"Yes! And Zhao Fuhu is still following this person, constantly killing my southern monks for him. It seems that this person can absorb the blood of the monks to enhance his cultivation!"

Elder Chen of Jinfu Sect said truthfully.

"Zhao Fuhu is still alive?"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought, he did not expect that Zhao Fuhu, who entered the Soul-Seizing Land, was still alive, and was also related to the powerful God-Transformer.

"Is it possible that the place where the soul is captured is a healing array set up by this person, and he is out of seclusion now that he is almost recovered?"

Lin Changsheng made a guess, otherwise it would not make sense why Zhao Fuhu would be with this person.

"By the way, Senior Lin, hurry up and rush to Shengxian Sect! The four major sects are already discussing strategies to deal with the enemy. I'm afraid they will be impulsive!"

Elder Chen said seriously.

Based on his years of understanding of Wang Zhonglou and others of the Tianjian Sect, he estimated that they would not agree to the evacuation.

I will definitely choose to fight to the end.

But this is undoubtedly not an egg hitting a stone!

After hearing this, Lin Changsheng did not dare to stay, and immediately used the teleportation formation to rush to Shengxian Sect.

Shengxian Sect is more than 70,000 miles away from Jinfu Sect.

Lin Changsheng used space teleportation six times and finally arrived here.


When Lin Changsheng arrived at Shengxian Sect, violent roars could be heard!

"Could it be that the four major sect masters are fighting each other?"

Lin Changsheng said suspiciously.

However, when he arrived at the place of battle and saw the two people fighting fiercely, he was shocked.

Because he was very familiar with one of them.

"Sister Zhen?"

Lin Changsheng was shocked. Yanzhen was just a mortal. How could she show such tyrannical cultivation at this moment? To be able to fight on a par with a powerful person who transforms into a god?


When Lin Changsheng discovered Yan Zhen, Yan Zhen also saw Lin Changsheng in the distance, and her beautiful eyes suddenly widened.

She thought she would never see Lin Changsheng again, but she didn't expect that after so many years, the two would meet under such circumstances.

"Little insect, you finally showed up!"

When Situ Wu saw Lin Changsheng appearing, a cruel smile appeared on his lips.

If this little bug hadn't disturbed his recovery from his injuries, he would have been out of seclusion long ago.

Even if he obtained his spiritual consciousness and refined it in his formation, he actually uprooted his formation and took it away.

This made Situ Wu extremely angry and vowed to kill Lin Changsheng to satisfy his hatred.

Lin Changsheng glanced at Situ Wu and didn't pay much attention. Instead, he focused on Yan Zhen.

After all, the impact Yanzhen brought to him was too great.

Moreover, Lin Changsheng checked the aura on Situ Wu and found that he was only at the middle stage of divine transformation. It was not easy to kill him.

After all, he has broken through to the stage of divine transformation, and his physical body and spiritual consciousness are much better than those in the middle stage of divine transformation.

"Sister Zhen, you——"


Lin Changsheng just opened his mouth to ask what changes Yan Zhen had suffered in the past few years and why he had such a strong cultivation level.

However, Situ Wu did not intend to give Lin Changsheng and Yan Zhen a chance to reminisce, and directly swung his sword towards Lin Changsheng.

In Situ Wu's view, it was impossible for such a small insect to catch the power of his sword.

You can destroy him with just a flick of your hand, how can you let him be an eyesore in front of you?

"Lin Changsheng, there is a road to heaven but if you don't take it, there is no door to hell and you break in. You will die here today!"

When Zhao Fuhu saw such a scene, he suddenly sneered in his heart.

Today, I can finally avenge my eldest brother and master.

If Lin Changsheng hides and cannot come out, it will still take a certain amount of time for them to find Lin Changsheng.

But now that he's out, there's no way he can survive.

"Changsheng, be careful!"

Yan Zhen exclaimed, because the direction was opposite, it was too late for Yan Zhen to rescue her.

"Lin Changsheng, run away quickly——"

Ling Yue was also extremely anxious.

If Lin Changsheng died here today, then their Southern Territory would really be doomed.

Now that they join forces, they are no longer a match for Zhao Fuhu, let alone this powerful and powerful deity transformation expert.

So she could only place all her hopes on Lin Changsheng.

I hope that after he becomes stronger, he can compete with the madman Situ Wu and save the Southern Territory.

However, seeing the powerful attack coming, Lin Changsheng had no intention of retreating.

He just wants to see how strong he is after breaking through the divine transformation stage?

Immediately, all his cultivation power exploded, and then he slashed out with one strike.

"Wan Ming Breaking Heaven Slash!"


The sword light slashed out, and thousands of souls rushed out in an instant, wailing, and the place seemed to have turned into purgatory, with ghosts crying and gods howling.

The souls of countless people were greatly shocked at this moment, and they had splitting headaches.

The weaker ones passed out directly.

I saw thousands of souls holding blades swarming out of the sky, and their powerful momentum was breathtaking.

The formation of thousands of souls charging into the sky actually formed a huge sword in the sky, as if it wanted to tear the world apart.


The sword energy and the sword light collided instantly, and a huge explosion broke out.

To everyone's surprise, the sword energy fired by Situ Wu failed to break Lin Changsheng's sword light and injured Lin Changsheng.

Instead, the sword energy was torn to pieces by the sword light.

"God Transformation Stage? This, how is this possible-"

Situ Wu was shocked when he felt the energy aura in Lin Changsheng's body.

If he remembered correctly, when Lin Changsheng entered the Soul-Seizing Land, he was just a little foundation-building ant.

How many years has it been?

This little bug turned into a powerful monk in the divine transformation stage?

If hundreds of years had passed, Situ Wu would not have been so shocked.

After all, he is also a genius, and it took him more than six hundred years to build his foundation and transform into a god.

"Is this child's cultivation talent so terrifying?"

Situ Wu was shocked.

It seems that it is a bit difficult to crush this bug to death today.

And there was Yan Zhen, a person from the Immortal Realm, beside him.

The two fought fiercely for hundreds of moves, but they were both indistinguishable.

"Immortal Lord, we must not spare Lin Changsheng. If this person does not die, he may pose a great threat to us in the future."

Zhao Fuhu said with added jealousy.

He thought he would be able to catch up with Lin Changsheng soon, after all, he had already set foot in Nascent Soul.

However, what he didn't expect was that he had just stepped into Nascent Soul, and Lin Changsheng had already advanced to the stage of becoming a god.

This huge gap in realm would probably take him hundreds of years to catch up.

At this moment, Zhao Fuhu thought that Situ Wu did not use all his strength, so he failed to kill Lin Changsheng with one sword.

So I hope that Situ Wu will use all his cultivation to kill Lin Changsheng.

"I really didn't expect that you, a little bug, could be promoted to the stage of becoming a god, but even so, you will not escape death today!"

Lin Changsheng was able to resist his sword just now, and he might have used all his Yuan Power.

But he just hit it casually.

I want to see for myself, how many times can he withstand my sword?

"What a coincidence. I also want to see how long you can hold on?"

Lin Changsheng's lips raised into a smile.

I have just been promoted to the stage of becoming a god and have not yet fought with all my strength, so I will use Situ Wu to practice my skills.

Want to see how strong this guy is?

After finishing his words, Lin Changsheng directly used the Holy Body of Dragon God Tianzun.


A dragon roar resounded through the sky, and a five-clawed golden dragon soared into the sky, soared in the sky for a circle and then fell into Lin Changsheng's body.

In the next moment, Lin Changsheng's physical body was growing wildly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In an instant, it has reached the middle stage of divine transformation.

"This, what kind of secret method is this? Can it directly elevate the physical body to a great level?"

Taoist Qianyang's pupils suddenly widened, with a look of disbelief on his face.

You must know that it is very difficult for Jindan monks to use physical strengthening methods to improve their physical bodies to a great level.

Not to mention that Lin Changsheng is now a monk in the transformation stage, so it is extremely difficult to increase the strength of his physical body.

Lin Changsheng actually raised his physical body to a new level with seemingly ease.

"Junior brother Lin is so handsome! Why didn't you help him with Duobang earlier? Maybe——"

Li Muyun had a look of admiration on her face. After all, girls all admire strength, and no woman can resist a man with such strength.

"Maybe you two can be together? Stop dreaming. How could Junior Brother Lin be so talented that he would like you?"

Xin Yun'er made a joke, which immediately shattered Li Muyun's thoughts.

Li Muyun was splashed with cold water by Xin Yun'er, and she suddenly sobered up a lot.

It would be good for them to look up to such talented people, so how could they fall in love with them?

Although they are considered talented disciples in Liuyun Immortal Sect, compared with Lin Changsheng, they are simply worlds apart.

As his body became stronger, Lin Changsheng felt that there seemed to be inexhaustible power in his body.


Lin Changsheng scolded angrily, swung the Heavenly Spiritual Treasure in his hand, and slashed out swords at Situ Wu.

While Lin Changsheng was attacking, Yan Zhen also launched an offensive.

I saw the edge of her sword dancing, and the powerful ice aura spread out, freezing the air hundreds of feet around her as if it were solidified, and the ice was biting to the bone.

"Tian! Xuan! Po!"

As Yan Zhen uttered every word, the spiritual treasure in her hand bloomed with brilliance, and suddenly rose up against the wind, turning into a hundred times the size, a huge sky-high ice and snow sword light, and blasted towards Situ Wu.

Situ Wu had fought against Yan Zhen before, so he knew that it was almost impossible to defeat the opponent, so he immediately focused all his attention on Lin Changsheng.

As long as Lin Changsheng is killed, he can withdraw.

"Little bug, die!"

Situ Wu scolded angrily, and immediately released the Yuan Shen Dharma Body, and saw a clone break away from the body and come out to kill Lin Changsheng.

The main body welcomed Yan Zhen's ice sword energy.


Almost instantly, two violent roars sounded in the sky.

The tyrannical impact of Yuanli shattered all the surrounding ancient trees, causing dust and sand to fly on the ground.

The attacks from the two parties collided violently and did not separate. Instead, they competed with each other in terms of energy.

A steady stream of energy is poured into it crazily to make the attack more powerful.

"Yuan Shen Dharmakaya? It seems that this guy's peak period is not just a simple transformation into a god. We must not let him escape! Otherwise, if we let him return to his peak period, it will be difficult to kill him again!"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought.

The monks who possess the Yuan Shen Dharma Body are at least the supreme powerhouses above the Void Refining Stage.

But it is not something that can be done in the transformation stage.

Situ Wu is not an ordinary little character. Even if he has not yet returned to his peak, his strength cannot be underestimated.

The Yuan Li was running wildly, its power greatly increased, and it actually knocked Lin Changsheng away with one palm.

"This guy is not simple. Do you want me to help? You just need to agree to a small condition."

The old man's words sounded in Lin Changsheng's mind.

He also didn't expect that a small fairyland would be so lively.

Not only are there people from the Hanyu Palace in the Immortal Realm, but there are also people from the Tianming Sword Sect who are hiding here to heal their wounds.


Lin Changsheng decisively refused without even thinking about it.

The old man thought that Lin Changsheng would agree to let him take action, and he could bargain with Lin Changsheng.

Unexpectedly, Lin Changsheng refused so decisively.

"Then you should be careful. This guy hasn't used his ultimate move yet, the Heavenly and Ming Divine Sword. If he does, you may not be able to block him!"

The old man reminded me kindly.

It seemed like he was threatening Lin Changsheng.

Lin Changsheng was quite surprised when he heard this.

What was surprising was not how powerful the opponent's swordsmanship was, but that the old man seemed to recognize the opponent's origins.

"What's the origin of this guy? You seem to know it very well?"

Lin Changsheng asked curiously. Only by knowing yourself and your enemy can you be invincible in a hundred battles. The more you know, the better.

"You don't want my help? Why are you asking so much? What's the benefit of me telling you?"

The old man said arrogantly, as if he was angry with Lin Changsheng. He would not reveal the information to Lin Changsheng easily. He must make the other party pay some price.

"It doesn't matter if you don't tell me, do you think I can't deal with him without your help? The Heavenly Ghost Devouring God Technique!"

Lin Changsheng was outmatched by Yuan Li, so he immediately used the Heavenly Ghost Devouring God Technique.

This secret method is extremely overbearing and can consume life energy to enhance one's cultivation level in a short period of time.

As for Lin Changsheng, he doesn't have many other things right now, except that he has many spiritual stones and longevity.

Anyway, I picked up a thousand years of life from the old man in vain, so I don’t use it in vain.

"Good boy, you are using my longevity so much -"

The old man suddenly began to curse, but there was nothing he could do to Lin Changsheng.

As his life span continued to be consumed, Lin Changsheng's cultivation level continued to increase rapidly, and continued to increase towards the middle stage of divine transformation.

Seeing this scene, Situ Wu was shocked.

How many chances does this guy have? There are so many strange spells?

However, the other party burned life energy to strengthen his cultivation. It seemed that the other party was at the end of his rope.

It would be a piece of cake to kill the other party after his secret technique collapsed.

However, what Situ Wu didn't expect was that in just a few moments, Lin Changsheng's cultivation level directly broke through to the middle stage of divine transformation, and the energy in his body surged like an ocean.

"Slash the gods of heaven and hell!"

Situ Wu no longer waited and directly used his strongest killing move.

I saw the giant sword in his hand waving around his body, and immediately carved a passage like a time and space tunnel directly behind him.

As his sword light pierced out, a huge sword silhouette suddenly emerged from the passage and blasted towards Lin Changsheng.


Lin Changsheng showed no fear and used the Ten Thousand Mings Breaking Heaven Slash again.

Thousands of souls gathered together to transform into a huge sky-high blade, and faced the sword light rushing forward.


In this confrontation, Situ Wu did not take any advantage. Instead, he was knocked back by Lin Changsheng's tyrannical sword light, his eyes filled with disbelief.

It was a great shame and humiliation for him, a majestic genius from the Immortal Realm, to be defeated one after another in this land of ants.

Even if the person fighting against Lin Changsheng is just a soul body, it also means that Lin Changsheng's cultivation level is terrifying.

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