The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 274 The Nine Demons Conferred Godship and Killed Jiang Yuyan [Please subscribe! 】

"Nine Demons Conferring God Needle? Hurry, run away——"

When the surrounding demonic people saw Jiang Yuyan using the secret method of the demon, they immediately fled in fear.

Because after using these secret techniques, you can gain an increase in your cultivation level in a short period of time.

But the damage is also huge. It not only consumes life span, but also makes people unconscious and extremely murderous.

They didn't want to die tragically in Jiang Yuyan's hands.

"Where to escape?"

When Lin Changsheng saw many demon cultivators escaping, he immediately struck out with a palm, and the powerful golden light palm print suppressed it, killing all the demon cultivators directly.

How could these people in the demonic path withstand the power of Lin Changsheng's palm if they were only in the early stage of Nascent Soul and golden elixir cultivation?

When Lin Changsheng turned around, Jiang Yuyan's Nine Demon Sealing Mysterious Technique had reached its peak, and he had suddenly reached the peak of the Yuanying Great Monk.

The next moment, Jiang Yuyan took out a finger-sized silver needle again and penetrated it directly from the top of his head.


A huge wave of mana spread out from Jiang Yuyan's body, causing dust and sand to fly around.

"Have you entered the stage of becoming a god?"

Lin Changsheng was a little surprised. There were so many evil ways for people of this demonic way to harm themselves.

The Heavenly Ghost Sect has the Heavenly Ghost Devouring God Technique, the Corpse King Sect has the Borrowing Corpse Resurrection Technique, and the Heavenly Demon Sect has the Ten Demons Conferring God Needle.

"Then let me try the power of a powerful person in the transformation stage, how about it?"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought that although he had a physical body at the stage of becoming a god, his magic power had not yet reached the stage of becoming a god.

The physical body in the divine transformation stage can be ten times more powerful than the Yuanying stage, and the mana must also be about ten times more powerful.

This is also a big challenge for Lin Changsheng.

"Lin Changsheng, take your life!"

After bursting out the secret technique, Jiang Yuyan did not immediately fall into madness, at least he could distinguish Lin Changsheng.

It is estimated that the more mana and lifespan consumed, the more unconsciousness will gradually occur.

After Jiang Yuyan finished speaking, he struck directly at Lin Changsheng with a palm strike.

The burst of mana in the God Transformation stage is indeed astonishingly powerful, causing the entire space to shake and twist.

A huge black palm print suppressed Lin Changsheng like the sky.


Seeing Black Crow Crow's palm prints coming towards him, Lin Changsheng swung the Heavenly Spiritual Treasure in his hand and slashed it out.

The sword light was thick and heavy, and one wave covered the other, just like the water of the river and the sea, surging out.


In an instant, the tyrannical black light palm prints violently collided with thousands of sword lights, and the sound of explosions was endless.

Lin Changsheng originally thought that with the help of the Heaven-reaching Spiritual Treasure in his hand, he could fight against the powerful gods.

Unexpectedly, the moment the two major attacks collided, the ten thousand swords appeared to be invincible, and were shattered by the palm prints.

Countless sword lights were bombarded and flew everywhere, destroying large areas of rocks and trees on the ground.

Fortunately, each wave of sword power became stronger than the previous wave, constantly consuming the power of the palm seal.

After the last ray of sword light collided with the palm seal, the seven levels of power of the palm seal had been exhausted.

However, even with the last three levels of residual power, Lin Changsheng could not underestimate it. He made a palm seal with his left hand and made a golden palm seal.


Although the golden light palm seal was majestic, the moment it collided with the black light palm seal, it was instantly shattered.

"Is this the power of the divine transformation stage?"

Lin Changsheng suddenly felt a little weak. He didn't expect that there was such a big gap between the late Nascent Soul stage and the Divine Transformation stage.

Fortunately, Lin Changsheng had a physical body at the stage of becoming a god. In the end, the residual power of the black light palm print fell on Lin Changsheng, only sending him flying more than ten feet away. Lin Changsheng stabilized his body and did not suffer any harm. .

Knowing that he was somewhat outmatched, Lin Changsheng no longer confronted Jiang Yuyan head-on, but used the Ten Thousand Thunder God-Burning Arrow Technique to draw away the energy.

When Jiang Yuyan's secret technique dissipates, he can be easily killed.

"It seems that before entering the Immortal Burial Realm, you must upgrade your cultivation to the God Transformation Stage, otherwise you will easily die if you enter it!"

Lin Changsheng thought to himself.

There is a huge gap in cultivation between the late Nascent Soul stage and the Divine Transformation stage. If one were to rely on the late Nascent Soul cultivation level to go to the Immortal Realm, he would probably die without rebirth.

But if you enter the divine transformation stage, you still have some ability to protect yourself.

Of course, before leaving, you must obtain the Poseidon Tower.

In this way, with two great treasures in hand, he might be able to save his life at a critical moment.

Bang bang bang——

The powerful thunder arrows were blocked by Jiang Yuyan one by one, and the power of the thunder could not hurt her at all.

"Death, death, you have to die for me -"

Jiang Yuyan launched a fierce attack on Lin Changsheng, but Lin Changsheng kept dodging with his body skills, so it was difficult for Jiang Yuyan's attack to land on him.

After all, Lin Changsheng had the consciousness and body of a god, and Jiang Yuyan could only crush Lin Changsheng with his magic power.

It's a pity that Lin Changsheng has the Heavenly Spiritual Treasure in his hand, which can make up for it.

Therefore, even if Jiang Yuyan breaks through to the stage of divine transformation, it will not be easy to help Lin Changsheng.

As time passed, Jiang Yuyan's consciousness began to become blurred, her eyes were blood red, and she seemed to want to destroy all living creatures around her.

And Jiang Yuyan is getting more and more crazy, indicating that her secret time is coming to an end.


Jiang Yuyan destroyed all living creatures within a hundred miles radius.

Trees fell and rocks flew.

If Lin Changsheng hadn't protected Zhao Cheng, Zhao Cheng might have died at the hands of Jiang Yuyan.

After a stick of incense.

Jiang Yuyan's secret technique time was over, the mana in her body was losing crazily, and her level fell directly from the Yuanying Great Monk to the middle Yuanying Stage.

His face changed from a man in his thirties to a man in his nineties, with gray hair and wrinkles on his face.

Seeing that the time was right, Lin Changsheng took nine arrows with his bow.

Boo hoo hoo——

Nine lightning arrows struck Jiang Yuyan from many different angles.

Seeing the attack coming, although Jiang Yuyan was determined to resist, her whole body was extremely weak.

In the end, she could only watch helplessly as the lightning arrows struck her.

Bang bang bang——

Under the roar, Jiang Yuyan's whole body was scorched black after being blasted by thunder arrows, and bright red blood flowed from many parts of his body.

Seeing Jiang Yuyan's painful appearance, Lin Changsheng flew forward and stabbed him through the heart, killing him.

If she could recover some of her mana and use the Blood Demon Disintegration Technique, it would be difficult for Lin Changsheng to kill her again.


The next moment, a golden light flew out from Jiang Yuyan's eyebrows, and was directly received by Lin Changsheng into the space of the Ten Thousand Soul Flags.

"We still have Ding Changhai, and the heads of the five major sects have finally gathered together!"

In Lin Changsheng's Ten Thousand Souls Banner, all the Nascent Souls of the masters of the four major sects in the Demonic Sea have been collected.

From Jiu Wushang and Nie Buping at the beginning, to Fu Junyue and Jiang Yuyan now.

All it takes is one Ding Changhai to gather them all.

What Lin Changsheng didn't know was that Ding Changhai had died in the strange abyss.

"Sect Master Jiang, you, you were actually killed by this beast?"

Nie Buping was shocked when he saw Jiang Yuyan and Fu Junyue's Nascent Soul entering the space of the Ten Thousand Soul Banner.

Wouldn’t it be that their entire Demonic Sea was going to be brought to a boil by Lin Changsheng? (End of chapter)

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