Buddha's shadow emerged, slightly stretched out its palm prints, and moved towards Lin Changsheng's sword to catch it.


The powerful sword light fell on the palm of the god and Buddha evolved from the colorful beads, and a huge explosion suddenly broke out.

The huge sword light shattered into pieces, unable to match the power of the golden Buddha.

"High-quality spiritual treasure?"

Lin Changsheng's eyes narrowed slightly, filled with joy.

It seems that the Liuyun Immortal Sect is really rich!

Not only does Master Lingyun have the sect-opening divine ax, which is a middle-grade spiritual treasure, but the colorful Buddhist beads offered at this moment are even higher-grade spiritual treasures.

If the Liuyun Immortal Sect is destroyed, there will definitely be a lot of spiritual treasures and spiritual stones captured.

"Is this, is this the colorful divine Buddha bead that appeared in the heavenly vision that year?"

"It looks like it, but I didn't expect it to fall into the hands of Master Ling Yun."

"But it's a pity that although the defensive power of these seven-colored divine beads is amazing, it doesn't have much offensive power!"

"It's good to have extremely strong defense. What else do you want? After all, this is a top-grade spiritual treasure!"

"Isn't that true? Some people don't even have low-grade spiritual treasures, but they still look down on high-grade spiritual treasures?"

When the major sects in the surrounding area saw Master Ling Yun offering the colorful divine Buddha beads, they immediately started talking about it.

When a strange phenomenon descended from the sky, many powerful men from the Southern Territory came to watch, but in the end only one person came out alive.

This person is Master Lingyun.

Since then, Master Ling Yun's cultivation speed has been advancing rapidly. In just fifty years, he has reached the level of Nascent Soul Master.

I thought he would ascend to the fairy world and find greater opportunities.

Unexpectedly, Master Lingyun was obsessed with studying the mysteries of the divine patterns in the colorful divine beads, and gave up on the path to ascension.

At this point, his longevity is about to be exhausted, and he has not been able to fully understand the mystery of the divine patterns on the colorful divine Buddha beads.

"As expected of a top-grade spiritual treasure known for its defense, its defensive power is truly extraordinary!"

Lin Changsheng couldn't help but admire him.

If it weren't for the power of the high-grade spiritual treasure, it would be impossible to withstand his domineering sword.

However, although this treasure has amazing defensive power, it has no offensive power.

This left Master Ling Yun and Su Changkong still unable to do anything to Lin Changsheng and could only continue to be beaten passively.

After many attacks, Lin Changsheng had figured out Master Ling Yun's tactics.

Suddenly, he made an illusory move, and the sword light that slashed straight down was just a feint attack, without much power.

Master Lingyun was also asked to use the colorful divine beads to resist.

However, in the next moment, Lin Changsheng used the Sky Capture Cloud Technique to arrive behind Master Ling Yun, and immediately swept out with his sword.

This is the killer move.

The attack of the sword light made Master Ling Yun never expect it, and it was somewhat difficult to prevent it.

At this moment, it is too late to use the colorful divine beads to resist.

He could only use all his strength to strike out with an axe.

Su Changkong, not to be outdone, used all his magic power to swing out a sword.

Under the influence of Master Ling Yun's magic power, the Founding Divine Ax suddenly turned into a huge golden divine ax that was a hundred feet long and slashed out, with the potential to open up the world.

And the sword light that Su Changkong swung out turned into thousands of sword shadows and blasted out.

This move is somewhat similar to Tianjian Sect's Wanjian Guizong, and is called Qiandie Jianlang.

The power of the sword light became stronger with each wave.

Although the two attacks were extremely powerful, ordinary monks would only be killed into pieces if they encountered them.

But Lin Changsheng was not afraid at all.


The sky's sword light once again collided with Master Ling Yun's giant ax and Su Changkong's sword light.

Under the bursts of loud noises, the axe's light and the sword's light were split one by one.

Boo hoo hoo——

Countless split sword lights flew around.

Some monks who were closer were killed by the sword light piercing their bodies.

Even the monks who were three hundred feet away immediately used their magic power to resist the aftermath of the sword light.

After all, this is a competition between Nascent Soul cultivators. If you don't pay attention, the aftermath of a little mana is enough to kill them.

Ding ding ding——

Thousands of sword rays fell on the surrounding rocks and the shields of many monks, making bursts of crisp sounds.


Even if some monks who are not strong enough use their magic power to resist, they are still unable to defeat the power of the sword light's aftermath.

They were all pierced by the sword light and died on the spot.

After all, watching the excitement requires a certain amount of strength.

Without strength, he is not even qualified to watch the fun.

"The battle of the Yuanying Great Monk is so scary?!"

Gao Ziyue couldn't help but exclaimed.

If their master, Ling Yue, hadn't supported the shield barrier for them, they would have been killed by the aftermath just like the fallen monks.

At this moment, Ling Yue was speechless, her eyes falling on the sword light struck by Lin Changsheng.

After Lin Changsheng split the attacks of Master Ling Yun and Su Changkong, both of them suddenly widened their eyes with fear as they saw the menacing sword light.

"Detour, detour! I give up—"

Master Ling Yun was immediately frightened and begged for mercy.

If they don't beg for mercy, I'm afraid they will really die on the spot.

He was just one last step away from enlightening the supreme mystery of the seven-colored divine Buddha beads.

After his enlightenment, he will be close to breaking through to the stage of becoming a god.

He didn't want to die just like that.

So even if you say something to beg for mercy, you won't hesitate.

Unfortunately, it was too late for him to beg for mercy now. Lin Changsheng would not give him a chance to survive, otherwise it would be a serious problem in the future.

"It's too late, die!"

Lin Changsheng's sword light continued unabated and struck directly at Master Ling Yun's waist.

This blow directly knocked Master Ling Yun backwards, and his body was cut in half.

If it weren't for the strong physical body of the Yuanying Great Monk, Master Ling Yun would probably have turned into a ball of blood mist at this moment.


Su Changkong shouted angrily when he saw that Master Ling Yun had been severely injured and his body was in disrepair, with only his last breath left.

Lin Changsheng actually killed their ancestor?

"Go quickly, suddenly realize the mystery of the seven-colored divine Buddha beads, and then you can step into the realm of divine transformation!"

Master Ling Yun knew that he was not far from death, so he immediately handed over the founding ax and the colorful divine beads to Su Changkong.

I hope he can one day understand the secrets and reach a higher realm.

"Lin Changsheng, just wait for me. I will avenge you one day!"

Su Changkong's eyes were blood red, and he planned to run away without saying a word.

Today they were defeated.

But thirty years to the east of Hedong, thirty years to the west of Hexi.

As long as he steps into the realm of divine transformation, what does Lin Changsheng have to fear?

"Want to escape?"

But how could Lin Changsheng let Su Changkong escape?

If Su Changkong escapes, he will definitely be in trouble in the future.

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