The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 294 The power of the powerful person who transforms into a god, Poseidon Tower is obtained [

Yan Zhen had no interest at all in what Situ Wu said about the Immortal Realm or the Cold Jade Palace.

He was only angry that Situ Wu wanted to kill Lin Changsheng.


Hearing the sound of a sword, Yan Zhen's eyebrows shot out with a sword of ice and stabbed Situ Wu straight away.

Since the other party wants to kill Lin Changsheng, he must not let him stay.

"How brave!"

Situ Wu scolded angrily, this woman actually wanted to take action without saying a word, which immediately angered him.

Although he is also wary of the opponent's strength and strength, it does not mean that he will not be able to defeat the opponent.

At this moment, when the opponent took action, it was a fatal move, which immediately made Situ Wu furious.

He scolded and immediately clapped his hands.


The two attacks suddenly collided in the sky, and violent energy fluctuations spread out, directly sending the people who were closer away flying away.

Among them are the four major sect masters and Zhao Fuhu.

These people relied on their Nascent Soul cultivation to barely resist the fluctuations in Yuanli.

The rest of the personnel were not so lucky. They were directly shaken by the tyrannical Yuanli wave and their bones were gone. They died on the spot.

The two powerful gods were fighting, and they did not retreat instantly at the touch of each other. Instead, the cold sword blades and palm prints remained in a stalemate in the sky.

The two people's Yuan Power is constantly in a stalemate and competing.


A roaring sound erupted from the ice blade, and the power of the ice became stronger.

Even the energy that Situ Wu burst out was solidified.


This shocked Situ Wu. If he continued to consume like this, he might suffer a loss at the hands of the opponent.

Immediately after shooting out a palm, he immediately retreated.

"I can't kill you, so I can't kill that little bug? We'll see!"

Situ Wu had no deep grudge against these people, so there was no need to take risks, so he immediately planned to withdraw.

But he wanted to leave, but Yan Zhen had no intention of letting him go.

After all, if Lin Changsheng fell into his hands, he would definitely kill him.

"Want to leave?"

Yan Zhen recalled the Xuan Bing Sword and held it in her hand, and slashed towards Situ Wu with one sword.

Situ Wu knew the power of this ice blade, and he probably wouldn't be able to gain much advantage against it.

Immediately turned sideways to avoid.


The tyrannical ice sword energy slashed across the earth, immediately cutting a huge abyss a thousand feet long and a hundred feet wide into the entire earth.

The air of ice filled the air crazily, as if you had arrived in an extremely cold place.

The powerful man who transformed himself into a god could produce such a powerful killing power with a random sword strike, which immediately shocked everyone around him.

"What is the relationship between this woman and Lin Changsheng? Why did she become so excited when she heard that the other party wanted to kill Lin Changsheng?"

"I don't know! But I heard that this woman is from Mucheng, and she seems to be born in the same place as Lin Changsheng. Maybe they are neighbors!"

"Neighbor? I wish I had a neighbor who was in the divine transformation stage! This sword is too strong!"

"Yes! I don't know what chance Lin Changsheng has to meet such a powerful person and come from the Immortal Realm. He will probably be able to establish a firm foothold in the Immortal Realm in the future!"

"I'm so envious——"

The spectators around him suddenly felt envious of Lin Changsheng.

After all, Yan Zhen's powerful cultivation at this moment shocked them to the core.

What a blessing it would be if there was such a strong and powerful woman by his side to protect him.

"How brave. If I hadn't recovered my cultivation level, how could I have allowed you to be so arrogant?"

Situ Wu angrily yelled, since the other party is unwilling to let him go, then they will fight.

The other party may not be able to do anything to him.

With an angry shout, Situ Wu also sacrificed his Tongtian Lingbaolai, which was a broad and extremely heavy sword with a blade close to the height of a person.

The whole body is surrounded by lines and exudes an ancient aura. One look at this giant sword reveals that it is not simple.


Situ Wu scolded angrily, and suddenly swung the giant sword in his hand, slashing towards Yan Zhen.

The sword light pours out one after another, as if it wants to tear the sky apart.

"Junior sister, run away!"

Upon seeing this, Cao De immediately picked up the hand of a female disciple on the side and ran away wildly.

The female disciple didn't even realize what was going on before she was taken advantage of by Cao De.

"You, let me go!"

After the female disciple reacted, she felt angry and immediately wanted to teach Cao De a lesson.

However, the next moment, Situ Wu's powerful sword energy burst out and split the Piaomiao Peak into two.

The powerful impact directly knocked Cao De and many disciples away.

Some who had no time to escape died on the spot.

This shocked the female disciple who just wanted to beat and scold Cao De. If Cao De hadn't protected her, she would have died by now.

This is just the aftermath of a sword beam, which shows how overbearing the power of the sword beam burst out by Situ Wu is.

Yan Zhen, who was at the center of the battlefield, naturally felt uncomfortable. The powerful sword energy directly knocked her back more than thirty feet before she stabilized her body.

Fortunately, he was not injured.

"Thousands of feet of ice!"

The Qianxuan Ice Soul Art in Yanzhen's body reached its peak, and the ice breath spread out instantly, and then she waved the sword in her hand and transformed into thousands of ice and snow sword lights.

call out--

As the Xuan Bing sword waved, thousands of ice sword lights fell on Situ Wu like raindrops.

"Tiangang force field!

Situ Wu knew that this blow was so powerful that even if he was not severely injured by the sword energy, he would still be invaded by the power of ice.

Once the ice air enters the body, it will be difficult to eradicate.

So he immediately released his Yuan Power Domain to resist such a powerful blow.

The field of Yuanli is a major killer move only available after the stage of transformation into gods.

The stronger the strength, the more powerful the field can be strengthened.

And this Tiangang force field not only has the coercive power of a powerful person who has transformed into a god, but also has extremely strong gravity. Normal attacks cannot break through this Tiangang force field.

Bang bang bang——

Countless ice sword lights fell on the barrier of Yuanli Domain, and roaring sounds suddenly erupted.

Although it was impossible to break through the Yuanli field, thick frost condensed on the edge of the field.

Other places were even more miserable, as if they were in the cold winter. The ice sword energy fell to the ground, blasting deep pits into the ground. The power of frost instantly condensed on the ground, exuding a biting frost breath.

"What a powerful ice power!"

Zhao Fuhu couldn't help but feel palpitations in his heart.

Fortunately, he was enveloped by Situ Wu's Yuan Power Domain, otherwise it would be impossible to survive.

Demonic sea.

During the battle with the Shengxian Sect, Lin Changsheng finally opened his eyes suddenly and completely refined the first floor of the Poseidon Tower.


Lin Changsheng gave a soft drink, and the Poseidon Tower seemed to be sensed, and began to slowly shrink in size, and finally formed a small palm-sized tower, suspended in Lin Changsheng's palm.

"This thing took me three months, so don't let me down!"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought.

Then put the Poseidon Building into its own storage space.

Because this treasure is not Lin Changsheng's natal spiritual treasure, it cannot be taken into the body.

Only the natal magic weapon can be hidden in the body and can be summoned at will when needed.

As for the Taixu Temple, it has received inheritance and recognized its master Lin Changsheng, so it can enter the body.

It's a pity that Lin Changsheng's current cultivation level is weak, and he is not strong enough to mobilize the Tongtian Immortal Treasure, otherwise the power that bursts out will absolutely destroy the world. (End of chapter)

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