The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 301: Get lost in the illusory formation, obtain the water of the spiritual spring, and defea

The next moment, Lin Changsheng also plunged into the flaming lava.

What the flaming lava emitted was not bursts of high temperature, but a sense of coolness.

When Lin Changsheng appeared again, he had left the formation and appeared in a smoky jungle.

At this moment, in a cave next to Lingquan Holy Land, two old men were flying flags.

One person was dressed in red, and his whole body was exuding the aura of flames, causing the space to distort.

The other person is wearing a Linjia battle suit. He is tall and looks majestic even at his advanced age.

These two people were the last two Demon Emperors. After abdicating the throne, they meditated quietly in Lingquan.

I hope that one day, I can break through to a higher realm.

If not, the bones can be buried here.

"Huh? That human boy actually broke the formation?"

A look of surprise appeared on the face of the old man in red.

He originally thought that Lin Changsheng would definitely be trapped and die in the first formation, but he didn't expect that he would leave alive?

"It seems that this kid has a good talent! But he may not be able to break through the first big formation, but the second big formation!"

The burly old man wearing Linjia battle armor didn't panic at all, and said slowly after falling.

Because there are very few people who can get through the second formation.

"I don't think so. This kid seems to be very simple!"

The old man in red said confidently, seeming to be somewhat impressed by Lin Changsheng.

After all, Lin Changsheng seems to be young. He has broken through to the realm of divine transformation at such an early age, which shows his high talent.

Perhaps even worse than Ling Wuji and Jiang Yukun, the geniuses of the human race back then.

The two of them also came here to obtain the holy water from the spiritual spring, but unfortunately, they failed to pass the final test and missed the opportunity.

I wonder if this kid can bring them some surprises.

"Really? Old fox, I think you seem to be very confident in this kid. How about we make a bet?"

The black-armored old man said slowly, not panicking at all, but looking confident.

"What bet?"

The old man in red asked.

"If he comes out with a second big formation, how about giving me a jar of the good wine you have collected for many years?"

The man in black armor said with a smile.

They are afraid that they will never set foot on the territory of the human race again in this life, and this wine will be lost after drinking one pot.

And he happened to be obsessed with fine wine, and he had already been salivating over the wine in the hands of the old man in red.

"What if he breaks the second level of the formation?"

The old man in red asked back.

"If it's broken, I won't say anything about what you will do!"

The old man in black armor seemed to be determined that Lin Changsheng would not be able to pass the second level of the formation.

"If it's over, wouldn't it be too much to give me your black scale armor?"

The old man in red looked at the armor on the old man in black armor and smiled immediately.

This piece of clothing is a great treasure, with amazing defensive power.

"No problem! Go and prepare your good wine!"

The black-armored old man hesitated for a moment and then readily agreed.

They are all about to be buried, and these treasures are dispensable to them.

Lin Changsheng, who entered the second formation, had no idea that his every move had been noticed by the two old men.

Just after arriving in the misty forest, we quickly rushed towards the lake ahead.

However, no matter how Lin Changsheng ran, he would strangely return to the same place again.

"Is this also a big formation?"

Lin Changsheng was curious and immediately released his spiritual consciousness to look at everything around him.

However, the spiritual consciousness that could originally be released thousands of miles away can only be released two miles away at this moment.

Then it seemed as if it encountered an obstacle and could no longer extend.

It seemed that Lin Changsheng's guess was indeed correct. This place was another large formation.

"Array within an array? It's so exquisite! The skill of the person setting up the array is unparalleled!"

Lin Changsheng couldn't help but sigh. He originally thought it was the Shengmen, but he didn't expect it to be another large formation.

[The formation of the Four Elephants and Gods has been detected. Do you want to spend 8,000 spirit stones to simplify it? 】

Lin Changsheng opened the panel, and a prompt immediately popped up.


Lin Changsheng decisively chose to simplify.

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of the Four-Elephant Gods Formation begins. The simplification-in-simplification is completed. The Four-Elephant Gods Formation == trample the four images! 】

"Trampling on the Four Elephants?"

These four images represent the green dragon, the red bird, the black basalt, and the white tiger.

"Isn't it enough to just draw four images on the ground and keep jumping?"

Lin Changsheng thought to himself, and then immediately carved four sacred beasts on the ground.

After the carving is done, start stepping on it continuously.

The experience value of the Four Elephant Gods Array is +1!

The experience value of the Four Elephant Gods Array is +1!

As Lin Changsheng continued to trample on the Four Elephants and Gods Formation, his experience value continued to increase.

The experience value of the God-Eating Demon Skill is +1!

The experience value of the God-Eating Demon Skill is +1!

At the same time, the experience value of the God-Eating Heavenly Demon Technique also continued to increase dramatically.

Because as long as Lin Changsheng exerts his strength, the experience value of this method will continue to increase.

Lin Changsheng's physical body continued to use the Immortal Art, but his spiritual consciousness continued to look at the entire formation.

It would be a big mistake to try to surround him with a large formation.

An hour later, Lin Changsheng was still improving his proficiency in the Immortal Art.

However, this completely obscured the two old men outside the formation. They didn't know what Lin Changsheng was doing.

Could this kid have been driven crazy? Why did you stand still for more than an hour?

"Old fox, you lost. I think this kid has been driven crazy by the formation. He still wants to break the formation? It's just wishful thinking! I won't be polite with the wine!"

The black-armored old man saw Lin Changsheng's strange movements and thought that Lin Changsheng had been driven crazy by the formation.

As he said that, he planned to get the wine from the old man in red.

However, halfway through reaching out, the old man in red opened his hand.

"Why are you anxious before the matter is over? This person's spiritual power is very powerful. It shouldn't be difficult to find a way to break it. Just wait and see-"

The old man in red seemed to be full of confidence in Lin Changsheng.

He felt that Lin Changsheng was unusual.

"Okay, then I will wait and make you convinced that you have lost!"

The old man in black armor responded, and then the two of them continued to play chess, no longer watching Lin Changsheng.

After all, if you want to break this formation, you can't break it in one or two hours.

"Introduction to the Lost Illusion Array!"

However, what the two of them didn't expect was that Lin Changsheng had an epiphany about this formation in the next moment.

"It turns out that this formation uses hundreds of demonic trees as the base to confuse the enemy. It can transform into an illusion and bring people back to the same place again. So this time I will use my spiritual consciousness to guide the way, close my eyes, and see how you still confuse you. ?”

After Lin Changsheng suddenly understood the formation and learned a little more about it, he suddenly secretly thought to himself.

Then he closed his eyes without further words and started walking forward.

Even though the scenery ahead kept changing, and even cliffs appeared, Lin Changsheng did not change his direction and continued to move forward.

The strange thing is that Lin Changsheng did not fall directly into the cliff, but stepped on the air as if walking on flat ground.

This cliff turned out to be an illusion, and what he wanted was for Lin Changsheng to change direction.

However, this time Lin Changsheng was no longer fooled.

After walking for about a quarter of an hour, Lin Changsheng left the smoky jungle so easily and appeared at the edge of a vast lake.

Channels of rich spiritual energy continued to float out of the lake, making Lin Changsheng feel relaxed.

"This is the Holy Land of Lingquan?"

Lin Changsheng was a little surprised. Didn't he say there were many crises?

Is it just a two-layer formation?

Without any time to think about it, Lin Changsheng immediately took the Tiangan spiritual water so that he could refine the elixir to make Yanzhen.

Lin Changsheng took out the bottle he had prepared long ago and filled dozens of bottles before he was satisfied.

"It would be a pity not to absorb such rich spiritual energy from heaven and earth!"

After feeling the extremely rich spiritual energy of heaven and earth, Lin Changsheng couldn't help but feel a little moved.

This place is a forbidden area that can only be entered after the demon kings of the demon clan abdicate. In this case, these spiritual energy will not be of much use to them. After all, they will either die or become old.

Not absorbing it yourself is simply a waste.

Thinking of this, Lin Changsheng suddenly became enlightened. Then he sat cross-legged and began to refine the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the Holy Land of Lingquan.

However, not long after Lin Changsheng sat down cross-legged, the lake water became turbulent, as if there was some huge monster at the bottom of the lake that was about to jump out of the water.

Lin Changsheng naturally noticed this change, but did not react.

He wanted to see what monsters were in the lake?


The next moment, a two-headed monster suddenly jumped out of the spiritual spring, and came straight towards Lin Changsheng with its bloody mouth.

Lin Changsheng turned around and struck out with his palm.


Amidst the roar, the monster was blown away and landed on the edge of the spiritual spring.

Only then did Lin Changsheng see clearly what the beast looked like. It turned out to be a crocodile with two heads.

This guy is huge, ten feet long and two feet wide. It is not surprising that he can swallow more than a dozen people in one mouthful.

This place is a spiritual spring, and it is normal for the monster beasts guarding the spring to be raised there.

So Lin Changsheng didn't think too much.


Lin Changsheng jumped up and struck the two-headed demon crocodile with his palm again.


The blow was so powerful that it shook the earth violently.

Under the violent roar, the two-headed demon crocodile was completely dead.

Even if these monsters are monster kings, they are as vulnerable as ants to Lin Changsheng's palm prints.

"Huh? What's going on?"

Not far away, the two people who were still playing chess in the cave felt a little confused when they felt the ground shaking.

However, when the two of them left the cave, they suddenly discovered that Lin Changsheng had left the phantom formation and arrived here.

This surprised the old man in black armor and couldn't believe it, so he rubbed his eyes again.

"Here, how did this kid break through two big formations so quickly?"

The old man in black armor looked surprised. Lin Changsheng was probably the fastest person to break through the formation.

"I told you, this kid is not simple. Are you willing to admit defeat? Give me your armor!"

The old man in red smiled.

"I'll give it to you after I take care of this kid!"

Saying that, the old man in black armor walked straight towards Lin Changsheng, followed closely by the old man in red.

"Boy, you are so brave to kill my spiritual spring guardian monster!"

The black-armored old man angrily scolded Lin Changsheng.

First, this kid made him lose the bet, and second, this kid was too arrogant and even wanted to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth from his spiritual spring place.

This made the old man in black armor feel very unhappy.

"You are?"

Lin Changsheng looked at the two old men with some surprise. If he guessed correctly, these two should be the demon emperors who abdicated.

Because judging from the aura, the cultivation base of both of them is in the middle stage of Yuanying, and neither of them has broken through to the level of Yuanying Great Monk.

"You humans broke into my demon clan's holy land and asked me who I am? I'll tell you right now!"

The black-armored old man gathered magic power in his hand and directly struck Lin Changsheng with one palm strike.

Black mist filled the palm print, and it seemed that it contained poison.

If the other party was easy to talk to, Lin Changsheng would be willing to have a polite chat with them.

But the other party didn't give him a chance to speak properly, and started to accuse him as soon as he came up.

In this case, Lin Changsheng was not polite.

The same palm shot out.


The palm prints of the two collided violently in the sky, causing a huge explosion.

However, what the black-armored old man didn't expect was that he would be thrown away by Lin Changsheng's palm.

Moreover, the opponent's palm print continued unabated and hit him directly on the chest.

Fortunately, he was protected by the Black Lin Armor and was able to avoid the disaster.

But even so, the black-armored old man felt uncomfortable, and there was a surge of blood in the inner palace.

"Transformation, transformation stage? How is this possible?"

The black-armored old man then began to look squarely at Lin Changsheng and discovered that this man actually had extremely terrifying Yuan Power in his body.

This Yuanli is a power that can only be possessed by strong people in the transformation stage.

No wonder he is no match for the opponent. This kid is already a strong man in the God Transformation stage, so how can he survive?

"Senior, I came here only to obtain the Tiangan spiritual water. I have no intention of offending, so please don't blame me!"

Lin Changsheng saw that the hostility in the other person's eyes was gone and he immediately spoke politely.

After all, these two old men are important people in the Demon Clan no matter what. If Lin Changsheng kills these two people, the Demon Emperor will probably feel uncomfortable.

"Senior, don't dare to take it seriously. Leave immediately after absorbing the spiritual energy. Outsiders are not welcome here!"

The black-armored old man left after saying a few words.

After all, he has no face to be here now. If Lin Changsheng hadn't been merciful, he would have died.

"Old Poison, have you forgotten the bet? Is it time to honor it?"

The old man in red on the side smiled and stretched out his hand.

When the old man in black armor saw this, he could only admit defeat and threw his black armor to the old man in red.

After the old man in red took over the black armor, he slowly came to the front of Lin Changsheng.

"Young man, can you help me with something?"

The old man in red had a kind look on his face, not as impatient as the old man in black.

"Senior, please tell me. If you can help me, I will definitely not refuse!"

Lin Changsheng responded.

"We, the demon clan, have our own rules. If the demon king who abdicates cannot make any more breakthroughs, he will stay in the Holy Land of Lingquan for the rest of his life and will not be allowed to interfere in clan affairs. It has been more than six hundred years since I abdicated. I don't know. How are the descendants of my fox clan? I hope you can find out a little bit about them after you go out, so that I can feel at ease!"

The old man in red told Lin Changsheng what he was thinking.

What he worries most about is his grandson.

His grandson has an impatient personality and has wanted to do something big since he was a child. He is worried that his grandson will go astray.

"Okay, after I go out, I will help senior inquire about it. I will come to inform you as soon as I have any news!"

Lin Changsheng readily agreed.

"Okay, okay, I'll excuse you. As a thank you, I'll give you this as a gift!"

The old man in red directly gave the treasure armor he won from the old man in black armor to Lin Changsheng.

This made Lin Changsheng a little confused. He hadn't done anything yet, but the other party was giving him benefits first? (End of chapter)

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