The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 277: Swallowing Immortals and Demons, Zhao Fuhu’s identity is revealed

Thinking of this, Lin Changsheng no longer hesitated and immediately jumped up on the spot.

Space teleportation array experience value +1!

Space teleportation array experience value +1!

As Lin Changsheng continued to jump, the experience value of the space teleportation array continued to grow.

While jumping, Lin Changsheng's hands were not idle, and he opened and looked through the storage bags of the Demon Ancestor, Jiang Yuyan and others one by one.

Perhaps it was because the Demon Dao people came with the determination to unify the Southern Territory and never return to the Demonic Sea, so they brought many spiritual stones and treasures with them.

It can be said that the entire sect has been moved out.

The Demon Ancestor and Jiang Yuyan alone had more than half a million spirit stones in their storage bags, filling more than half of the storage bags.

There are also a lot of magical weapons among them.

In addition, there are many magic codes, such as the Taishang Wangxian Art, the Demonic Shadow Art, the Demonic Dragon Binding Fist, the Demonic Body Destruction Seal, etc.

These Immortal Arts are quite good. You can polish them to perfection when you have time in the future and integrate them with your own Immortal Arts.

"This is?"

Suddenly, Lin Changsheng found a dusty black book in the corner of the Demon Ancestor's storage bag.

There are four big characters written on the booklet, "The Art of Swallowing Immortals and Demons".

After Lin Changsheng opened it, he found that it was a fragment.

However, being collected by the Demon Ancestor for so long must not be simple.

So I looked at it carefully.

With this look, Lin Changsheng seemed to have discovered the door to a new world.

"This is actually an evil magic book that can absorb other people's magic power?"

Lin Changsheng became more and more excited as he read. This book records how to operate this technique to absorb other people's mana. It also records how the founder obtained this book.

It's just that the backlash of this book is extremely powerful, and it must be practiced by those whose spiritual power far exceeds that of the physical body.

In addition, because this is a fragment, if you are not careful when practicing this code, your meridians will be disordered, and there is a risk of self-destruction.

Therefore, the Demon Ancestor seems to have no intention of learning this book, so it has been placed in the corner of the storage bag.

But this was an advantage for Lin Changsheng.

After all, he fits the book perfectly. Not only does he have powerful spiritual consciousness, but he also has the blessing of a panel.

Even if some incomplete parts cannot be practiced, as long as you study to the beginning and rely on simplification, you can practice them to perfection.

There is no risk of self-destruction at all.

''It is simply a treasure book tailor-made for me! "

Lin Changsheng said excitedly, and then he didn't have time to check other treasures, so he immediately started researching them.

Although this code is evil, if it is refined, the speed of improvement in future cultivation will definitely increase dramatically.

Lin Changsheng then studied the Immortal-Devouring Demon Art while dancing.

While Lin Changsheng was practicing hard here, Liuyun Immortal Sect was five thousand miles away in the mountains and forests.

Su Changkong had persevered through seventy-eight lightning tribulations, and even though his clothes were smashed to pieces.

But his physical body was still intact, and this thunderstorm didn't seem to have much impact on him.

However, the most terrifying thunder disasters are the last three.

After crossing over, you can become a strong person recognized by heaven and earth.

If you can't get through it, it will disappear.

"Lin Changsheng, when our sect survives the catastrophe, you will die!"

Su Changkong shouted angrily.

If it weren't for Lin Changsheng, Su Changkong would never have ended up in this situation.

Fortunately, he got a blessing in disguise, and he suddenly realized that the colorful divine beads left behind by his ancestors gave him the opportunity to break through Haojue.

Once he has passed through the ninety-nine tribulations, who else can stop him in this land of immortality?

"The sect leader will soon be able to overcome the tribulation, and then we will have a good life!"

Zhuge Buping had a smile on his face. He had had enough of hiding from XZ in the past two months.

It was a great shame and humiliation for a generation of sect's genius to live in Tibet.

All of this is thanks to Lin Changsheng.

I will definitely not let this person go in the future.

Among the crowd, some people from the nearby Liuyun Immortal Sect also rushed here.

Among them was Cao De, who looked wretched.

Others came here to watch Su Changkong survive the catastrophe.

But Cao De came to see Niu.

Especially those female cultivators who were traveling with their Taoist companions looked so happy and reluctant to miss Shu.

One moment this girl has a good figure, another moment this girl is just a little thinner, and another moment this girl is really choppy.

It was as if he was choosing a Taoist companion.

"This is incredible! If Su Changkong survives the catastrophe, Brother Lin will be in trouble!"

After watching Niu, Cao De thought of business and couldn't help but worry about Lin Changsheng.

Although Lin Changsheng was extremely powerful, he could defeat one against two with his late Nascent Soul cultivation.

But now if Su Changkong survives the catastrophe and becomes a powerful god, it will not be something that the late Nascent Soul monks can withstand.

After finishing his words, Cao De immediately planned to rush to Jinfu Sect to inform Lin Changsheng of the matter.

However, his figure was soon discovered by Zhao Fuhu and Zhuge Buping.

"Cao De, where are you going in such a hurry?"

Zhuge Buping blocked Cao De's path and glared.

He knew that Cao De had a lot of friendship with Lin Changsheng, so maybe he was anxious to inform Lin Changsheng so that he could hide.

"I need to pee urgently?"

Cao De said perfunctorily.

"I think you are going to inform Lin Changsheng so that he can hide, right? Don't think that I don't know about your relationship with him. When the tribulation is over, the first person to be punished will be you, the traitor! "

Zhuge Buping was furious.

If he can't kill Lin Changsheng, he should deal with this fat man first to relieve his hatred.

"Traitor? I think you are the traitor, right? This sect's Immortal Art is not enough for you to practice? You actually stole the Yin-Yang Dao Sect's Fiery Sun Codex. I think you thought that the sect master had fallen and planned to join the Yin-Yang Dao Sect?"

Cao De is not weak at talking.

With the noise of several people, many monks were attracted to watch.

"What? Did these two people steal the Yin Yang Dao Sect's Fiery Sun Code?"

"Who are these two people? Are they also disciples of Liuyun Immortal Sect in the past?"

"Remember Zhao Fuhu and Zhuge Buping who escaped? I think it might be them two!"

"Hurry, catch them quickly, maybe the Burning Sun Code is on them!"

Following the words of the surrounding monks, Zhao Fuhu and Zhuge Buping were immediately surrounded.

Cao De sneered and ran away.

"Cao De, don't even think about leaving -"

Zhuge Buping wanted to intercept him, but was forced back by other monks.

"I didn't expect that the Yin Yang Dao Sect's Fiery Sun Code was stolen by you. Hand it over obediently, otherwise don't blame us for being ruthless!"

A monk took the lead and said.

This code is very important to the Yin Yang Dao Sect, and there will definitely be a heavy reward for sending it back.

"That depends on whether you have the ability!"

Zhao Fuhu roared angrily, and the abnormal thunder spirit roots in his body exploded, and the entire sky began to roar with thunder and lightning.

Some monks who were closer were directly killed by thunder.


Too late——

Zhao Fuhu punched out, causing lightning and thunder, and the power of thunder and lightning was extremely overbearing.

No one could stop him wherever he passed. The monk who just said he would surround and kill the two of them was directly killed with one punch.

After all, Zhao Fuhu is in the middle stage of Jindan cultivation. Coupled with his abnormal thunder spirit root, he is enough to defeat even the late Jindan cultivators.

It is impossible to kill them without Nascent Soul cultivation. (End of chapter)

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