The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 291 Chapter 303304 Situ Wu comes out of seclusion, chaos breaks out in the southern region,

You must know that only monks who have entered the stage of spiritual transformation can transform the Nascent Soul, and the Nascent Soul slowly moves towards the Soul.

Now Lin Changsheng has not yet advanced to the stage of becoming a god, and Nascent Soul is already in the form of a stage of becoming a god.

It can be seen that the power of the Sea of ​​Consciousness is far beyond the same level.

"As expected of a strong bloodline, the effect is so overbearing!"

Lin Changsheng couldn't help but sigh.

"The next step is to get the Poseidon Tower, but this old guy is cunning and cunning. I wonder if he has other ideas!"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought.

Before going to obtain the Poseidon Tower, Lin Changsheng planned to interrogate the old man again to see if there was anything else he had yet to explain.

Lin Changsheng used his spiritual consciousness to enter the sheepskin scroll again, but the old man's soul was still imprisoned in the deep sea.

When the old man saw Lin Changsheng arriving, a different light suddenly shone in his eyes.

"I really didn't expect you to be able to break through the Three Souls Locking Heaven Formation. So you must have some understanding of the Storm Formation, so don't lie to me, a dying person!"

The old man sighed and said that he originally wanted to plot against Lin Changsheng, but in the end he did not expect that Lin Changsheng would plot against him instead.

Lin Changsheng can break through the Three Souls Locking Heaven Formation, so what does this Storm Formation mean?

"Aren't you lying to me all the time? The Poseidon Tower is the one that restrains you, right?"

Lin Changsheng did not hide anything and asked bluntly again.

The old man did not lie again this time, but shook his head helplessly.

"That's all, that's all. I won't hide it from you anymore. Indeed, the Poseidon Tower is the ultimate treasure that suppresses me. But don't you want this kind of treasure? How about we make a deal?"

The old man no longer concealed anything and began to talk frankly to Lin Changsheng.

This surprised Lin Changsheng, "What deal?"

"After you obtain the Poseidon Tower, your cultivation level will definitely be able to break through the stage of becoming a god. At that time, you will definitely not be able to stay in this immortal land forever. You will definitely go to the immortal realm. And I am from the immortal realm. I can teach you many things. , as a condition, how about returning my physical body to me when you enter the refining stage?"

The old man said what was on his mind, maybe this would be a win-win situation.

He needed Lin Changsheng to free himself from the shackles that trapped his soul, and Lin Changsheng needed treasures like the Poseidon Tower!

Lin Changsheng thought for a while and felt that he didn't lose anything.

But one thing that makes Lin Changsheng uncertain is how much power this old man still has.

If he could be killed easily, then Lin Changsheng still couldn't agree.

In case this old guy comes out and goes back on his word, he will be asking for trouble.

"Your conditions are indeed good, but how do I know if you can do it? If you kill me as soon as you come out, I will suffer a big loss. If you really want peace, how about we sign a soul contract? ?”

Lin Changsheng said.

As long as the old man signs a soul contract with him, it will mean both prosperity and loss.

Presumably the old man would never do anything detrimental to him.

Hearing this, the old man frowned. This boy is really stubborn!

He had already said it to himself, but he didn't even agree.

"If you don't agree, forget it. I don't want to take this risk. After all, your physical body is so powerful. Although your soul has been trapped for thousands of years, who knows how much cultivation you still have?"

"Besides, I have already obtained the inheritance from Taixu Temple, so it doesn't matter if I am missing one Poseidon Tower!"

Lin Changsheng pretended not to care, which immediately made the old man anxious.

If Lin Changsheng really does not obtain the Poseidon Tower, then he will have to wait for who knows how long for the next destined person, and he may not even be able to wait until his own soul dies.

"Okay, but you have to keep your word!"

The old man had no other choice but to agree.

Seeing the old man's promise, Lin Changsheng immediately stepped forward and began to sign a contract with him.

In addition to being able to sign contracts with monsters, this soul contract technique can also be signed with divine souls.

The soul is the thinking place of a living being, and the body is only the carrier.

Lin Changsheng cut his finger, and a drop of blood touched the old man's eyebrow. In the next moment, a ray of light shot up from the old man's body.

Lin Changsheng felt that there was an extra thread of involvement in his sea of ​​consciousness.

It is the bridge of communication with the elderly.

In the future, the two of them don't have to face each other and can communicate with each other through spiritual consciousness.

"He actually gained a thousand years of lifespan and a thousand miles of spiritual consciousness?"

After signing the soul contract with the old man, Lin Changsheng suddenly discovered that his lifespan had increased by a thousand years, reaching a terrifying 3650 years.

This made Lin Changsheng even more suspicious of the old man's words.

This guy says his life span is about to run out.

As a result, as soon as the soul contract was signed, a thousand years of life were directly shared.

It can be seen that this old guy still has at least several thousand years of life.

Moreover, because of the contract signed with the old man, the power of spiritual consciousness was increased, reaching a terrifying nine thousand miles.

Even though Lin Changsheng is still in the late stage of Nascent Soul cultivation, except for his magic power, all other aspects are already much better than those of the early stage cultivators of Huashen.

The normal lifespan of a Nascent Soul cultivator is only more than a thousand years, and even if he breaks through to the stage of becoming a god, it will only be more than two thousand years.

And now Lin Changsheng's longevity has reached a terrifying 3650 years, which is far beyond the monks in the transformation stage.

And his spiritual consciousness is much stronger than the same level.

"When I advance to the realm of God Transformation, I'm afraid even the mid-stage God Transformation monks won't be able to compete with me!"

Lin Changsheng thought to himself, feeling happy in his heart.

I picked up a thousand years of longevity and a thousand miles of spiritual consciousness in vain.

"You're really taking advantage of me, kid!"

The old man saw Lin Changsheng's smile and seemed to have noticed his secret joy.

By signing a soul contract with this boy, he was indeed given an advantage.

Thinking back to when he was at his peak, the little Nascent Soul cultivator was not even qualified to sweep him off the floor.

I didn’t expect that today I would be reduced to signing a contract with him. What a reincarnation!

"This is not an advantage for me, after all, I have to restore your freedom! Without me, you don't know how long you would be trapped, and I'm afraid you will never see the light of day again for the rest of your life!"

Lin Changsheng smiled and then left the parchment space directly.

The natural next step is to obtain the Poseidon Tower.

Lin Changsheng remembered the location of Poseidon Tower deeply, and he arrived within a few days.


The demonic storm here is so powerful that even the early Yuanying monks dare not approach easily.

But Lin Changsheng had an epiphany about the storm formation. After seeing Lin Changsheng, he consciously avoided these powerful storms.

"Poseidon Tower, let's see the light of day again!"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought, and then the magic power in his body began to circulate, and the power of the storm gathered. The surrounding winds were strong, and the powerful storm directly stirred the sea surface to form a huge vortex.

The whirlpool grew bigger and bigger until we saw the divine tower in the deep sea.

The Poseidon Tower in the deep sea is still glowing with golden light.

But the strange thing is that the Poseidon Tower seems to be imprisoned on the bottom of the sea by huge iron chains, and it is difficult to pull it even with half the strength.

But Lin Changsheng can control powerful storms and can destroy even mountains, let alone iron chains.

Bang bang bang——

One by one, the iron chains continued to break under the hurricane, and the Poseidon Tower slowly floated towards the sea.

As the iron chains binding the Poseidon Tower broke, the iron chains binding the old man in the sheepskin scroll also broke, allowing him to regain his freedom.

The next moment, it soared directly out of the sheepskin scroll.

After the old man came out, he greedily absorbed a breath of outside air and suddenly felt refreshed.

"After three thousand years, I am finally free——"

The old man stretched out his arms and shouted.

Immediately, a strange phenomenon descended from the sky, the sky became covered with dark clouds, and silver thunder danced in the sky.

It felt like a downpour was about to fall.

"Can you please be more restrained?"

Lin Changsheng said unhappily that it was now the critical time for him to obtain the Poseidon Tower, and this old guy made a lot of noise and screams as soon as he came out, and even caused strange phenomena from the sky.

Doesn't this disturb him from getting the Poseidon Tower?

However, this also shows that even if the old man only has incomplete power of soul, his cultivation is very amazing.

A few words can cause strange phenomena in the world. This level of cultivation can be imagined.

Lin Changsheng conservatively estimated that this guy was at least in the integration stage or above.

In other words, it is at least two realms higher than Lin Changsheng.

The lifespan of the combined period is more than ten thousand years. No wonder after signing the contract, he directly shared his one thousand years of lifespan.


The old man coughed twice to relieve his excitement.

"This Poseidon Tower is a heaven-reaching fairy treasure in the immortal world. It has twenty-four levels of restrictions. It is not easy to obtain it. You must at least refine the first level of restrictions before you can control it!"

After seeing Lin Changsheng pull out the Poseidon Tower from the bottom of the sea, the old man couldn't control his words and reminded him.

"No wonder this thing is difficult to control. It turns out that it requires refining the first level of prohibition?"

Lin Changsheng suddenly realized something.

Fortunately, now that all the major forces in the Demonic Sea have been destroyed, no one will bother me when refining the Poseidon Tower.

"You can refine the restrictions with peace of mind, I will protect you!"

The old man said boldly that after coming out, he was in a good mood and no longer argued about signing a contract with Lin Changsheng.

With these words, Lin Changsheng felt more at ease.

Although this old man is only in a divine soul state, his cultivation is extraordinary. At least the Nascent Soul monk is no match for him.

Even if Lin Changsheng faced off, he didn't feel like he had much chance of winning.

Lin Changsheng then sat down cross-legged and began to use his spiritual consciousness to refine the Poseidon Tower's first ban.

A month has passed in a flash.

Lin Changsheng still failed to refine the first floor of Poseidon Tower.

This made Lin Changsheng a little irritable.

It took a month for the first level of prohibition to be refined, so how long would it take for the next twenty-four levels of prohibition to be refined?

"Remember to be impetuous. You are only at the late stage of Nascent Soul. If you want to refine a treasure at the level of the Heavenly Immortal Treasure, even if it is the first level of prohibition, it will take at least half a year!"

Seeing that Lin Changsheng was a little restless, the old man immediately warned him.

This heaven-reaching immortal treasure is not so easy to obtain.

"Half a year?"

Lin Changsheng suddenly clicked his tongue.

But fortunately, there is hope, and it is no longer just aimless refining.

If you insist on it for half a year, you can get a big treasure, which is absolutely cost-effective.

After all, this treasure can be ranked high even in the Immortal Realm.

Three months have passed in a flash.

When Lin Changsheng was refining the Poseidon Tower Restriction, the world of immortal cultivation in the Southern Region was already in chaos.

Because Situ Wu in the Soul Seizing Land had been nourished by Zhao Fuhu's continuous hunting of monks, he recovered from his injuries and left the Soul Seizing Land to massacre the Southern Territory.

Killing a monk can absorb the blood and soul in the body, allowing him to increase his cultivation level.

Although Situ Wu was able to leave the land of soul-stealing, he was not back to his prime.

It's just that the injuries in the body are almost healed, but the stubborn diseases and the trauma to the soul will require more blood to nourish.

So after Situ Wu came out, he began to slaughter a large number of monks, causing panic among the people in the Southern Territory.

Shengxian Sect.

At this moment, the four masters of the Immortal Sect have gathered together.

Although the Lieyang Dao Master of the Yin Yang Dao Sect died, a highly respected Qian Yang elder was quickly elected to take over the position of leader.

"Fellow sect masters, just speak out if you have any ideas. If you can't think of a way, our Southern Territory will be in danger!"

Liao Bugui looked worried.

Unexpectedly, he would encounter so many troubles just after assuming the position of sect leader. It was simply more troublesome and more difficult than what Su Changkong had encountered in the hundreds of years he had been in office.

"This person is very powerful. He probably comes from the Immortal Realm. Even if we join forces, we are probably no match for him. I suggest that all the major sects immediately evacuate their disciples, as many as they can escape!"

Ling Yue analyzed the situation and said.

This person's cultivation level is much beyond the Nascent Soul stage, and he is simply not something they can deal with.

"If we escape, what will happen to the people in the Southern Territory?"

Wang Zhonglou, the leader of Tianjian Sect, was unwilling to accept it.

Since they enjoy the admiration of the world, they must step forward when there is a crisis in the Southern Territory instead of running for their own lives.

Is this the way they behave as cultivators of immortality?

"Sect Master Wang, I can understand your feelings, but the strength gap between the enemy and us is too huge. Is it difficult to protect the people of the Southern Territory if you stay? It's just a waste of death!"

Ling Yue reminded.

Doesn't she want to stay and protect the people of the Southern Territory?

It's just that the opponent's cultivation level is simply not something they can compete with.

"If you want to leave, you can leave. I will never leave! I would rather fight to death!"

Wang Zhonglou said firmly.

The Southern Territory is his roots. He will die at most, so what is there to fear?

"I agree with Sect Leader Wang's idea, and I decided to advance and retreat together with him!"

Taoist Qian Yang of Yin Yang Dao Sect also seemed to have made a decision. Even if their sect leader fell on this land, they would never escape.

The worst possible outcome is death.

"Sect Master Ling, what do you think?"

Liao Bugui looked at Ling Yue. If they all insisted on staying, it would be impossible for him to escape alone.

"Since both sect masters are willing to stay, I, Ling Yue, will naturally accompany me!"

Seeing that she couldn't convince everyone, Ling Yue had no choice but to give up and fight to the death.

"In this case, I have nothing to say, and I am willing to contribute a little!"

Liao Bugui sighed helplessly.

It seemed like I couldn't escape even if I wanted to.


Just when the four major immortal sects made their decision, a loud laugh unexpectedly came from the sky in the distance.

"You still want to fight me? It's a joke! Since you are all here, it saves me having to find them one by one!"

Situ Wu's thunderous words came from the sky.

It was obvious that Situ Wu had already reached this point.

It was probably Zhao Fuhu who told him the locations of the major Immortal Sects. Hunting powerful monks would be more effective in recovering Situ Wu's injuries, so he decided to kill the five major Immortal Sects first.

Unexpectedly, when I arrived here, people from the four major immortal sects were actually there.

"Coming so soon?"

Ling Yue frowned, and then walked out of the hall with the four sect leaders.

Outside the main hall, Situ Wu and Zhao Fuhu were seen standing on a ten-foot-long blade.

"Hurry up and tell Lin Changsheng to come out and die!"

Zhao Fuhu said coldly, "How will Lin Changsheng survive this time?" (End of chapter)

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