The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 298 Shocking Killing of Bu Tianzhi, Yin and Yang Blood Evil Technique [Please subscribe! 】

"You can keep his broken arm, and the strong man's blood will be of great help to you!"

Lin Changsheng warned Ling Yue and then left through the air.

Situ Wu was in the middle stage of becoming a god, and the strong blood contained in his blood was of great benefit to monks below the stage of becoming a god.

However, Lin Changsheng is no longer available. After all, he has already reached the stage of becoming a god.

And he still has a corpse in his hand that is stronger than the one in the God Transformation stage.

"Be careful all the way!"

Ling Yue warned.

She naturally hoped that Lin Changsheng could return safely and not have anything go wrong along the way.

But now in this immortal land, apart from Situ Wu, no one can hurt Lin Changsheng.

The most important thing for Lin Changsheng now was to take the unconscious Yan Zhen to the Eastern Wasteland Monster Clan, so he didn't want to waste a moment, nodded and disappeared into the sky.

After leaving the Shengxian Sect, Lin Changsheng felt that the speed of breaking through the air was too slow, so he directly used the space teleportation formation.

After ten space teleportations, Lin Changsheng was close to the edge of the Southern Territory.

However, at this moment, Lin Changsheng felt that all the rich energy in his body had been exhausted.

It can be seen that this space transmission consumes a lot of energy.

If it weren't for an emergency, Lin Changsheng would definitely not have used it blindly.

"Fortunately, there are a few pills!"

Lin Changsheng raised his head and took down a flawless Nascent Soul Pill.

This elixir has great effects. In addition to creating a flawless Nascent Soul, it can also replenish the consumed mana and enhance the sea of ​​consciousness.

A flawless Nascent Soul Divine Pill entered his belly, and after being refined by Lin Changsheng, he barely recovered two levels of Yuan Power.

"Even the Immaculate Soul Pill cannot satisfy my current consumption?"

Lin Changsheng was a little surprised. He thought that at least one of them could restore about four levels of Yuan Power.

Unexpectedly, only two layers were restored.

It seems that if you have a chance, you need to find a stronger elixir to fuse. Otherwise, how can you have time to restore your energy during a fierce battle?

It relies on the rapid supply of elixirs.

At this moment, if the monks in the Southern Territory knew that Lin Changsheng was so extravagant in restoring his energy, he even used the elixir that could create a flawless Yuanying.

I'm afraid they will all be jealous and jealous.

The divine elixir that could create a flawless Nascent Soul was actually given to Lin Changsheng like this?

How much better would it be to cast a flawless Nascent Soul for them?

However, Lin Changsheng did not intend to be a good person. Why would he give gifts to people who had nothing to do with him?

Moreover, Lin Changsheng also discovered that if you are not talented enough, even if you give him the Immaculate Nascent Soul Divine Pill and cast him the Immaculate Nascent Soul, he will not be able to exert much strength.

Just like Liao Bugui, he took Lin Changsheng's Wuxia Yuanying Divine Pill and created the Wuxia Yuanying.

However, what is the use when fighting against Zhao Fuhu?

Can't even resist Zhao Fuhu's move?

This is the difference between Tianjiao and ordinary monks.

After taking three flawless Yuanying Divine Pills again, Lin Changsheng's Yuan Power in his body had recovered to the seventh level, and he was ready to continue rushing to the East Wasteland.

We are already close to the edge of the Southern Territory. As long as we use space teleportation a few more times, we can almost reach the border of the Eastern Wasteland Monster Clan.

Ding ding ding——

However, just when Lin Changsheng was planning to continue on his way.

But I heard bursts of violent fighting in the distance.

Lin Changsheng originally didn't want to interfere, after all, saving Yan Zhen was the most important thing.

However, Lin Changsheng actually sensed the existence of the demonic aura, which made Lin Changsheng a little surprised.

"The devil still dares to do evil in the Southern Territory?"

Lin Changsheng was immediately angry and burst out of the air.

After a while, Lin Changsheng came to the sky above a city called Bailin City ahead.

There was already a smoky atmosphere below, with countless houses collapsed and people being massacred by the devil.

Some monks fought back hard, but were surrounded and killed by many demonic monks.

Lin Changsheng took a quick look and found that there were quite a few demon cultivators here, as many as tens of thousands.

It is probably the last remaining strength of the demonic path.

"Bu Tianzhi?"

Lin Changsheng unexpectedly discovered a familiar face among the many people in the Demon Dao. He turned out to be Bu Tianzhi, the genius of the Yin Yang Palace.

And at this moment, Bu Tianzhi is different from before. He is no longer an inconspicuous figure behind him, but has actually become the leader of the demonic crowd.

The rest of the demonic people followed behind.

"Junior Brother Bu, are there enough people?"

A disciple from the Yin Yang Palace came to the front and back of Bu Tian Zhishen and asked.

Now they are led by Bu Tianzhi.

Because in Bu Tianzhi's hands is the spiritual treasure of Ding Changhai, the previous leader of the Yin and Yang Palace, the Yin and Yang Roulette.

With this magic weapon in hand, it can be seen that Ding Changhai is dead, so he must listen to Bu Tianzhi.

In addition to finding many spiritual stone instruments in Ding Changhai's storage bag, Bu Tianzhi also found a magic book called Yin Yang Blood Demon Technique.

This method can absorb the blood of others to nourish oneself, thus improving one's cultivation level.

At this moment, everyone in the Demonic Way is massacring Bailin City, just so that Bu Tianzhi can break through Haojue and be promoted to Nascent Soul after absorbing the blood of many people.

"Enough? How can it be possible? It's just a hundred thousand lives. At most, it can only help me break through to the early stage of Yuanying. I have to continue to refine my blood and energy to break through to the middle stage of Yuanying. Even the great monks of Yuanying, kill me. Continue Kill, hahaha——"

Bu Tianzhi laughed crazily and said, how great would it be if the entire Immortal Relics were the realm of demons?

As long as a living being dies, he can endlessly absorb blood and energy to improve his cultivation, without even having to practice.

Hearing Bu Tianzhi's loud laughter, the Yin Yang Palace disciples suddenly felt a little creepy. Is this the same Junior Brother Bu Tianzhi from before?

"And one more thing!"

After Bu Tianzhi laughed, he said coldly.

The expression changes so quickly that all the demon practitioners feel uncomfortable.

"Junior Brother Bu, please tell me, as long as we can help you break through, we will do our best. The Yin and Yang Palace will rely on you to support it in the future!"

Senior brother said politely.

As a demonic person, it is normal to have a volatile temperament.

"In the future, please don't call me Junior Brother Bu. Please call me Sect Master. Do you understand?"

Bu Tianzhi looked at the demonic monks with cold eyes.

They suddenly looked horrified.

It seemed that if Bu Tianzhi refused, he would attack in the next second.

"Yes, Sect Master!"

The senior brother had no choice but to agree.

This scene made Lin Changsheng in the sky sneer.

"Bu Tianzhi, your master is gone and you still want Monkey to be the king? Are you the one who deserves to be the sect leader?"

In the sky, Lin Changsheng's words sounded like thunder.

This made Bu Tianzhi feel bad and his heart trembled.

"Lin, Lin Changsheng?"

Bu Tianzhi uttered three words with a trembling corner of his mouth, as if he had encountered a natural enemy, with a look of horror on his face.

But this is normal. After all, even the major sect masters in the Demonic Sea are no match for Lin Changsheng. How can he survive if he encounters them? Naturally, my heart was full of fear.

Bu Tianzhi raised his head tremblingly and looked at the sky.

Sure enough, the god-like man was looking down at him from above his head.

"You are so brave, you actually dare to cause trouble in our southern region. Today, I will completely destroy you remnants of the demonic path."

Lin Changsheng scolded, for him, destroying these demonic remnants now is just a matter of raising his hand.

This powerful aura made the demonic people on the ground suddenly turn pale with fright.

"Transformation, the divine transformation stage? He has actually broken through to the divine transformation stage? How is this possible-"

Bu Tianzhi's pupils were wide open, with an incredible look on his face.

I thought that I would eventually catch up with Lin Changsheng, but I didn't expect that Lin Changsheng had already broken through to the terrifying stage of divine transformation.

How can I still compete with it?

"Run away, run away quickly——"

Many demon cultivators in the Yin Yang Palace wanted to escape immediately after sensing Lin Changsheng's terrifying cultivation level.

However, how could Lin Changsheng give them a chance?

The pressure of divine consciousness was released, directly suppressing all the demonic people and making them unable to move even half an inch.

Even Bu Tianzhi's face was so distorted that he couldn't get away.

The pressure of spiritual consciousness in the Transformation Stage is not something that the Golden Core Stage monks can contend with. Even the Nascent Soul Stage cultivator can only crawl on the ground, unable to move.

"How did your master die?"

Lin Changsheng slowly landed in front of Bu Tianzhi and asked curiously.

Because all the demon cultivators except Ding Changhai had been killed by Lin Changsheng.

At this moment, Ding Changhai's spiritual treasure appeared in Bu Tianzhi's hands, indicating that Ding Changhai might have died.

"I told you, can you let me go?"

Bu Tianzhi is also stubborn. Even if he dies, it will make Lin Changsheng unhappy.

"It's impossible to let you go, but I can make you die happily!"

A strange smile appeared on Lin Changsheng's lips.

Seeing this smile, Bu Tianzhi suddenly had a bad feeling, but he gritted his teeth and chose not to say anything.

Lin Changsheng saw that Bu Tianzhi didn't hit the south wall and didn't look back. He didn't talk nonsense. He pointed out a powerful elemental force and broke off one of Bu Tianzhi's arms in an instant.

"Ah——, my hand——"

Bu Tianzhi screamed in pain.


However, before he could finish shouting, the other arm exploded instantly with a splash of blood.

When Lin Changsheng's hand slowly pointed below Bu Tianzhi, Bu Tianzhi's legs suddenly trembled with fear.

"I said, I said!"

Bu Tianzhi immediately surrendered. If he hadn't told him, he would probably have died under Lin Changsheng's constant torture.

"My master died after his blood was absorbed by a woman in the abyss of Mucheng!"

Bu Tianzhi no longer concealed anything and told the cause of Ding Changhai's death.

"Mucheng? Woman? Is it Sister Zhen?"

Lin Changsheng said in surprise, otherwise it would not be such a coincidence.

Because there are only two strong men appearing in Mucheng, one is Lin Changsheng and the other is Yan Zhen. Besides the two of them, who else can kill the mid-stage Nascent Soul monks?


Knowing the result he wanted, Lin Changsheng did not hesitate to punch Bu Tianzhi's heart to pieces and kill him with one punch.

When the two of them entered the Poseidon Space together, Bu Tianzhi was able to fight Lin Changsheng twice.

Now that they meet again, they don't even have the strength to fight back.

It is simply a daydream to dream of becoming the most powerful demon in the future.

After killing Bu Tianzhi, Lin Changsheng, the other demon cultivators, also wanted to kill them one by one.

"That's right, you picked up a low-grade spiritual treasure for nothing!"

Lin Changsheng held the Yin Yang Roulette in his hand, and his trip was not in vain.

Then he opened the storage bag in Cong Bu Tianzhi's hand.

This should belong to Ding Changhai, because there are an amazing number of spiritual stone instruments inside.

There are also many magical books among them.

"Yin Po Fierce Soul Fist, Yin Yang Blood Evil Technique, Wuji Soul Dispelling Hand——"

Lin Changsheng briefly looked through the treasure book in the storage bag and found that the Yin Yang Blood Demon Technique was really good, but it was a pity that it absorbed blood energy to improve his cultivation.

Isn't there exactly the blood energy of tens of thousands of demon cultivators here that he can absorb?

So Lin Changsheng didn't wait, and directly started studying the Yin and Yang Blood Evil Technique.

[Introduction to Yin Yang Blood Evil Technique! 】

Half an hour later, the Yin Yang Blood Evil Technique finally started.

[The Yin Yang Blood Evil Technique has been detected. Do you want to spend 6,000 spirit stones to simplify it? 】

The next moment, a prompt came out from the panel.


Lin Changsheng decisively clicked yes.

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of the Yin-Yang Blood Demon Technique has begun...simplification is in progress...the simplification is completed, the Yin-Yang Blood Demon Technique==Wangxue! 】

"Wish for blood?"

This simplification made Lin Changsheng very satisfied.

There was blood everywhere here, and Lin Changsheng filled a bottle directly, preparing to brush it to perfection when he had time.

Then the yin and yang blood evil technique began to operate, absorbing the blood energy in the bodies of tens of thousands of demon cultivators.

I saw streaks of blood mist constantly floating out from the body of the fallen demon cultivator, then rushing toward Lin Changsheng, and finally turned to the tip of his nose and was inhaled by Lin Changsheng. After the blood gas entered the body, it nourished Lin Changsheng's internal organs and eight extraordinary meridians. , even the cultivation level is constantly improving crazily.

"Not bad! My cultivation level has almost increased by half!"

Half an hour later, Lin Changsheng finally absorbed and refined all the blood energy of tens of thousands of demon cultivators, and his cultivation level actually increased by half.

Next time, if ten thousand demons come to cultivate their blood energy, they will be able to break through to the peak of the early stage of divine transformation.

This speed of improvement is simply devilish.

If you practice normally, it will take at least hundreds of years of precipitation and hard work to advance from the early stage of divine transformation to the early peak.

It can be seen that this yin and yang blood evil technique is extraordinary.

"I wonder if after perfecting the Yin-Yang Blood Demon Technique, can it be merged with the Immortal-Devouring Demon Technique?"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought, after all, these two magic techniques absorb others.

Although one is about blood and the other is about cultivation, they are all similar.

If they can be fused, a stronger magic spell will be born.

After making a small profit, Lin Changsheng stopped thinking and continued to rush to the Eastern Wasteland Monster Clan.

Southern Region, Wuyang Valley

This is a valley where no sunlight can be seen. There are many peaks around it, blocking all the sunlight. Only at noon can you see some sunlight, so it is named after it.

This place is a full 70,000 miles away from Shengxian Sect.

After Situ Wu came here with Zhao Jiefang, he found a secret cave to hide temporarily so that he could repair his broken arm.

"Immortal Lord, this Lin Changsheng has actually broken through to the realm of divine transformation. It will be difficult for us to kill him!"

Zhao Fuhu was a little worried. He thought it would be easy to kill Lin Changsheng with Situ Wu's power.

Unexpectedly, in the end, not only did he fail to get revenge, but Situ Wu even had one of his arms chopped off by Lin Changsheng.

Zhao Fuhu suddenly didn't know what to do. He could only crinkle his fists and his eyes were filled with hatred.

The hatred between the eldest brother and the master, does he have no hope of revenge in this life?

"You little ant, there is nothing to be afraid of. When I recover from my injuries and recover even 30% of my peak cultivation level, I can easily crush him to death! Bie Hu, find me some more vitality, and wait until I break through to the god transformation stage. At the top, this little bug will definitely die!"

Situ Wu said with a cold light in his eyes.

I thought that if I came out of seclusion in the middle of the divine transformation stage, I would be invincible in this land of immortal relics.

However, he didn't expect that he would encounter obstacles everywhere, which was a great shame and humiliation for Situ Wu.

If he could return to even 30% of his peak cultivation level, he wouldn't be in such a miserable state.

After all, when he was at his peak, he was not at the stage of becoming a god.

"Yes! Immortal Lord!"

When Zhao Fuhu heard that this was not the full strength of the Immortal Lord, he was immediately overjoyed. He immediately nodded and left the place, continuing to hunt the monks to heal the Immortal Lord. (End of chapter)

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